Forum Thread
[Warrior Cats] Choose your path
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → [Warrior Cats] Choose your pathChoose your path
[status: accepting]
It was a bright night. There was the fullmoon at the sky and the stars at the silverpath seemed to be brighter than ever before.
Two young cats sneaked out of the nursery and ran to the elder's den. When they entered the den, a young black cat looked up. »Hello? Who's there?«
The two kits slowly got near to the black cat and sat down. »It's us, Nightleaf. Mousekit and Deerkit. We wanted to visit you.«
»But you should be in the nursery and sleep«, the black cat said. »Won't your mother worry?«
The smaller one of the kits, a brown kitten with black eartips, stood up again. »Kindheart knows that we visit you. Also... We can't sleep, Nightleaf.«
»Can you tell us a story?«, the taller kit, a pure brown cat, begged. »The story of how the clans fought against the Dark forest!«
»Yes Nightleaf! I love that story!«
»But that story is way too scary for you«, Nightleaf said.
The two kits looked at her with a face that no cat could resist.
Nightleaf sighted. »Okay, I'm going to tell you the story. But you will go back to the nursery and sleep then, understood?«
»Yes!«, the two kitten purred and sat down again as Nightleaf started to tell the story.
»There was once four clans at the lake: ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan and ShadowClan. All clans had their differences, they fought hard for their survival. There were deaths, but also births. It seemed that nothing would ever change, the clans would always fight for their survival until one clan thinks that he has not enough territory, and then they will fight even worse.
But then one night, something happened that never should've been happening. The cats of the Place of no stars - or the Dark Forest - came back to take revenge on the clans.
The clans had to unite. Not for the first time, but it was not common that all clans fight together against one enemy.
And then, there was something else special on that night.
To help the clans fighting against the Dark Forest cats, that were filled with hate, the ancestors of the clans came back as well and fought at the side of all four clans.
It was a hard battle, filled with blood, pain and death.
But in the end, the good was stronger. The clans won the battle against the Dark Forest cats! But they couldn't be happy about it. They lost strong and brave warriors.
Many moons after that big battle, the RiverClan and WindClan decided that it would be the best if they'd just show respect to the Dark Forest cats. They thought if the Dark Forest cats would get the same respect that StarClan does, they'd never attack the clans again.
TunderClan and ShadowClan didn't think so. They would never give up their faith just to prevent battles. StarClan was the one filled with love, safety and loyality. StarClan grants their leaders nine lives. The Dark Forest was filled with hate, traitors, murderers... And they weren't even able to give the leaders nine lives.
So the four clans split into two sides - ThunderClan and ShadowClan, who believed in StarClan, and WindClan and RiverClan, who believed in the Dark Forest cats.
»Mousekit! Deerkit! Here you are!«
A high voice came out of the dark. »I've been so worried about you!«
Nightleaf looked at Kindheart, the mother of the two kits, who came into the elder's den. »I'm sorry Kindheart. They wanted to hear a story...«
»It's okay, Nightleaf«, Kindheart replied. »But you two are coming with me!«
Mousekit and Deerkit looked sadly at Nightleaf. »Don't worry«, the old cat purred. »I will tell you the rest of the story tomorrow. But now go with your mother.«
After Kindheart and her two kits left, Nightleaf looked sadly after them.

