Forum Thread
May God Have Mercy (Open and Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → May God Have Mercy (Open and Accepting)
The year is 1945. The Allied powers had driven the Nazi regime into the ground, with unconditional surrender seeming to be on the horizon. We thought we had won. How foolish we were. Hitler refused to give up so easily. As the British forces closed in on Berlin, he activated a fail safe now known as Operation Z. In seconds he had an army to wage war against not only the Allies, but death itself. He raised an army of the dead. Our forces never knew what hit them. The unstoppable march of the zombies swallowed our troops, and as our ranks thinned, theirs swelled. Within days Germany was overrun with 70,000,000 starving undead. There was just one design aspect that the German people had not expected. Zombies don't care about nationality. They consume all. Most of Germany's population was turned quickly. Old allegiances were soon forgotten, the lines between German, Russian, and British blurring to leave only one people. Survivors.
If you would like to join, please do so in the Sign-Up Thread

She opened her eyes, staring up into a cloudy night sky. No stars were visible through the dense layer. Pushing herself up, she took in her surroundings, startled by the sight. The street she sat in lay in ruins. The houses and shops looked bombed out and, and some were still burning. To her surprise, the street was made of cobblestones rather than asphalt, and old time gas lamps lined the sidewalks. Where the hell was she? That's when she realized. There were bodies everywhere. Rotting corpses, scattered bones, blood and organs running into the cracks of the street. Bile surged into the back of her throat, as she resisted the urge to vomit. She looked around again, hoping to see someone, anyone! A sound came from behind her, and she felt what she knew was a gun barrel on her back. A female voice spoke in some foreign language, and jabbed her with the barrel. Raising her hands slowly, she didn't know what else to do, she spoke calmly. "Please, for the love of god, don't shoot me. I can't understand what your saying, so if you have someone who speaks English..." The woman seemed to react at the word English. She spoke to someone else behind them both. Selina recognized the woman's accent as heavily Russian. She heard another voice, this time in English. "Well she obviously isn't armed so get her over here!" Selina took this to mean she wouldn't be shot if she moved, so she turned to look at the to. The woman, still with a rifle aimed at her, sighed. She was tall, much taller than Selinia, with platinum blonde hair stretching down to her upper back. She was... Beautiful in a rather sharp, angry way. Her face was pale and smooth, with high cheekbones giving her an arrogant look. The man lay a few few yards away, part way in a bomb crater. His leg had some kind of wound, and was bleeding badly. He gave her a pain filled smile, speaking through gritted teeth. "I'm not sure where you came from ma'am, and I don't know why the blasted artifact brought you here, but your here now. We need some help. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to survive?"
Selinia blinked at him. "Uhh, sure I guess. Not entirely sure what's going on, but I'm good with survival." The man laughed. "Yes aren't we all. Now if you would, I'll need help from both of you. We need to get to the safe room quickly. More soldiers will be on there way." Selinia stood, moving to help the wounded man up. She figured that she would rather help pull this bleeding guy to a "safe room" than get caught by whatever soldier he was talking about.
(So I didn't explain this very well in the sign up and I do apologize for that. We are all in the town of Frankfurt, which is a few hundred kilometers west of Berlin. You can come in close to Selinia and the others, or more scattered out if you want. However, none of you have anything on you except clothes and whatever was in your pockets. Backpacks, sheaths, and holsters, including anything else strapped to the outside of your body is gone. Don't worry, there are plenty of things lying around to use as weapons. Many of the zombies carry hammers, crowbars, and tools of the like anyway, so getting one shouldn't be to hard.)

His ears were ringing. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness before he got up. His goggles had cracked slightly on the upper left side and he felt something hot and wet trickling down the side of his head. He automatically reached for his pistol, just to find it wasn't there. He looked around. He was standing in the middle of a ruined street. Bright fires lit the scene. Blood splattered walls. He looked to the sky. Thin pillars of smoke extended up to the dark clouds. He had no idea where he was.
