Forum Thread
SilverStar's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → SilverStar's DiaryIntroduction
Hi everyone ^^ This is where I'm gonna keep my things :3 Whether it's my common replies (so I can copy and paste them xD), art made for me by others, or to keep track of shinies. Yeahhh not really a diary XD
Please do NOT post here. If you wish to talk to me about something in here, feel free to palpad or PM me ^^
Alrighty, intro :) I'm a 17 year old girl. I currently live in China and go to school here. However, I'm more Canadian than I am Chinese and I do consider myself Canadian despite having lived longer in China than Canada. I can speak English, Chinese and just enough French to communicate.
2018 update: I've graduated from high school! I will no longer be living in China from now on (hooray!) In fact, I was able to get accepted by my dream university, Johns Hopkins University, and will thus be living in Baltimore, USA for the next 4 years.
I have an unhealthy obsession with guinea pigs, kpop, anime/manga/manhwa and snowboarding ^^ I am currently in love with Bigbang and iKON from YG Entertainment. Hanbin is amazing *0* My anime/manga love on the other hand shall forever be Ace from One Piece :3 (shhh no mentioning his death when talking to me :p).
Notes to self:




★-Oddy and -Max

★ Lethalulu and JustMe buy

★Furret buys

★ No bellsprouts, zubats or magikarps when sending plushies
★GetsugaTenshou buys summons for nuggets
★Nibaki buys fossils for rare candies
★ Watch Star Myu
★You owe Argentis a heck bunch of plushies
★Sky gift contest thread
★Christmas contest thread
★Valentines contest thread
★Digimon contest thread
★Halloween contest thread
Actually this
should be labelled as a lottery :3
[quote=Yoru]Raffle is a non-profit gambling competition in which people obtain numbered tickets, each ticket having the chance of winning a prize. [/quote]
[quote=Yoru]Lottery is a gambling competition in which people obtain numbered tickets, each ticket having the chance of winning a prize.
Tickets have to be bought or obtained through some kind of activity (eg. interacting with specific Pokemon).[/quote]
[quote=Yoru]Raffle is a non-profit gambling competition in which people obtain numbered tickets, each ticket having the chance of winning a prize. [/quote]
[quote=Yoru]Lottery is a gambling competition in which people obtain numbered tickets, each ticket having the chance of winning a prize.
Tickets have to be bought or obtained through some kind of activity (eg. interacting with specific Pokemon).[/quote]
If you're ever
in doubt about an egg breaking your chain, please check
[url=/doesitbreakmychain]here[/url] :)
Hi ^^ I saw
that you have an evolution trade in the GTS, if you'd like, I can
offer on it then set it up again once it has evolved?
[quote=Liirah]Whether or not you approve of the
rules, doesn't change the fact that, upon joining this website, you
agreed to follow said rules. You can badmouth and blame us mods for
punishing rule-breaking behavior all you want. The fact is that
we're not responsible for what you do with your account. You break
the rules - you gotta deal with the consequences. It's exactly as
simple as that[/quote]
Pokeheroes is a
child-friendly site. Therefore no form of swearing is allowed. This
includes censored or misspelled (on purpose) words. Your feed/post:
[img] [/img]
has been deleted/edited.
has been deleted/edited.
Please do not
make posts in suggestions that do not add to the suggestion to or
explain why you are supporting. Your forum post:
[img] [/img]
has been deleted.
[img] [/img]
has been deleted.
Moving to
'Roleplays' ^^ Please keep in mind that the 'Roleplay Sign Ups'
subforum is for sign ups [b]only[/b].
Ehhh just a
little friendly reminder since I saw this in your rules ^^
Pokeheroes rules allows no form of swearing. This includes censored words ( e.g. words missing vowels or words with vowels changed to **), links, and foreign swearing.
Pokeheroes rules allows no form of swearing. This includes censored words ( e.g. words missing vowels or words with vowels changed to **), links, and foreign swearing.
Hello, I'm a
moderator on the site Pokeheroes
( and I noticed
that a user used your art for their avatar. I was wondering if they
got permission? If not, please do tell me and I'll get it
About using the GE for gem trading
[quote=Riako]That's not a bug and also not really
considered a "cheat". The gem exchange was there long before the
DID was introduced[/quote]
Hi, welcome to
Pokeheroes! I'm SilverStar and I'm a moderator on this site. If you
need any help understanding this site or need tips regarding
playing the site, feel free to reply to this message or use palpad
(can be bought in the item shop) to contact me.
Here's a brief introduction of me:
I'm an 18 year old girl, currently a freshman in a U.S. university (although I'm actually Canadian). I love guinea pigs, kpop, anime/manga and snowboarding. I'd love to talk if you want to get to know me!
Here's a brief introduction of me:
I'm an 18 year old girl, currently a freshman in a U.S. university (although I'm actually Canadian). I love guinea pigs, kpop, anime/manga and snowboarding. I'd love to talk if you want to get to know me!
Emera Beach
Clicking on the image brings you to the artist's userpage ^^ (unless it's my art, then there is no link)
