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Nessy's incredibly boring writing
Forum-Index → Diaries → Nessy's incredibly boring writingWelcome visitors, to my Journal. Always a work in progress, I'm gonna be editing it for awhile so it is more lovely.
Rules for Visiting
-Look, but don't Post. It is my journal, and I will report any posts not by me to be deleted
-Don't ask me for stuff. Duh
-Stalk at your own risk. I'm a crabby pants.
-My opinions are not yours. If you disagree with my views on religion or anything else, go away
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Title: About Me
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Title: Personal Rules for Others
-Never ask to borrow my Pokemon unless you are a close friend
-Don't ask me to participate in your hashtag
-I won't respond to hi/hello in pms
-I am not going to hunt you a shiny legend.
-I am not going to trade you my shiny legend
-No means no, THE FIRST TIME. If you insist, I will report you
-I am not a trusting person, that's why I only loan stuff to friends
-If you think I'm gonna answer with NO, don't try
If you can read this, you know how to read.

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Title: Frequently Asked Questions
A: Honestly, I don't know. My first chain got to 800+ before bulbasaur broke it (I blame the gem man) and my second chain was in the 400s
Q: Are you a boy, or are you a girl?
A: Oak, please. But if you need to know, I'm genderfluid, born with
Q: Can I have.... Can I buy....
A: No, you may not have. And you can only buy occasional pokemon from my last box. If I like you and am not lazy
Q: Why do you post feeds and delete them so soon afterwards?
A: Okay, personally, I use the feed system as a discussion area where I can also post statuses. I delete them so my "Will you marry me Finhawk" shall not die, and also because when you don't comment, I get bored with the feed.
Q: Where do you live?
A: Well, it's kinda creepy if you ask that and I don't really know you. But I live at my college in the US state of Washington.
Q: Why do you ignore my palpads?
A: This one is kinda my fault. I'm the extroverted introvert. Sometimes I'm a social butterfly, other times I'm antisocial and depressed. During the antisocial periods, I read what you send me and consider replying later, then I forget entirely. Or I'm on my phone....(my fingers are fat and I hate typing on it shhh)
Q: Add meh to your friends!!!!!
A: No. I leave palpad open to everyone. Bother to get to know me first. Plus, some people I stalk occasionally, because I find their feeds to be annoying or too much. Sorry! I just can't handle 3+ notifications every time I blink. (Speaking of, feeds are like weeping angels - blink and there are more)
Q: How much poetry have you written? What is your favorite genre?
A: My genre is mostly love-like poems with a twist (not actually love, love to a friend, etc)...and if I tried to count all my poems, I'd never escape. I have notebooks, and journals, and documents on flash drives.
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Title: My Shinies
Sparkly CharGooGar Hoard:
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Title: Other Important Pokemon
"Useless" (according to everone else) Mega-ables
Friends I own:
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Title: Favorites (TV, movie, books)
-Dr. Who
-My Little Pony
-Steven Universe
-South Park
-Scooby-Doo, Where are you
-Frozen (you hate me now, right)
-How to Train your Dragon
-How to Train your Dragon 2
-Lord of the Rings Series
-Hobbit Trilogy
-Brothers Bloom
-Oliver and Company
-Monty Python Movies
-The Aviator
-The Giver
-Cry of the Icemark
-Xanth series
-Bartimaeus trilogy
-Redwall series
-ANY Tamora Pierce books
-Dragon Jousers series
-Five Hundred Kingdoms series
-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
-Hero, Second Class
-The Late Hector Kipling
If you can read this, you know how to read.

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Title: Poetry
Just For a Moment
Whispered Memories
Stretch Marks
Experimental Poem
Poetry on the Spot
Immortal Idiot
Poem 33333
Give Me Death
Another Poem
Beyond these walls
Poetry of a Sort
Tell me why
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Title: Hoarder List
Finhawk - Scraggies
EctoBiologist – Rotom
JustMe4031 – Growlithe
Ruby*Mewtwo - Budew, Roselia, Mewtwo
Kyoki - Zorua
Professor_Joe - ghost, psychic, and poison
humza - Lombre
Terezi_Pyrope - Absol
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Title: Photography
Red Leaf:
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Title: Wish List
Birthday - September 15
Christmas - December 25
Private Sad Time - Jan 8
Wish List:
-Art of any of my OC's
-Mega Shiny Dragons
-Shiny Dragons
-Shiny lugia
-Normal Gems
- Mega Stones
-Shiny Charmanders, Goomys, Gengars, or any of their evos
- Emeralds
- Magma Stones
-Steam Games
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Title: Sad Day
It has trigger warnings and probably a small amount of semi-adult content....

