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Welcome to Johto! [Semi Lit | Sign-Up]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Welcome to Johto! [Semi Lit | Sign-Up]
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sun, 11/06/2017 15:43 (7 Years ago)

Welcome To Johto!

__A Semi-Literate, Pokémon Trainer Roleplay

The Johto Region ... home to various wild Pokémon and Pokémon Trainers new and old!
The region also happens to be home to you!

In the past 20 years, there have been many changes to the region:
Pokémon from far away regions have been discovered taking over the habitats of the Native Species most likely due to Pokémon Contests introduced in the Hoenn Region making their way to Johto and advancements in travel. New Gym Leaders have risen and now take the places of some of the previous ones who now serve as Elite Four Members or are pursuing other careers. Many advancements in technology allows trainer to stay in-touch with one another with PokéPhones with an installed Pokédex Feature, eliminating the use of Pokedexes. The previously defeated Team Rocket reemerges with two new leaders, former Team Rocket Grunts Jessie & James, who have traveled the Pokémon-World and gotten stronger. New Cities have been created to compensate for a loss of space with the growing population, eliminating some previous Routes or shortening them.

You, however, have a path to follow and that path is yours to shape...
You can be a New Trainer just starting out their journey, not necessarily from the Johto region but you're new to the region and learning the ropes of Pokémon Training. You can choose to take on the Gyms, earn the 8 badges and enter the Indigo League; Try out your performing skills and dazzling abilities in Pokémon Contests to enter the Johto Grand Festival; Take a more scientific route and research Pokémon, taking notes of their moves, abilities, and raising them to help out Professor Elm's studies; or, of course, you can choose more than one of these.

You can be a Team Rocket Grunt who is fairly new at the whole Pokémon Training business and takes orders from Jessie & James in stealing powerful Pokémon in order to gain more power and take over the Pokémon World.

There are a few of us who are Veteran Trainers who are older, much more experienced trainers who may or may not have finished their journey through Johto but should be relatively close towards the end of it. With the rebirth of Team Rocket, you now choose between joining Professor Elm and protecting Johto from the evil organization, joining Team Rocket as a Team Rocket Elite Member or remaining neutral and basically sitting back at home though you can help whichever side as needed.

Which is the path you will choose?

Now that all of that's out of the way, let's take it into some basic rules and guidelines for us all to follow.

Rules & Guidelines

• All PokéHeroes Rules apply

• No Godmodding, Mary-Sues, etc.
→ don't control other characaters, don't be a perfect character, don't magically dodge every attack that's thrown at you or win every battle/capture every Pokémon you encounter/whatever.

• Don't have too many of the same Pokémon
→ if we all choose Chikorita as our Starter or everyone has a Pikachu, it gets really repetitive and, in my opinion, boring.
--→ there is a maximum of 3 of the same species of Pokémon in the Roleplay between all the characters (including evolutions)
----→ this excludes Eevee, the maximum amount of Eevee and Eeveelutions will be set to 12, granted there is no more of 4 of the same Eeveelution.

• As this is a Semi-Literate Roleplay, please try to have proper English Grammar & Spelling
→ I understand not everyone's first language is English or there could be other factors such as Dyslexia that play in these sorts of situations, but please at least make an effort.
→ there is a minimum of 2, 7-word sentences per post.

• The Password is King Kylie
→ to ensure that you actually went through and read all of the rules, the real password is a underlined word(s) in one of the rules.
→ if you put "King Kylie" as the password, you more than likely will just get ignored.

• Don't post in the Roleplay without being accepted by myself or Doopliss first.

• Fill out the form completely and correctly.
→ this is really annoying when you don't lol

• Do keep in mind that most of the trainer's journey has been in Johto

• Maximum of three (3) characters per user.
→ please try to give them all equal attention too meaning don't completely abandon one character and only bring them back every once in a while.
→ if you don't give them proper screen-time, they might make some bad decisions.

• Have fun!
→ don't get too crazy here though :b

Now if you're still interested in joining the Roleplay, let's go ahead and get to it!


