Forum Thread
Pokemon Training and care | Accepting
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Pokemon Training and care | Accepting✧You're invited to join the Pokemon Training and care. If you'd like to enter please go over to the fountain, then turn left, and go into the navy blue building on your right. Thank you!✧
You follow the directions, and cone upon the tall Navy colored building. With out hesitating you walk in, to see a nice... lobby. A woman at the front door asked if you've read the rules yet, and when said no, she pointed you towards them.

PH Rules.
Don't Spam
Be polite.
What the leader says goes.
Co-leader is second in command, but always listen to the leader over the co-leader.
Common sense.
Be fair, no cheating, hacking, or scamming other members.
common stuff.
After you read them the woman takes you to a room, where you can see the other members gossiping, chatting, playing with there pokemon, or training. 'Here is the lounge, it's where other members hang out, or train with their pokemon," she explained. Then you walk with the lady down a long hall," Here you'll meet or boss, are you really sure?" she asks. Then you nod your head, and she leads you to a door. You slowly open it to see a young lady with a shiny banette by her.

"Well, you've come why?" she asked. You explained that you had came to join. "ok, well, you wanna join then fill out the form," she said," Oh yeah, and I'm enderknux, leader of this joint,". Then you take the form fill it out and give it to her, on your way out.

What is one of the rules?:
Your favorite pokemon type?:
B S or E (this doesn't really matter, just pick one):
Did you subscribe?:
Anything else?:
and if you want your team to be an allied or and enemy, fill out this.
Clubs name:
Clubs leader:
Allied or enemy?:
You leave the room, and run back to look at the members board, and allies and enemies.

---4 slots open---
Artist or spriters:
----8 open----
Allies and enemies:
Enjoy ^-^
What is one of the rules?: be polite
Your favorite pokemon type?: Dark
B S or E (this doesn't really matter, just pick one): B?
Did you subscribe?:Just did
Anything else?:What are the slots for? Because I want to know.
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
And the slots are just saying that there are x slots left for that rank.
What is one of the rules?: Be polite
Your favorite pokemon type?: Ghost
B S or E (this doesn't really matter, just pick one): Umm... B?
Did you subscribe?: Yep.
Anything else?: Could i be Co-leader?