~ All PH rules apply
~ These rules apply as well
~ No mini mod-ing
~ Killing characters is not allowed without the player's and my permission
~ You can have as many characters as you can play actively
~ No one-liners [minimum: 100 words per character - describe what he/she feels, thinks, sees, ...]
~ he/she/it! Not I or you
~ Put your reference pictures in a spoiler or post it as a link
~ Realistic names and realistic character designs [no "Chocolatefur", "Spongeheart" etc. & no cats with green fur, red eyes etc.]
~ Follow the Warrior Code!
~ Not too much drama. If you want your cat to start a dramatic/forbidden romance or something else, PM me and ask for permission first!
~ Hide your signature on your RP-posts & sign-ups
~ If you want to create an apprentice, make sure you'll have a mentor. You can just ask other users that participate and have a warrior if they can be your mentor
~ If you want to create a kit, make sure you'll have parents and [optional] some siblings
~ The RP plays at the lake [book location]
~ Leaders, Deputys, Medicine cats and medicine cat's apprentices have to be online regulary and post at least once per week
~ Leaders, Deputys, Med cats and Med cat's apprentices have to write a "test post" via PM @ PrimTheEeveeGodess
~ Use the form below to sign up
~ Have fun!
~ If you read all of the rules, put "I love Warrior Cats" somewhere into your post [for example into the "Others" section of the form]
~ These rules apply as well
~ No mini mod-ing
~ Killing characters is not allowed without the player's and my permission
~ You can have as many characters as you can play actively
~ No one-liners [minimum: 100 words per character - describe what he/she feels, thinks, sees, ...]
~ he/she/it! Not I or you
~ Put your reference pictures in a spoiler or post it as a link
~ Realistic names and realistic character designs [no "Chocolatefur", "Spongeheart" etc. & no cats with green fur, red eyes etc.]
~ Follow the Warrior Code!
~ Not too much drama. If you want your cat to start a dramatic/forbidden romance or something else, PM me and ask for permission first!
~ Hide your signature on your RP-posts & sign-ups
~ If you want to create an apprentice, make sure you'll have a mentor. You can just ask other users that participate and have a warrior if they can be your mentor
~ If you want to create a kit, make sure you'll have parents and [optional] some siblings
~ The RP plays at the lake [book location]
~ Leaders, Deputys, Medicine cats and medicine cat's apprentices have to be online regulary and post at least once per week
~ Leaders, Deputys, Med cats and Med cat's apprentices have to write a "test post" via PM @ PrimTheEeveeGodess
~ Use the form below to sign up
~ Have fun!
~ If you read all of the rules, put "I love Warrior Cats" somewhere into your post [for example into the "Others" section of the form]
[b]Reference picture:[/b]
[b]Reference picture:[/b]
Medicine cat

- Brookcloud [MikuCharacter] / ♀ / black
she-cat with white paws, a white tailtip and dark blue eyes
- Silvermoon [Saratank] / ♀ / light silver tabby with blue eyes
- Lionfang [Saratank] / ♂ / fluffy orange male with green eyes
- Mudheart [TheNinjaCyndaquil] / ♀ / tortoiseshell cat with a white chest and caramel eyes
- Tigerpelt [TheNinjaCyndaquil] / ♀ / orange tabby with amber eyes
- Silvermoon [Saratank] / ♀ / light silver tabby with blue eyes
- Lionfang [Saratank] / ♂ / fluffy orange male with green eyes
- Mudheart [TheNinjaCyndaquil] / ♀ / tortoiseshell cat with a white chest and caramel eyes
- Tigerpelt [TheNinjaCyndaquil] / ♀ / orange tabby with amber eyes
Queens & Kits

- Wolfheart [PrimTheEeveeGodess] /
♂ / dark grey tom with blue eyes (Mentor of Darkpaw)
Medicine cat
Queens & Kits
Medicine cat
Queens & Kits

- Darksage [LittleEngland] / ♂ / black
and ginger dappled tom with a white chest and yellow-green
Medicine cat
Queens & Kits
Medicine cats
Queens & Kits
Dark Forest
Medicine cats
Queens & Kits
My forms
Dropdance | Deputy | Dak Forest

