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Battle For Aria Reboot RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Battle For Aria Reboot RP
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Fri, 18/01/2019 23:59 (6 Years ago)
(This is a reboot from one of my old RPs. I'm mostly doing this because of the fact that I kinda left for a few months and it died already. I mostly didn't wanna catch up to the story and i guess i left it for dead. But for now, it's time i improve the story as a whole, and welcome the reboot to the old users and the new.)

In a land forgotten from mankind, was a region known as Aria. This land held many civilizations based around Legendary and Mythical Pokemon that helped their ancestors in the past. Due to their worship and peaceful ties, the legends and mythical bestowed a fraction of their powers to any human of their choosing, known as The Chosen. These humans were raised and given a sacred items, along with the mission to protect their land. Little did they know that darkness crept close with the rise of a nation, which only had the thirst for conquest and the abilities of the chosen. After destroying towns, taking numerous of lives, and capturing a few of the chosen, these civilizations sent the youngest ones to a safe haven. It's been a couple of years since that day, and the darkness is moving closer by the hour. Do we have what it takes to protect what is ours?

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-PH rules apply
-You can have up to 2 characters
-No one can have the same chosen legendary/mythical pokemon, unless both of your characters are twins.
-You can pick any power that the Legendary/Mythical pokemon have, just make sure not to be OP.
-You cannot choose Arceus, he will play a role in the story.
-You can be semi-literate, so you can use one liners. Please try your best and add some description.
-Everyone has the automatic ability to speak to pokemon.
-You are given a pokemon before you were sent to the safe haven. It can be any pokemon, at any stage evolution, Shiny or non-shiny, except for the Legendary/Mythological pokemon. With that, you can still command pokemon you befriended.
-In this RP, Type-Null isn't considered a legendary/mythological pokemon.
-Romance is allowed, just don't make it a the center of the story.
-There can be up to 5 people in each house, except for house 5 and 3 having only one resident.
-You have been living with these people for a few years, you are bound to know them.
-None of you have met your Legendary/Mythical Pokemon

Taken Legendary/Mythical List
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Rayquaza-By Roshi-JOAT
Meloetta-By Roshi-JOAT
Yvetal- By Roshi-JOAT
Shadow Lugia-By AngellRune~Kris
Manaphy-By cosmin_2006
Mewtwo-By Lunara_Archeron
Latias- By Lunara_Archeron
Shaymin- By YungRover
Darkrai- By Miizyu
Giratina- By Steel5299
Mew- By Kagabi
Azelf- By T0xic
Groundon- By Varagon

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House 1: Full
-Adele Quil
-Lily Cliffarc
-Chantilly Hawthorne

House 2:Full
-Luneth Skyfall

House 3

House 4:
-Eden Pashon

House 5
-Aurelia Kathleen Dawn
-Wesley (Shadow) Hunter

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 00:04 (6 Years ago)
Wes was reading a book on the living room table of house 5. MoonDrop was sprawled underneath his chair.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 00:22 (6 Years ago)
Lily was asleep in her bed, with Gallade siting beside her bedside. It was a peaceful night, something to remember, like the day they arrived. Adele was downstairs, playing the piano. Phantump was on the top, eating a previously made Pokepuff, smiling at the melody.

"It started out as a feeling~" Adele sang beautifully.

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 215
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 00:40 (6 Years ago)
The 1.8m furret walked next to its trainer. Persephone was walking back from the roofed forest in which they were exploring. Furrets were much taller than people normally expected making persephone love the species in general.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 00:53 (6 Years ago)
Cari was enjoying her time alone in the house. It wasn't that she didn't like Andy, she just preferred to be alone. It was always more peaceful like that.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 01:00 (6 Years ago)
Wes places the book back on the shelf. He then moves the chair, prods Moondrops tummy till she rolls over, and takes out a hidden section of the floor. He carefully replaces it, before turning on the light. It was just a small room, with preserved Apricots, and small wires. He sat down, and fiddled with a red Apricot.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 01:44 (6 Years ago)
Eden was relaxing in her room reading a novel that she had sitting on her desk. The novel had been collecting dust for sometime, it was around this time she chose to look through it. She had collected a few books within the last few years of living in house 4 and its residents. Most of said books have been tattered or worn, with the occasional missing or ruined ink on the pages. There have been times where even the book's bind would give in with some papers falling out. She hadn't really minded these events as she looked through for some tidbits on life in the other regions. They were all considered fictional due to the time span and there not being other reliable sources Eden could skim through - at least, those that weren't considered beyond impossible to read. It was quiet with only herself and Sol, her Ninetales, laying about. She had just found some interesting information regarding the region of Hoenn and become completely engrossed by the book.
"Contests, huh?" Eden mumbled, licking her thumb to flip through the pages.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 01:46 (6 Years ago)
Aurelia was currently meditating in the house lobby, taking advantage of the peace and quiet to sharpen her mind. Her glameow molly Natalie was purring contentedly in her lap. The white haired girl gave Natalie a scratch behind the ears, making the molly purr harder.

