Forum Thread
[Collections] Storage Boxes
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → [Collections] Storage BoxesStorage Boxes
There have been many suggestions about a new storage box system - and I'm sorry that we haven't released an improved version yet.
Such a storage system requires hard (mental) work, plus lots of designing & coding.
So this is a collection-topic for every suggestion regarding the new system. Feel free to post & discuss any ideas that come up to you. Feel free to post your own designs, ideas and other stuff.
For now there are already some features that will be implemented:
→ Maximum price for boxes (500k?)
→ No more 100Poke-Limit / Or possibility to extend box?
Also don't hesitate to discuss about these ideas.
I posted this topic right after you created your suggestion topic xD
- Riako
My suggestion was adding some kind of item that allowed you to find certain pokemon species in boxes. Like; I want to find a glameow and I don't know where I may have one. You active the item and it highlights the glameow/s you may have on your boxes.
Also in a not-very-important thing, what about different designs for boxes? you know like the games. Not like 237849738 backgrounds, but maybe like 4-5? I'm not sure how that works, so this is just random suggestion.
also perhaps a way to see the name of the pokemon without having to open the summary in a whole new window
here are some threads with other storage box suggestions:
Rearranging Storage Boxes
Storage Box Suggestions
Storage Boxes
Storage Boxes (Option)
storage box wallpaper
(i think my idea may have been mentioned in one of those threads at some point too but i just linked all those cause someone may get an idea from something in one of them as well and this way no one has to hunt all the storage box threads down)
I'd prefer light, pastell colours, so that the Pokemon are more focused.
And concerning the box price limit...sorry, but I think 100-200 k would be enough. x.x
I don't want to save all my money for boxes. Since there are the egg radars now and there will be more features that require money.
Maybe there could be another sorting system, too. Like 'alphabetic order' or something. Can't think of it now. I am in school. xD
And a better moving system, since you have to move every Pokemon individually.
Maye you could move groups of Pokemon. If it's possible.
Just some ideas, hope nobody feels offended. :o
Title: A Rather Long Suggestion with Images
It also ties in with your extension idea.
First of all, each box will start with the capacity for 30 Pokémon, instead of 100. Each extension allows 12 more Pokémon. Existing boxes will be adjusted as though they contained 6 extensions, meaning that people can store 102 Pokémon within them instead of 100. (This is because it is easier to do design-wise.)
There can also be wallpapers for the individual boxes, like people have suggested. I can help with these if I am allowed, but I have also posted the templates I used for mine towards the bottom of this post. (All wallpapers should either be a repeating design or something that can be flipped over and repeated, because of the possibility of extensions to boxes.)
Right now, this is what my Box 1 looks like: As you can see, I couldn't even fit the whole box in the screenshot, because my screen is too small.
Assuming that I had several more boxes and didn't have any extensions on Box 1 (I didn't have time to put all 100 Pokémon in the image), this is what it could look like:

Clicking on the arrows would take you to the next or previous boxes.
If I hovered over a Pokémon, this would appear (with the possible addition of more information on the Pokémon):

The wallpaper that I used was made from scratch. It is based on the Legendary Pokémon Zygarde from Generation VI. Without the basic box template on it, the wallpaper looks like this:

If there were an extension, it would look like this:

The image would continue flipping and repeating every time that the box was too long for the current image.
Each extension adds two more rows to the number of Pokémon in the box. Here are two blank boxes, side by side:

Because they are increased by two rows each time, each extension is 48 pixels vertically, like shown below:

The blue in the background of these images is the same color as the background of the storage boxes page, so these same images can be layered on top of the wallpapers with no issues like transparency.
I think it would be fun to have a contest so that users can upload their own 168x160 wallpapers, like my Zygarde one, and the best ones can be added to the list from which people can choose!
Finally, I suggest being able to sell an empty box for the same amount that it cost you to get it and all of its extensions.
(Note: I used Verdana for the fonts, size 16. This is because, according to Riako's post in Minor Updates Discussion, Verdana is the font used in the site. The size should probably be adjusted in the actual version so that it can fit words larger than Growlithe.)
I know that this would take ages to finish, but I think that it incorporates most of the suggestions from the rest of the thread, and it would also take up less space on the page so that people would be able to see their whole box without scrolling (unless you got a ton of extensions, but most people would get a second box by the time the first one filled their screen). It could also probably be done without too much deviation from the original code. It would pretty much take the same amount of space as the miniature storage boxes in the GTS and auction pages, which means that you could just reuse the box on the storage boxes page when displaying the owned Pokémon there; hopefully, this will help when modifying that page to make room for extensions.
TL;DR: You can use boxes like in the main series Pokémon games and show info when you hover over something. You can also add wallpapers, possibly made by users. Zygarde is awesome. (That basically sums it up, but you should probably read the whole thing anyway...)
Title: See Pokemon's name in Box.
I think we should be able to see someones/your Pokemon name in Box.
It would be a whole lot easier seeing your Pokemons name in your box. You may have more than one type of pokemon, and you want to find a specific one, but it doesn't display it's name straight away, so you would have to go on each one, looking for the one you need.
[i]"Shinah. It means
Title: Another Possibility
This idea is based on Pokémon Rumble/Rumble Blast (I don't believe they use the same system in Rumble U).
Basically, it would show the same thing as the switch Pokémon screen in the Rumble games. The Pokémon's power would be replaced with its level (since we don't use power in this), HP would be experience towards the next level, and the species name would be the nickname instead, to make it easier.
It would be like the PokéDex in that you hover over the Pokémon's name to make its statistics show up on the side (in this case, the right). You could show its sprite, species name, rarity, gender, nature, and the options to train, feed, go to its summary, move it, or release it. Pokémon could probably be sorted by various options, such as color, level, and name, in addition to the default of national PokéDex order. The image of the Pokémon that is usually shown could be its menu icon, and its name could be blue if it was Shiny, like in the original Pokémon Rumble, or pink if it was an event (since special traits aren't used here). I'm not sure what would occur if it was a Shiny Event, but that should have its own color to prevent confusion. I will make a picture of what I mean in a moment! ^^

Here is a blank one:

There would just be a bunch of these going vertically. There can also be a scrollbar, like in the PokéDex. I will make the side part in a moment. ^^
Edit 2: Here are the font colors that could be used for events, shinies, and shiny events:

Unfortunately, I cannot make the side part at the moment.
Edit 3: It is taking a while, but I am working on a mock-up for the whole box! It is using Riako's Box 7, because as cute and cuddly as it is, my army of Growlithe does not make a very good example since almost all of them are exactly the same.
Edit 4: When you are hovering over a Pokémon: This would be like the PokéDex, so when you move your mouse away from the Pokémon to click on the buttons, the information and buttons on the right will not disappear.
By select, I mean... maybe... holding down the 'Ctrl' key and click on each Pokemon you want to move, and then you choose what box you would want to move them to.
This would be extremely useful for those with slow PC's, and for those who have just purchased a new box, and want to move specific Pokemon to that new box.
[i]"Shinah. It means