Forum Thread
[L] Radiant's Lottery!
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] Radiant's Lottery!
RADIANT'S LOTTERY (no new entries)
Winners: all winners have been informed by May, 1st, 2016, if they do not collect their prizes they will be released May, 15th, 2016

1. Deputygrunt
2. Leapy
3. Leapy
4. Bladeventus
5. GamerGirl456
6. PikaV2002
7. Bladeventus- Super Breloomio- collected
8. Leapy
9. GamerGirl456
10. PikaV2002
11. GamerGirl456
12. audreylevina
13. Leapy - Exempted from further prizes
14. PikaV2002
15. Bladeventus
16. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
17. Bladeventus
18. PikaV2002
19. SecretlyTrash
20. Bladeventus
21. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
22. PikaV2002
23. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
24. Pixelcraft-
25. Bladeventus-
26. Leapy-Exempted from further prizes
27. PikaV2002
28. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
29. GamerGirl456
30. Bladeventus
31. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
32. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
33. GamerGirl456
34. Bladeventus
35. PikaV2002
36. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
37. GamerGirl456
38. PikaV2002
39. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
40. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
41. Bladeventus
42. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
43. audreylevina
44. audreylevina
45. Bladeventus
46. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
47. GamerGirl456
48. Pixelcraft 49. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
50. Leapy-Exempted from further prizes
51. Bladeventus
52. PikaV2002
53. GamerGirl456
54. Pixelcraft
55. Moonshimmer
56. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
57. Pixelcraft
58. audreylevina
59. PikaV2002
60. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
61. GamerGirl456
62. PikaV2002
63. Pixelcraft
64. GamerGirl456
65. GamerGirl456
66. Bladeventus
67. PikaV2002
68. Bladeventus
69. Hernan23Pro
70. GamerGirl456
71. Bladeventus
72. Bladeventus
73. Bladeventus
74. GamerGirl456
75. SecretlyTrash
76. SecretlyTrash
77. GamerGirl456
78. Pixelcraft
79. Spinda-Safari
80. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
81. GamerGirl456
82. PikaV2002
83. PikaV2002
84. PikaV2002
85. Pixelcraft
86. PikaV2002
87. Bladeventus
88. Loomhigh223555
89. PikaV2002
90. Moonshimmer
91. GamerGirl456
92. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
I'm doing a lottery for a Super Breloomio (m) and Princess Smoochum (f).... there will also be other consolation prizes for those who don't win the main event (you may use the ticket form to exempt yourself from the consolation prizes)
How To Join:

UPDATE: now accepting PD, 1,000 PD per ticket

Consolation Prizes

x6 combee (male)
x5 Miltank (female)
x2 Charmander (male)
x2 Charmeleon (male)
x4 Charizard (male)
x1 Squirtle (male)
x1 Blastoise (male)
x2 bulbasaur (male)
x1 Venusaur (male)
x6 Eevee (female) x1 (male) *will evolve into glaceon, leafeon or sylveon upon request*
x4 Vaporeon (male)
x4 Jolteon (male)
x4 Flareon (male)
x4 Espeon (male)
x3 Umbreon (male)
x4 Leafeon (male) x1 (female)
x4 Glaceon (male) x1 (female)
x6 Sylveon (male) x1 (female)
x2 Sentret (retro) male
x2 Cyndaquil (retro) male
x2 Chikorita (retro) male
x1 Hoothoot (retro) male
FILL OUT THIS FORM OR ANY GEMS SENT WILL BE TREATED AS A DONATION! Form is to be posted here as to keep this thread bumped.

[color=green][b] Username: [/b]
[b] Tickets Bought: [/b]
[b] Normal Gems or PD Sent: [/b]
[b] Do You Want To Participate In The Consolation Drawing Too? [/b][/color]
Ticket Holders / Entries

Deputygrunt x40 Tickets (N)
Spacebunny x3 Ticket (N)
Angel159 x3 Ticket (Y)
Pixelcraft x9 Tickets (Y)
Leapy x44 Tickets (Y)
Spinda-Safari x3 Ticket (Y)
SecretlyTrash x6 (Y)
GamerGirl456 x43 (Y)-27 rolled over
Bladeventus x38 (Y)
Loomhigh223555 x5 (Y)- 4 rolled over
Hernan23Pro x2 (Y)
audreylevina x13 (Y)
PikaV2002 x43 (Y)
Moonshimmer x10 (Y)- 8 rolled over
MINIMUM GOAL: 125/400 Normal Gems Raised For Lotto
Lotto May End Before Gem Limit Due To Pokedollar Profits.
Lotto Ends April 1st 12:01 AM EST (my time)
Tickets Bought: 3
Normal Gems or PD Sent: 9
Do You Want To Participate In The Consolation Drawing Too?: why not?
Tickets Bought: 14
Normal Gems or PD Sent: 33 Normal Gems and 5,000pd
Do You Want To Participate In The Consolation Drawing Too? Sure
My little Egg Family!

^^Made By Argentis^^
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Look in my Diary for Pokemon Sun and Moon Freebies and More!
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Normal Gems sent:
yes, i wanna participate in the other prize thingy pls

yours indubitably
youtube channel!
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