Forum Thread
Mari's stuff
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Mari's stuffSome pokeshaming~
Digital Art
Traditional Art
Keep up the good work :3!!

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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i have like a post-it on the bottom of my computer monitor saying DRAW ABBY'S STUFF but i never really finished it ;A;
but yo. after class. ill see if i can finish at least that one drawing of abby and kaito that you asked for like a thousand years ago, and ima do it pretty
I remember that comic because of the poor moltres and when you have to hide it because my soul pokemon thing was unown x'D
PROCASTINATE is not good definitely I can tell that for sure
I know you actually had something more than the sketch done and omg that drawing I asked, ahem ahem %)
yea i procratinate a lot ;A; which is why i stopped taking commissions altogether, id rather procrastinate only on my school stuff
And I guess you are quite busy with school 8D but that's normal considering the kind of crazy classes you have
well yea but i did have some time during break and stuff, which bring us to procrastination. ill admit that >_>
oh. i thought we were only supposed to show like, pokemon fanart stuff. o3o
I...didn't remember anything you having a tumblr, I have one unused totally unused.
But it's like;
loads of stuff to do -> finish -> breaks and laziness, relax -> repeat
Order yours now!
I really love your style, such cute and such awesome. I can't even.... Especially those pokemons with the signs, they're so precious. >w<
(And thank you dear Abby for calling meeeee~ .3. *Goes back to staring at that Tennant* owo)
I seriously gotta order one Spicy Wooper right away, I wonder where the closest Burger Kingler is... :d
so glad you liked my comics though :'D <3 i still have them somewhere in my hard drive. AND.
im starting to consider the idea of making some animated comics on flash, sintead of making more in that standard layout. 8DDD ill see how that goes once im on break or something.
Animated comics sound pretty fabulous to me. o3o
ill see what i can do about those animated comics. o3o
a little something i did an hour ago~
made straight with pen