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Nessy's incredibly boring writing

Forum-Index Diaries Nessy's incredibly boring writing
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Tue, 07/04/2015 05:09 (9 Years ago)

Title: Update on my Existence

So...an update on my existence, and yes, I am still here!

Recently, while heading into the living room in order to eat dinner, I tripped over a small glass bowl. I fell quite elegantly, managing to set my food down with minimal spillage before falling to the ground in agony.

Walking hurt and tears were shed. I am pretty sure it is fractured. Pictures of the toe will be linked at the end. Nasty bruise, click at own risk if you are triggered by bruises, toes, or crappy lighting.


Also, I changed my name to Nessy. And am changing the journal title in a shake of a rat's bum.

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 07:40 (9 Years ago)

Title: Keldeo Hunt

Chain #58

Chain #62

Chain #92

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 09:23 (9 Years ago)

Title: Grumblings

I need to grumble and whine, and this is probably the best place for this kinda thing...

Lately, I've been finding everything boring. Life, tv, books, people...It all bores me. The only interesting thing is writing, but doing that is hard without distractions. (My brain works better when it has multiple stimulations going at once)

So now, I am torn...I want to get a second screen for my computer so I can watch and write simultaneously. But if nothing interests me, then what should I watch? I've been watching old cartoons on repeat because they are comforting if boring.

Then the things I must do are depressing me. I'm really upset at my weight right now, because I've always prided myself on having a healthy weight at the very least. Now, I'm overweight, dare I say it....chubby fat.

And meanwhile, I find that no one can really list my good qualities, whereas the bad ones are easy to list...If I ask what is good about me, it is either a gesture at my whole self (not helpful, list mindset) or tell me "You know...." (also minimally helpful)

I am always upset at unhelpful critique actually. From meaningless "Oh, your writing sounds nice" to "You're just nice"....It gives me nothing to build on.

And for me, the foundation of my depression is an inability to improve. What if I am just stagnant, my writing never improves, my social skills never improve, my everything never gets better.

Constructive, friendly criticism...

And ranting...

These make me happy.

Also writing, shiny hunting, my friends on here and on skype, and reading circlejerks on reddit or tumblr....

These make me happy.

"Writing and hunting
Friends and posts
These are a few of my favorite things"

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 06:12 (9 Years ago)

Title: Wonderlocke


Electrike (ラクライ) - Level 24

Mr. Mime (Copy Cat) - Level 28
>Formerly Mime Jr.

Volbeat - Level 22

Scraggy - Level 18

Gengar (Haunt) - Level 35

Sylveon - Level 25
>formerly Eevee

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Tangela (Saquedeneu) - Level 40
Pupitar - Level 49
Talonflame - Level 66
Tropius - Level 27
Furfrou - Lv 8
Chatot - Lv25
Steelix - Lv 20
Luvdisc - 35


Poochyena - Level 12

Art Because reasons
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Yes, Copy Cat has a toupee

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2015 05:01 (9 Years ago)

Title: Update Complete!

Hey Everyone! How's it going?

You may have noticed something, or maybe just now you are! But my journal has been updated! I fixed it up to be nicer, and after this point, I'll probably start writing things and storing who wins my art contests! Well, and keeping track of shinies and shiny hunts.

In fact, I plan on making this journal a much more frequent part of my writing and forum posting. If you aren't me, you can subscribe to get more general ideas of how I'm doing each day than my feeds.


Speaking of, an update on myself. Week seven. Have to finish writing this week, because I need next week and the week after for editing. Then presentations, getting my grade....

Oh, and I have to start packing up my room soon. Shoot.

But, I do plan to open my summer for teaching or mentoring people on PH in writing. Whether they want editing help, help making their english make sense, or writing prompts, I will be there. Like a superhero.


And that concludes the update!

