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"They're your other half," She told you. SU~

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up "They're your other half," She told you. SU~
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 16:06 (8 Years ago)
You wake up, surrounded in an odd and mysterious forest. You don't recognize the area and it's beginning to turn night as you can just about see the sunlight dimming in the distance. In that moment, you're experiencing multiple emotions, some good and others... not so much.


As if your brain couldn't make up it's mind.

You sit up, brushing autumn leaves and dirt from your outfit that was... Still wearable, just about. They were fraying at the edges, with holes torn in the fabric and stained with something you'd rather not know. But you can't remember anything. Was this amnesia? No, it was not but, as far as you knew, it was.

Despite just waking up, you rub your eyes which were threatening to close again. You manage to stay awake, nonetheless, and look around your surroundings in your sitting spot. The trees were positioned in a circle around you, strangely, but beyond them was shadowy and committed an eerie presence. The circle, somehow, made you feel safe, which built up your confusion.

"Oh, you're awake! Hi there, my name's-"

You jump, startled, as a dark animal like figure appeared in the shadowy area withing the forest. You couldn't make out what kind of creature it was. Wait... Did that creature just speak? You hadn't caught it's name, you're heart was racing, trying to recover from you're sudden fright.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Brief Plot:

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- You've just woken up in a strange forest you don't recognize.
- You met a creature who you later discover is your 'other half'.
- You travel through the woods with this creature who leads you to an old looking mansion.
- You meet Tsuna (with a silent T) who lives in the mansion
- Tsuna allows you to stay at the mansion - Scarily, she gives you a room which was, as if, designed specifically for you.
- Tsuna, also teaches you about your bond with the creature with you and reveals that she has the same bond with her creature.


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- PH rules apply.
- If possible, chose an animal/creature that no one else has (but it optional).
- No fighting with others unless it's decided between both players.
- There are no magic powers despite how fantasy-like the rp is. Sparring/Hand-to-hand only.
- No deaths please >.< Unless you're planning on leaving the rp then it's allowed to keep the rp going.
- Can we keep gore to a minimum - It's not supposed to be a gory rp.
- Two characters per person max.
- Use the form~
- Please read the notes section before submitting your form.
- Enjoy!


Character Name:
Character's appearance:

Character's Other Half:
Other Half's Appearance:


- Character's age can be between the ages 10 and 18.
- For appearances you may either use a picture, write a detailed description or both.
- Your Other Half may be an existing animal or mythical creature.
- Extras includes any likes, dislikes, favorites/preferences, health issues etc etc
- If I haven't made it clear, you're able to talk to yours and other people's Other Halfs

I'll post my character's form soon and start the rp if anyone is interested >.<
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 17:22 (8 Years ago)
Username: Khristian_Leigh
Character Name: Tsuna Mura
Gender: Female
Age: 15 Years
Character's appearance: Tsuna has white, waist length hair and red eyes. She stands at around 5'3. Her skin almost matches the color of her hair - she's extremely pale.

Personality: She seems to be a lonely character, yet happy and child-like at the same time. When she's around other's, including her Other Half, she's bubbly. She can hide her emotions pretty well, so it's near impossible to tell if she's lying or not. But she's a very honest character, otherwise, and loves to help people.
Extras?: She appears younger than she actually is due to her nature and personality. Tsuna loves the lolita style and anything cute.
She lives in the mansion, with the staff which consists, only, of a chef, maid and butler. Tsuna doesn't remember her parents. Everyone at the mansion has an Other Half so they treat each other as family despite not being related in anyway.

Character's Other Half: Arctic Fox
Name: Yuki
Other Half's Appearance:

Personality: Yuki is very shy and jumpy when around people or Other Halfs she doesn't know. She adores Tsuna very much and enjoys being cuddled and petted by her. Her timidness keeps her almost constantly glued to Tsuna.
Extras?: She enjoys being outside, especially in the snow. Her fur temporarily turns silvery grey in the sun.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 17:40 (8 Years ago)
I might make two more characters for the heck of it, but I'll start with three in case if there's a max.

Username: Guzma (AndPeggy_)
Character Name: Leliana "Leli" Demione
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character's appearance: Leli has short brown hair and stands at a whopping 6 feet tall. (Tallest among all of her friends!) She has blue-green eyes and is often wearing a dark green, long sleeved shirt with blue leggings and black boots. However, the outfit in the picture isn't uncommon.
Personality: Leli is witty and quick to react to things. She is usually extremely quiet, which can lead to some interesting situations. She's annoyingly irritable and easily annoyed, often raising her voice and speaking fluent Russian at her opponents in an argument. She cares deeply for her brother, Teddren, however.
Extras?: -Suffers from Anemia
-Friends with Oliver and Pierre

Character's Other Half: Dragon
Name: Sombra
Other Half's Appearance:

Personality: Sombra is like his human counterpart, Leli. He is extremely sassy and rude, but really loudmouthed. He voices his opinions a lot and wants to fly and stretch a lot. He's deemed, "annoying," by everyone but Leli (of my characters) and has a lot of self-loathing.
Extras?: -Hecka tiny.
-Can breathe ice.

