Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Help → Answered → PDOther ways to get PD are:
- Selling items from your bag
- The Daily Reward
- Having your pokemon go into the Rumble Areas
- Opening up any Mystery Boxes you have
- Doing some tasks at the Berry garden (Once you get to that level)
- And more
Hope I helped, good luck!

Are wii gonna have a problem.
Totodile is better than debt.
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One is to buy an amulet coin, which doubles the amount of money you get from clicking Pokemon. This way you'll end up with morw of a chance to receive 6-10 PD per click, ratger than 1-4.
Another way to make some money fairly quickly is to breed Pokemon- preferably some cute/unanimous favourite(I can give you a couple eevees if you would like), and then sell the spoils in hour auctioned incriments. If youre a premium user, have an everstone on your breeding Pokemon, and have a black(or white) flute playing, your breeding chances are higher. You can also more easily chain Pokemon in you're a premium user- plus your shiny rate will be higher.
Send your Pokemon on rumble missions- they bring back a little bit of PD but they also bring back items. A mystery box/key are worth 2,500 PD each- however, if you sell them, you are missing the goodies inside of them. They're also good to open because they have nice items inside.
The daily reward is useful, over a span of time.
Tasks at the berry garden+get some combee and sell their honey for 20PD each ^^
I hope this helped- And again, I'm happy to lend you a couple of eevee or mareep if you want to breed them also ^^