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2015 06:44 (9 Years ago)

Title: A Quick Piece of art

Steve the Scrafty (and my badly done eyes)

Wearing moose antlers and holding a flower

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 09:11 (9 Years ago)

Title: Tide's Fate - Myth

The time came when all ended. When the Earth, sun, and moon were no longer reborn. Where there were no more gods or goddesses. Odin has passed, along with Loki. Odin’s sons have perished, and their sons, and their son’s sons. No humans are left, or animals, nothing is green.

All that remained was Tide and the darkness. The goddess of time did not pass, for there was still time left in the universe. She lived on and on, having watched everything come to pass. She lived on, having known every god. She lived, and everything was dark.

Alone, Tide wandered. Lost in the darkness, no sun or moon to guide her path. Memories like fallen leaves came back to her. Stories and friends were remembered.

The end of the world, sun, and moon had happened the same as it always did. Hungry wolves had risen out of memory to devour the sun and the moon, as they had devoured Sol and Mani so very long ago.

On the earth, everything froze. Men fought men for food to survive. Women and children died in their homes. The wars brought with them fires, fires that burned and devoured all in their path, even the oceans.

Then a maelstrom of winds came, blowing away all hills and mountains. Ash and dust choked every living creature that still dared to walk the earth. Finally, the earth quivered from the stress, shaking and crushing until nothing could live, even below the surface.

Tide survived, though she didn’t know how. When the ice had come, she had frozen like everyone else. Then when the fires came, she thawed, but did not burn. The winds had picked her up and had carried her to every possible location, and the earth shakes had trapped her inside a cave. But nothing killed her.

Because time is a cycle, and because the world had ended before, Tide had Hope that somewhere, something else lived. She wandered in the darkness for years, slowly realizing that nothing but a god could live on a planet devoid of light.

Searching still for hope, Tide entered the realm of the gods. Even here, the devastation was widespread. Asgard lay in ruins, as did all the realms.
For even Yggdrasil had burned in the end.

And for many centuries, Tide wandered the ruins of the realms, alone but for her yarn. And she told herself the old stories for comfort, and used her magic to look at the past and see the light again. For fifty years, the goddess wandered the blackness, until the end came.
And the universe ended. Slowly at first, for old things often die slow, then more quickly. The world disappeared, Tide died, nothing was left.

And long ago, before Odin and the giants, there was nothing. And in that nothing, there was an idea. A feeling. Hope.

Hope ignited, and the universe was born. From the flames came space, and life, and light. And from the ashes grew the world tree, and time. Time scattered, as ashes and dust tend to do, and grew.

Yet from Time, there came a young goddess who found herself on a green planet, where the sun was called Sol, and the moon was called Mani. And the goddess called herself Tide, for time moves in cycles like the tides of the ocean.

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Wed, 22/07/2015 05:49 (9 Years ago)

Title: Im ded

I updated my wishlist since important dates are coming up

Lately, I've also made a trade thread and an art contest (both in my contact links)

I bought:

Which someone accidentally evolved, not knowing frosslass couldn't mega evolve :'D

I also got some winter numel shinies and a mega from yodel.


Clawfa hunt is kinda depressing me tbh
I'd spend nuggets on it, but you know as soon as i do a shiny will actually hatch

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Sat, 25/07/2015 18:28 (9 Years ago)

Art by Flaaffy

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 19:51 (9 Years ago)

Congratulations! A shiny Clawfa hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #104)!


If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Mon, 03/08/2015 05:57 (9 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hunt Log thing - Horsea

For Taipopo:
(Chain 46, 48, 65)

(chain 144, 329, 364)

(Chain 424, 514, 577)

(chain 593, 594, 625)

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 08:35 (9 Years ago)

Title: Mari's Improvement Challenge Post

My art for Mari's improvement channel will go here. Pls suffer.

