Forum Thread
The Battlers FC
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Battlers FC
Well if you know the answers then you come to the right place.
This FC is for users who like to battle. We will arrange different battles and Tournaments too. OK so this your first step to join so read the following carefully and be observant:

1. All PH rules apply
2. No spamming.
3. Do not go out of topic.
4. Do not abuse emoticons like these: :) or these: :D
5. Please behave friendly towards others.
6. No cursing or swearing or 18+ material.
7. You must have at least 2 wins to join.
8. No mini-modding
2. No spamming.
3. Do not go out of topic.
4. Do not abuse emoticons like these: :) or these: :D
5. Please behave friendly towards others.
6. No cursing or swearing or 18+ material.
7. You must have at least 2 wins to join.
8. No mini-modding
Not following the rules will have serious consequences.

[size=12][color=red]I want to join the
Why do you want to join?:
Do you think you are tough?:
Tell any rule from above:
How much hours are you online on PH:
What is your strongest Pokemon? (Link please)[/b]
Why do you want to join?:
Do you think you are tough?:
Tell any rule from above:
How much hours are you online on PH:
What is your strongest Pokemon? (Link please)[/b]

Praise to the Apple Lord!
Well there are some events too:

1. Reach 10 members [X]
2. Reach 50 Members
3. Reach a user who has won 100 Times
2. Reach 50 Members
3. Reach a user who has won 100 Times

Posted: Thu, 10/07/2014 11:51: Made a
Chat Room for FC members. Link to
chat room And Link to post here
Posted: Sun, 13/07/2014 19:49: Battle Contest
Posted: Sun, 13/07/2014 19:49: Battle Contest

[color=Violet][size=14] I want to have a
To Whom you want to battle?
How many legends are in your team?
How many events are in your team?
Pokémons in your team for this battle?[/b]
To Whom you want to battle?
How many legends are in your team?
How many events are in your team?
Pokémons in your team for this battle?[/b]
This upper form is for specific
battles with other users.
[color=Violet][size=14] I want to have a
random battle![/size][/color]
How many legends are in your team?
How many events are in your team?
Pokémons in your team for this battle?[/b]
How many legends are in your team?
How many events are in your team?
Pokémons in your team for this battle?[/b]
This form is for random battles

All donations will be for the
welfare of the FC. You can donate PD to me and all of the PD will
be used for Fanclub.
None ATM
None ATM
Have fun!
Username: Oddballme
Why do you want to join?: Because I was a beta tester (SO I can answer questions), but I also love to battle. I'm remodeling my gym as well.
Do you think you are tough?: Nope. Not right now.
Tell any rule from above: Don't abuse icons like :) or :D
Username: DemonShade
Why do you want to join?: I enjoy the battle system and even have a Gym. (Though it's closed for now, due to me not trusting my internet connection...)
Do you think you are tough?: Tough enough when I'm not battling a team full of Legendaries
Tell any rule from above: All PH rules apply
Username: Talha
Why do you want to join: I like battling
Do you think you are tough: Sort of
Tell any rule from above: Do not go out of topic
Why do you want to join?: Because #Iwillwinhumzasoon
Do you think you are tough?:I am, I knocked out your pokes without battling items. when you had 2x attack, dire hit.
Tell any rule from above:4. Do not abuse emoticons like these: :) or these: :D
Also If some of you want to make a banner for this FC then please PM the banner to me.
Secondly I am looking for two mods to handle things here once more users will join so whoever want to apply as a mod in the FC then fill out this application and send it to me via PM:
[b][color=red][size=12]I would like to
become a moderator![/size][/color]
How much time you spend on PH?
How can you help us?[/b]
How much time you spend on PH?
How can you help us?[/b]
Please do not post the application form here.
And most important, I have made a new chat room for FC members. You can access it here and have fun
Username: Piolla123
Why do you want to join?: ...It seems that I can not find any opponent that wants to finish our battles...
Do you think you are tough?:Depends on my team and on the enemy team
Tell any rule from above: All PH rules apply