Forum Thread
The Evental Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Evental ClubHello, and welcome to The Evental Club!
This club was made for sharing what events you got and for other fun things!
This club is not just a club, every week the club gets a new president, has (will have) many contests and more!
So join and have fun!
Creators Note: Well, I don't have alot event pokemon, but I created the club for people share their event pokemon with others people.

First, Respect everyone.
Second, no mini-modding, meaning you don't tell what other people should do, it is taken care by the president or the club's creator.
Third, if you are president, you have the ability to get ideas for new events (members can do that too, but the president chooses if it will be used) after getting ideas the president informs the creator: Kaguya-Houraisan.
Fourth, Follow all PokeHeroes rules, which can be found here, read them again before joining the club! Password: "Eight in Three Times a Heaven"
Fifth, if you want talk about something off topic, please put somewhere "[Off Topic]" sign as it is unacceptable to talk about something else when the club is about talking about event pokemon.
Sixth, Every member gets a title, people which were presidents will get the title "The [NUMBER] President of The Evental Club".
Seventh, More rules will be added if needed.
Eight, Have fun, the password will be in a random rule!

[b]Your favourite event? (if none then none):[/b]
[b]Latest event you got? (if none then none):[/b]
[b]How many days you are active a week?:[/b]
[b]Have you read the Club's rules and Pokeheroes Rules?:[/b]
[b]Your favourite event? (if none then none):[/b]
[b]Latest event you got? (if none then none):[/b]
[b]How many days you are active a week?:[/b]
[b]Have you read the Club's rules and Pokeheroes Rules?:[/b]

Kaguya-Houraisan - The Creator of The Mysterious Evental Club
Xstarhero - The First Member of The Mysterious Evental Club

The First Choosing of the President for The Evental Club [Not Completed] - After this will be completed, new contests/events will be created.

Copy the code in your signature or anything else (about me, etc.)
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
[center][i]Convert your faith to this club![/i][/center]
The Meter is a really old artifact, people say it grants people one thousand of gold money, if they give their faith to the old artifact
Faith: 10

All clubs must contain a special
thing, right? For this club it will be a Faith Meter! How it works:
If all members make a post at least once: The Faith Meter gathers
20 Faith. If not all members posted: The Faith Meter gathers 10
Faith. If only one or two members have posted: The Faith Meter
gathers 5 Faith. After The Faith Meters gathers 100 Faith, every
member gets 1000 PokeDollar.
Nicknames:Zaive Not really
Your favourite event? (if none then none):Winter Numal
Latest event you got? (if none then none):
How many days you are active a week?:every day
Have you read the Club's rules and Pokeheroes Rules?:Yes
Password:Eight in Three Times a Heaven
I removed from the forms the "Title" thing because it will have no use.
Nicknames: Kaguya
Your favourite event? (if none then none): None
Latest event you got? (if none then none): ...
How many days you are active a week?: 7 days a week (All days)
Have you read the Club's rules and Pokeheroes Rules?: Of course, yes.
Password: Eight in Three Times a Heaven
By the way, could you advertise the group? You can copy the code of the banner in the main post and put it in your signature (here)