Day 1 (self portrait):
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And a close up on the selfie with the mop:

Day 2 (hands):

Day 3 (musical instrument):
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Day 4 (single line):

Day 5 (single point perspective):

Day 6 (smoke):

Day 7 (dance):

Day 8 (birthday a la mari):

Day 9 (light source):

Day 10 (animal from reference):

Day 11 (ten sketches from different angles):

Day 12 (house):

Day 13 (pumpkin king):

Day 14 (two characters interacting):

Day 15 (free draw):

Day 16 (weapon):

Day 17(sworn enemies):

Day 18 (fluff):

Day 19 (dreams):

Day 20 (plant):

Day 21 (human action from ref, doing different thing):

Day 22 (random pokemon team):

Day 23 (furniture):

Day 24 (monster):

Day 25 (draped cloth):

Day 26:

Day 27:

Day 28:

Day 29:

Day 30:

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 09:35 (9 Years ago)

Title: 30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 1

By Flaaffy - 7 Minutes and 35 Seconds ago.
Day 1. Friendship
(*internal grumbling about way too broad prompts*)


The signs were clear. Heck, they were clearer than they had been in years.

Ponies and their power, so unique, so enchanting.

The Princess of Friendship and her council sat in a castle of crystal. The elements gone, all they serve as now are teachers.

I spit on the ground. The tree of harmony was gone, and the Everfree forest was no longer wild enough for me to live there safely. I'd have to go south, towards the land of the dragons.

As I thought about that, my horn started glowing at the fractured tip. Loose, dangerous magic shot out, and....everything in my house and small yard turned bright blue.

I peeked into my fridge. Even the apples were blue. An experimental sniff, and a bite. The apple was fine, just blue all the way through.

In fact, I was the only thing unaffected by this surge of magic. A sure improvement over the sharpening of my teeth...or the time I shrunk myself to filly size...or the time I sprouted wings on my hooves.

I grabbed my scrolls and quills, and the most important books from my collection. I could always send for the rest when I was established again. Safely away from harming anypony. I was sure the blue would fade eventually, the color change spells generally did.

I'd made it from my hut to the old castle when I heard a voice behind me, and a fast trotting. I hurried up, I didn't want to harm anypony with my magic.

Then Zecora's voice rang out. "Spilled Ink my good friend, please bring your leaving to an end!"

I couldn't help myself, I turned. Zecora galloped the last stretch to reach me. I gulped guiltily. "Zecora, I'm sorry. But without the tree there to contain my magic, and ponies travelling through the forest more and more, I'm worried I'll harm somepony!"

Zecora laughed. "You are quite mistaken child, your magic belongs here, in the wild. It is true you lack control, but you have hope and friendship now."

I sighed. "But friendship isn't going to stop anypony from getting hurt the next time it decides to shoot out an explosive beam or any magic that removes, adds, or changes limbs!"

Zecora smiled at me "But you still fail to see, your magic will never harm anypony. You have strange magic, this is true, but the worst effects are always on you!"

I thought about this. It was true that the biggest mistakes my magic made were always mistakes that effected me the most. At least I hoped so... "I want to stay, because you are here. And you've always been my closest friend. But...I still fear that one day someone will knock on my door, and my magic will harm them."

Zecora smiled. "If you must, you can go, but the cure to your problem is friendship you know."

I stopped, startled. "Friendship cures it?"

Zecora laughed again. Sometimes I found her to be a bit hard to understand. "Yes my child, it is friendship you need, for your magic won't hurt the love you see. Never has your magic ever hurt me, and I see you almost daily!"

I folded my legs to contemplate this. It seemed to follow. My magic had never harmed Zecora, and the only spells that went off when she was there were a few visual jokes like the color spell from earlier. And the days we spent the longest together...the better sense I had of my own magic, and when it was about to go off.

I just hadn't noticed it because I'd been too worried. "Sooo...my friendship makes me care for you, and because I care about you more than myself, I pay attention?"

Zecora nodded. "Yes little pony, now you know, friendship will help you, so stay at home."

I sighed wearily and stood up. "Can I at least stay with you for a few days? My house is bright blue right now, and it's kind of an eyesore."

Zecora nodded and grinned at me again. "Come on home my pony child, Everfree will remain wild."

And I followed her, contemplating this softly.

