Someone should ban me from liking polymorphic sentient rocks...

My dad got us google cardboard. OMG is it amazing. He also got an
insurgent app on my phone for the google cardboard. <3 it so

apparently my game glitched and this guy saw me in omega ruby even
though he wasn't looking at my character. why?

they got new plushes at the dream shop but... still no shiny
I am dissapoint cuz gardevoir is bezt shiny

i'm doing a wonderlocke on Omega Ruby and so far it's been going
good (other than the fact that both my starter and an op feebas
were lost). In my team, there is a bagon, espeon, jigglypuff,
pidgeotto, and absol.

I need help collecting money for this shiny gardevoir on auction.
Plz... I'm only about 1/4 of the way there...

I bought 30 lottery tickets. Hoping for a lugia...

I have a luxray on auction if anyone wants it. :3

There was this dress that I saw and it at first appeared white and
gold. I scrolled down to look at the comments, as some people said
it was black and blue while others said it was white and gold. When
I scrolled up to look at the image, it turned to black and blue. I
was so flustered! XD

I forgot to mention that I got the gallade ex box and a primal
clash booster pack. The pack had nothing amazing, but the gallade
ex box had not only the free ex card as well as 4 xy booster packs.
Two packs had nothing amazing, one had a team flare card, and one
had a mega charizard (x) ex.

You are training with Future Smaug for a while.
The Pokémon raised by 1,268 Exp. Points.
because I can

School has been cancelled today because of the snow. :3

Gosh dang it Sophie. I have seen her on the index page for the 3rd
time. If any of you didn't know, sophie is my festive gardevoir

well then, one of my pokemon is on the index page... again. This is
her second time that I saw her on there.

Interaction exchange? plz...

ok can people plz help hatch my eggs? I will (if haven't already)
return the favor.

how in the world is there 1200+ numel eggs in the tall grass?

Okay... I realized that whenever you warm an egg by petting it or
hugging it, it says that the egg begins to glow. HOW CAN AN EGG