Name: Dropdance
Gender: ♀ female / she-cat
Age: 36 moons
Clan/Group: Dark Forest
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: Dropdance is a young cat with blue-grey fur and green eyes. Her fur is long. She has a long tail and long legs as well as small paws, which makes her look elegant.
Reference picture: none
Characteristics: Dropdance is a shy cat. She doesn't like attention and crowds. If there are too many cats for her taste, she just leaves the place without a sign.
She often plays around and is considered childish, but when it comes to a fight, she is brave, strong and quick. She also likes to attack strangers just for fun, to "play" with them.
Background story: Dropdance was born a kittypet. The twoleg of her mother drowned her siblings, and as she saw that, she ran away before he could do the same with her. Outside it was cold and she was too small and weak to hunt or fight anyone who would attack her.
A ShadowClan patrol picked her up at the border and took her to the camp, where she was raised by a queen and given the name Dropkit, because she was so small.
As Dropkit grew older, she became an apprentice named Droppaw. She always gave her best to learn how to fight and hunt.
Later she became warrior. Her faith in StarClan was as strong as if she was born into ShadowClan. But she always preferred to fight than to hunt. She was one of the best fighters, she was brave, strong and loyal, and so she became Deputy.
One day, when Dropdance was out on a patrol, she met her mother. She talked to her, telling her about the life in the clan. And her mother asked her if she could join the clan, since her twoleg died.
Dropdance brought her mother to the ShadowClan camp, but the cats she knew to be friendly and kind suddenly became cold and looked at her with anger.
Her mother was abandoned - and Dropdance's clanmates told her to kill her mother. She refused and got banned from the clan.
Dropdance travelled around with her mother, hunting for her, but seeing her die slowly. In the end she just killed her, because she thought it would be better to die quick than slow.
Right after that, a ThunderClan patrol showed up. They thought she just killed one of their cats and attacked her.
Dropdance killed two of the cats of the patrol and then got killed by the third, and now she's at the Dark Forest for killing her mother for no reason.
Name: Dropdance
Gender: ♀ female / she-cat
Age: 36 moons
Clan/Group: Dark Forest
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: Dropdance is a young cat with blue-grey fur and green eyes. Her fur is long. She has a long tail and long legs as well as small paws, which makes her look elegant.
Reference picture: none
Characteristics: Dropdance is a shy cat. She doesn't like attention and crowds. If there are too many cats for her taste, she just leaves the place without a sign.
She often plays around and is considered childish, but when it comes to a fight, she is brave, strong and quick. She also likes to attack strangers just for fun, to "play" with them.
Background story: Dropdance was born a kittypet. The twoleg of her mother drowned her siblings, and as she saw that, she ran away before he could do the same with her. Outside it was cold and she was too small and weak to hunt or fight anyone who would attack her.
A ShadowClan patrol picked her up at the border and took her to the camp, where she was raised by a queen and given the name Dropkit, because she was so small.
As Dropkit grew older, she became an apprentice named Droppaw. She always gave her best to learn how to fight and hunt.
Later she became warrior. Her faith in StarClan was as strong as if she was born into ShadowClan. But she always preferred to fight than to hunt. She was one of the best fighters, she was brave, strong and loyal, and so she became Deputy.
One day, when Dropdance was out on a patrol, she met her mother. She talked to her, telling her about the life in the clan. And her mother asked her if she could join the clan, since her twoleg died.
Dropdance brought her mother to the ShadowClan camp, but the cats she knew to be friendly and kind suddenly became cold and looked at her with anger.
Her mother was abandoned - and Dropdance's clanmates told her to kill her mother. She refused and got banned from the clan.
Dropdance travelled around with her mother, hunting for her, but seeing her die slowly. In the end she just killed her, because she thought it would be better to die quick than slow.
Right after that, a ThunderClan patrol showed up. They thought she just killed one of their cats and attacked her.
Dropdance killed two of the cats of the patrol and then got killed by the third, and now she's at the Dark Forest for killing her mother for no reason.
Wolfheart | Deputy | RiverClan

Name: Wolfheart
Gender: ♂ male
Age: 47 moons
Clan/Group: RiverClan
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: Wolfheart is a dark grey cat with blue eyes. His fur is long and looks a bit messy. He seems to be very old.
Reference picture: N/A
Characteristics: Wolfheart can be a bit grumpy, but he's kind most of the time. He knows well what he does.
History: N/A
Others: Mentor of Darkpaw
Name: Wolfheart
Gender: ♂ male
Age: 47 moons
Clan/Group: RiverClan
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: Wolfheart is a dark grey cat with blue eyes. His fur is long and looks a bit messy. He seems to be very old.
Reference picture: N/A
Characteristics: Wolfheart can be a bit grumpy, but he's kind most of the time. He knows well what he does.
History: N/A
Others: Mentor of Darkpaw
Darkpaw | Apprentice | RiverClan

