Forum Thread
Trade Bag
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Trade BagA Trade Bag is simply a bag in which a user can keep some items for trading (please read the whole post before giving opinion). Many a times, we need to trade many items, and for them, we need to trade the same number of pokemons. To make it less tedious, Trade Bag could be used, which can be held by a particular pokemon and then be traded.
I have prepared a short FAQ, to make it more simple and supportive. I'll extend it as soon as I get more of them.
Q) Since it is a bag which can carry more than one items, won't some users use it for making pokemons hold more items (like 5 gems etc)?
A) The Trade Bag is meant only for trading, not for permanent holding. If a pokemon holding a trade bag is not traded within 24 hours, the trade bag is automatically dislodged and the items return back to the item bag. So, there is no scope of multiholding. :)
Q) A person trades a pokemon holding a trade bag, then won't he lose the trade bag?
A) Yes he would. Trade bags won't be much costly (1k PD or something near to it), and are for one time use only. After a trade, the GTS can display a message like 'The bag tore' or something like that (just like a key becomes useless after opening a box), so that it cannot be used more than once. :)
Q) How can we get it?
A) It could be obtained through rumbling, or even at the itemshop. :)
Q) What is its maximum capacity?
A) Its max capacity could be something like 8 or 10, but by giving more money (not sure how much), it could be extended. :)
Q) What special arrangement is there to know what items are present in the bag, to prevent cheating?
A) It could be either in 2 ways :
(I) As we move our cursor on the Userlevel bar, a small bo appears displaying our trainerpoints. It could be similar to it.
(II) As in the rumbling, there is a link which we click shows a dialog box listing the name of items the pokemon brought. So it could be that way either.
In both ways, we get to know which items are present in the bag, so there is no scope of cheating. :)
I will add many more as I get them, and please feel free to ask questions not listed here. :)
NOTE: This is a new suggestion and has NOT been suggested before. Please do not relate this with other suggestions based on trade!


But what if you put it up for trade and it wasn't traded in a day? Maybe a mechanism so that if you put up a trade it holds the items, but if you just keep it it won't work.
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- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)