Forum Thread
Nightmare Syndrome [Sign-Ups]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Nightmare Syndrome [Sign-Ups]Soon enough, certain descendants of characters who walked the lands had the task of defeating Nightmare Syndrome. And now, that task has become yours.

1. All PH rules apply
2. No special snowflakes/godmodding/bunnying/op/mary-sues
3. 1 power for each character, try to make them unique!
4. Your characters should be descendants of any character from a book.
5. You can have as many characters as you can control.
Character Name/Nickname:
Descended from:
Descended from:
My form:

Character Name/Nickname:
Isabelle Rose 'Izzy'

Izzy, unlike Alice, is loud, sassy, and very tomboyish. She's critical of herself and others and snarky. However, she's well meaning, just isn't good at expressing that. Described as a rose with thorns.
Descended from:
Alice In Wonderland
She can use a lot of forms of magic, but the power varies depending on her mood.
Likes Roses.

Character Name/Nickname:
Myra Heart

Appearing refined and timid on the outside, Myra uses her cunning personality as another weapon. She's good at telling people's motives, but comes off as condescending.
Descended from:
Queen of Hearts
She can use cards as weapons.
Appearance: Personality: Archie, different from his ancestor, is actually quite kind and generous. He's a bit quiet in voice but likes to talk. Along with that, he's very smart and has a great memory besides being oblivious.
Descended from: The Big Bad Wolf (Red Riding Hood)
Power/Weapon: Able to nullify and eat away at other's powers/energy by holding them. The effect lasts depending on how long he holds onto them. Sadly, this ability is always activated so he doesn't often come in contact with anyone.
- 6'1
- Used to be in a pack before he left it for unknown reasons

Character Name/Nickname: Troye Charming

Personality: Troye is a natural flirt and is generally carefree and cheerful. Being descended from the Prince Charming line, he does have a heroic side and is good at athletic related things. He is a clean freak, and is almost always in a relationship, though most don't last too long.
Descended from: Prince Charming
Power/Weapon: Troye can charm people into doing things for him, but the effect can be denied and normally doesn't last long.

Character Name/Nickname: Lise
Personality: Lise generally comes off as cold, but has a soft spot for adventure, cats, and Troye. She is extremely intelligent but prefers to observe.
Descended from: The Evil Queen (Snow White)
Power/Weapon: She can see through people's eyes for some time and can locate them at certain times of day.

Personality: Lise generally comes off as cold, but has a soft spot for adventure, cats, and Troye. She is extremely intelligent but prefers to observe.
Descended from: The Evil Queen (Snow White)
Power/Weapon: She can see through people's eyes for some time and can locate them at certain times of day.

Character Name/Nickname:
Oliver Carson Hymun
He has legs,,, but he can turn mermaid
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!! He loves being adored and complimented, though they make him a flustered bean.
Descended from:
He can breathe underwater // turn human and mermaid
-tight with Maria
Oliver Carson Hymun
He has legs,,, but he can turn mermaid
He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!! He loves being adored and complimented, though they make him a flustered bean.
Descended from:
He can breathe underwater // turn human and mermaid
-tight with Maria

Character Name/Nickname:
Maria Melanie Makara

she tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humour and subtle irony. Maria has a typical nerd nature in that she is very passive, and she follows commands more easily than the others, complying with commands not because of their logical sense but because she was told to.
Descended from:
Light controlling people's minds.
-friendly to Oliver + feels bad about her ancestor stealing his voice
Maria Melanie Makara

she tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humour and subtle irony. Maria has a typical nerd nature in that she is very passive, and she follows commands more easily than the others, complying with commands not because of their logical sense but because she was told to.
Descended from:
Light controlling people's minds.
-friendly to Oliver + feels bad about her ancestor stealing his voice

Character Name/Nickname:
Greyson Alex Evans

Grey is quite simple and kind, and is shaken easily. He is frail and sensitive, but can stand up for what he believes in and those he cares for. He is protective and can be competitive. He is hyper and easily excited, and loves his friends.
Descended from:
Snake control//communication
Greyson Alex Evans

Grey is quite simple and kind, and is shaken easily. He is frail and sensitive, but can stand up for what he believes in and those he cares for. He is protective and can be competitive. He is hyper and easily excited, and loves his friends.
Descended from:
Snake control//communication
Personality: She is quiet at times and though she seems caring she always has a motive for what she does.She also likes to talk in riddles or reference riddles.
Descended from: The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Power/Weapon: She is really smart and can figure things out fast.
Other: She is short at 3 ft tall.

Personality:Mary is quite shy and trouble making like goldy locks.Her bigger sister,Grace tells her to behave most of the times or noo cookie for her.She will be hard to approach so approach softly.
Descended from:Baby bear (The 3 bears)
Power/Weapon:Bear claws grow from her hands when she is filled with anger.
Character Name/Nickname:Grace "Momma" Royal

Personality:Grace is quite a motherly figure at times but mostly for her younger sister.She always carries around honey cookies for her friends and Mary since she loves them!Grace can get over protective at times so don't hurt her family,Friends,or her your asking for a beating
Descended from:Momma bear (The 3 bears)
Power/Weapon:Bear claws and bear teeth when angered.
Other:I am horrible with personalities......

Character Name/Nickname:
Rosa "Red" Hood

Very hot headed and annoyed and overall a Tsundere. She's basically annoyed at everyone, and SWORE OFF BOYS apart from... that... one... time... But ask her about that, you will have one then more bone broken.
Descended from:
Red Riding Hood
She can morph into a wolf and carries a dagger in her basket.

Personality: Kind, brave, people think she's weird because she always has her head in a book, very quiet.
Descended from: Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Power/Weapon: Can summon things from the book she is reading once she flips to a certain page in the book.
Other: (Sorry I'm not the best at personalities.)
-Has a brown book bag with her at all times.
Character Name/Nickname: Evelyn Snow
Personality: Outgoing, doesn't speak unless spoken to, if someone does something bad she often wants to seek justice.
Descended from: The Snow Queen
Power/Weapon: Can control snow and ice. She can make things from ice or snow, if she makes large and detailed things she often tires out. If she uses her powers too often and when trying to create too big things, she can feel sick afterwards.
-When stressed or angry, likes to take it out on things around her.
-She tries not to use her magic too much, since she doesn't like feeling sick or tired.
Character Name/Nickname: Rayne Anxelin
Personality: Friendly, tries to be friends with everyone, energetic, does things without thinking sometimes.
Descended from: Rapunzel.
Power/Weapon: She uses her really long hair to climb things sometimes. Otherwise, she has a frying pan that she uses for combat, and she also has a knife for really desperate situations.
-She keeps her weapons in a purple bag that she has on her at all times.
-Her hair is quite a bit shorter than her mom's, but her hair is still really long nevertheless.
Character Name/Nickname: Jeremiah "Jerry" Carter

Personality: Shy, doesn't like having people around, but if aked about his ancestor's life, he starts talking endlessly.
Descended from: Randolph Carter (from Lovecraft's works)
Power/Weapon: a standard self-defence pistol. He also studied the Elder Gods enough to perform a ritual to bring one in his world.
Character Name/Nickname: Alinah Iron

Personality: doesn't speak much, but very friendly. Sometimes competitive.
Descended from: Tinman (from The Wizard of Oz)
Power/Weapon: her robotic body gives her enhanced strength, durability and speed. (Sometimes loses limbs when she exerts herself too much)