Show hidden content
[b]Username[/b]: your username
[b]Character's Name[/b]: character's name & nicknames (if any)
[b]Character's Gender[/b]: ---
[b]Character's Age[/b]: ---
[b]Character's Description[/b]: detailed description or image(s)
[b]Character's History[/b]: a brief history of the character
[b]Character's Personality[/b]: include flaws
[b]Character's Goal[/b]: contests/indigo league/etc
[b]Character's Starter[/b]: doesn't have to be an official starter pokémon
[b]Other[/b]: anything else that doesn't fit in here
[b]Password[/b]: kk

I like to keep things really neat and organized and pretty, so I'm gonna be keeping tabs on every character's Pokemon, but you should be the one to post this little form to help me out!

PokéUpdate Form

Show hidden content
[b]Character's Name[/b]:
[b]Character's Pokémon[/b]:

An example of the use of this form would be if a character just caught/hatched/was given a new Pokémon, one of their Pokémon has evolved, one of their Pokémon learned a new move, or a Pokémon was released.

You can see examples of both forms in the third post.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Wed, 14/06/2017 22:29 (7 Years ago)

This is simply a post to keep track of all the characters and their Pokémon.

Character List

• Avery Quinones -- [Amrezy]
--- Fennekin ()
----→- Scratch, Ember

--- Eevee ()
----→- Swift

• Aditsan Quinones -- [Amrezy]
--- Boss the Froakie ()
----→- Pound, Bubble, Double Team

--- Artemis the Eevee ()
----→- Tackle, Iron Tail

• Lawrence (Lauren) Gracelyn Amiya -- [jamesmadisonscreams]
--- Tamarin the Serperior ()
----→- Leaf Blade, Dragon Tail**

--- Agnis the Volcarona ()
----→- Flamethrower, Fly

• Rin Rosalind -- [-Snow-]
--- Axew (?)
----→- ???

• Ivan Coufaine -- [meme]
--- Chespin (?)
----→- ???
--- Inkay (?)
----→- ???

• Skyler Clyde -- [Bear]
--- Flick the Ivysaur ()
----→- Vine Whip

• Audrey Lara -- [-tomato-]
--- Deino (?)
----→- ???

--- Vulpix (?)
----→- ???

• "Shay" Cain -- [SensGirl25]
--- Toto the Totodile (?)
----→- Scratch, Water Gun

--- Zodiac the Nidoran ()
----→- ???

• Ellie Clifton -- [Doopliss]
--- Glameow ()
----→- Shadow Claw, Hypnosis, Scratch

• Liam Atkinson -- [Doopliss]
--- Archen ()
----→- Wing Attack, Scary Face, Ancient Power

--- Gligar ()
----→- Poison Sting, Sand Attack

** indicates the Pokemon has only been mentioned to know this move/has not executed the move in the RP

If a Roleplayer abandons the Roleplay/doesn't respond to it for seven (7) days, their characters will be archived in my diary.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 04:00 (7 Years ago)

Form Examples

New Character Form
Username: Amrezy
Character's Name: Avery Quinones; A
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Description: Avery has tan skin, brown eyes and long hair. She has a somewhat athletic build and a birthmark on her lower left back. She tends to sport her in a high-pony, braids or with two buns on the top of her head. She currently has golden blonde hair, though her natural dark brown roots have started growing in. She stands at 5'2", though compliments her height with a heeled shoe of some sort. She typically wears high waisted jeans or skirts with a simple blouse or a romper or jumpsuit of some sort.
Character's History: Avery is the younger twin between her and Aditsan. She and Aditsan decided to start a Pokemon Adventure at the same time and her mother arranged for her to get a Fennekin from Professor Sycamore before revealing that the family would be moving to Johto due to their father's job. She personally dislikes the Johto Regions and thinks of it as dirty and gross, though it will eventually grow on her.
Character's Personality: Avery is very headstrong and stubborn. She's quick to make decisions and give orders, though she isn't one to take orders from others. She appoints herself as the leader in most situations. She also tend to be very impatient and easily annoyed.
Character's Goal: Avery is more interested in Pokémon Contests than Gym Battling
Character's Starter: a female Fennekin
Other: N/A
Password: King Kylie ♥

