Forum Thread
Team Aqua
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team Aqua
Population: 21
A Voice of a Man named Archie Speaks to you softly
Since there were so many Team about Pokemon FC,, Team Aqua will Stand out That lived for Generation!! We Team Aqua Gather as many as Water pokemon in our Hands You can list them your Representative here, To receive Random Clicks or tasks

1. Never be Such an unHumble Person
2. We Respect other Members as long as they are Belong to the Team Magma!!
3. Be Loyal and gather as Many Water Pokemon Most Important
4. Only one Representative Per Person
5. We make our Goals NEATLY COMPLETE
6. All members Should have a Water-Type Pokemon Starters,,
7. All PH Rules Applied..
8. Answer all the Form Questions,, Your Form just ave 3 chances when it is Rejected
Special Places
Complete Current Goals And you will win 10k PD and 50 Small Nuggets For Special Task..

Kyogre_Pumpkaboo -
SHINY Carvanha
LightningOddy - Samurott
Moriarty - Blastoise
Turtlefan - MEGA Blastoise
Naaozif123 - SHINY Frogadier
Vriska_Serket - Gorebyss
Lilwan - Froakie
PokemonLover28 - Empoleon
Glacia - Oshawott
Gabeybaby - Retro Ducklett
Foodslover - Vaporeon
PokemonTrainerM - Samurott
Ikkeme - Swampert
Jiyuan - Empoleon
Sumeed - Phione
Mklmklmklo - Greninja
Lotad124 - Blastoise
Zebert26 - Greninja
Izayoi_Sakuya - Greninja
LucarioLand - Frogadier
Rygl - Gyarados
Lua23 - Blastoise
LightningOddy - Samurott
Moriarty - Blastoise
Turtlefan - MEGA Blastoise
Naaozif123 - SHINY Frogadier
Vriska_Serket - Gorebyss
Lilwan - Froakie
PokemonLover28 - Empoleon
Glacia - Oshawott
Gabeybaby - Retro Ducklett
Foodslover - Vaporeon
PokemonTrainerM - Samurott
Ikkeme - Swampert
Jiyuan - Empoleon
Sumeed - Phione
Mklmklmklo - Greninja
Lotad124 - Blastoise
Zebert26 - Greninja
Izayoi_Sakuya - Greninja
LucarioLand - Frogadier
Rygl - Gyarados
Lua23 - Blastoise

Goals Are like Events that will Lead
you to a Special Price!!
Begginer Goal [No Price]:
Get 2 Water-Type Pokemon and Submit your First Representative
Intermidiate Goal [5k PD]:
Get 1 Shiny Water-Pokemon From Hunts, Trade or Else,, and Make your own Water-Type Clicklist
Expert Goal [10k and 50 Small Nuggets] (One Person only [Be
the First one!!)
Get a Kyogre, Manaphy and Suicune and 40 Water-Type Pokemons
Begginer Goal [No Price]:
Get 2 Water-Type Pokemon and Submit your First Representative
Intermidiate Goal [5k PD]:
Get 1 Shiny Water-Pokemon From Hunts, Trade or Else,, and Make your own Water-Type Clicklist
Get a Kyogre, Manaphy and Suicune and 40 Water-Type Pokemons
Water-Type ClickLists

[b]Pokemon ID:[/b] (The numbers at the URL)
[b]What is The Most Important Sentence:[/b] Read the Main post Carefully,,
[b]How did you get here??[/b] Please Specify
[b]What's the Important Rule:[/b]
What was the Name of the Leader??:
What will be The Pokemon's Hideout??
[b]Pokemon ID:[/b] (The numbers at the URL)
[b]What is The Most Important Sentence:[/b] Read the Main post Carefully,,
[b]How did you get here??[/b] Please Specify
[b]What's the Important Rule:[/b]
What was the Name of the Leader??:
What will be The Pokemon's Hideout??
Your Task will be Given to you By PM Shortly... And if you Finish your Work You shall post Them here....

Happy Summerween - Candies
Title: can i join?
(still very much not final, ive got lots of other water pokemon but i dont think ill be training them up yet...)
What is The Most Important Sentence: GATHER ALL THE WATER TYPES!
kidding... its to gather lots of water type pokemon
What is the Name of your Leader??: Archie
We Respect Other members)
You may only have 1 Representative
What will be The Pokemon's Hideout?? The Submarine of course![/center]
2 duckletts
1 lapras
1 semitode
What is The Most Important Sentence:Gather lots of water types
What was the Name of the Leader??:Archie?
We __Respect_____ Other members
You may only have _1__ Representative
What will be The Pokemon's Hideout??
I might be online every week................

Pokemons Kyogre,Greninja,Blastiose,Swampert, and many more
Representative Code
What is The Most Important Sentence: Gather as many water Pokemons
What was the Name of the Leader??:
We Respect Other members
You may only have 1 Representative
What will be The Pokemon's Hideout?? Submarine ( We all live in a yellow submarine :D)

Happy Summerween - Candies

Happy Summerween - Candies
He can be your Representative If we have Special Events

Happy Summerween - Candies

We should get some Water Gems for Further Events
Exchange Rate

Water-Gems so Far: 25

Happy Summerween - Candies
Pokemons Retro Ducklet, Manaphy, Froakie
Representative Code Use [code]
What is The Most Important Sentence: g to the Team Magma!!
Be Loyal and gather as Many Water Pokemon
How did you get here?? Kyogre_Pumpkaboo visited my profile, and i clicked on her/his profile, and saw the link
What was the Name of the Leader??: Archie
We Respect Other members
You may only have 1 Representative
What will be The Pokemon's Hideout??[/center] Submarine
I'm trying to be rude-free as possible