Forum Thread
Atalina's Shiny Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Atalina's Shiny Shop
Last Updated on 1/Jul/17 at 2:19

• Please use the forms provided below when requesting current or future slots •
• You can order as many shinies from a hunt as the number of evolutions the pokemon has •
• If you want to buy more than the max number to give out gifts, palpad Atalina •
• Pay in nuggets or pd only. If a breeder accepts anything else it will be listed under the hunt •
• Pay the breeder (on their timeline), not me (unless I'm the breeder) •
• You may (and are encouraged to) request a future hunt •
• Any future hunt requests should be taken from the "Pokemon we can hunt" list •
• You can request event pokemon, but understand that they take longer to hunt •
• Future hunts may have orders split between breeders •
• Do not pay for a pokemon before it hatches •
• I will do hunts in the order they are requested. My breeders may choose to do any hunt •
• Be patient. Shinies take time to hatch •
• If you can order a specific gender, it will say so under the hunt •
• Don't palpad about payments (use this thread) unless told we should discuss it there •
• I'm not looking for more breeders at this time •
For breeders only: Every two weeks, you may order a 10% discount off of one shiny from a current hunt. This applies to both pd and nugget payments. If somebody has ordered a slot with a discount, I will mark it with (D) by their username.
Also, in square brackets next to each slot I'll put the user's preferred contact method.

Easy - 80,000 pd or 54 nuggets
Medium - 180,000 pd or 120 nuggets
Hard - 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets
Rare - 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets
Special - 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets
Starter - 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets
Genderless - Cost of rarity x 1.5
Common Event - 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets
Uncommon Event - 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets
Rare Event - 850,000 pd or 567 nuggets
Special Event - 1,500,000 pd or 1,000 nuggets
Medium - 180,000 pd or 120 nuggets
Hard - 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets
Rare - 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets
Special - 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets
Starter - 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets
Genderless - Cost of rarity x 1.5
Common Event - 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets
Uncommon Event - 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets
Rare Event - 850,000 pd or 567 nuggets
Special Event - 1,500,000 pd or 1,000 nuggets

Between Hunts
Payment policy: Pay within 72 hours after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: No
Premium: No
Hunting Deino

Price: 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets (Rare)
Payment policy: Pay within 2 days after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 3
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 1
• Sparrow •
• AntiPsychology [PM] •
• Trager [PP] •
Between Hunts
Payment policy: Pay within 7 days after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: No
Premium: No
Hunting Blossomly

Price: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Common Event)
Alternative payment option: Shiny of equal or higher rarity
Payment policy: Pay within 3 days after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: No, except for pokemon whose evolution depends on gender
Max number of slots per person: 2
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Slots (Full)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• WolfieDire [PP or PM] •
Hunting Mudkip

Shiny Price: 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets (Starter)
Mega-able Price: 220,000 pd or 147 nuggets
Payment policy: Pay within 48 hours after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 3 shinies, 1 mega-able
Gender requests: Yes
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 5 shiny, 5 mega-able
Shiny Slots
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
Mega-able Slots
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
Between Hunts
Payment policy: Pay within 2-3 days after your shiny hatches
Alternative payment options: 1 shiny of equal value (must provide proof that you own it)
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Hunting Wurmple

Price: 80,000 pd or 54 nuggets (Easy)
Payment policy: Pay within 2-3 days after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 5
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Slots (Full)
• Brotaku [PP or PM] •
Hunting Larviprop

Cost: 850,000 pd or 567 nuggets (Rare Event)
Payment policy: Pay within 2 days after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Slots (Full)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
Hunting Koffing

Price: 80,000 pd or 54 nuggets (Easy)
Payment policy: Pay within 72 hours after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 2
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 3
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
Hunting Meowth

Price: 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets (Rare)
Payment policy: Pay within 48 hours after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 2
Gender requests: no
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 3
• Sparrow [PP] •
• Sparrow [PP] •
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
Hunting Charmander