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2015 09:41 (9 Years ago)

Title: 30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 2

By EeveeLove - 1 Day ago.
Day 17. Alone


I woke up one day with the planet completely abandoned. All people, all animals, gone. Not even a mosquito left to suck my blood. Just myself, and the plants.

Of course, I have no idea how long I slept. I was in some sort of tube that I don't remember getting into.

Actually, all I remember was the ambulance ride, after the crash...

The hardest part of waking up on a planet devoid of all people and animals is being forced into Vegan-hood. Without people and animals, the plants thrive, somehow, living off the leftover refuse from humankind.

I walked into the New York Library while eating a tomato I'd plucked two blocks away. In here, the books were dusty, and moss grew in all the places that had become damp.

But most of the books were still readable, and that was the saving grace. Sure, I had to be careful so as to not destroy them, but they held up remarkably well with only water and plants to affect them.

I'd been completely alone for about six months now, and I figured I was well on the way to losing my mind. I didn't even remember what other people smelled like. I didn't remember the face of my mother, or the feeling of dog fur.

The best thing was that whenever I could find a working car, I didn't have to worry about crashing into much more than buildings and trees. And no one to arrest me for driving at five miles an hour down the interstate either.

The other best thing was the gas station I'd found. It had solar powered flashlight/radio/charger things (the kind that had a hand crank as well!) and I was able to use my cell phone to go on the internet in north new york.

The electricity up there worked as well, and I'd discovered an array of solar panels that kept the cell tower running.

Anyway, I'd gone online, and checked EVERYTHING. Facebook, twitter, tumblr....

Everyone had stopped posting exactly five years before I woke up. No explanations as to why either. No status updates about zombies, or selfies going onto a spaceship.

Just gone.

I casually picked up a book in the kid's section. A bit of mold was growing on the picture of the green eggs held by Sam-I-Am.

I sighed. It was hard to enjoy books as much without others to discuss them with.

Sure, I'd been an introvert, but I'd discussed books online with friends, I'd had the librarian to recommend books, heck, I'd even had my dog to cuddle with as I read.

I threw the book forcefully.


I proceeded to smash the kid's section, not leaving a single shelf untoppled, not a single teddy bear unstuffed.

I couldn't stand it, all the people gone, not telling me anything. Everything so strange, so lonely.

This was worse than death, for death, there was either nothing or Valhalla or the underworld. In all those places, the sweet contact of others. The sounds of their voices.

I left the library then, left it and didn't look back. I walked for ages, not even bothering to take a car.

I walked until I was so exhausted that I collapsed, and then I just laid there. In front of the Empire State Building, I lay, in a pool of grass and moonlight.

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Thu, 13/08/2015 06:55 (9 Years ago)

Title: 30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 3

NOTE: I apologise that I didn't do this yesterday, I literally collapsed asleep before I could write, and woke up too late and too groggy for it to still count.

By Leone_Nagasama - 2 Days and 21 Hours ago.
Day 2. Love.

Tagged for possible triggers. Sorry
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I cherished her. As much as one like myself could.

I looked at my hands, bundles of rage that I wasn't there at her side, bundles of anger at myself for finding anything else to do but be there for her. Not because I didn't feel for her, no, it wasn't that...

I hated myself. My whole life, I'd been taught that how I felt was a sin, how I wanted to be was an abomination. Because of some rules made by a man in a place long ago! I can't be me because my family deemed it "Wrong".

Of course, not all of the religion are bad, my aunt had taught me about how it was interpreted differently. She taught me that Jesus preached love more than hate.

Then, when my father found out, he banned my aunt from the house. He beat me, and grounded me for a year. Why? Because I wanted to understand the whole bible, not just ticket snips of hate and rules about who I couldn't be.

When I was 17, I had my first girlfriend. Oh, it was glorious, having a person who felt the same as I did, except free of the trappings of a hate-filled household. We dated for three months before my father found out and sent me to the camp.

By the time I'd finished camp, I was 18, and I left permanently. I had no phone, no address, just my ID and a duffel of clothes. I lived in dumpsters and in women's shelters. Always moving, always north.