Username: Amrezy
Character's Name: Aditsan Quinones
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 16
Character's Description: Aditsan has tan skin, light brown eyes and medium, dark brown hair. He has a toned build and a birthmark on his lower right back. He either styles his hair in a messy quiff or lets his hair down and messy, reaching just below his eyebrows. He stands at 6' and typically wears skinny jeans or sweatshorts with a plain t-shirt and high-tops.
Character's History: Aditsan is the older twin between him and Avery. He and Avery decided to start a Pokemon Adventure at the same time and his mother arranged for him to get a Froakie from Professor Sycamore. Afterwards, his father revealed that the family would be moving to Johto due to their father's job. He is more excited to start a Pokemon Journey more than anything, though he would have preferred if it were in the Kalos Region.
Character's Personality: Aditsan, like his twin sister, is very stubborn. He's easily irritated though is good at controlling his emotions. Despite Avery being the "leader" between the two, he tends to set Avery in her place if she's gone too extreme only because she typically listens to him. He doesn't really mind his surroundings and is considered to be slightly more reserved than Avery, though he forms connections quicker.
Character's Goal: Aditsan is interested in participating in the Indigo League, though he likes to compete with Avery, therefore he's interested in Contests as well.
Character's Starter: a male Froakie which, as a joke, he nicknamed Boss though it stuck.
Other: He's totally in the closet.
Password: King Kylie ♥

Character's Name: Riako
Character's Pokémon: Ducklett
Update: Learned Air Slash

Character's Name: Riako
Character's Pokémon: Totodile
Update: Evolved into Croconaw in a battle and learned Hydro Pump

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 04:28 (7 Years ago)
Username: jamesmadisonscreams
Character's Name: Lawrence (Lauren) Gracelyn Amiya
Character's Gender: Transgender F-M (he/him)
Character's Age: Twenty
Character's Description: Lawrence has a feminine build and is extremely underweight. Not to the point where it could be deadly, but it's noticeable. He has golden brown-blonde hair with blue-grey eyes. He has thick-rimmed black glasses. Lawrence stands at about 5'7" and weighs about 138 pounds. He doesn't have a usual outfit.
Character's History: Lawrence is a Veteran Trainer from Sinnoh who has come to Johto to help defend against Team Rocket. His life started out easy. His mother and father loved him with their lives! But one day, his father went missing. His mother hated him and blamed him. With the first opportunity he got, he fled to Unova to train. He got his first Pokémon - a mute Snivy named Tamarin.
Along the way, he got a Larvesta egg from the Desert Resort, a Tirtouga fossil as a gift, and caught a female Tranquill in the wild. (All of these Pokémon are grown now, but he only chose to bring his Volcarona and Serperior with.) He did have to deal with Team Plasma, but they weren't too much.
He fought all eight gyms but never went to challenge the Elite Four. Instead, he travelled the world and collected badges and Pokedex information.
Character's Personality: Lawrence is extremely clingy. He isn't aware that his clinginess is incorrect, but he's a frightened puppy. He's also extremely paranoid and nervous. Lawrence has little to no confidence in himself, nor would he ever choose to. He isn't all bad, though! He's really nice and loves a good joke. He also is very smart.
Character's Goal: Lawrence's main goal is to prevent Team Rocket from wreaking havoc.
Character's Starter: [Snivy, now Serperior, named Tamarin. Male]
Other: anything else that doesn't fit in here
Password: bad decisions
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 04:36 (7 Years ago)
Accepted ♥
I'll edit your form in tomorrow and once we get a couple more people I'll make the actual RP :-)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 05:02 (7 Years ago)
oh gosh sorry i couldn't help aaaaaaaa
Username: -Snow-
Character's Name: Rin Rosalind
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 15
Character's Description:
Show hidden content

sorry it's old art!! i'll try redrawing her soon to get a better picture of her
Character's History: Born in Unova and moved to Johto only a few weeks ago, she knows nothing about where she currently is. Rin used to live in a village until her family decided to move to Johto for reasons she doesn't know of. When she moved over to her new house, she had no idea how to start communicating with others and becoming friends with them. With lots of careful thinking in one day, she decided to go on a Pokemon Journey, hoping it would allow her to learn more about her surroundings and Johto itself and bringing a Pokemon she had from her home region.
Character's Personality: Rin is energetic despite being so different from others. She hopes to bond with others and socialize many times even if it embarrasses her. At times, she'll feel down if she fails to do something but that won't stop her from trying again. She'll persevere through anything and usually doesn't stop until she achieves her goal.
Character's Goal: Rin is neutral, unable to decide what to do (she'll join a side soon though //wink)
Character's Starter: Axew
- 5'4
- Likes spicy food
Password: bad decisions~
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 05:25 (7 Years ago)
oh wow a literate rp? thats rare