Shiny Price: 100,000 pd or 67 nuggets (Starter - Lowered Price)
Mega-able price: 150,000 pd or 100 nuggets
Payment policy: Pay within 2-3 days after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 3 shiny, 2 mega-able
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0 shiny, 3 mega-able
Shiny Slots (Full)
• PersecutedSoul [PP] •
Mega-Able Slots
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •
Hunting Buneary

Shiny price: 180,000 pd or 120 nuggets (Medium)
Mega-able price: 125,000 pd or 84 nuggets
Payment policy: Pay within 3 days after your shiny hatches
Max number of shinies per person: 2 shiny, 1 mega-able
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0 shiny, 0 mega-able
Shiny Slots (Full)
Mega-Able Slots (Full)
Hunting Gastly

Price: 75,000 pd or 50 nuggets (Easy - lowered price)
Payment policy: Pay within 3 days after your shiny hatches
Max number of shinies per person: 3
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0 shiny
Shiny Slots (Full):
• Saratank [PM or PP] •
• Saratank [PM or PP] •
Hunting Catercream

Price: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Common Event)
Payment policy: Pay within 48 hours after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 3
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Slots (Full)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• Hanzie341 •
• Shinichi [PP] •
• Shinichi [PP] •
• Shinichi [PP] •
• Gunnel [PP] •
Hunting Spring Mareep

Price: 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets (Uncommon Event)
Payment policy: Pay within 3 days after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 3
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Slots (Full)
• Sparrow [PP] •
• Sparrow [PP] •
• Sparrow [PP] •
Hunting Grubbin

Price: 180,000 pd or 120 nuggets (Medium)
Payment policy: Pay within 48 hours after your shiny hatches
Max number of slots per person: 3
Gender requests: Yes, no guarantees
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Slots (Full)
• AntiPsychology [PM] •
Between Hunts
Payment policy: Pay within 2 days after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Hunting Sandshrew

Price: 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets (Hard)
Alternate payment: Shiny of similar rarity
Max number of slots per person: 2
Payment policy: Pay within 72 hours after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: No
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 0
Note: If not all shinies are hatched by June 29th the hunt will be
broken and resumed around July 17th, as breeder is out of the
country with minimal to no internet during that time period.
Slots (Full)
Hunting Ralts

Shiny Price: 100,000 pd or 67 nuggets (Rare - Special Lowered Price)
Mega-able Price: 75,000 pd or 50 nuggets
Max number of slots per person: 4 shiny, 2 mega-able
Payment policy: Pay within 1-2 days after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: Yes
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 1 shiny, 1 mega-able
Shiny Slots
• Willowfur [PP] •
• Willowfur [PP] •
• Tora666 [PP] •
• Open •
Mega-Able Slots
• Willowfur (M) [PP] •
• Tora666 [PP] •
• Open •
Between Hunts
Payment policy: Pay within 72 hours after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: Only for pokemon with gender-based evolutions
Premium: Yes
Hunting Bounsweet

Price: 180,000 pd or 120 nuggets (Medium)
Payment policy: Pay within 48 hours after your shiny hatches
Gender requests: Yes, add 15,000 pd to the cost
Max number of slots per person: 3
Premium: Yes
Open slots: 3
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •

Koffing (flashmatheo)
Cost: 80,000 pd or 54 nuggets (Easy)
Open slots: 3
• Open •
• Open •
• Open •

Minun (Flirty) (~*ErzaScarlet*~)
Cost: 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets (Uncommon Event)
This hunt is full
• Melson (Discount 15%) •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •

Spritzee (PersecutedSoul)
Cost: 250,000 pd or 167 nuggets (Hard)
Open slots: 2
• Open •
• Open •

Hawaiian Cubchoo (Requested)
Cost: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Common Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •

Witch Vulpix (Requested)
Cost: 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets (Uncommon Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• Sparrow [PP] •

Satichu (Requested)
Cost: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Common Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• Sansica [PP] •

Princess Smoochum (Requested)
Cost: 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets (Uncommon Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •

Super Shroom (Requested)
Cost: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Common Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• Oktopi •

Larviprop (Requested)
Cost: 850,000 pd or 567 nuggets (Rare Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• Super_rishi [PP] •
• Super_rishi [PP] •

Lunatone (Requested)
Cost: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Rare Genderless)
• Aozora_no_Ange •

Sandwebble (Requested)
Cost: 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets (Uncommon Event)
• Bloop [PP] •
• Bloop [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •

Snowling (Requested)
Cost: 650,000 pd or 434 nuggets (Uncommon Event)
• ShadowChild •
• Hanzie341 •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •

Torcharch (Requested)
Cost: 850,000 pd or 567 nuggets (Rare Event)
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •
• GetsugaTenshou [PP] •

Smeargle (Requested)
Cost: 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets (Rare)
• Sparrow [PP] •

Abra (Requested)
Cost: 300,000 pd or 200 nuggets (Rare)
• Atavan [PP] •

Sentret (Requested)
Cost: 80,000 pd or 54 nuggets (Easy)
• Ravvie •

Space Spinda (Requested)
Cost: 450,000 pd or 300 nuggets (Common Event)
• The_last_guardian •

Bloop: Munna (Mad_Mod [2]),
Slugma (Saratank, Devil0356, DaNGeR_ThE_OnE), Shuckle (Devil0356,
Wolfsdrache), Weedle (America_Ball [3], LunaFenrir, Amilee,
TheInsaneTeddy [2])
robotbert: Gible, Honedge (Mad_Mod [3], bpeugh1, Atalina), Bagon (Atalina, ~Sasuke_Uchiha~*), Winter Numel, Eevee (Shade88 [2], LyraBlack)
Daemira: Messenger Fletchling (NoctisLucisCaelum, DorkyDelphox, BlooperVeteran), Froakie, Skugar (NoctisLucisCaelum, Mad_Mod), Phantump (DragonScouter [M], McCree, Mad_Mod [2]), Catercream (Devil0356, GetsugaTenshou), Disguised Exeggcute (GetsugaTenshou, WolfieDire), Snivy (KnightHawkDown [3], McCree), Fennekin (LyraBlack), Noibat (KnightHawkDown [2]), Goomy (KnightHawkDown [3]), Abra (Hanzie341), Scattercube (GetsugaTenshou [2]), Messenger Fletchling (GetsugaTenshou [2]), Mimikyu (Atavan, RoseSkysong, ONIKITSUNE), Chimchar (KnightHawkDown [3], RoseSkysong [3])
CassOfDelphi: Houndour (Willowfur, ThatGuy, Tolbcity, Mythical), Ponyta (sanalex [2], bpeugh1), Gastly (Atavan, GamingKidd), Lapras (McCree, Maikuro), Roggenrola (McCree [3]), Zorua (Argentis, Margreat), Numel (ToriB, Daemira [2])
Atalina: Froakie, Skarmory (BlooperVeteran, bpeugh1, Saratank, audreylevina, DaNGeR_ThE_OnE), Shinx (Atavan, robotbert, Wyatt, GamingKidd), Dark Ponyta (Sansica, XD001), Teddiursa (RoseSkysong [2], Vexal)
Aozora_no_Ange: Diglett (Devil0356 [2], Pengu, Wolfsdrache [2]), Drifloon, Growlithe (IchiNiSan, Shade88), Barboach (Asato [2]), Bellsprout (IchiNiSan), Emolga (McCree)
