Forum Thread
Moc n' Art Shop! [Full]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Moc n' Art Shop! [Full]
Welcome to my first ever Art Shop! -bows-
I really need to practice my drawing..
but without the pressure of people waiting on me I tend to procrastinate.
Also, sorry about the hellish banner, i scribbled him when i was bored... xD

~All PH Rules apply
~Do not use art unless it was drawn for you!
~The pass.wo.rd is Pija
~Do not claim my art as your own please
~For the moment my art is pay as you see fit meaning payment is pretty much a donation of your choice. ^-^
~Although I am open to constructive criticism, this is not the place for it [PM me that stuff]
~Do not send payment until after I finish your art
~Although I am open to drawing dark art, please do not use a gorey reff, simply leave the reff blank and pm me the reff so as not to disturb other members.
~Please be patient as I do have a full time job and I'm an aunt, I will finish your art as fast as I am able.
~However, feel free to message me for an update if I am taking a bit to finish it, I will gladly answer you.
~ Lastly, i don't bite. So don't be scared to say hi! The real pswrd is Moc! o3o
~Do not use art unless it was drawn for you!
~The pass.wo.rd is Pija
~Do not claim my art as your own please
~For the moment my art is pay as you see fit meaning payment is pretty much a donation of your choice. ^-^
~Although I am open to constructive criticism, this is not the place for it [PM me that stuff]
~Do not send payment until after I finish your art
~Although I am open to drawing dark art, please do not use a gorey reff, simply leave the reff blank and pm me the reff so as not to disturb other members.
~Please be patient as I do have a full time job and I'm an aunt, I will finish your art as fast as I am able.
~However, feel free to message me for an update if I am taking a bit to finish it, I will gladly answer you.
~ Lastly, i don't bite. So don't be scared to say hi! The real pswrd is Moc! o3o
What I can do:
What I Can't Do:
~Humanoid animals
Details: [Anything you want specifically?]
||Currently On Hold due to broken stylus||
1. Sazuka [On Hold]
2. Rascal
3. -Sen

Reff: the first/buizel one
Password: moc
Details: [Anything you want specifically?] Could you possibly make it transparent? If not can I edit it and make it transparent!
》i really love your art btw ;v;《
Reff: x
Password: Moc
Details: The spines on his back resemble vertebrae, his three rib like spines are cracked and are replaced by three ominous holes on each side, instead of soot black fur he has ghostly white fur. Can you make the work transparent? If not I'd like your permission to make it transparent. Thank you!
Ref: x. Info in spoiler, just incase.

Password: Pija
Details: If unsure about something please tell me. My PM and PalPad is open.
Oh gee you closed when I was writing it ^^'
Will be watching.