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food's log

Forum-Index Diaries food's log
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 08:11 (8 Years ago)
Hello! This is just a log of things I do everyday on PH.

Beach Feb 2017 | Bday Gifts <3 |
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 09:11 (8 Years ago)
Beach - February 2017
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Staryu caught!
Poké Ball caught!
Staryu caught!
Feebas caught!
Clauncher caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Wishiwashi caught!
Tentacool caught!
Clamperl caught!
Totodile caught!
Inkay caught!
Frillish caught!
Tympole caught!
Cloyster caught!
Clauncher caught!
Wishiwashi caught!
Crabrawler caught!
Tynamo caught!
Tynamo caught!
Inkay caught!
Magikarp caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Gyarados caught!
Goldeen caught!
Tentacool caught!
Wishiwashi caught!
Tentacool caught!
Horsea caught!
Wishiwashi caught!

Show hidden content
Phione caught!
Lanturn caught!
Wishiwashi caught!
Clauncher caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Lanturn caught!
Squirtle caught!
Clamperl caught!
Frillish caught!
Azurill caught!
Lanturn caught!
Wishiwashi caught!
Seaking caught!
Tentacool caught!
Staryu caught!
Magikarp caught!
Grass Gem caught!
Azurill caught!
Magikarp caught!
Tentacool caught!
Shoal Shell caught!
Goldeen caught!
Shoal Shell caught!
Tentacool caught!
Marill caught!
Shoal Salt caught!
Water Gem caught!
Froakie caught!
Staryu caught!
Tentacool caught!
Poliwag caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Tentacool caught!
Wishiwashi (School) caught!
Magikarp caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Magikarp caught!
Lumineon caught!
Clauncher caught!
Shoal Salt caught!
Lumineon caught!
Inkay caught!
Magikarp caught!

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 08:13 (8 Years ago)
B'day gifts 2017
soo February 1 was my b'day and I got gifts from some of the lovely people on here <3

5 Big Pearls
2 Boxes
i forgot sorry
but shes so kind <3

Ayase259 (shes an idiot)
long list ;A;
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1x Armor Fossil
1x Awakening
1x Blue Orb
2x Dawn Stone
5x DeepSeaScale
6x DeepSeaTooth
1x DNA Splicer (Black)
1x DNA Splicer (White)
1x Dome Fossil
6x Dragon Scale
1x Dubious Disc
2x Dusk Stone
1x Electirizer
1x Electric Fan
1x Enigma Pearl
2x Everstone
3x Fire Stone
1x Flour
3x Gracidea
30x Great Ball
1x Hard Rock
1x Honey
1x HP Up
3x Leaf Stone
2x Lemonade
1x Magmarizer
1x Meadow Plate
2x Metal Coat
3x Moon Stone
1x Old Amber Fossil
4x Oval Stone
1x Paralyze Heal
200x Poké Ball
2x Prism Scale
1x Prison Bottle
1x Protector
1x Protein
4x Razor Claw
4x Razor Fang
1x Razz Shake
1x Reaper Cloth
1x Refrigerator
3x Sachet
1x Skull Fossil
1x Soda Pop
4x Soothe Bell
1x Splash Plate
1x Spooky Plate
7x Spray Duck
4x Sun Stone
2x Super Honey
5x Thunderstone
20x Ultra Ball
1x Up-Grade
1x Washing Machine
5x Water Stone
6x Weather Balloon
3x Whipped Dream


P.S you can't stop me. I do what I want#Thuglife #HugLife #Rebellious

A plushie spam and this:

1x Dread Plate
1x Earth Plate
1x Enigma Pearl
1x Enigma Stone
1x Relic Copper
2x Relic Silver
1x Zap Plate
Quote from Message>:3

she already wished me hbday ;;

5x Mystery Box (Brown)
2x Mystery Box (Pink)
3x Mystery Box (Purple)
2x Mystery Box (Red)
3x Mystery Key (Dark Blue)
8x Mystery Key (Gold)
9x Mystery Key (Light Blue)
1x Weather Balloon
1x Whipped Dream
ily too <3
Quote from MessageHappy birthday <3

1x Enigma Stone
1x Resolute Stone
Quote from Message(Belated) Happi burr daay~

"Happy Birthday, food!
I wish you health and much happiness for the future!
Are you having a party with your friends today? Or are you spending your day at the Emera beach?
Whatever it is, I hope you have a very nice birthday! "

Show hidden content
5x Soda Pop found!
255x Game Chips found!
1x Nomel Berry found!
7x Soda Pop found!
3x Dragon Gem found!
1x Light Rock found!
1x Relic Copper found!
853x Pokédollar found!
3,957x Pokédollar found!
2x Belue Berry found!

Dark Blue:
1x Metal Coat found!
4x Rabuta Berry found!
2,941x Pokédollar found!
1x Red Orb found!
8x Spelon Berry found!
6x Cheri Berry found!
8x Iapapa Berry found!
1x Cover Fossil found!

888x Pokédollar found!
1x Relic Copper found!
1x Hollow Space (Map) found!
448x Game Chips found!
1x Toxic Plate found!
4x Dark Gem found!
2x Dragon Gem found!
1x Whipped Dream found!
4x Lemonade found!
1x Spelon Berry found!
1x Oval Stone found!
2,820x Pokédollar found!