It was about the time of my 21st birthday when I met Wiona. She sang to my heart in a way no one else had, and she made me happy for the first time in my life.

But that was only when she was around, because when she was there, I could forget the guilt.

Always guilty. Always blaming myself, thinking myself wrong. Thinking myself a failure.

The depression came in spurts, feeding off of my guilt. It screamed at me in my father's voice, hit me with my father's belt.

And now, I couldn't help but blame myself. Wiona had ovarian cancer. I felt it was my fault, my sinning had brought this to her, my feelings had caused it.

All your fault.

I felt that if I went to the hospital, she'd only get worse.

But today, today she had called me on the phone, in recovery. She'd gotten a hysterectomy since her ovaries "weren't going to be useful as a lesbian anyway". She heard the sob in my voice, and I heard her laugh.

She'd told me that her grandma, her mom, and her sisters all had the same cancer. That it was genetic. And if I didn't come visit her soon with flowers, she'd have to march out of that hospital early just to hug me.

And when I got there, I finally realized I was happy again.

I was happy, because I was in love.

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 08:00 (9 Years ago)

Title: MY OCS: References if you want to make me art

(*Note, this feed will be edited a lot more later)

-Also Please note that I didn't resize any pics for this, so some may be very large.

-And you have my permission to do art of any of these, as long as you show me and let me use what you arted.


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Nessona was once a charmander. She and her trainer were the best of friends, and she kept her everstone close to her heart, because her trainer loved her exactly as she was. Long ago, she died in a war between people and pokemon. However, she was so attached to her trainer that she refused to pass on, she refused to go to Pokemon Valhalla. So, she was reborn as a shiny gastly.
As she grew into being a ghost, she slowly began to remember who she was. With each evolution, more of her memory came back, and she looked more like the charmander she once was.
Then, her new trainer discovered mega evolution. He evolved her...and was horrified at the white mostly-charmander that stood in the place a shiny mega gengar could be.
Blinded by shame and rage, he released her, not noticing the parts of her that had kept the features of shiny mega gengar. And, she was stuck. The ghost of her everstone had allowed her to evolve, but when she mega evolved, both Nessona and the stone recalled their true purpose. They were stuck, a charmander/shiny mega gengar, and the invisible ghost of an everstone, a reminder to stay true to her heart.
After many years, she discovered her grave, and next to it, the grave of her trainer. He had moved on, expecting her to be waiting on the other side, not knowing she had stayed as a ghost.
Now, she is trapped in the world of the living as a ghost, so she spends her time adopting certain young pokemon in need of guidance.
Currently, her adopted child is Violet (Kankri's sona), a shiny Braixen who likes to poke sticks through their momma.
Nessona likes to turn her middle intangible so Violet may do so whenever they want. Violet is teaching Nessona how to care again, and Nessona protects them to the best of her abilities.

-Credit to Twin

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Nessy often wandered about Emera, having fun, causing chaos. Her family had visited Emera as part of an event, and she'd stayed for the people.
She often thought of why her hair and wings were blue as compared to the dark green the rest of her family sported. But then, she laughed it off. The only reason she needed was "To be cool".
Her scarf was a strange thing. Incredibly long, incredibly pink. She loved it. Of course, she couldn't remember where she got it, but she suspected Santa.
Nessy likes helping others, though she feels she shouldn't be called nice for those things. Niceness is supposed to be above and beyond. She only helped people because it was the right thing to do!
Sometimes, she calls herself mean. It is a point of pride for most dragons to be mean, and she is no exception. It's good for her reputation when other dragons consider her mean...
She loves reading. She'll sit in a corner and read a book, she sleeps on a pile of books, and she has 100 different ways she organizes her books.
(to be edited later)

-Credit to AriaWolf / AriannaRae

Fursona - Tater

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Tater is a snow leopard humanoid (or Keidran if you read TwoKinds). Once time, they tried transforming into a dragon with their magic and stuck somehow. Of course, they had only read the spells in a book, and had never practiced before.
Unfortunately, they managed to pull in some of the powers of a dragon when they did so, and is cursed to live as long as a dragon. They've watched all they once loved die of age, die of war, die of sickness.
Tater has a relationship with some dragons, though they often feel scorn for the snow leopard for Tater's relative stupidity. Nowadays, Tater edits magic texts, including lists of what can go wrong, and specifying a need for practice to younger magic users.
Tater loves libraries. Their whole life revolves around books, and they avoid most confrontations. Many days, they wear a smock, though one can hardly tell ink stains from Tater's natural spots.