This post is not meant to insult or offend anyone. It is simply a way for me to vent out my feelings so I don't lash out at anyone (yeahhh I have slight anger issues XD). None of this is aimed at one person. These are just situations that I've come across or seen quite a few times. None of the 'quotes' are actual quotes.
"I'm blocking you"
I'm a moderator. Blocking does NOT work on me... Blocking will not work on mods/MiTs since we often need to ask you questions about reports or to send a friendly reminder.
"Why is ... locked?! They were so nice.." (Feed)
Can you really say that you've read every single post/feed the user has posted? Or know of their every action? Please don't assume that mods lock people for no reason. We don't send out warnings without evidence of what has been done.
"All my friends are being locked."
We don't target people... if your friends have been locked, they must've all done something against the rules. It's just a coincidence that they're all your friends.
"Tell me why ... is locked!"
I can't tell you. Why someone is locked is confidential. Would you like me to blab about why you were locked if you were locked? Not telling means that the user won't be judged by what they did once they come back from their lock.
"Stop making drama"
Well if I'm commenting on your feed, where you've made a post to insult the mods, complain about a warning/lock, or rant about the 'unfairness' of the rules... I don't see how I'm making drama? You're the one that started drama when you posted the feed in the first place. I have the right to defend myself/other mods (if you're posting about mods/locks/warnings) and I have the right to debate with you if you're gonna rant about rules. Yes DEBATE. I'm not insulting you... I'm simply debating or explaining to you.
"I'm buying/selling/trading for..." (palpad/PM when I haven't said anywhere that I'm buying/selling/trading said item)
Please don't palpad/PM me about this... if I wanted to sell/trade/buy said item, I would've made a feed/thread about it. Paladding/PMing for this is simply spam. It's like sending mass advertisement emails or calling random numbers to advertise your products.
"Do mods even check whether a report is true? Do they just send warnings and lock people without checking if a user was trying to get another into trouble?
Of course we check. No warning or lock is done without evidence of what has been done. We would never send out something if we had doubt to whether it's true. If you can somehow prove that our warning/lock is unfair, we can take it away. If a user has been deliberately trying to get another into trouble, they'd be getting the warning, not the user they reported.
"Why are you so strict?"
I'm not strict. I'm simply following the rules. The rules are there for a reason: to make this site fun for EVERYONE.
"It was just a joke..."
It might just be a joke to you, but that doesn't mean it isn't hurting someone else. Try to think about what you're writing and review it before clicking the 'post' button.
*says something that basically insinuates Chinese people are weird e.g. are there pandas roaming the streets?*
Please don't. We're just like any other country. The majority of the cities are pretty much globalized. Please don't ask me how I celebrate my birthday (in a way that insinuates Chinese people have some special way), whether I have small eyes, or anything along those lines. I'm pretty much Canadian as most of you already know. Those traditions and stuff you see online about China? They're pretty much dead, just like in basically any other country.
"I'm new..."
That is NOT an excuse for not knowing the rules.. if you're playing, that means you've agreed to follow the rules. So please read them.
"I'm really young..."
So? If you're old enough to be allowed on the internet and playing online games... you're old enough to know that insulting/scamming people is NOT right. Age is NOT an excuse.
"Everyone else is doing it... "
Well they probably also got told off for it too. If we didn't catch one or two of them.. that's cause we aren't perfect. We only have two eyes after all. However, we do try to be fair, anyone caught will get told off. Please don't just assume that because you've seen others do it... it's no longer against the rules (even though the rules still state whatever the action is IS indeed still against the rules.
"Can you add me to your friendlist?"
That's not how this works. Friendlists are for FRIENDS. I add people for one of two reasons: 1. I've talked to them for a while and I consider them a friend or 2. I've seen them around PH for a while and I really would like to become friends with them due to finding their feeds/personality interesting. Asking to be added is only going to annoy me. You're free to add me to yours, but don't ask me to add you.
"Why is your name Jasmine and not something like 'Chin Chin' or 'Ling Ling'. Aren't you Chinese?"