Chantilly was currently relaxing in the lobby of her house reading. She happily listened to the melody, humming softly to herself. Arctic was wondering around the house like the sweetheart he was. The male alolan vulpix decided to jump up next to Phantump, "Hi Phantump!"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 02:07 (6 Years ago)
Wes managed to make 2 Pokeballs before he realized he was running low on Apricots. Looks like he’d have to go get more. He took 5 of the 12 Pokeballs he had down here, then carefully lifted up the wooden cover, climbed out, and put it back. He straightened himself and grabbed his coat.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 02:33 (6 Years ago)
Phantump flinched, dropping his half eaten pokepuff on the floor. "I-I" he barely spoke before hiding behind Adele. "Oh, Hi Vulpix." Adele said, while continuing to play her melody. "I guess you spooked Phantump, didn't you?"

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 02:50 (6 Years ago)
"Sol?" Eden was leaning against the back of her chair, with her attention directed towards her book, "You're awake, right?"
The Ninetales was at the foot of Eden's bed. His head was buried into his paws as he looked towards his partner. He nodded, "Yes. What is it?"
"I'm just checking," she replied. It was silent until finally, "Actually... Sol, I need you to do something. Could you go ahead and gather some berries? I'm curious about this delicacy they've made for contests." She showed a page with a sketched out image of a cubed object to the Ninetales. There were various notes near the image, but the ink had appeared faded.
Sol looked to Eden with a confused look. "...Alright, I'll go ahead. You don't need to link your senses with me, correct?"
Eden paused to think, "I've changed my mind, I'll join you. Let me grab my mask and cloak."
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 02:56 (6 Years ago)
He quietly wakes up His Umbreon and exits into the words silently. (Hmmm... Maybe I’ll find something rather then Red Apricots.)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:01 (6 Years ago)
Lily does manage to wake up from her slumber and looks at her sleeping gallade. "Heh, still a sleepy head." she chuckled. She carefully got up and opened the window. The moon was lit brightly with the stars twinkling in the distance. "I guess i can wake up now, and have some fun." she thought, jumping out her window and landing on a soft patch of grass, not one can hear her. "Now, What can i do?"

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:10 (6 Years ago)
With a white cloak covering her shoulders and torso, Eden met up with Sol near the house's door. She was equipping her mask after her hair had been adjusted.
"Do we have everything?" The Ninetales asked as he watched Eden moving throughout the main room. He licked his lips, interested in the idea of trying a meal that was not commonly made now-a-days. Eden noticed this before picking up a beige basket sitting on a table. She finally put her cloak's hood up, covering the majority of her head and body before opening the door.

Sol stepped out first as he watched her close the door behind them. "The woods nearby could be the best source for some berries. I'm trusting you to be able to identify the ripe ones if possible," Eden explained with her mask muffling her voice. The Ninetales nodded before leading her to the entrance of the woods.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:15 (6 Years ago)
“Moon. Use Foresight to see if you can detect anything.”

“........” MoonDrop glows white for a second, before heading right, into a small area with a few berries. And 4 Apricots, 2 blue, one Yellow, One black. He proceeds to start picking the Apricots.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:29 (6 Years ago)
"Sorry bout that—I really like your playing. My official name is Arctic" Arctic circled around Phantump, "Hi there Phantump! Your little wisp-tail is soo cute! Wanna be friends?" he balanced the half-eaten pokepuff on his nose smiling with irresistible adorableness.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:31 (6 Years ago)
Sol began to sniff the ground as his tails dragged along the grass. He was leading Eden through the woods, occasionally stopping to glance at the greenery. It would take awhile until he would find some berry bushes. Eden followed behind, still holding the book she retrieved from her room. There were several instances where her boot would accidentally press on Sol's tail. The vulpine would shoot a glance to Eden's mask as she remained oblivious.
"Eden. Please be careful, I don't want to burn you out of anger," Sol had threatened as he continued onward. He had a glint in one eye as he spoke to her. Immediately, Sol continued, grumbling under his breath. Eden had heard his warning, starting to tread carefully whenever Sol would pause.
"If you see something, tell me and I'll help with the gathering process," she responded with the turn of a page.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:31 (6 Years ago)
Lily stood there for a few minutes before deciding to head for the woods, "well, there is bound to be something there, at least i'll be interesting." she thought. As she walked there, she looked up into the trees, filled with nothing but bird pokemon, and your occasional bug type. "Hmm...I really enjoy this place."

Phantump continued to hide behind Adele, timid as always. "Don't worry about it Arctic, he's been like this for a long time." she chuckled as she began to sing another song.

Personal Favorite Couple

These were made by MetalHeadKendra

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:34 (6 Years ago)
Aurelia was too taking a brisk walk through the woods, her white robes glowing in the moonlight. She was gathering Sitrus and Lum berries, so she could make pokepuffs out of them. The feline had been tucked into her pokeball, since she was pretty drowsy. She spotted Lily and waved to the younger girl before continuing on.

Arctic began to hum along, but he was picked up by his trainer, Chantilly, who had tracked where he had run off to. "Oh sorry Adele. Was Arctic bothering you?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 03:43 (6 Years ago)
Wes notices something behind him, and twirls while throwing a low flying pokeball, which flew right at Eden.