Username: meme
Character's Name: Ivan Coufaine
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 14
Character's Description: Ivan has a rather thin build for his age, but its not really noticeable. He has hazel-green eyes and light freckles on his nose. His hair is sandy brown. He wears a navy blue outfit similiar to Calem's, but more tuxedo-like. And, to finish it off, he wears a silver backpack.
Character's History: Ivan was born and raised on the Kalos region. He was a pretty normal child, and got a Chespin back when he was a toddler. When he aged a bit more, to the age of 10, he caught his first Pokemon; an Inkay. Everything was great, except for one day. His mother was killed by unknown means. After that, his father wen't almost insane, and recently, he just had the idea to move to Johto. But he had a reason for that; Celebi. If he got his hands on Celebi, that would've not happened. Even if Ivan wantsto, now he is on a kind-of-forced journey through Johto.
Character's Personality: Ivan is a pretty carefree person. He is extrovert and curious. However, most people would call him "immature" or "childish", which, harshly enough, is kind of how he acts. Don't get it wrong though- Ivan is still a good person, needless of his actions or goals. Or actions for his goals.
Character's Goal: Get Celebi, but he has other things in mind too.
Character's Starter: A Chespin and an Inkay.
Other: a
Password: bad decisions
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 05:30 (7 Years ago)
Both accepted ♥
I'll actually go ahead and edit all these characters into the post at once and make the actual RP in the morning! it's pretty late for me orz

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 19:49 (7 Years ago)
Username: bear
Character's Name: Skyler Clyde
Character's Gender: female
Character's Age: eighteen
Character's Description: Skyler has olive colored skin and long messy brown hair. Her eyes are a soft blue, borderline grey. She keeps her hair in a messy bun or down, rarely bothering to style it. Her outfit of choice is normally a pair of jean shorts and a graphic tank top, although she has started to enjoy wearing stone washed overalls and flannels as well.
Character's History: Skyler was raised in the Kanto region with her two parents whom gave her a male Bulbasaur as soon as she was able to walk. The two bonded and she affectionately called the Pokemon "Flick". Her parents had always been very supportive of her, but Skyler was constantly bullied growing up and longed for a change of pace in life. So as soon as she turned eighteen, she packed up all her things, including Flick, who is now a level 18 Ivysaur, and travelled to the Johto region. She is currently living in a small cabin type home growing berries and saving up money to buy pokeballs as she plans on growing her pokemon team.
Character's Personality: Skyler is extremely anxious and self conscious. She usually assumes people only talk to her to make fun of her in some way. Because of this she can come of cold and uninviting, but once she opens up to you it's a whole different story.
Character's Goal: She mainly wishes to do contests but part of her wants to collect all eight badges as well, just to say that she did it.
Character's Starter: Male Bulbasaur (Currently an Ivysaur)
Other: ---
Password: bad decisions

|| DA || Diary ||Toyhou.se || CS ||
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 19:55 (7 Years ago)
Accepted ^-^

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 20:17 (7 Years ago)
Username: -tomato-
Character's Name: Audrey Lara
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 15
Character's Description: Audrey has light skin and lots of freckles with hazel eyes and a messy ginger braid. She is about 5'8" and weighs around 120 lbs. Her frame is broad-shouldered and athletic. She normally wears a black t-shirt with a white stripe over the chest under short overalls, black socks to her knees and black high-tops.
Character's History: Audrey has 2 elder brothers and 1 younger one. She's lived in Johto her whole life, but hasn't traveled that much. Her family was from Unova, and she hatched her Deino from an egg given to her by her grandfather.
Character's Personality: Audrey is sassy, stubborn and determined, however, she's very outspoken. She normally rushes into things without thinking first. Her sassy nature and use of sarcasm as a defense method causes her to be seen as rude, but she's quite kind inside, in her own way.
Character's Goal: Indigo league, wants to become a Pokémon Professor.
Character's Starter: Deino, has a Vulpix.
Password: Hopefully she doesn't make any bad decisions!