*huge sigh* Please please don't. Nobody's name is Chin Chin or Ling Ling. Those are nicknames that parents give to little kids. As for why I say my name is Jasmine, 2 reasons. 1. My Chinese name is on my passport and wellll internet safety - I'm not willing to tell you it. 2. You can't even pronounce it, what in the world is the point of me telling you it. Oh and how many times do I have to say this before people understand? Yes, I have Chinese blood, my parents are Chinese bla bla bla. But, I am Canadian - my first language is English, I like English songs, I use makeup, nail polish etc which Chinese teens definitely don't, I get stared at on the streets cause my clothes are 'inappropriate' by Chinese standards (yet in Canada my clothes are considered pretty normal and even a bit on the conservative side). But seriously the next time someone says suggests some random stereotypical Chinese name, I'm just going to ignore them. This is literally the most infuriating thing ever.
"So basically, you just aren't going to do anything."
Please don't put words into my mouth. Just because I cannot tell you what happens, does not mean I'm not doing anything. It's simply curtesy to the user in question that I don't tell you anything. Would you like me to blab about suspected things you do to another user? I cannot take your word upfront without any evidence so please be patient while I gather said evidence.
Feel free to talk to me about these or give me a recommendation (palpad/PM me) ^^
Finished watching
Love Stage
I love yaoi XD The couple were so cute *0*
Kuroko no Basuke
Definitely one of my favorite mangas/anime of all time ^^ Aokise is life~ Kise especially... those eyes are so dreamy.
Ongoing ones that I'm following
Fairy Tail
I adore Gray, Laxus, Sting etc... so many pretty boys in this one ^^
One Piece
This was actually the first manga I ever read. Although I actually skipped a lot in the middle, I'm pretty much up to date with this one. Ace was my first anime love XD Now that he's gone... ;-; I mainly squeal over Zoro and Sabo.
Gave up on
Uta no Prince Sama
Watched this after I fell in love with Kira's avatar XD I kinda got too confused by their names and the sheer amount of characters.
I'm actually not sure why I stopped this one... I'll probably return to it at some point.
Will watch at some point
Haikyuu (ehh did I spell that right XD)
I'm gonna watch this next :3 Just as soon as I finish 'Show Me The Money'. Kira recommended it to me ^^
Deadman Wonderland
DarkChoco loves it... not sure what I think about that since her taste is pretty much gore... but eh, I'll this if I run out of stuff to watch.
Welp I really needa fill this up someday... honestly too lazy right now xD
This has happened more than once now, so I thought I'd make a note now: please don't link this. I don't particularly like my diary being shared. I realize this is a public thread, however, I don't want the amount of people reading this (my diary) to be increased exponentially.
voting thing
chain breaking thing
anniversary gift
counter thing
Riako's Birthday
Valentine's day
advent calendar
plushie raffle
cheat panel
bank + check nuggets
edit forum thread
new post
new thread
edit post
3d PH
premium gift
forum subscriptions
wonder trade history
random specific trade history
shiny wonder trade
berry dex
sell items
premium features
random pokemon profile page
mystery boxes
evo stone
all the pokedex pages
suggest hangman words
privacy policy
pikachu link
about PH
PH features
interaction stats
feedback page
Why? Several reasons. Outside of PH.... school. The course I'm taking, International Baccalaureate, has way too many things. The large amounts of information and exams on top of the standardized tests I also have to take to get into US universities are extremely stressful. To add on to that... there's the fact that I'm Asian. This is literally the only stereotype about us that I'll accept - because it is true. Universities in America actually have a different level that they require Asians to get to before they accept them. Obviously, I understand, they want their own citizens to get in first - any country does that. But still, it's extremely annoying.
Inside of PH? Note: I'm going to keep this extremely vague because this is NOT directed at any singular person. I've been called different words and I've been told that what I've done is horrible. It makes me feel horrible. I knew when I signed up for this that not everyone would agree with what I do. I do understand that - but it still does hurt. I'm a person too you know? And maybe try to understand that I have nothing against you guys personally? I'm just doing my job. Please don't think that I'm targeting you or trying to be rude. When I'm tired or rushed... I don't post as many emojis. I also tend to say "ehhh" a lot. It's not me being rude - it's just how I type. I feel horrible when I see feeds that kind of give enough away so people know ish of what you're talking about... but at the same time, don't know everything. Of course everyone'll be on your side. That's how it works - the story is being told by you. Yes, you've not broken any rules and I respect the fact that it's your right to make said feed. But therefore in the same logic, I therefore have the right to be posting this.
I guess it felt good to get that off my chest.
G-Dragon / Kwon Jiyong
Kim Hanbin / B.I
Zico / Jiho + Mino / Song Minho + Paloalto
V / Kim Taehyung
Jay Park
Yuri Plisetsky
WangXian (MDZS)
You know how the world has been complaining about Trump? Well in my school.... it's complaining about the prefect choices for our year xD If you don't know what prefects are... open the spoiler. Otherwise, keep reading.

Prefects are basically the role
models. They're chosen for the second to last year of school and
keep their role from that winter to next winter. They are above
other students and will each have a specific job e.g. the art
prefect organizing art events for the school.
The prefect choices for my year are messed up. I'm not even complaining because I think I should've gotten in. Yes, getting in would've been nice. Who wouldn't want to be a prefect? However, I care more about the fact that my school has chosen people who do less than appropriate things and constantly visit bars instead. Why? Well, they're blond (I have nothing against blond people - I have everything against racism in our school though). It's pretty obvious when in the first round, there is 1 white person to 4 asians and in the second round, it becomes 1:1. It's also a lot of playing favorites. I'm not willing to pretend to be someone I'm not and laugh at all the teachers' jokes. I'm polite and I'll do what I'm asked but I won't be someone I'm not just because I want a role.
I later found out why I didn't get in: one of the teachers hates me. Why? Well she taught a class I was taking at the start of the year. But, I left the class because she doesn't teach at all - basically half the class left. Well, she kept a grudge. She literally asked me during the interview "what do you think about the teachers at our school?". When it came to deciding whether or not I'd make it to the next round, everyone else on my panel said yes, but she said no. Guess what happened?
Anyways, that was a while ago and I'm kind of over it. What brought me back to this was the fact that more prefects were added to the prefect team. However, they told us before the applications happened that all decisions were final and that the results would not change. WELLLLL, that sure wasn't true.
They added 'house prefects'. If you don't know what houses are... open the spoiler xD (no - house does not mean home in this case)