Light Blue:
9x Grass Gem found!
1,419x Game Chips found!
6x Oran Berry found!
4x Dragon Gem found!
1x Icicle Plate found!
830x Pokédollar found!
287x Game Chips found!
1x Iron found!
1x Toxic Plate found!
1x Carbos found!
789x Game Chips found!
2x Belue Berry found!

3,321x Pokédollar found!
1x Cover Fossil found!
2,150x Pokédollar found!
5x Soda Pop found!
453x Game Chips found!
1x Jaw Fossil found!
1x Oval Stone found!
1x Relic Copper found!
620x Game Chips found!
1x Relic Copper found!
5x Fairy Gem found!

1x Jaw Fossil found!
5x Fighting Gem found!
1x Relic Copper found!
1x Relic Copper found!
4x Lemonade found!
3,043x Pokédollar found!
4x Psychic Gem found!
1x Razor Fang found!
9x Soda Pop found!
1x Fire Stone found!
3,032x Pokédollar found!

2,936x Pokédollar found!
4x Fairy Gem found!
1x Dragon Gem found!
1x King's Rock found!
1x Relic Copper found!
1x Sitrus Berry found!
2,448x Pokédollar found!
2x Psychic Gem found!
1x Dusk Stone found!
1,110x Game Chips found!
2,125x Pokédollar found!
1x Claw Fossil found!
1x Relic Silver found!

1x Calcium found!
11x Leppa Berry found!
335x Event Points found!
1,190x Pokédollar found!

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2017 11:00 (8 Years ago)
Brewing Log

Dawn Stone unlocked 10/02/17
Dawn Stone x1 10/02/17
Dawn Stone x1 11/02/17
12/2/17 x3
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 17:59 (8 Years ago)
FlightRising - Trickmurk Circus

Day 1 (19 Feb): Trickster's Magic Cards (Apparel) from Festive Favors. 75 FC.
Day 2 (20 Feb): Skin: Crescent Gargoyle, Accent: Ghost Flame Guise, Skin: Onyx Idol from Marketplace. 27,500 T each. Obscuring Goblin (Familiar) from Festive Favors. 35 FC.
Day 3 (21 Feb): Skin: Faerie Dream, Skin:Magi de Cirque from Marketplace. 27,500 T each. Skin:Onyx Idol, Accent:Shadow Within from Chests.
Day 4 (22 Feb): Vista: Trickmurk Circus, Shady Emblem (Apparel) from Festive Favors. 50, 40 FC respectively. Accent: Bottled Wrath from Marketplace, 27,500T. Skin: Whimsical Night, 5 Green Ooze, 4 Green Sludge, 10 Stone Arrowhead, Baldwin.

Total T spent so far: 137,500
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Mon, 06/03/2017 06:57 (8 Years ago)
Beach March 2017

Show hidden content
Phione caught!
Seaking caught!
Chinchou caught!
Wishiwashi caught!
Tentacool caught!
Mantyke caught!
Frillish caught!
Staryu caught!
Goldeen caught!
Staryu caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Shoal Shell caught!
Marill caught!
Tentacool caught!
Lanturn caught!
Shoal Salt caught!
Lanturn caught!
Tentacool caught!
Chinchou caught!
Marill caught!
Shoal Shell caught!

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Thu, 06/04/2017 08:36 (7 Years ago)
March 2017 Beach -

Show hidden content
Totodile caught!
Frillish caught!
Goldeen caught!
Staryu caught!
Magikarp caught!
Azurill caught!
Seaking caught!
Azurill caught!
Magikarp caught!
Azurill caught!
Lanturn caught!
Tynamo caught!
Staryu caught!
Clamperl caught!
Wishiwashi (School) caught!
Shoal Shell caught!
Shoal Shell caught!
Mudkip caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Tentacool caught!
Cloyster caught!
Corphish caught!
Crabrawler caught!
Gyarados caught!
Remoraid caught!
Azurill caught!
Clamperl caught!
Azurill caught!
Cloyster caught!
Goldeen caught!
Remoraid caught!

Show hidden content
Poliwag caught!
Shoal Salt caught!
Clauncher caught!
Azurill caught!
Clauncher caught!
Cloyster caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Magikarp caught!
Staryu caught!
Seaking caught!
Frillish caught!
Goldeen caught!
Inkay caught!
Poliwhirl caught!
Shoal Salt caught!
Corphish caught!
Azurill caught!
Goldeen caught!
Tympole caught!
Azurill caught!
Oshawott caught!

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,264
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2017 19:11 (7 Years ago)
This thread is dead, idrc.

Anyways, im just gonna write sad stuff here -

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why did i even think i was gonna get better at any stuff when im talentless at everything. the best thing i can do is probably go study like a freak, get into a good college, stay lonely and just get a normal job with average money. people try to motivate me but in the end i always feel like that was fake optimism for me since it never comes out good in the end hah. even though im trying to quit ph by chatting to nobody, im p much so jobless that i have nothing else to do. my familys disappointed in me that i spend too much time on the internet/on books and so i p much dont open in front of them. even my rl 'friends' say that the way i talk and walk is like a person whos dead inside (: i have to act happy in front of my family though. i go out to play basketball bc it helps me not get bored and cry everytime im alone at home. i tried alot to get better at pixel art but it never seems to improve. nor is my normal digital art good even when i have better stuff to draw than people who are more talented and deserving.
