Forum Thread
Tainted Silence RP Sign-Ups
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Tainted Silence RP Sign-UpsUnfortunately, you seem 'off'.
Cast away from the divisions, you meet up with the others, and try to take down the government.

-All PH/RP rules apply
-Please insert a description for your character, not a photo.
-No godmodding/mary-sues
-No magic
-No TBRPd characters
-No romance between characters
-I control the division leaders. Unless I give you permission to do so, don't.
-All characters must be 16.
-Please insert a description for your character, not a photo.
-No godmodding/mary-sues
-No magic
-No TBRPd characters
-No romance between characters
-I control the division leaders. Unless I give you permission to do so, don't.
-All characters must be 16.

Valiention: The fearless, brave and chivalrous go here. Tend to be arrogant.
Premena: These are the shrewd, cunning and loyal. Determined, yet antagonistic. Know how to get what they want.
Dawien: Wise, tactical, logical. Slightly manipulative.
Rhumena: The helpful, but timid. Selfless, never helping themselves, relying on others.

-Make sure your appearance is description only
Character Name:
My forms:

Character Name: Quinn Anmarth
Appearance: Short red hair in a pixie cut, freckles, tan skin. Wears black shorts overalls over a green racer back tank top. Black combat boots. Wears a choker with the Premena sign on it. Athletic build, a raven tattoo on her shoulder that's very small.
Division: Premena
Weapon: Throwing kinves, pistol
Personality: Logical, determined, aloof. Shrewd. Rather intimidating. She's kind of a softie on the inside and is really sassy.
Crush/BF/GF: Open, Palpad
Character Name: Jakob Reyes
Appearance: Tall, brown eyes and dark skin, short curly black hair. Wears a blue t-shirt and black jeans. Sneakers. Also wears a military jacket.
Division: Dawien
Weapon: Sword
Personality: Very smart, great at planning. A hopeless romantic of some sort. Protective.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/Palpad
Division Leaders:

Character Name: Maribelle Hoffman
Appearance: Short, blue eyes, pale skin. Blond hair in a ponytail. Wears a pink skirt, a black long-sleeve shirt and black tights. Pink sneakers.
Division: Rhumena Leader
Weapon: Axe
Personality: Timid, selfless, embodies Rhumena qualities.
Crush/BF/GF: N/A. Wants to marry later in life.
Other: Carries a parasol everywhere.
Character Name: Erik Demart
Appearance: Brown buzz-cut hair, black jeans & shirt. Scar under left eye.
Division: Leader of Premena
Weapon: Hand-to-hand, bombs
Personality: Shrewd, loyal, determined.
Crush/BF/GF: N/A
Character Name: Riley Green
Appearance: Dark-skinned, brown hair in a single braid. Wears a grey headband. Purple tunic, grey tights, shorts under the tunic, black flats. Glasses, brown eyes.
Division: Leader of Dawien
Weapon: Sword
Personality: Cheerful but critical in addition to Dawien qualities.
Crush/BF/GF: N/A

Character Name: Nyx Lucielle Somun
Appearance: Nyx is 3 ft tall and weighs 80 pounds.She has plum color hair and lilac eyes that change to a different shade of purple with every emotion.She is pale but in a graceful way.She wears a pale purple dress that has a black collar on the top part of it.She also wears grey foot wrappings instead of shoes due to her feet being burned as a young child.
Division: Rhumena
Weapon: A 6 ft scythe
Personality: Nyx is as sweet as a cinnamon bun.She is always willing to help others even if they have wronged her.This sadly leads her to a lot of trouble.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/PalPad
Other: Loves strawberries.

Character Name: Phantasos Benjie
Appearance: He has a small frame, and is 3 1/2 ft tall. Weighing at about 95 pounds, he is quick and quiet. He has slate blue hair, which stands out against his waxy pale skin. Though, it does compliment his blue hued grey eyes. Freckles are sprinkled across his nose and cheeks, popping against his complexion. His outfit usually is a tattered blue pea coat and grey rolled up tweed pants. He dislikes shoes, so rarely do you see him with those on!
Division: Valiention
Weapon: Carries around different bombs in a sack.
Personality: He has a fiery attitude, and dislikes being told what to do. He has a very bold, independent attitude, but is still a kind person.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/PM
Other: He is Nyx's twin
He likes carrots
Appearance: He has a small frame, and is 3 1/2 ft tall. Weighing at about 95 pounds, he is quick and quiet. He has slate blue hair, which stands out against his waxy pale skin. Though, it does compliment his blue hued grey eyes. Freckles are sprinkled across his nose and cheeks, popping against his complexion. His outfit usually is a tattered blue pea coat and grey rolled up tweed pants. He dislikes shoes, so rarely do you see him with those on!
Division: Valiention
Weapon: Carries around different bombs in a sack.
Personality: He has a fiery attitude, and dislikes being told what to do. He has a very bold, independent attitude, but is still a kind person.
Crush/BF/GF: Open/PM
Other: He is Nyx's twin
He likes carrots
Appearance: Tall and decently built. He has a black buzz cut and brown eyes. He usually wears a military uniform though he has a tuxedo for formal events.
Division: Dictator of Valiention
Weapon: Sword and books
Personality: Cold and calculating while reading about effective dictators in his free time. He has a passion for tea and fears losing power. He prefers simplicity and prefers things to be quick and efficient. He loves animals and considers them better than most people.
Crush/BF/GF: None though he likes the idea of getting married and retiring to a farm one day.
Other: He owns two dogs named Chex and Twix.