Username: Guzma (AndPeggy_)
Character Name: Pierre Aligarch Koroko
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Character's appearance: Pierre has sharp green eyes, though we can all assume the green eyes are just contacts. He has fuzzy black hair and is usually seen wearing a suit and tie. He also has a red and black striped scarf and is always wearing a small, dark blue, hat.
Personality: Pierre is the complete opposite of Oliver. He's cautious, quiet, and not flirty. He's kind-hearted, really, but he has a large temper. He worries too much and is a bit too patient. Pierre would die for his friends. He has an interesting obsession with styling hair, doing makeup, and eating Ramen.
Extras?: -Leli/Oliver's best friend.

Character's Other Half: Poodle
Name: Friseur
Other Half's Appearance:
Extras?: -Allows Pierre to play with her fur
-Hates being petted by anyone but Pierre, and Leli.
-Hates Oliver.
-Alois is like her best friend.

Username: Guzma (AndPeggy_)
Character Name: Oliver Jones Melinko
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Character's appearance: Oliver is a boy with fuzzy brown hair. He has purple eyes, a birth defect, that he covers up with brown contacts. He's always wearing a black and green hoodie with white jeans and surprisingly enough, pink slippers.
Personality: Oliver's probably the one going to get himself killed. He's not cautious and extremely loud and flirty. Do I need to say anymore?
Extras?: -Pyromaniac
-Wants to fight Alois.
-Teases/taunts Friseur a lot.

Character's Other Half: Peacock
Name: Alois
Other Half's Appearance:
Personality: Alois is stuck-up and cautious. He finds Sombra annoying and also hates Oliver. He is usually seen drinking some sort of tea with Friseur and is never seen getting down in the dirt. He doesn't like the outdoors or light, so he finds dark places to rest.
Extras?: -Friseur's best friend.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 17:53 (8 Years ago)
Accepted~! I'll begin working on the main rp thread ^.^
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 21:48 (8 Years ago)
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Username: -Shy-
Character Name: Harper Maria Evans
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Character's appearance:
Harpy is 4'9 and weighs 95 lbs. She is skinny and frail, almost looking like a China doll... She might crack if you touch her. She loves wearing dresses and skirts, and cute frilly things. She wears black flats and little boots. She rarely wears any jeans, though.
Personality: she tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humour and subtle irony. Emma has a typical nerd nature in that she is very passive, and she follows commands more easily than the others, complying with commands not because of their logical sense but because she was told to. She's a dorks and a sweetie. She is shy and adorable.
Extras?: Grey's twin. She likes Milk, Reading, Writing, Singing, Acting. Dislikes Being touched, Religion, Knives. She's a huge dork.

Character's Other Half: Ferret
Name: Maxie
Other Half's Appearance: X
Personality: Snarky, Protective, Rude, Cuddly to Harpy, Sweet to her, Passive Agressive, fI G HT

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Username: -Shy-
Character Name: Greyson Wade Evans
Gender: Male (FtM)
Age: 14
Character's appearance: Grey has bright blue eyes, but wears lilac contacts that also help with his eyesight. If he doesn't have his contacts, he wears big black glasses. He has brown hair to his mid-neck, and a ton of freckles. They cover him, head to toe. He wears big sweaters, usually turtle necks that are a few sizes to big. He stands at 4'9, and weighs 90 lbs. He wears jeans and combat boot, or converse. His sister pierced his tongue twice when he was 14, using their mom's piercing supplies. He had the shock of his life that morning... Two silver studs in his tongue. Still wears them
Personality: He's jumpy and easily scared, the youngest in his friend group. He is quiet and sweet, also kind. He is awkward and weird, with very little friends. He is innocent and naïve, and quite untalkitive. Selective mute. Quiet, Hippie, Nature obsessed, smart. He's a complete bookworm, and animal lover.
Extras?: He likes Sweets, Cookies, Cuddles, Kisses, Love, and Dislikes Being alone, bullies, homophobics, most men palpad me if you wanna know why, and needles. Gay little dork. tongue piercings.