-Credit to CometandAqua

-Credit to Furret


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Geoffrey is a very nervous goomy. He was raised in a conservative nest, where he learned to hate himself for being gay. The young goomy sank into a depression, becoming bluer and bluer, until his coloring was so different, his family kicked him out.
Geoffrey spent the next several months wandering, looking for a place where he belonged. His heart was broken, and his spirit was not that far behind.
That was when he found Paris.
The city swept him up and around, moving far too fast for Geoffrey to hate himself. He found himself loved, for his color and his cuteness. Boys started flirting with him and dating him, teaching Geoffrey about love.
Then, he moved on.
One boy in particular had broken his heart, and Geoffrey couldn't live in Paris any longer. Now, the small blue blob of slime is moving north, towards London.
Paris was fancy and thrilling. London was calm, dapper, calming. Everyone was polite to the point of rudeness, and everyone drank lovely tea.
Geoffrey fit in.
He donned a hat and scarf, and moves through London still, hoping to find a love who can live with him and his need to be coddled.

-Credit to Kainbunny


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Slowgoo was once two creatures. A Slowpoke and a Goomy. Then one day, they both made a mistake. Goomy, out for a swim, took a bite out of the wrong tail. And Slowpoke was so stupid that day...he evolved anyway. Instead of a Slowbro, they evolved into Slowgoo, who is now far more intelligent than a Slowbro. The brain is now in the tail, for Goomy's brain, far superior to Slowpoke's, became the main brain of the duo.

This creature is a water/dragon type.

Spilled Ink

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Spilled Ink has always been a small pony. But that isn't the worst part about being her.
Before Twilight came to Ponyville, Spilled was the librarian. She was a writer, and lived in the library, much as Twilight did. She had few friends, but was often eager to help anypony find the book they needed.
She practiced a lot of unicorn magic, not just magic having to do with books.
About a month before Twilight came to ponyville however, a dreadful accident broke Spilled's horn. She couldn't remember what had happened, and only knew that now, she had no control.
Spilled left that day, fleeing into the Everfree forest, hoping to die before she hurt anyone. Her horn kept sparking, changing trees as she ran past, changing her mane and tail from a glorious blue to green and red, changing
A few months later, she'd regained some control, but now lacks control over the power of her spells. A spell used to temporarily sharpen her teeth for Nightmare Night has ended with her having permanent sharp teeth. If she tries to turn her bottle of ink black, she might end up dying the entire table black. Or, if she is trying to use magic to lift a quill, she might only lift one strand of the quill.
Generally her magic is overdone however, since it is all trapped behind the break until she uses it.
Without the space to move, and without the right shape to leak out, it builds up.
And since Spilled doesn't use her magic often due to the disastrous results, there is generally more built up magic than more unicorns build up.

-Credit to -Kit-

-Credit to The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady


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-Griffon in MLP
She left Griffonstone at a young age because she can't fly. She lives on the opposite side of the Everfree forest, so doesn't associate with ponyville often.
Her bird part is blue jay, and her rear is a mix of lion and leopard.

-Credit to DA griffon creator

Mr. Denial

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A Voltorb who cannot accept that rolling over does not level him up.
He wears the hat to trick people into thinking he is evolved.
While he probably won't evolve (because he spends more time pretending than attempting to level up), he has gotten fairly good at seeing upside down.

-Credit to Nessy

Ambell Virose - Troll

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Zp3akz lik3 thiz all th3 tim3
Completely innocent, she doesn't even know what a bucket is. Her friends find her lack of awareness too cute to tell her how inappropriate her handle is.

