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The Box N' Key Shop (+assorted items)
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Global Trade Station → Item Trades → The Box N' Key Shop (+assorted items)
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 06:21 (10 Years ago)
Hello there, Welcome to Vinny's Box N' Key Shop
SPECIAL DEAL OF THE WEEK:Buy 5 keys get a golden key 100%
free (while golden key supply lasts)
Quantity:2 Price:10,000
Quantity:1 Price 10,000
Quantity:2 Price: 10,000
Quantity:0 Price: 10,000
Quantity:0 Price 10,000
Quantity:3 Price 10,000
Quantity:1 Price:7,000
Quantity:1 Price:6,000
Quantity:1 Price 8,000
Quantity: 3 Price:50,000
Pokémon Vouchers
Quantity:1 Price:
Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 06:35 (10 Years ago)
You do realize that Literally everything here is overpriced, right?
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 06:35 (10 Years ago) havent checked the rates recently
what are the rates
Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 08:37 (10 Years ago)
Generally, All Boxes and Keys are valued the same, except for the
Gold Ones. Boxes are usually 10k, Keys are often around 7k. Gold
Boxes are 15-20k and Gold Keys are usually 10k.
Rest in Peace, Tasca
April 2003 - January 4th 2016
Forum Posts: 124
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 08:42 (10 Years ago)
I would like to buy 5 Golden Keys
Obtained Badges:
Forum Posts: 411
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 08:49 (10 Years ago)
I would like to buy all keys and 12 red boxes, 4 green ones and 9
purple ones.
eisner OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 11:02 (10 Years ago)
I would like to buy 1 gold key,if that's okay?
The view
from here is so beautiful, it’s strange
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 11:10 (10 Years ago)
check the prices again.... :/
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:11 (10 Years ago)
Shadow_Koin~alright that will be 40,000 i will put them on gts in a
Flohpulver~Ok so that is 25 boxes at 10,000 each so that's a
current total of 250,000 then 6 dark blue keys at 7000 each that's
42,000 and 4 light blue keys at 6,000 each that's 24,000 and then
you bought 10 keys so you get two golden keys free plus 3 golden
keys at 8000 that's 24,000.Add all the numbers that is a grand
total of...
312,00 As this is a massive purchase please
confirm your purchase
Forum Posts: 411
Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 19:37 (10 Years ago)
I'm taking it all, but I'm pretty sure that you have forgotten to
add something to the total because I get a total of 340k PD.
Could you set up all trades?
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 03:37 (10 Years ago)
ok setting them up on the pokemon Combusken
Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 06:31 (10 Years ago)
Hi, are you still selling that shiny torchic? If so, I'm willing to
pay 400k for it.
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 20:12 (10 Years ago)
yes i am i will put it on the gts for you :)
Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 04:01 (10 Years ago)
Hey, I'm so sorry I forgot about this and bought another shiny, I'm
still willing to buy this one but since I'm not willing to go below
having 1 million pd, can I please buy it later on? Of course, you
can still put it up as for sale and if someone else can buy it
before me, then you can sell it to them.
JudJud OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Forum Posts: 247
Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 04:16 (10 Years ago)
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 08/01/2015 06:12 (10 Years ago)
@silverstar sure claim it when you got the poke dollers
@judjud sure creating trade
Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Thu, 08/01/2015 06:23 (10 Years ago)
90k for the Mesprit Voucher sound alright?
Vinnyp OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 23
Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 20:28 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 13/09/2015 20:09 (9 Years ago)
Actually no i want the gold key
I am a geek!!! plz go ahead and ask geeky questions!!! (preferably
Forum Posts: 141
Posted: Mon, 14/09/2015 20:47 (9 Years ago)
I'll buy your dark blue key and the gold key please