Mythical: Pikipek (peridot, Lagune_Faraglioni, robotbert, Oliv-e, CassOfDelphi), Vulpix (Lagune_Faraglioni [M, F], Lyrablack)
McCree: Rockruff (Daemira [2]), Skitty (ThatGuy [2], DaNGeR_ThE_OnE), Chikorita (Daemira, Devil0356, Ropets123), Zorua (Shade88), Spheal
Gerald: Delibird (Wolfsdrache), Chimchar (Mad_Mod [3]), Spritzee (McCree), Sentret (Galaxy_Von-Shwartz [F], Wolfsdrache, Margreat)
Brex: Magikarp (GamingKidd, GamingKidd*)
Drampa: Fennekin (Daemira, Mad_Mod [2]), Buneary (McCree [2], Atavan), Froakie, Drampa (Asato, PromptoArgentum)
Adaxio: Lotad (Devil0356, Mad_Mod [3]), Torchic, Ferroseed (Wolfsdrache [2])
DaNGeR_ThE_OnE: Duskull (Atalina, ShadowedFury, CassOfDelphi), Litwick (KnightHawkDown [3], McCree [3], ShadowedFury [2]), Torkoal (KnightHawkDown)
*CheshireSmiles*: Nidoran (f) (Lapis~~Lazuli, McCree [3]), Murkrow
Melson: Treecko (Mad_Mod [3], Mad_Mod*, EveeLover4)
-tomato-: Sandygast (Mad_Mod [2]), Litten (Saratank, GamingKidd, KnightHawkDown), Togedemaru (McCree)
~*ErzaScarlet*~: Noibat (Adaxio)
ShatteredSpark: Poochyena (Prinplup)
Tolbcity: Bulbasaur (CassOfDelphi, BlooperVeteran*)
Derpadooo: Sneasel (Mad_Mod)
Nymphadora: Pidgey (Daemira [3])
flashmatheo: Gulpin (Wolfsdrache [2], Mad_Mod), Mudbray (RoseSkysong [2]), Ponyta (TabyCat12, Therru [2], Tora666 [2]), Barboach
PersecutedSoul: Furfrou (Daemira, Wolfsdrache), Ferroseed (Vexal [2]), Skorupi (Vexal [2]), Trapinch (Vexal [2]), Snorunt
RoseSkysong: Sneasel (Mad_Mod, Sparrow [2])
Snickers: Dedenne (RoseSkysong, Sparrow, ONIKITSUNE, Vexal), Bounsweet
Therru: Dratini (bpeugh1)
Regice: Saratank, TeamFlareGrunt
Registeel: TeamFlareGrunt
Regigigas: TeamFlaregrunt, GamingKidd
robotbert: Gible, Honedge (Mad_Mod [3], bpeugh1, Atalina), Bagon (Atalina, ~Sasuke_Uchiha~*), Winter Numel, Eevee (Shade88 [2], LyraBlack)
Daemira: Messenger Fletchling (NoctisLucisCaelum, DorkyDelphox, BlooperVeteran), Froakie, Skugar (NoctisLucisCaelum, Mad_Mod), Phantump (DragonScouter [M], McCree, Mad_Mod [2]), Catercream (Devil0356, GetsugaTenshou), Disguised Exeggcute (GetsugaTenshou, WolfieDire), Snivy (KnightHawkDown [3], McCree), Fennekin (LyraBlack), Noibat (KnightHawkDown [2]), Goomy (KnightHawkDown [3]), Abra (Hanzie341), Scattercube (GetsugaTenshou [2]), Messenger Fletchling (GetsugaTenshou [2]), Mimikyu (Atavan, RoseSkysong, ONIKITSUNE), Chimchar (KnightHawkDown [3], RoseSkysong [3])
CassOfDelphi: Houndour (Willowfur, ThatGuy, Tolbcity, Mythical), Ponyta (sanalex [2], bpeugh1), Gastly (Atavan, GamingKidd), Lapras (McCree, Maikuro), Roggenrola (McCree [3]), Zorua (Argentis, Margreat), Numel (ToriB, Daemira [2])
Atalina: Froakie, Skarmory (BlooperVeteran, bpeugh1, Saratank, audreylevina, DaNGeR_ThE_OnE), Shinx (Atavan, robotbert, Wyatt, GamingKidd), Dark Ponyta (Sansica, XD001), Teddiursa (RoseSkysong [2], Vexal)
