Forum Thread
[L]Dreaming of: Aerodactyl! [winners announced!]
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L]Dreaming of: Aerodactyl! [winners announced!]Hello, folks! Dreamer here -- time for my first lottery!

As I continue my Aerodactyl hunt, I've decided to use this to (maybe your!) advantage! Tickets are on sale now, and the contest will continue until July 31st. In the meantime, there will be weekly mini prizes, as well!

First Place: 1 Shiny Aerodactyl, 1 Mega-Able Aerodactyl, 1 Shiny Mawile, 1 Shiny Hoppip, retro starter egg voucher, assorted gems/evolutionary materials
Second Place: 1 Mega-Able Aerodactyl, 1 Shiny Aerodactyl, 1 Shiny Budew, 1 Retro Chikorita, assorted gems/evolutionary materials
Third Place: 1 Shiny Aerodactyl, 1 MA Shuppet, Hard Rock, assorted gems/evolutionary materials
Fourth Place: 1 Shiny Aerodactyl, 1 Shiny Mareep, Lugia, assorted berries
Fifth Place: 1 Shiny Aerodactyl, 1 Retro Totodile, fossils, assorted berries
Weekly Mini-prize: regular Aerodactyl given out every Saturday to one person who has donated! (The Aerodactyl may be holding a mystery item!)
May be updated as lottery continues.

PD: 1000pd = 1 Tickets
Common Gems: 1 Ticket Each
Fairy/Normal/Ice/Psychic Gems: 2 Tickets Each
Dragon Gems: 50 Tickets Each
Star Piece: 50 Tickets Each
Old Amber Fossil: 25 Tickets Each
Boxes/Keys (standard): 10 Ticket Each
Boxes/Keys (gold): 15 Tickets Each
Boxes (black): 50 Tickets Each
Keys (black): 200 Tickets Each
Nuggets: 10 Tickets Each (minimum 50 Nuggets/500 Tickets)
If you purchase tickets, either tell me here, or be sure you say so in the notes. I will keep an update here as to ticket counts, and once finished I will publish the list of ticket holders by number prior to drawing.

Pokeheroes Raffle:
bpeugh1: 1-324
Argentis: 325-334
- heha192: 335-534
- Suvichan: 535-734
- audreylevina: 735-834
Suvichan: 835-854
Sparrow: 855-1216;
Hundemon: 1217-2216
Sparrow: 2217-2578
- audreylevina: 2579-2678
- Suvichan: 2679-2878
- Ghost_Rider: 2879-3078
heha192: 3079-3330
Suvichan: 3331-3350
audreylevina: 3351-3850
Suvichan: 3851-3900
Ghost_Rider: 3901
Accident: 3902-4403
King-of-universe: 4404-4633
Suvichan: 4634-4693
Gerald: 4694-5009
Suvichan: 5010-5185
Prathampc: 5186-5325
Suvichan: 5326-5405
tobyharg: 5406-8305
KawaiiAnimals: 8306-8314
Atavan: 8315-8414
Shinzo: 8415-11694
King-of-universe: 11695-13694
Suvichan: 13695-13894
Best of luck, friends!
Title: Approved!
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.
Nuggets are worth DOUBLE ENTRIES. (That's TEN tickets per nugget!)
Old Amber Fossils will be worth FIFTY tickets per!
Ends at reset on June 14!
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.
Today through Sunday: Double tickets for Nuggets, boxes, and keys!
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.
Sounds great! I'll update your tickets as soon as they come in.
Part of the Silver Gleam Breeding Center.