-Troll Handle is "barkingBuckets"

-Credit to DA troll maker

Fergie Aquali

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Starts sentences with >...<
+@lk$ l!ke +h!$ @^d repl@ce$ m@^y le++er$ w!+h $ymb*l$
Is half dead
Acts like a jerk
Sollux is his hero

-Troll handle is "chumBasturd"

-DA Troll Maker

Tabith Treeko

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Talks very nicely and precisely, Rhyming everything, pretending to sing, making great rhymes, having a good time, taking a long time to speak, speaking so lovely it makes you weak. Sure reading takes awhile, but in the meantime you don't feel vile.
Acts nice to everyone, but then gossips about them in poems.

-TrollHandle is "poeticPerfection"

-DA troll maker


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The Bug-type starters.

-Credit to nessy

- Princess Daren
-Shadow King
-SPN angel OC - Haziel
- Light king
-pokemon oc thread ones that belong to me


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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Thu, 27/08/2015 18:11 (9 Years ago)

Title: My fantabulous Ships!

(With Nessona, she is my OC that best represents me)

NOTE: all credit for individual sonas is temporary until there is ship art.

Second NOte: Pls draw


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Finhawk x Nessy


-Credit goes to spousie (finhawk) who is adorable AF

-Credit to Giltine13


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-Kira x Nessy

-Credit to liffy for making wataru more adorable than a fluffy unicorn


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-Marikot x Nessy

-Credit to Marikot for doing her own sona and being a cutie patootie adorkable friend. o3o


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-Kira x Nessy x Marikot

-Credit to Charingo obv

Liissy (name is work in progress)

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-Liirah x Nessy


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-Mithzan x Nessy



Bossy (joke ship)

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-Riako (boss) x Nessy
-No actual romance, just joking flirting

-Credit Ri for his own avatar

3 duck 5 me
Ri pls

01000010 01100101 01110011 01110011 01111001

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-Bill x Nessy

-Credit to the artist who did this

Pokemon I have Crushes on

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(Warning: Long AF)

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 10:13 (9 Years ago)

Title: Friends And Fam

As with the other two, art is appreciated depicting Nessona interacting with her friends and family.

Nessona's Family


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-Likes to put stick in random objects, including momma
-4x bigger than momma

-Credit to Flaaffy


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-Likes to annoy momma and argue with Cows

-Credit to ????


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-quite close with granny Nessona and just generally goofs off with her

-Credit to Podunk

Nessona's Friends
(+ anyone from the shipping post above this one is a friend)


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-Often watches over Violet as a friend
-Doesn't notice when Nessona hides in his fluffy tail
-Is about 7x bigger than nessona

Kuri (JustMe)

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-overprotective of Nessona
-aware of Nessona's past, tries to protect from that

-Credit to JustMe


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-Lets Nessona play pranks on him
-Is the only friend smaller than her
-Is a cutie patootie lil babu

-Credit to Navu


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-tries to make Nessona's tail bigger with wand
-pokes Nessona's eye with wand often


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-Gives nessona rides on back (sometimes against will, because Mal is a crazy)
-makes Nessona matching flower crowns

-Credit to Vickie-Pyon


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-Zatto is afraid of Nessona's tail, so he likes to remain unnoticed until his name is mentioned
-However he likes to have pun wars with Nessona
-Nerd god

-Credit to twin


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-Pun wars
-Nerd queen

-Credit to shenzi


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-protective and loves helping everyone
-nice heart
-cute butt
-easily scared or sad if something happens to friends

-Credit to Abby


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-Likes to show nessona the world
-is a hot air balloon

-Credit to Abby


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- she'd act kind of shy to start conversations but like she'd also be really dumb and silly, so she'd shy/silly around Nessona

-Credit to dcasom


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-he'd probably be calm as usually, but maybe a bit more on the caring side, kinda like a big brother or the like. tends to let nessona and the others ride on his back or sleep next to him