Character's Other Half: Black Cat
Name: Panthe
Other Half's Appearance: X
Personality: Flirty, Sweet, Pompous, Jerk, Stealthy, and Flexible.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 22:59 (8 Years ago)
Accepted~ c:
Trainerlevel: 4

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 02:50 (8 Years ago)
Username: sleepychu
Character Name: Jackson "Jack" Walles
Gender: male
Age: 15
Character's appearance: Dark skin 5'2 weights 120 mid length black and white hair. Brown and black eyes. Either wearing black or white depending on the weather. Always has a black bear plushie
Personality: Shy around new people, really kind to those who are kind back
Extras?:Loves to sing to animals and always with Ale

Character's Other Half: Calygreyhound
Name: Ale
Other Half's Appearance: Brown with white spots soft fur sharp teeth. Black and grey eyes curled ram horns a black mane
Personality: Very protective of Jackson nice. Cares deeply for for others
Extras?: Loves to swim

Not my work
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 07:24 (8 Years ago)
Accepted c:
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 13:08 (8 Years ago)
Username: SylveonGirl23
Character Name: " My name's Lila"
Gender: "Female you dolt!"
Age: "17."
Character's appearance: "Blind much?" [x]
Personality: Lila is a bit mean sometimes but is always an optimist.... even if she tells it to you with a slap on the face.
Extras?: "I'm Irish. I switch between English and Irish a lot."

Character's Other Half: Pegasus
Name: "My name is Marceline"
Other Half's Appearance: "This is what I look like."
Personality: Marcie is very kind and caring, she shows the more cool and collected side of Lila.
Extras?: Nope.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 13:15 (8 Years ago)
Accepted c:
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 67
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 20:13 (8 Years ago)
Username: Lunar_Dragonsong
Character Name: Quill Voren
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Character's appearance: She has long and straight blonde hair and green eyes. She's of average height (about 5'6"). She loves to wear oversized sweaters, so she usually does.
ref pic
Personality: Quill likes things simple, she doesn't do all the fancy. She is pretty spontaneous and can also be sarcastic. She loves her joke from time to time, but she can be dead serious when needed (and not needed). When embarrassed she'll try to hide it.... though she's not really good at it.

Character's Other Half: Harris' Hawk
Name: Lycos
Other Half's Appearance: here
Personality: Witty, Caring, Stubborn, Stealthy
Extras?: Loves being outside, especially in the sun or in hot temperatures. Also loves being able to fly.

Shiny slot shop of me and my friends! Please take a look, it's pretty cheap and we'd love some customers!
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 20:20 (8 Years ago)
Accepted~ c:
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 20/12/2016 18:23 (8 Years ago)
Character Name: Rosella Goldenheart
Gender: Female
Character's appearance: Here she is <3
Personality: She is a nature enthusiast and dosen't use much technology and likes to use the candle light. She is vegan. She likes to ceep her life as eco friendly as possible and loves bonding with animals. She is quite creative too!
Extras?: Likes- staring into flames, day time, sleeping, swimming, ice skating, designing clothes.

Character's Other Half: Enfield
Name: Silver
Other Half's Appearance: Heres the little buddy!
Personality: This little fella is quite the scaredy cat, he likes to ceep to himself and read books or talk to Rosella. He is quite weak compared to other Enfield but he uses his stealth to his advantage
Extras?:Likes- Berries, jumping around, reading

Character Name: Rio Jax-Lee
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Character's appearance: Is this ok?
Personality: He's a bit shy but is amazing on stage and acting as another character. It seems as tho he lives totally into it and is an unrecognizable other. He loves animals and nature. Loving to hike and venture in the outdoors. He also likes the night time and enjoys staring at the moon and star filled sky. He is caring and loving
Extras?: Likes- Ice cream, night time, acting, silence.

Character's Other Half: Kitsune
Name: Smoke & Cinder
Other Half's Appearance: here!
Personality: He is quite social and loves attention, he sometimes has a habit of popcarning and hates being alone, goal in life is to ceep people happy.
Extras?: Likes- Twilight, fun, sweets, parties, being himself.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Tue, 20/12/2016 18:28 (8 Years ago)

RP is here if people haven't already seen the link~
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 25/12/2016 19:05 (8 Years ago)
Username: Ookami
Character Name: Crew
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Character's appearance:

Crew have developed quite a reputation for intelligence, but it's really his calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life, he uses his deeper spiritual senses to guide himself, and like his nocturnal cohorts, Calypso, the owl, have a deeply philosophical bent.
Crew does have an assertive side however, and he won't hesitate to use his razor-sharp tongue to settle an argument. Never the aggressor in a confrontation, He fight only when his survival or honor is at stake and have no desire for a prolonged or physical struggle. Crew espouse nonviolence, think logically, and argue persuasively.

Character's Other Half:
Name: Calypso
Other Half's Appearance:
Personality: As an astute observer of human nature, Calypso are eminently suited to be judge or a diplomat. His trustworthiness and dependability find him in positions of responsibility, perhaps as bank manager, head of state, or religious leader. A conscientious worker, an owl takes responsibilities seriously, and when it accepts the burden of public office it does so with the grace and skill typical of the species.

~I'm not done yet.

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 25/12/2016 19:49 (8 Years ago)
Go ahead~