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Forum Thread

pokemon info

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected pokemon info
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 309
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 12:51 (11 Years ago)
you can enter information (description/biography/etc) about your pokemon.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 12:56 (11 Years ago)
No support.
Pokefarm has the exact same thing. We want to be unique.
And there's no point really, not everyone will stop to read them.

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 309
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 13:09 (11 Years ago)
it will not really be a copy.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 13:12 (11 Years ago)
We want to be unique though.
And, you should add a bit more things to your suggestion. There's not enought information.

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 13:13 (11 Years ago)
pokefarm is not as unique as some people would like to think

information for a pet/pokemon has been around for a long time (as far back as the beginnings of neopets as far as i know, and probably before that too even), and many people like to write bits of information on their pet/pokemon for their own purposes - not everyone cares if others see it or not

this i do support though, and it's a feature i'd definitely use if it was implemented

besides, even if i didn't want to use it, i don't see a reason why others should be prevented from having fun doing it

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Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 309
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 13:23 (11 Years ago)

full support: 0
support: 1
no support: 1

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 14:51 (11 Years ago)
Yes i think this should be implented
i like to make storys for my pokemon back on pokefarm so doing it on here would be fun to
i support
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 15:18 (11 Years ago)
this would promote sitewide storytelling as well i think, it'd be interesting to see how people weave themselves into the story of emera town that's already established :)

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Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 16:06 (11 Years ago)
"Fansite XY has this feature, too" is not an excuse to reject a suggestion :D Otherwise we wouldn't be allowed to use a Interaction-Feature or Pokémon at all on this website. Sadly fact, but I did not invent those ideas. ;)
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 16:10 (11 Years ago)
I agree with riako :P

But seriously... At least try to include more information in your first post when making a suggestion.. :O
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 17:08 (11 Years ago)

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 17:26 (11 Years ago)
do you have a reason for not supporting it other than 'it's not unique'? good reasons for not supporting would be unbalance in a site economy, or something that would take up a lot of resources and make a site slower, but i really can't see any disadvantages to having a feature like this

(also, your suggestions don't get rejected all the time - about half of them are posts that already have a topic opened about them, and a suggestion isn't rejected until it's put into the rejected forum anyways - only up for debate and consideration)

(and more information in the initial post would have been nice mkay, but i got the general idea that was trying to be conveyed)

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Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 17:30 (11 Years ago)

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 513
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 17:36 (11 Years ago)
sorry you feel this way

(i've had ideas rejected too though, it's no reason to lose hope and a lot of ideas are hit or miss anyways)

i do agree though - it's highly unlikely that people clicking for the sake of mass clicking are going to stop to read them, there are a good bit of people who just aren't interested in things like that

this is something that would be nifty for those who roleplay a lot though, or have certain pokemon they get attached to... really, i think it's a niche thing

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Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,010
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 17:38 (11 Years ago)
It doesn't matter if other people stop to read them (I don't read those until they are really eye-catching and interesting). But it's for the users that want to use the feature, it's personal entertainment, and I think it's okay to implement. It's not much work in coding, just a small field of text, and can add some pretty nice stories to this site.


In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 19:39 (11 Years ago)
I would definitely like to see something like this introduced! My main party of Pokemon consist of actual Pokemon characters of mine and they've each got things about the I wouldn't mind sharing, not to mention, people that get art of their Pokemon could throw the image on their pokemon's description as a sort of gallery of sorts. Just to add a little flare.

Support! :3

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 19:56 (11 Years ago)
While I myself will likely not use this, other than to document what number a shiny was(when I finally start hunting), I do like to read the little stories people write about their pokemon.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 20:35 (11 Years ago)
Actually i like reading these storys i do it a lot on pokefarm its fun to see whats in them

And i like making the storys on pokefarm i make different fields and they have only 1 type of pokemon like rock kingdom then they fight the grass kingdom and the main character pokemon have storys

So this would be so cool to be added
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 22:54 (11 Years ago)
I give 100% support
This would be good for my pokemon named after my RP characters
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 394
Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 13:50 (11 Years ago)
support, i like individual things, it also may support RP-people and it would be interesting. I'am a writer in my leisure time that's also why i like this idea.

a different way to "dress up" your pokemon. i know about people with pokesonas, would perfectlly fit in there.