Forum Thread
More Than a Player (Sign-Ups!) (INACTIVE)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → More Than a Player (Sign-Ups!) (INACTIVE)A universe exists where those heroes and villains do exist. A world not too different from ours, where characters that have seemingly nothing in common coexist with one another in peace and harmony. But even in a perfect world, nothing is perfect.
Heroes are dying there. The world is in horrible danger. And you've been chosen to help.

-All PH rules apply.
-One video game character per character.
-No two characters can be based off of the same hero. So if someone has Mega Man, you can not also be Mega Man.
-NO POWERPLAYING. I can already see it being very easy to powerplay, so please try to avoid it.
-I'm disallowing Sonic the Hedgehog, since he's, in my eyes, considered OP with his speed and homing attack.
-I have the right to refuse any form.
-No villains, please? I'll be controlling the villains, and they'll be making brief appearances.
-The heroes your character are based off of are dead; you will be taking their place.
-Please try to base your appearance somewhat off of the characters you choose. No 'casual attire', basically. Same goes with weapons.
-The password is on the line under this one. Highlight it and put it in the "other" section of the forms.
Pew pew!
-One video game character per character.
-No two characters can be based off of the same hero. So if someone has Mega Man, you can not also be Mega Man.
-NO POWERPLAYING. I can already see it being very easy to powerplay, so please try to avoid it.
-I'm disallowing Sonic the Hedgehog, since he's, in my eyes, considered OP with his speed and homing attack.
-I have the right to refuse any form.
-No villains, please? I'll be controlling the villains, and they'll be making brief appearances.
-The heroes your character are based off of are dead; you will be taking their place.
-Please try to base your appearance somewhat off of the characters you choose. No 'casual attire', basically. Same goes with weapons.
-The password is on the line under this one. Highlight it and put it in the "other" section of the forms.
Pew pew!
[b]Character(s) They're Based On:[/b]
[b]Character(s) They're Based On:[/b]

Mega Man - Luckylikeit
Link (The Legend of Zelda series) - TheNinjaCyndaquil
TRON - SylvieNerd23
Shovel Knight - SylvieNerd23
Regret (Zenonia) - The_Weaz
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda series) - SylvieNerd23
The Blue Knight (Castle Crashers) - Rmegars
Captain Olimar (Pikmin) - TheNinjaCyndaquil
The Orange Knight (Castle Crashers) - rmegars
Kirby (Kirby series) - -Shadow-The-Zoroark-
Zero (Mega Man series) - -Shadow-The-Zoroark-
Link (The Legend of Zelda series) - TheNinjaCyndaquil
TRON - SylvieNerd23
Shovel Knight - SylvieNerd23
Regret (Zenonia) - The_Weaz
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda series) - SylvieNerd23
The Blue Knight (Castle Crashers) - Rmegars
Captain Olimar (Pikmin) - TheNinjaCyndaquil
The Orange Knight (Castle Crashers) - rmegars
Kirby (Kirby series) - -Shadow-The-Zoroark-
Zero (Mega Man series) - -Shadow-The-Zoroark-

Mira Tonak
Character(s) They're Based On:
Mega Man (Mega Man series, but mostly Mega Man X)
Mira wears a blue robotic suit with a gun covering her left hand. She has brown hair that comes down to her shoulders, and light brown eyes covered by electronic glasses.
A gun. With subtanks, she has more abilities, but subtanks have become rare in this universe.
-I made the rp
-Can wall climb
Mira Tonak
Character(s) They're Based On:
Mega Man (Mega Man series, but mostly Mega Man X)
Mira wears a blue robotic suit with a gun covering her left hand. She has brown hair that comes down to her shoulders, and light brown eyes covered by electronic glasses.
A gun. With subtanks, she has more abilities, but subtanks have become rare in this universe.
-I made the rp
-Can wall climb
Gender: Male
Character(s) They're Based On: Link from Legend of Zelda
Personality: Courageous, shy, and kind. He hates it when people try and command him in battle, and he if he gets mad he has a short fuse. He rushes into battle, and doesn't think twice about the concenquences
Appearance: five foot even. He has a blue tunic, and hat (Akin to the Zora tunic from Ocarina of time) he has dark brown hair, and emerald eyes. As well as black boots, and brown leggings. He has a leather bag that holds his items on his belt
Weapon(s): he owns a sword; not the master sword; that looks very old. The sword has a vine that has been permanently grown on the handle, the handle's color is sapphire blue; or was before the vine grew along it. On the blade itself is a feather engraving on it. He also has a shield
- He doesn't talk much (as Link was a mute in the games, but he will talk)
- he is a master swords man
Gender: Female
Character(s) They're Based On:Rubi Malone
Personality: Quiet, bit of a loner, intuitive, brave, cold. But sometimes she can be cool and know how to have fun. And she is not tactless and indelicate. She does have a soft side. But it is hidden under a tough exterior.

Weapon(s): Short Katana sword, duel wield handguns, shotgun.
Other: Quick reflexes when jumping, sliding and running across and jumping off walls.
Pew pew!
Kiris 'Firefly' Rings
Character(s) They're Based On:
Tron. It was made into a video game after the first film.
Kiris is basically all softie inside. She hides it well though, only opening up around people she trusts well. Normally though she is spunky and headstrong, and prefers to stand her ground rather then flee.
Kiris has short brown hair with a streak of bright blue down one side and piercing blue eyes. She normally is clad in a black skin tight jumpsuit and biker boots. Her jumpsuit has light up pale blue strips down both sides ending at her ankles and around the neck. Her gauntlets also have light strips at the top and bottom, and she wears a collar like necklace (also with a light strip) with a button on the side that can deploy a biking helmet for when she rides her Light Cycle.
Her Identity disk, a powerful Circle of code that allows her to swing it sort of like a frisbee and use as a long range weapon and her baton that can, if needed to, extend into a sword with a blade of light. But it's not a lightsaber. It's really not.
Pew de pew pew!
Gay nugget
Dirk Knight
Character(s) They're Based On:
Shovel Knight!
Dirk is the strong silent type. He enjoys getting work done with as little namby pamby as possible.
Dirk has short black hair and grey eyes, and is basically the definition of buff. His body is completely covered by blue am gold armour and his helmet has two large horns protruding from the sides.
His shovel is his weapon. With it, he can basically dig through everything. Except obsidian and wood. Those two are too hard. Oh, and the base of the shovel can open up and shoot lasers. So you know. Not that useless.
Bang bang, pew pew!

Gender: Male
Character(s) They're Based On: Regret (Zenonia Series)
Personality: Generally quiet, irritable at times, but very caring, willing to help anyone in need, for the good of the order.

Weapon(s): One Handed Sword (Weapon can change later?)
Other:(Backstory later?)
Edit: here is my form
Gender: Male, but prefers they/them pronouns
Character(s) They're Based On: Frisk from UT!
Personality: Curious, Friendly, Pacifist, Determined
Appearance: here
Weapon(s): ((insert drumroll here)) A STICK ((yeah its the only thing I could think of for a frisk character))
Other:pew pew goes the gun
Serenity 'Serena' Castle
Character(s) They're Based On:
Princess Zelda
Serena is usually pretty calm and collected, as a ruler should be, but she can be wicked on the battlefield. She likes to show off sometimes, and that caaan lead her to getting into trouble.
Screw it, I'm just using the Hyrule Warriors version.

Her bracelets allow her to preform magic attacks such as trapping people in crystals or summoning phantom soldiers, but she is also very skilled with a rapier.
I am not doing this for the shipping. I and doing this because Zelda is badass.
Pew pew!