It is weird seeing my old artwork still here, I love that it is
still going strong <3

Congratulations! A shiny Mawile hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #182)!
Not mega but it’s something

Whoever has one of my shiny Meloetta like as an og trainer out of
curiousity can you check how it hatched cause I remember hunting
Meloetta and it wasn't through the ticket vouchers from the game
center. Was there ever a quest for it? o.O or am I just too old now
and forgetting things? XD

Congratulations! A shiny Mawile hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #143)!
No shiny mega yet

Congratulations! A shiny Mawile hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #134)!
Oh yay first one in years XD

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414,029 /
250,000 interactions ✓
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I'm back! I need to catch up on 5 years of updates XD and start
shiny hunting from scratch lol I guess I'll continue with my mawile
chain. 030

Hi 030 I need to tell Tobi I need to update my artwork on here haha
it’s been so many years

what is this even? havent been on in like a year

I never log on here anymore, I need volunteers to help me get good
home to my precious shinies 030

Wow has been months since I've logged in 030

I miss this website, but i has life now OTL

Wow I don't think i can catch up with pokeheroes anymore LOL

*heavy breathing* didn't know Meloetta is obtainable now
dkljflkdsjfk why didnt anybody tell me this? >.> time to come
back to pokeheroes LOL

Omfg Tobi xD just watched the anniversary video you growing a
beard? I see that stuble LOL

Soo tropical storm bill is heading my way -.- hopefully the power
doesn't go off

Does anybody else here play League of Legends? 030

This leg thing is weird my legs are too fabulous to be shown XD

I came to the realization that I'm shifting to having a social life
lol XD and that's why I haven't been on here