So Jan 8 is a sad day for me. A bad day. A day that was a big turning point for me.
This past January, on the eighth, I tried to commit suicide. I hit a low. The lowest low I had ever before hit.
I swallowed 21 aspirin. I went to sleep.....
I woke up a few hours later, puked a lot.
A friend rushed me to the hospital.
I was in there for a few days...on a saline drip with potassium. It was not a good time.
So why am I telling this now?
The past few days i have felt depressed - not that depressed, but depressed enough to reflect on this.
I just need people to care...give me ten seconds, a hug...
So there is that.....
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Title: Planned Hunts of Pain
-Ditto B)
Regular Ones -
Impossible Dream Hunts -
-Mewtwo Shiny (and mega)
-Mega Charizard Shiny
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Title: 9/14/2014
And then.
You get older.
You learn that people lie and hurt and steal. You learn that you are an outcast from the people you like, and you are an outcast because you like people.
When I was little, I loved reading, I loved math! I was an introvert, partially because books were more interesting, and partially because the rest of my classmates were....dumb.
Then they made me repeat kindergarten because I didn't socialize. Because - wait for it - I liked math better than recess.
That was when I think I lost my youth's innocence. I was forced to be extroverted to follow my dreams. I couldn't just sit in and read, someone would take the books away!
So I grew to be more and more extroverted. I can sit quietly with people if I try, but....I was trained. My subconscious says I can only read when alone, I can only write when no one is there. Because if I do it while others are there, they judge, they hurt.
And so, as most introverts do, I feel more comfortable around introverts. But, with the extrovert in my subconscious struggling to be free, I overwhelm and destroy them.
And this is why it is important to stay yourself. I am still working on reclaiming my true self, slowly working at writing in coffee shops or bars, learning to read quietly with friends in the same room.
Fear is the killer
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Title: Nessy's Plug.Dj rules
The room rules are:
1. Do NOT be rude to others OR their music choices.
2. Harknessy, Navuso, Techie, and Joe (mod/bouncers) are the only ones allowed to ask for people to change their music
3. If your list starts playing the same song multiple times, the bouncers will stop your dj cycle.
4. If multiple problems occur, I will stop independent djing.
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Title: HTTYD Fan theory
Okay, moving on....
The big, alpha dragons. What are they?
I think that they symbolize the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
In the first movie, a dragon that Keeps on eating, even eats the dragons that feed it. Famine.
The second movie, one dragon, split in two. It brings bounty, and it brings pain. It is war. The victor feasts while the losers freeze.
We are waiting for the third movie to see plague/pestilance.
Toothless is the last horseman, he is death. He is "born of death and lightning"
Now, I believe that there can only be one manifestation of the horseman dragon at a time. So, when one alpha dies, a new one (the only of its species) is born. Toothless is the only Nightfury.
The only exception to this rule is war, who is born as twins, the yin and yang of war.
Death is the king of the horsemen, and toothless is alpha to the other alphas.
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Title: Pokeheroes TCG

3. Venusaur

3m. Mega Venusaur

6. Charizard

6m. Mega Charizard X

9. Blastoise

9m. Mega Blastoise

25. Pikachu

25. Surfing Pikachu

29. Nidoran f

32. Nidoran m

36. Clefable

54. Psyduck

64. Kadabra

77. Ponyta

78. Rapidash

94. Gastly

95. Haunter

96. Gengar

96. Autumn Gengar


107. Hitmonchan

123. Scyther

125. Electabuzz

129. Magikarp

130. Gyrados

130m. Mega Gyrodos

138. Omanyte

140. Kabuto

140. Kabuto Halo

142. Aerodactyl

142. Aerodactyl Halo

142m. Mega Aerodactyl

415. Toothie

655. DorkyDelphox

Items (I think):

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Title: Nessona's Story

Once a charmander...I was once. I died, I think. I still had an item with me, an everstone, because my trainer had loved my baby form.
Something went wrong. My spirit changed, but couldn’t. I became a ghost. I think a gastly, I am not sure.
I was captured again, evolved to haunter, traded to gengar. Still charmander. Still me. Stuck with the essence of the everstone implanted on my soul. Able to evolve....but.
The traded trainer mega evolved me in a battle. I guess I was a shiny, because I was white instead of purple. But after the battle, I didn’t go back. I was stuck. That blasted everstone’s final joke, sticking me in a baby charmander, mega gengar body.
My new trainer was disgusted, and he threw me in the box titled “Glitches”
Years passed. I started to forget my first trainer. He had died with me, I remember now. He and I had died in some war, though it was so long ago.
More years passed, and the computer system crashed. All us “Glitches” were released, from the Shedninja with a gender to the Arceus who refused to drop his water plate.
I floated up, out of the system. I saw the skeleton of the old man who had maintained the system, he’d died of old age and the server had deteriorated.
I flew up, off to look for my first trainer’s grave.
The world had changed so much since last I was here. The buildings were taller, the people different.
I passed a parade and saw the man from the war, and his Floette. I couldn’t stay mad at him, he was cursed to live as well.
Eventually, I found where my trainer’s spirit patiently waited. He was a Yamask now, with a history of abusive trainers and bad times.
He’d been waiting all this time to say his farewells to me, and I couldn’t say no. We both sat there remembering the time when he and I were together, and then he left forever.
Now, I wander. Stuck here on earth, unable to go to heaven or hell.
Forever a Glitch, the Mega Gengar Charmander. Nessy.
My life was Messy, call me Nessy.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

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Title: Supernaturally Bad Jokes
Why did Dean cross the road?
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe....
What's red, red, and red all over?
Sam in the cage, stop telling these jokes
If you can read this, you know how to read.

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