Forum Thread
To Save the World (Sign-Ups)(Semi-Open)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → To Save the World (Sign-Ups)(Semi-Open)"The world you've known your whole life was taken over last week, as you know full well. We've been working nonstop to fix it. Who is 'we', you may ask? We are the WPA, or 'World Protection Agency' and have been working under your noses for years to protect what you hold dear. We've failed; our top criminal, Hermie, has not only taken over the world, but kidnapped nearly all of our agency. Currently, only two remain--myself, and the head of the WPA. Why does this matter to you?"
"Well. We need your help. We will fail if it's only the two of us. Please join us."
The transmission cuts off, and the only thing that's left on your phone is an address.

-All PH rules apply.
-No godmodding/powerplaying.
-NO SPECIAL POWERS. Everyone here is a normal human.
-Previous rule being said, your character may have one 'strength' that dominates the rest. They can be quick on their feet, intelligent, ect. But any strength they have does fit in the range of what any normal human can do.
-Everyone on this RP is a new recruit with the exception of my characters.
-Romance is allowed.
-The Director is the supreme lead of the agency. Any authority comes from him. Clover is a special case; she only has a position of power since she was the only real agent left.
-The password is browneye, all one word. Put it in the 'other' section.
-No godmodding/powerplaying.
-NO SPECIAL POWERS. Everyone here is a normal human.
-Previous rule being said, your character may have one 'strength' that dominates the rest. They can be quick on their feet, intelligent, ect. But any strength they have does fit in the range of what any normal human can do.
-Everyone on this RP is a new recruit with the exception of my characters.
-Romance is allowed.
-The Director is the supreme lead of the agency. Any authority comes from him. Clover is a special case; she only has a position of power since she was the only real agent left.
-The password is browneye, all one word. Put it in the 'other' section.
[b]Class:[/b] (Please choose from either tech/research, field agent, or stealth operative)
[b]History (opt.):[/b]
[b]Class:[/b] (Please choose from either tech/research, field agent, or stealth operative)
[b]History (opt.):[/b]

Name: Rylie Mishoka
Codename: Agent Clover
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rylie has light brown hair that she keeps up, off her neck in a ponytail. She is almost never seen in anything other than her uniform, which is a black suit with equipment and weapons on it.
Personality: TBRP'd
Class: Head of Recruitment and Training/Lead Commander of the Field Agents
History (opt.): While she is still somewhat new as an agent, desperate times call for desperate measures. Recruited about three months ago, she blasted through training and was regarded as a very talented agent. As commanders and agents disappeared, she was never caught; she wasn't recognizable enough. When Hermie finally learned the identities of everyone, she stayed under the radar as best she could until he ambushed the base and managed to nab everyone--except, of course, for herself and the Director.
Codename: Agent Clover
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rylie has light brown hair that she keeps up, off her neck in a ponytail. She is almost never seen in anything other than her uniform, which is a black suit with equipment and weapons on it.
Personality: TBRP'd
Class: Head of Recruitment and Training/Lead Commander of the Field Agents
History (opt.): While she is still somewhat new as an agent, desperate times call for desperate measures. Recruited about three months ago, she blasted through training and was regarded as a very talented agent. As commanders and agents disappeared, she was never caught; she wasn't recognizable enough. When Hermie finally learned the identities of everyone, she stayed under the radar as best she could until he ambushed the base and managed to nab everyone--except, of course, for herself and the Director.

Name: Unknown
Codename: The Director
Gender: Male
Appearance: Unknown, always shadowed.
Personality: Serious, stern, commanding.
Class: Leader of WPA
History (opt.): Founder of the WPA.
Other: No one has ever seen him in person. His voice is distorted and digitized to protect and hide his identity, and he only makes appearances through a tablet or other device.
Codename: The Director
Gender: Male
Appearance: Unknown, always shadowed.
Personality: Serious, stern, commanding.
Class: Leader of WPA
History (opt.): Founder of the WPA.
Other: No one has ever seen him in person. His voice is distorted and digitized to protect and hide his identity, and he only makes appearances through a tablet or other device.