Not knowing what else to do, he started walking forward cautiously. Everything appeared to be deserted. Then, in the distance, a single person, their back towards him, in an army uniform. "Soldier!" He barked. "Any idea where we are?" He asked. The person turned towards him to reveal a ruined, blood splattered face. He started walking towards Riles. Riles swore and turned around, tearing down the street as fast as he could. "What the hell is going on?" He muttered.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
"Not a dream," I say, hoping that by saying it, it would somehow make it a dream. No such luck. War raged around me and men who I swore looked like zombies were everywhere. My hands dropped to my boots, where I kept my fans, and pulled them out. The familiar click of the metal as they opened helped me keep my wits about me. Something was majorly wrong. Yeah, Dorothy, I thought, You're not in Kansas anymore. Shaking myself mentally, I looked around for the friendliest looking person. Someone had to know what was going on and could help. That is, if they don't think I'm crazy when I say I think I've gone back in time, I thought, noticing the gaslights and overall feel of the place. I read enough to feel like I was in a setting much closer to something a century older then what I was used to. Maybe I blacked out and somehow wondered onto a movie set? Though, if all the blood and guts I saw were just really good special effects, why did they smell so much like the real thing? Not that I had ever been around human carnage but my dad hunted so I had been around dead deer before and the smell was pretty damn close. But I would take the movie set over this being real.
Looking to my right and up the street, I spotted her. And she stole my breath away. Some chick was holding a riffle to her back, but she just made me pause. Who was she and what was her story? And why was the woman holding her at gunpoint? The woman spoke to someone and then let the girl up. They moved off and I started picking my way through the carnage to them. It was slow going. Grabbing my skirt with one hand to hold it up higher, I was grateful I picked boots that morning. Seeing someone dead and torn on the street, I paled and had to cover my mouth, gagging. Holy cow...this was bad...Really, really bad...Looking over to where they had gone, I saw them moving a guy. Trying not to look too closely as to where I stepped, I picked up the pace to follow them. When I was in earshot, I called out to them. "Hey! Hey, wait! Please! I think I'm lost. I was reading and felt like I fell."
"That was stupid, boy. You should know not to steal from member of the Shadowthieves." She scolded, before turning around and, through a series of somewhat complicated jumps and parlour moves, jumped onto the roof of the nearby house. Then she watched as the world swirled around her, the night sky and streetlights becoming a blur, making her want to puke. She closed her eyes and tried to will it away. It must have been something she ate - a spoiled food or somehing.
Then she felt the rather distinctive feel of dirt, and blood. She could smell lots and lots of blood - more than the blood that has covered her one time. She got up and look around. Only her training had kept her from puking. The sight was monstrous. Then as she filtered through all the destruction, she realized it. The streets were all cobblestone, and there was smoke, and dust and to her it generally looked quite old. Sherene froze when she realized she had lost her toolbelt, grocery bag, and just about everything except her clothes and her dagger, which she had kept in her hoodie's pocket. In the relative distance, she saw a group of people - soldiers, she realized with dread. Alright, there were only three. Bit still, they had what appeared to be a gun, from the way one of them was holding it.
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4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Kai walked into the room, but he wasn't sure if it was really important what was in that room. All he cared about was the loot. Suddenly this man who was hidding sucker punched him. Kai fell hard on the floor and got kicked repeatedly on the stomach by the mans helpers. "Any last words you scoundrel? You waste of life!" The man kicked Kai in the stomach, making him feel pain in his abdomen again. Kai managed to say "I'd rather live in a living hell than be here..." The man chuckled. He aimed the glock at Kai's head. As Kai Parker was drawing his last breathes, preparing to meet death, he was covered with light and suddenly he was somewhere... better said, some time unknown for him.