Houses are the things in Harry Potter
xD Basically, when you join the school, you get put into a 'house'.
The houses will compete in events throughout the year and the house
with the most points at the end of the year gets a house cup. It
basically just adds a fun element into school.
Adding prefects which were people already rejected was pretty bad. But it was worse than that. Out of the 5 house prefects, 4 were house captains (leaders of the houses) and one was not. The girl that wasn't a house captain is in my house. It hurts. I've worked and dealt with house stuff since Y7. I was the person people ran away from when a house event came up (not a lot of people in my house liked doing events). I did the events nobody wanted to do. But, I understand why I didn't get it since I'm not house captain - I'm deputy. Which brings me to the fact that our house captain didn't get it either. It makes me mad that a girl that only came this year who lost the house captain role as well as the deputy role, became house prefect. She went from having lost house captain to being above the house captain. How is that fair?
To make things worse, she didn't even get it fairly. She got it because she brought in her parents and cried up a storm for not getting prefect. So, the school decided to invent the role of house prefect so she could be a prefect. Therefore, the girl that threatened to "burn down the prefect board" and said "she deserves to be house prefect and everyone else sucks" is now prefect.
I hate my school.
In case you haven't noticed yet, I love using my diary as a place to rant :'D
The following is not aimed at anyone on PH. This is merely about an argument I got into on 9gag.
So, I got into this argument in the comments of a 9gag post. This user believed that because we've been providing aid to African countries for years and "nothing has changed", we should just let them die now.
I felt pretty annoyed at that especially since they brought up how "it's natural selection". Obviously, that's not true. There's nothing natural about being born with or without privilege. I grew up with a privileged childhood - I know that. And that's why I don't believe anyone on the internet (well anyone that has internet most likely grew up with food on their tables) has the right to act all haughty. None of your work is entirely yours - it's partly luck.
Since we're more privileged, we shouldn't be saying that they deserve to die. We should be helping those less fortunate and not saying they "should just work harder".
What got me more angry was that when I explained this, the other user replied and said that it's like how a lion has sharper claws and strong muscles than a bird so the lion lives. I think anyone with basic biology knowledge would know that that's not how it works. Natural selection refers to the fact that a species will evolve to become more suited for survival due to less suited members of the species dying off before being able to procreate. The thing is, the African situation isn't about genes - it's about whether or not you're born in a war zone.
Hello everyone! ^^ I find myself often needing small things while being too lazy to comb through the different shops everyone has so I thought I'd simplify it myself by creating a weekly lottery. Below are some things you should keep in mind if you're going to enter:
✧Don't rush me - I'm a high school student completing the International Baccalaureate Programme. Unless I've accidentally skipped you over or have ignored a post for more than 24 hours (and have been online in those 24 hours), please don't PM/palpad me about this.
✧This is experimental for now. That means that I liable to change things round for each round. Obviously, nothing will ever get changed during a lottery since that'd be unfair to users that have entered. My future prizes/lengths of lotteries will depend on how the first few go.
✧Please try to be sure that you aren't going to want the ticket items back? I understand that sometimes, things come up but please don't put in tickets with the thought that you could just take it out any time.
✧The current lottery started on Friday the 5th of June and ends on Monday the 18th of June (as in 0:00 of that day)
What counts as a ticket?