Aozora_no_Ange: Diglett (Devil0356 [2], Pengu, Wolfsdrache [2]), Drifloon, Growlithe (IchiNiSan, Shade88), Barboach (Asato [2]), Bellsprout (IchiNiSan), Emolga (McCree)
Mythical: Pikipek (peridot, Lagune_Faraglioni, robotbert, Oliv-e, CassOfDelphi), Vulpix (Lagune_Faraglioni [M, F], Lyrablack)
McCree: Rockruff (Daemira [2]), Skitty (ThatGuy [2], DaNGeR_ThE_OnE), Chikorita (Daemira, Devil0356, Ropets123), Zorua (Shade88), Spheal
Gerald: Delibird (Wolfsdrache), Chimchar (Mad_Mod [3]), Spritzee (McCree), Sentret (Galaxy_Von-Shwartz [F], Wolfsdrache, Margreat)
Brex: Magikarp (GamingKidd, GamingKidd*)
Drampa: Fennekin (Daemira, Mad_Mod [2]), Buneary (McCree [2], Atavan), Froakie, Drampa (Asato, PromptoArgentum)
Adaxio: Lotad (Devil0356, Mad_Mod [3]), Torchic, Ferroseed (Wolfsdrache [2])
DaNGeR_ThE_OnE: Duskull (Atalina, ShadowedFury, CassOfDelphi), Litwick (KnightHawkDown [3], McCree [3], ShadowedFury [2]), Torkoal (KnightHawkDown)
*CheshireSmiles*: Nidoran (f) (Lapis~~Lazuli, McCree [3]), Murkrow
Melson: Treecko (Mad_Mod [3], Mad_Mod*, EveeLover4)
-tomato-: Sandygast (Mad_Mod [2]), Litten (Saratank, GamingKidd, KnightHawkDown), Togedemaru (McCree)
~*ErzaScarlet*~: Noibat (Adaxio)
ShatteredSpark: Poochyena (Prinplup)
Tolbcity: Bulbasaur (CassOfDelphi, BlooperVeteran*)
Derpadooo: Sneasel (Mad_Mod)
Nymphadora: Pidgey (Daemira [3])
flashmatheo: Gulpin (Wolfsdrache [2], Mad_Mod), Mudbray (RoseSkysong [2]), Ponyta (TabyCat12, Therru [2], Tora666 [2]), Barboach
PersecutedSoul: Furfrou (Daemira, Wolfsdrache), Ferroseed (Vexal [2]), Skorupi (Vexal [2]), Trapinch (Vexal [2]), Snorunt
RoseSkysong: Sneasel (Mad_Mod, Sparrow [2])
Snickers: Dedenne (RoseSkysong, Sparrow, ONIKITSUNE, Vexal), Bounsweet
Therru: Dratini (bpeugh1)
Regice: Saratank, TeamFlareGrunt
Registeel: TeamFlareGrunt
Regigigas: TeamFlaregrunt, GamingKidd

Current hunt form

I would like a shiny from a current
Breeder discount:
Payment option:
Preferred contact method:
Future hunt form:

When you hunt this pokemon, I would like
to reserve a slot!
Breeder discount:
Payment option:
Preferred contact method:
Regi hunt form

I would like a shiny Regi!
Breeder discount:
Payment option:
Preferred contact method:

I will update this whenever we get a new perfect breeding pair.








Title: 270 Lotad (medium)
Pokemon: Lotad
Username: Devil0356
Payment option: Nuggets
Shiny received. Thank you.
FR Elements and Familiars
Pokemon: 2x shiny Diglett
Username: Devil0356
Payment option: PD
Received thank you :D
FR Elements and Familiars
I would like a shiny from a current hunt!
Pokemon: Diglett
Number: 2
Username: Wolfsdrache
Payment option: PD
I would like a shiny from a current hunt!
Pokemon: Delibird
Number: 1
Username: Wolfsdrache
Payment option: PD
>-- Shiny Shop ☬ Diary ☬ Sapphire Collection! --<