Credit to Viper
Codename: Agent Infinite
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black hair, 5'7", dresses in all black, never seen without her jacket, and wears a gray bracelet.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, and very critical of others. She only engages conversation for work purposes or for those she can consider her friends. Hobbies including correcting people's math errors.
Class: Tech
History (opt.): TBRP'd
Other: She's practically a Human Calculator (the lemon is special and that scares me)
@FLEXTAPE Accepted! Do me a favor and post again when it's completely finished, and edit out the password.

Credit to Viper

Black Cat

basically like any cat's
stealth operative
History (opt.):
Small and slim, Makau is often underestimated. She stands at only 5'0 and weighs under 100 pounds, with alabaster skin and legs longer than her arms. Her hair is cut short in a boyish fashion, shorter in the back and sides, but long enough in the front to act as bangs, usually worn swept to the side. Often, her naturally pitch black hair is dyed with a bit of color - most often red, purple, or blue - but not always. Her eyes are considered her most beautiful feature, as they are hazel with flecks of gold and green, and her lashes are long and the same color as her hair. Her clothing usually consists of leggings or form fitting jeans, black or galaxy patterned converse, and graphic t-shirts. Rarely does she ever wear jewelry or makeup.
As changeable as she is, it's hard to know what she's really like. But, as far as anyone can tell, she's not the nicest person. Makau tends to be a bit on the quiet side, but not in a shy way. More like she's ignoring you because she believes you're unimportant. When she does speak, it comes out as insults and rude comments more often than not. She values strength over anything, and won't respect you unless you give her a reason. Her size and weight are annoyances to her, as people decide she's not too hard to push around based on them, and is not afraid to nail someone in the stomach for a 'short joke.' However, if you do earn her respect, she will protect you with her life, and trust you with everything she has, and can be sweet - in her own sort of way - if she wants to be.
Stealth operative
History (opt.):
She was some sort of street rat for most of her life, but she certainly doesn't look it. Not much else is known, especially not about her family.
- Amazing fighter, a real natural -
- Likes animals more than most people -
- Also enjoys dancing and ice skating, which makes her slightly more flexible -
- Browneye -
Elijah Figueroa
Male; 20 Years Old
Black long curly hair w a neon green highlight and neon green hair band ; black t-shirt with red tie ; black pants ; black shoes ; olive skin tone ( Mexican ) ; green eyes ( when he is serious or angry, his brain waves change his eyes bright red ) ; sharp fangs ; green faux ears ; black spiked collar ; Buff; 5'4 feet height ; 155 lbs weight
loves nature ; very creative ; hates people who hurt animals ; can be comedic but serious
Class : Stealth OPs
Skill : Amazing in Combat
History (opt.):
Orphan; Exceptional Student; Very Athletic; Trained physical strength as much as could ; trained in parkour
Avatar by Me
[b]Codename: ShadowStalker
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6'2 Wears a ninja suit. Black hair. Sharp teeth. Asian. 180 lbs. 26 years old. Black shoes. Whenever not in the ninja suit he is undercover and wearing clothes depending on the situation. When in ninja suit a sword is strapped across his back and two suppressed deagles are tucked away.
Personality: Sly and cunning. Easy to talk to and good persuasion skills. Likes to spend time undercover or use the stealth training system. Comedic
Class: Stealth/Covert
Skill: Extreme stealth abilities
History (opt.): Worked as an assassin at a young age and was recruited for Covert Operation. Was the best in the department and voted as Most Valuable Operative in my field
Other: Trained in stealth combat amd silent assassination.

We need more tech and field agents! Don't forget that you can have more than one form!

Credit to Viper
Codename: Freak
Gender: female
Appearance: red and black ombre box braids. Wears a black suit with weapons hidden.
Personality: When Zaria is in battle she tends to go crazy. She is like a maniac. She is Psychotic
Class: Field Agent
History (opt.): When she was younger everyone looked down on her. She has been bullied and has done bad things like murder the bullies. She tends to see things that can't be seen from normal humans. She also heard voices in her head that has made her go psycho.