✧ 30x

What do I need to while sending stuff in?

First, scroll down, copy the form and make a post here please so I have a record! Please do NOT send me anything until I've replied to your post and said yes - this prevents accidental breakage of my ticket requirements/sending in things I might not see due to having too many notifications.
What are the current prizes?

✧ 5x

✧ 1x

✧ Catercream + Gomaseel + Summer Mareep (these are just the events I'll hold on to at least one of each for the lottery though so if you want to swap them for other event pokemon that reside in my special trades box at the time the contest ends, just respond to my message telling you that you won this prize with whatever you want to swap for)
✧ Shiny petilil
✧Note: These prizes will go to the tickets drawn when I put the numbers into a random number generator. I will not discriminate against users that have already won something in the current round so it's possible that all prizes go to different users or that all prizes go to the same - it's all about luck.
Form to send things in:
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
[b]What I'm giving in:[/b]
[b]How many tickets I get with these items:[/b]
Form for suggestion for future prizes:
Hey Silver! I'm considering entering in the future and I'd like to see this!
What I want as a prize:
What I dislike as prize:
Let me just start by saying that this is in my diary for a reason: it's not an attack on anyone, it's merely my way to express my feelings.
I'm kind of hurt.
The idea of being accused of racism has always been a touchy issue for me. As someone who's ethnically Chinese, but also someone who firmly refuses to consider herself Chinese in terms of identity, I've had a lot of fights over the years with people. I hate the idea that the color of your skin, your name, your facial structures can define who you are. I might look Asian, but I've always considered myself to be Canadian.
I understand that racism is something that is difficult to prevent - racial bias tests online have proven that almost every person in this world has instinctual bias. However, I'm a firm believer in the fact that we, as humans, are advanced enough that we can recognize bias and use reasoning to deter it. I cannot promise that I can always prevent any unconscious bias, but I can vow that I would never consciously commit racial, gender, or sexual orientation bias. People should be judged by their actions and not their biology or who they love.
I've known enough bias against myself to know just how much it hurts when bias is committed whether it's simple ignorance like when people repeatedly ask me "no, what's your real name?" or "you're Chinese, how come your name is Jasmine" or even more blatant phrases like "don't worry, we have people like you here, so you'll fit right in". I would never actively do this to another person.
I'm a moderator, not a toy you can test out to see how much it takes before it breaks... I applied to become a moderator because I wanted to give back to the site that had sucked me in, a game that I'd fallen in love with. I do make mistakes sometimes... but is it seriously too much to ask that you don't make my life more difficult for no reason whatsoever than to "have fun"?
About My Position as a Moderator
Firstly, let's start with some disclaimers:
1. This is about me and just me. I am speaking for myself and only myself.
2. This is not directed towards anyone. This is not meant to be malicious.
Alright, hello. As you all know, I've been a moderator on this site for quite a few years now. I'd just like to personally respond to a few overarching criticisms. I've chosen to do it here because like I said, I am responding for myself and only myself.
About Not Being Active/Inconsistent
I've never purposely been inconsistent. I hope that people know that I would never let personal feelings affect how I treat users as a moderator. Do I have personal feelings, opinions, and hunches about users and their actions on this site? Yes, I definitely do. However, so long as I am a moderator, I will try my hardest to not let that affect any decisions I make as a staff member.
I do accept the criticism that I might've missed more things than I used to though. I started my freshman year of university this year and I've been a lot more busy. I apologize about that and I promise that I will be trying harder to make sure that I deal with reports more efficiently. I am busy, but so long as I hold this job title, I agree that I must be held accountable. So, once again, I apologize.
About Unprofessional Behavior
I strongly believe that there is a difference between being 'curt' and being 'condescending' or 'rude'. I can often be on the stricter and more blunt side when I am acting as a moderator
Let's be real: I am a human being and I have made some serious mistakes as a moderator before. Each time I've done so though, I believe I've apologized for them and tried my very best to right such wrongs. But like I've stated, you might think differently. If you believe I've made a mistake and have no apologized/right it, please please bring it up with me.
With that said, I also do ask that you all think a little bit about alleged incidents you hear about. If your friend's friend's friend had a bad encounter with me, I hope you will have enough trust in me to realize that vague allegations might not be as they seem. Normal users can make allegations, but to conform to naming and shaming rules/general moderation standards, I cannot clear things up by telling you what actually went down. I cannot reply and disprove or shed light on their allegations against me. If you have criticisms against me and wish to talk to me about them, please stick to specific incidents that you yourself actually experienced where I've done something wrong and/or incidents where you've seen me act unprofessionally.