He got up, and looked around. His backpack that contained all of his equipment, Benelli M4 Shotgun, Hand pistols, etc. were all gone. "Well . I worked my ass of and suddenly I get all of my equipment taken." He complained and sighed. He checked his pocket, a hunting knife and a Grenade rested in side. "Well, somethings better than~!" Suddenly a zombie had jumped on him, and tried biting him. Kai quickly pulled away from the thing and drew out the knife out and stabbed at its head. it fell with a thump. He soon realised he was in danger. He saw the group of soldiers near by. He shrugged it of and grabbed a near by pistol, hid it, and ran to her "HEY! YOU! WHERE AM I!" Kai Shouted out.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Mag groans as she opens her eyes only to see a grotesque mutilated face attached to the bloody body she had landed on. She let out a quiet squeal as she pushed up and off of the body. She looked around confused as the cool, dry air of a foreign environment surrounded her. "What in the world?" She asked herself as she stood up and turned around and around trying to place where she was. "I'm not... Where... How... What?" Her heart races as she asks these questions in a breathy very confused tone. Her eyes settle on a man who shuffled around seemingly as confused as she was. "E-excuse me sir? Where in blazes am I? I seem to have gotten lo..." She stopped speaking as the man turned to her, his jaw hanging from a few tendons and his rib cage clearly visible, was he missing a few internal organs? Her stomach did a somersault and threatened to empty itself but she held things down and felt fear filling her gut as he, it, started walking towards her. She reached down to her hip holster to pull out her M11 but found that neither pistol nor holster was there. She silently cursed in her head as she glanced up to find the thing even closer than before. She then grabbed her combat knife from the sheath she had woven into the calf of her pants leg, at least that wasn't gone. By the time she looked up the thing had gotten right in front of her. She let out a scream as the thing tried to bite her, and she placed an arm across it's chest, the force of it shoving her over and back onto the body she awoke on. She pushed it's body up and stabbed the seven inch blade through it's temple. She let out a relieved breath as it stopped trying to bite her. She shoved it off of her and to the side drawing the knife out as it fell.
Mag got up to her knees and wiped the dirtied knife on the shirt of the deceased. Where the heck am I? She looked over to the thing that had attacked her and noticed a familiar twisted X symbol on it. "A Swastica? Those were on the Nazis in World War Two... But I couldn't be..." She looked around at the antique lamps and cobblestone road. "Nah... I couldn't have..." She looked back down to the body in disbelief. "But I must have..." She shook her head and sheathed her knife in the slot. She sighed and muttered in disgust as she realized she got herself filthy from that thing's guts. "That's nasty..." She sighed again as she looked around and spotted some people, actual people congregating near a crater several blocks down the road. She looked down at the zombie she put down, spotting a luger. The basic pistol for the Nazi Regime. She took it and the holster off the body and clipped it to her pant waist before starting to walk down the long road towards the people. Perhaps they know what is going on here...
Laughing a bit nervously, I answered, "Me? Well, other then not being at home, being pulled away from the climax of my novel, popping up in a raging war, seeing all this..." I gestured to the shot creature behind me and the obvious death all around us, "...stuff...and being shot at? I think I'm doing well. Please, tell me this is some sort of movie set or reenactment." Then I turned on the woman with the gun, he'd called her Sally, so I guess that was her name. "I don't want to know if that shot was carefully planned or luck. I'm going to consider it carefully planned and try not to freak out and yell at you. That wouldn't help and would only get us off on the wrong foot. As far as I can tell, I am going to be needing your help. So..." I paused, tying my hair back with a ribbon from the corset of my dress. Then I stuck out my hand and said, "Thanks for not killing me and for killing whatever that thing was. I know you saved my life."
The first thing she noticed when she opened her eyes again was the fact she definitely wasn't in her hotel room anymore. She pushed herself up off the ground and cried out as she felt something disgustingly wet squish against under her. She wiped her hands on her pants as she looked around, feeling a vague sense that something wasn't right-besides the obvious fact that she'd ended up someplace completely different than where she'd been 5 minutes before. She covered her mouth with her hands as she finally noticed the blood and guts strewn everywhere, and the distinctive smell of rot in the air. "Where the hell did I end up-" she mumbled, stepping away from a pile of organs. That must've been what she'd touched earlier. "Gross-" she muttered, before flinching at the sound of a gunshot. Selene glanced around frantically, noticing a small group of people a bit further away- though she could barely see them from this distance. As she hesitated, she thought about her options. She could either A: Go towards the people she'd seen and possibly get shot- she couldn't really tell if they had a gun, but it wasn't as though there seemed to be anyone else who could have one- or B: Try to survive on her own in this completely unfamiliar place that looked straight out of a horror movie. She sighed, before she cupped her hands together as she shouted. "Hey! Are, Are you guys the ones who just shot?-"

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Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley