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The great sheep hunting

Forum-Index Contests The great sheep hunting
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 2,609
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:43 (9 Years ago)
Congratulations! :)
I'll send out the Furfrou tomorrow later (I just noticed that it's already "tomorrow" XD).

Please note that this was an experimental contest, to see if you like the basic concept. Feel free to give feedback - I'm pretty sure that we can improve the system together. Stuff like a "Start Hunting"-button to avoid timezone troubles would definitely be useful, for example.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,238
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:44 (9 Years ago)
Congrats to everyone, especially DemonShade, Angell, and Liirah for getting the shiny furfrous!

Riako: I absolutely enjoyed the contest and the intensity of it all. I think we should do it again in the future.

click for art shop :]
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 383
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:45 (9 Years ago)
Wow, can't believe I got the last spot. x)
Congrats to all other winners, and sorry that I sort of stole the rest of your chance at the last one.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:46 (9 Years ago)
Congrats to the winners! I feel bad for the people who wasted their time and get nothing in the end, but I guess that has to happen sometimes.

I think it'd be better to do something like "get X amount of clicks on X pokemon" because this system favors premium users.

Trainerlevel: 136

Forum Posts: 57
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:47 (9 Years ago)
Mine were all 6-7 levels away from 100. Oh well, grats to the winners!

Collecting Teddiursa plushies!
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:48 (9 Years ago)
if you dont mind me asking diana how does it favor premium users o.O?
-In Progress-
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 265
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:48 (9 Years ago)
I liked the contest
(though one of the comments was a bit rude in my opinion when someone put that they were done, and it seemed, to me anyway, broke when someone finished in like two days after the start and it took others several days just to get the eggs.)
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:51 (9 Years ago)
The one I mentioned doesn't favor premium users, I was talking about this contest.

This contest favors premium users because they gain twice the EHP and EXP as a regular user making it so that they can get to the goal much quicker.

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:53 (9 Years ago)
Congratulations to all the winners! I didn't stand a chance. I only got one mareep :b
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 751
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:53 (9 Years ago)
Honestly, I didn't see many flaws. There really isn't a timezone problem. When one set of timezone people is awake and clicking, the others are asleep, and when the ones who were asleep start clicking, the ones who were clicking first sleep. Unless your on PH 24/7.
The only thing I'd change is make a notice at least 2 days before. Waking up to a sudden new contest is like "Woah! What happened while I was sleeping!"
Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 1,900
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:55 (9 Years ago)
Congrats guys! I didn't participate cause... Idk. .-. ;P Anyhow, like I said, congrats!
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Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 2,609
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 00:58 (9 Years ago)
Just a random thought, but did you mind that this contest was a bit based on luck?
I'm talking about the task to obtain these eggs from the Tall Grass - lucky members got an egg on the first try, while others had to wait hours to get their egg.

In my opinion it wasn't that hard to get a Mareep egg. Medium Pokémon need 10 minutes in the Tall Grass for each try and the propability is 1/9.
But maybe you see this as "unfair" and prefer a page where you just adopt these eggs instantly in the future.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 265
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:00 (9 Years ago)
I don't really like the luck based part, but it was still fun... even thiugh it took me days to get them .....
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:01 (9 Years ago)
I love the idea. It actually took me three days to get my last egg, but it was fun that way.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:03 (9 Years ago)
Well luck is part of what should happen sometimes. If everyone could just get the eggs when the event came out then that would make it not a very good event.\r\n\r\nLuck sucks sometimes, but it's necessary.
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:10 (9 Years ago)
I thought it was fair. :/
I mean, I may be a Premium member, but it still took my a little over three hours straight to find the eggs, keeping the tab open for the Tall Grass the whole time, waiting to see it refresh. Granted that's probably pretty fast compared to others, but it was tiring mentally waiting every 10 minutes to only be met with a Poke'mon that isn't a meep egg. That is probably the luck part.
I also only had about 4-5 hours of sleep since the whole thing started until I finally finished. Clicked over 10,000 Poke'mon in one day (which was exhausting, I seriously don't know how DemonShade clicked that many guys @_@ ) And at least 4,000 the next day. And it seemed like no one was clicking back at all those first couple days, haha...
I broke down, bought a flute. Made a Yarolds' account, and STILL only got 7th. I went through every possible measure to win, and I'm premium, so I'd consider the odds fair.
Anyway. I thought this was a fun challenge, and if the eggs were just given to you it'd take some of the fun out of it.
But, yeah, I do agree with KrazyKarp. A warning that this event was going to happen would have been really awesome. I was lucky to catch it when it started, but I know a lot of others who could have used the heads up.

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 310
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:17 (9 Years ago)
Hard to say, contest which are based on luck are more interesting for sure, because you don't know if you will have that luck or not (I was looking for second egg for 2 days). But in the end it wasn't luck which decided on winning, it was time which you've spent on PH, PD also helped others in some ways (or rather I should say Rare Candies). But well, every contest have something which made it easier for ones and hardest for others, it's how whole world looks like.
But still I think it's was fun Contest and I'm happy I participated in it :)

[center]First Anniversary Gift 16.12.2014
A whole year wasted on Pok
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 843
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:23 (9 Years ago)
First of all I have to say congratz to everyone who got a Furfou!

Regarding the premium/non-premium thing, I pretty much agree with what Gothbutter said. Regardless of the account status it is still difficult to level up the Pokemon. The only way I even received clicks at all was with the use of Yarolds and doing 10k clicks on that first day....also the 4 rare candies I bought helped immensely as well as being on the index page... I swear if I didn't do that I probably wouldn't have gotten the clicks needed to level up my Pokemon. So yeah non-premiums may be at a disadvantage it's not a huge one to really matter considering there were plenty of resources and the whole luck aspect could have given an advantage.

Riako: I prefer it being luck based. Honestly it would be too easy if everyone was just handed the egg haha. I loved the suspense of clicking a grass and seeing if it was a Mareep or not. It wouldn't be as fun if we were just handed an egg. Also then it would be really unfair to non-premium/non-popular people.

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Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:24 (9 Years ago)
Gothbutter: I have a tablet and fast internet, plus I think I can click in my sleep now through muscle memory. (and I'm still not the top clicker, since I know of at least one user who can top my clicking ability... I wonder how much of that is because my left wrist is messed up, though, lol)

That aside: I agree that a little heads up would be nice. Especially with the wording of them needing to be obtained after a certain date. (I was thinking we got a one day's heads up, then checked the date again, to realize that by the time I read the message it was already starting)

So a notice of the event would be nice, before the actual start time.

Personally, I think that there should be some luck to the event, but I also think that having a 1:8 chance egg to pokemon ratio every 10 minutes can be hard for the unlucky users. (And give a bit of an unfair advantage to someone like me who finds eggs in the tall grass the first time and figured that it was probably changed for the contest >.> )

So I think a separate page to claim the egg(s) for the event would be nice, with a little left up to chance whether you get the egg or not for that time slot. The how for this could be played around with.

I don't think the clicking event favored premium users, in all honesty. I think it favors users who don't have a job or school to attend, thus those users can accomplish more in a larger amount of time than the others. (Since if I weren't a premium user, I'm pretty sure I still would have placed for the sole reason that I have no life and would have stayed on until I reached the goal)

Hopefully my post makes sense XD (sorry if it doesn't, my mind is elsewhere right now)
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 265
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 01:27 (9 Years ago)
I agree with DemonShade... he worded it in a way I cant XD