Character Name: Saki Hana Amaya
Appearance: Saki is 5'4. She has light brown colored hair and striking light blue eyes when feeling neutral ,but other wise change color for every emotion felt. Saki has fair colored skin. She wears a light blue dress with light grey combat boots.
Weapon: White Raiper
Personality: Saki may seem strong and leader like ,but is a big softie and hides everything from everyone. Very wise and tactical when coming up with ambushes and attacks.
Appearance: Saki is 5'4. She has light brown colored hair and striking light blue eyes when feeling neutral ,but other wise change color for every emotion felt. Saki has fair colored skin. She wears a light blue dress with light grey combat boots.
Weapon: White Raiper
Personality: Saki may seem strong and leader like ,but is a big softie and hides everything from everyone. Very wise and tactical when coming up with ambushes and attacks.
My art shop!

Character Name:
Teresa Callin Oction
Teresa is a short girl with curly black hair and bright brown eyes. Her skin is chocolate, and covered in a lighter, more creamy colored birthmarks that are scatter across her skin. She has a skin disease called vitiligo. It's not contagious. She has soft freckles by her nose, and some on her shoulders and knees and stomach. Her biggest vitiligo marks include one on her left leg that's spread up from her ankle to knee, one on the small of her back that looks almost like a country, and one on the right side of her jawbone that stretches up to her cheek bone. She hates that mark. She wears a white tank top and a grey jacket over it. Her bottoms are black athletic leggings, with white ankle socks and black combat boots on her feet. Her black hair reaches to her thighs, and she keeps it in an interesting style. One each side of her head, by her temples, there are locks of hair hanging. The top of the front and basically the rest of the hair is pulled into a messy bun. It looks messy, but in a purposeful way. Her torso is slim, with the ability to see her ribs if her shirt is pulled up enough. It's kinda nasty.
She has a staff with pink and black feathers tied at the top. She uses it well, and can balance herself to sit on it when she wants. It's about 6 feet tall and 1 1/2 inches thick. She loves it, and fights well with it.
Kind, gracious and endearing as opposed to bitter, hard and harsh. Her heart is tender and understanding. She has been and is forgiving. She is hardened by life's difficulties. She is cultivated by choosing to love in the midst of a harsh and many times hateful world. She's really a big sweet heart.
Open / Palpad
Teresa Callin Oction
Teresa is a short girl with curly black hair and bright brown eyes. Her skin is chocolate, and covered in a lighter, more creamy colored birthmarks that are scatter across her skin. She has a skin disease called vitiligo. It's not contagious. She has soft freckles by her nose, and some on her shoulders and knees and stomach. Her biggest vitiligo marks include one on her left leg that's spread up from her ankle to knee, one on the small of her back that looks almost like a country, and one on the right side of her jawbone that stretches up to her cheek bone. She hates that mark. She wears a white tank top and a grey jacket over it. Her bottoms are black athletic leggings, with white ankle socks and black combat boots on her feet. Her black hair reaches to her thighs, and she keeps it in an interesting style. One each side of her head, by her temples, there are locks of hair hanging. The top of the front and basically the rest of the hair is pulled into a messy bun. It looks messy, but in a purposeful way. Her torso is slim, with the ability to see her ribs if her shirt is pulled up enough. It's kinda nasty.
She has a staff with pink and black feathers tied at the top. She uses it well, and can balance herself to sit on it when she wants. It's about 6 feet tall and 1 1/2 inches thick. She loves it, and fights well with it.
Kind, gracious and endearing as opposed to bitter, hard and harsh. Her heart is tender and understanding. She has been and is forgiving. She is hardened by life's difficulties. She is cultivated by choosing to love in the midst of a harsh and many times hateful world. She's really a big sweet heart.
Open / Palpad
Appearance: Tall and thin wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Sam has long black hair going to down to the hips. Sam never wears shoes, and decorates the hair with beads.
Division: Premena
Weapon: A rifle
Personality: Sam loves long nature walks and is extremely religious. Sam is often calm and collected rarely surprised, and often doesn't speak until five seconds after. Sam sees it as every human's duty to be fit and work hard.
Crush/BF/GF: None. Sam believes attachments are unnecessary.
Other: Sam has no confirmed gender. Is Sam a boy? Is Sam a girl? Who knows besides me.