Name: Darkpaw
Gender: ♀ female
Age: 8 moons
Clan/Group: RiverClan
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: Hawkpaw is a black cat with medium length fur and purple eyes. Her claws are very sharp and her paws are big.
Reference picture: N/A
Characteristics: to be roleplayed
History: N/A
Others: Apprentice of Wolfheart, the Deputy of her clan
Name: Darkpaw
Gender: ♀ female
Age: 8 moons
Clan/Group: RiverClan
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: Hawkpaw is a black cat with medium length fur and purple eyes. Her claws are very sharp and her paws are big.
Reference picture: N/A
Characteristics: to be roleplayed
History: N/A
Others: Apprentice of Wolfheart, the Deputy of her clan
Name: Silverstream
Gender: Female
Age: 1
Clan/Group: Shadow Clan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Appearance: Silver tabby with emerald green eyes
Reference picture: I couldn't get hold of one, sorry:(
Characteristics: Stealthy. Fast. Gentle. Protective.
Background story: Was injured badly, but the Shadow Clan medicine cat took her under her wing. Can't remember anything before that.
Name: Warmheart
Gender: Female
Age: 23 moons
Clan/Group: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: She's a small, quite lanky cat, and her eyes are a piercing blue. She has a tortoiseshell printed coat, and her tail has a little stripe across it. Same with here back right paw.
Reference picture: N/A
Characteristics: She's a kind cat, though she's terribly shy. She is quiet and soft-spoken, but she loves kits. She urges for them to, as she says, "Choose your own path!"
Background story: To be roleplayed??
Please re-read the rules ♥
Accepted ♥ I will put your character into the hierarchy. ^^
Name: Darksage
Gender: Male
Age: 30 moons
Clan/Group: Shadowclan
Rank: Deputy? If not warrior. WILL SEND RP SAMPLE
Appearance: Black and ginger dappled pelt with a white chest, yellow-green eyes.
Reference picture: Clicky!
Characteristics: He tries to be kind, but may come off as harsh sometimes. Darksage is normally a social cat, with a hot temper. Don't be worried though, his bark is normally worse than his bite.
History: He was born and raised in Shadowclan, and tried to choose his own path as much as he could.
Others: I love warrior cats?
Name: Brookcloud
Gender: Female
Age: 20 Moons
Clan/Group: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: dark fur with white paws and white tail tip, with dark blue eyes.
Reference picture: Boop
Characteristics: Easily frustrated, quick temper, but overall caring and sweet to others.
History: Originated in ThunderClan and wanted to be a Warrior. A medicine cat thought she would be best suited for Medicine Cat role, though she disagreed strongly.
Others: I love Warrior Cats :'D
Name: Silvermoon
Gender: Female
Age: 29 moons
Clan/Group: Thunderclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: She is a light silver tabby with blue eyes
Reference picture:

Characteristics: Silvermoon is kind, caring, and a loving all around She-cat. She doesn't usually bother others, but does love company
History: Silvermoon was born into the clan like her littermate Lionfang. She did well as an apprentice, though showed she was more skilled at hunting than fighting. She fell in love with a rival clan cat, though quickly realized it wasn't right. She only saw the other tom twice before she told him she didn't want to see him again. Now she is doing her best to prove that she is a true Thunderclan warrior.
Username: Saratank
Name: Lionfang
Gender: Tom
Age: 29 moons
Clan/Group: Thunderclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Fluffy orange male with green eyes
Reference picture:

Characteristics: Lionfang is a proud tom. He walks tall as he greets many. Even with him being proud, he knows who deserves the respect.
History: Lionfang was born just a few moments before Silvermoon of their littler. He battled against his sister many times in training and won half the battles, though with Silvermoon's quickness and slenderness he lost the other half. He became a proud warrior of Thunderclan along with his sister. He always watched over Silvermoon even when she didn't know he was there.
Others: I love warrior cats!
Name: Stormstar
Gender: Male
Age:39 Moons

Reference picture:

History: warrior name was stormtail
Others:I love Warrior Cats, *wants brookcloud to be his queen, but she is a warrior*Cough*
Accepted! ♥ I will put your characters into the hierarchy. ^.^
I will decide whether the character is accepted or not as soon as I receive a PM with an example for a rp post. (:
Stormstar is accepted! I will put your character into the hierarchy. :3
Name: Glowpaw
Gender: She-cat
Age: 8 moons
Clan/Group: ShadowClan
Rank: Apprentice
Appearance: A white she-cat with yellow eyes, and has grey legs. Normal sized for her age.
Reference picture:
Characteristics: Optimistic and logical. Loves Clan history and plans ahead. Isn't afraid to show her emotions. Feels like her duty is to her Clan.
History: N/A
Others: I LOVE WARRIOR CATSSSSSSSSSSSS (Also probs adding characters later)