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 21:19 (7 Years ago)
There's just one thing with your form. If Audrey's going to have a Deino, she should have lived in Unova for a bit but that's really the only thing that stands out to me.

It could be as simple as she vacationed in Unova for a few weeks or something but other than that it looks fine to me.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Thu, 15/06/2017 23:35 (7 Years ago)
Edited ^^
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 00:50 (7 Years ago)
Accepted now ♥

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 01:19 (7 Years ago)
[OOC: Hi, I'd just like to say that Lawrence's Volcarona isn't in the character list? His Volcarona is female. Tyty <3]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 01:28 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 01:43 (7 Years ago)
actual rp

I'll edit Volcarona in later :')

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 01:54 (7 Years ago)
Username: SensGirl25
Character's Name: Siobhan "Shay" Cain
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Description: Shay has light skin with dark green eyes and medium blonde hair, she also wears glasses. Her outfit is a pink t-shirt and green shorts with dark green socks and pink running shoes.
Character's History: Siobhan or Shay was born in the Johto region, ever since she was little she enjoyed playing Pokemon, but soon afterwards she enjoys playing Pokemon a lot and Shay hopes of having a Pokemon as a companion will help boost her confidence.
Character's Personality: Shay is determined and strong-willed, but there are times that Shay can get easily nervous when she goes up against another trainer or a gym leader but she hopes that she can put her fears behind her.
Character's Goal: To collect the eight badges and challenge the Elite Four in hopes of becoming a Pokemon champion
Character's Starter: Totodile (who she nicknamed Toto) -- a birthday gift from her mom
Password: bad decisions

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 03:02 (7 Years ago)
Accepted ^-^

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Fri, 16/06/2017 06:10 (7 Years ago)
Username: Doopliss
Character's Name: Ellie Clifton
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Description: Ellie has long blonde hair, which she occasionally pulls back into a ponytail. She loves wearing pastel colored clothing, usually some sort of cute top with a white or black floral skirt. She also carries around a small silver bag/purse in which she carries spare PokéBalls or other items in. She is bit short, being only 5'4.
Character's History: Ellie is a trainer who came from the Sinnoh region. Her starter Pokémon, a Glameow, was a gift from her mother when she first began her journey. Traveling together for so long had allowed them to form a close bond and the two became inseparable.
Character's Personality: Ellie is a quite friendly individual, always trying to make new friends wherever she goes. Despite her goal of wanting to beat the Elite Four, she isn't the best when it comes to battles. Her decisions are sometimes impulsive, causing mistakes to be made and in turn, ending in a loss (during a battle). She works towards improving herself.
Character's Goal: Beat the Elite Four/collect new Pokémon
Character's Starter: Glameow
Other: Glameow's moveset: Shadow Claw, Hypnosis, Scratch
Password: king kylie

Username: Doopliss
Character's Name: Liam Atkinson
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 17
Character's Description: Liam has dark brown hair, styled in a quiff, which is a bit curly on top. He wears a plain white t-shirt and light blue, slightly ripped, jean shorts. He stands at 5'9 and is fairly thin.
Character's History: Liam is a trainer from the Unova region. Despite being as young as he is, he was able to beat all of the Pokémon gyms in that region. Unfortunately, his goal of beating the Elite Four could not be achieved, as his parents had to move to Johto (for job reasons) before he was able to attempt it. In this new region, he hopes he could follow that same path and beat the Elite Four in this region for the first time.
Character's Personality: Liam is more of the independent type. He prefers to train his Pokémon alone and chooses only to trust and keep very few people in his life close. He can be quite stubborn at times, which might make him come off as unfriendly.
Character's Goal: Beat the Elite Four/collect new Pokémon
Character's Starter: Archen, also caught a Gligar upon moving to Johto
Other: Archen's moveset: Wing Attack, Scary Face, Ancient Power. Gligar's moveset: Poison Sting, Sand Attack
Password: boi

ok I'm gonna post this in case I lose the entire thing again and I will edit in the last part I need in a few minutes

Character owned by me, art by JadeING