-Credit to une


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- Around Nessona, he'd be SUPER chill and relaxed, maybe play some fire-type based games n stuff! expect MANY snacks, he loves sharing food with friends !! he may doze off a lot tho. she has full permission to (gently ) poke him awake haha

-Credit to Podunk


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-very friendly with Nessona.She loves to talk with nessona and plots nice gifts for the awesome Ness


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-About her: Also known as ''Witch of Time'', was Team Rocket's experiment.She is very friendly and tends to talk with everyone even though at the first sigh she seems shy.
-When she first met Nessona she thought ''oh my, she sure is cool...I wonder if she will talk with me'' with a very voice.After she finally was brave enough she started to talk with her.They seemed to get along very well and started to go in adventures, so they can kill some time.She often likes to play with Nessy's tail.
-Very shy though

-Cred to flaaff


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--First time when he saw Nessona he was attracted by the light that her tail makes, so, he started to follow her everywhere in an invisible form -When Nessona busted his invisible form he hided in a bush blushing and Nessy told him to not be afraid and started to talk as nothing happened.Xanthus told her why he was following her later...que awkward ghost intro music!

-Cred to flaaff


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-around Nessona she would either joke around and try to cuddle her, or offer to share her honey.

-Cred to Tulip

Ruby Mewtwo

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-chill with nessona
-Likes to pick up nessona and cuddle

(Note: Tail is normal mewtwo tail generally)

-Credit to iamenimlusus

Char the Fabu Banana

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-Likes to cuddle Nessona
-Charmy bonding

-Credit to Flaaffy


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-General goofball
-Lets Nessy hide in the fluff


To complete (people i harass most....I mean talk to):

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Mon, 21/09/2015 01:18 (9 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hunt Log - Gulpin

Putting mine first (but not hunting both first) because I had an earlybab

Mine (Chain 27, 181):

Noodle (Chain 90, 94):

EmperorEmpoleon (Chain 95)

Skips (chain 98)

Bourkey (Chain 133, 166)

Marikot (245)

Other (288, 307, 315):

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,960
Posted: Sat, 03/10/2015 11:10 (9 Years ago)

The day was dark and cloudy. Nessona was sitting outside, alone in a tree. Her friends were all busy, and she'd begun suffering a deep depressive episode.

I've been here hundreds of years. My bones are dust, my trainer gone. And nothing has changed. The humans improve technology, write more books. But for me? Its all the same. I have no effect on the world, I have no reason to be here. I mean, sure people CLAIM you are important, claim you changed their life...but they drift away, they get busy, and you seem to have no effect on them.

Nessona swung her legs back and forth sadly. Her tail went out slowly, limp lizard tail, no flame.

Then, out of the clouds Navu flew. He was only a little smaller than Nessona, but out here? They were the smallest things on the tree. He landed softly and fluffed his feathers.

"Are you okay, Ness?" he asked softly.

Nessona smiled, her tail sparking back to life. "Oh, I'm fine, just a little moping. Seems these days, everyone is too busy to even chat for long. And no one's schedules match anymore. Why are you out here? It's about to storm! You shouldn't be flying in this!"

Navu grinned. "Well, see....I was out flying, looking for some shiny treasures, you know....and I kinda flew too far from home this time. I can't get back before this storm hits..." Nessy nodded, the dark clouds were now looming, the water moments from breaking loose. "Well, all our other friends are...how do we put it....large? Yeeaaahhh, they are all large and large friends sometimes don't see small friends."

Nessona grinned. "How true that is! Well, of course you are welcome to stay with me!"


In Nessona's front room, the two friends shook off the water. Then, Navu fluffed over to one of the couches. Upon sitting, a loud "PBBBBFFFTTTT" rose from Navu's rear.

Navu shot straight into the air as Nessona snickered loudly.

"I....forgot I left this here!" Nessona giggled, lifting the whoopie cushion off the couch.

Navu squeaked, and landing on the de-whooped couch, began to groom himself.

To be continued probably

If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk