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"They're your other half," She told you.

Forum-Index Roleplay "They're your other half," She told you.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 21:08 (8 Years ago)
The forest is silent, as if everything was frozen in time. There was no wind. No rustling of leaves. No cries from wild animals. Everything was still. Peaceful, but somewhat eerie. The ground was littered with damp autumn leaves which were brown, gold and red in color. The trees were only slightly bare, perhaps signifying the beginning of the season. As well as the dying leaves, small 'shrooms and other fungi's clung to the bases of the trees, like a child who would to their parent's leg.

Somewhere in that very forest is a small, circular clearing, where trees refuse to grow. It's unknown why they do that, they just do. However, in that spot, grass and wild flowers are free to go. It's one of the nicer areas of the forest. The flowers are vibrant in color and the grass grows thickly and is reasonably tall.

In the grass lay... Humans? They were unconscious. What were they doing here? How did they get here?

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 21:18 (8 Years ago)
Through the slightly flitering sunlight through the golden and other colored leaves lay a fragile young girl. Her green eyes opened slowly and she sat up. "Where are we?" she asked in her accent of Russian with French. She peered over to her side and suddenly, some memories flooded her head. She made a feeble effort to drag herself over to a black-haired young man.

"Pierre, wake up," she begged in a whisper. "Oliver, you too." She nudged the brown-haired boy with her elbow, hoping to awaken him.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 21:35 (8 Years ago)
Tsuna skipped through her large and unlikely home, her foot steps echoing as the heel of her purple boots tapped against the tiled floor.

"Oh, Yuki! Where are you!"

Her snow white hair cascaded down her back, only allowing the white and purple, layer skirt of her dress and below to be shown. She called out to Yuki once more. Her child-like voice carried through the long corridors, only to get an unwanted response.

"Lady Mura, I'm assuming that you've lost something?"

The deep voice caused the teen to jump in fright, and turn. To no surprise, there, in front of her, was the mansion's Butler who went by the name of Bernard. Beside him was a large doberman dog who was extremely loyal to everyone in the mansion. There was no reason to fear him, despite his looks.

Tsuna let out a soft sigh, her hand went behind her back as her eyes suddenly became interested in the tiled floor. She laughed, nervously, "I... Um... I've lost Yuki... Again..."
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 21:41 (8 Years ago)
Her green eyes stared at the unconscious boys. "Well, I better find some way to help them," she muttered, feeling a tug at her mind from one of her other personalities. Oh. She forgot to mention them earlier. What do you want, Alter? she asked mentally.

Fuyako's being trouble in here. I'm trying to stop her but she's ruined the mindscape.

I'm really not surprised.

Don't be.

It wasn't as if Leli hated Alter. No, she was on good terms with that personality. Fuyako, the mentioned one on the other hand... Fuyako was certainly ruthless and troublesome, and could care less about the well-being of others. Which is why Leli and Alter never let Fuyako out. Ever.

Fuyako, stop being trouble or I won't hesitate to actually strangle you mentally, she hissed within her own mind.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sat, 17/12/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago)
Bernard shook his head, though, he wasn't surprised, "I think I saw her go into the dining room, Lady Mura. You should really take more responsibility over her."

He often needed to scold the teen but he also knew it was for her best interests.

"Thank you, sir," she bows before skipping off in the opposite direction to the large dining room. There, she found a small, pure white fox that sat on a chair by a window, looking out of it. The fox's eyes glistened, almost begging to go outside.

"Yuki! There you are!"

The fox turned to her 'owner' and purred loudly. She jumped from the chair landing at Tsuna's feet, where she was then picked up to receive a warm cuddle.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 20:36 (8 Years ago)
Tsuna put down the small fox, who then ran circles around her feet. She could only laugh as the animal let out small squeaks as if she was mimicking Tsuna's giggles.

"Tsuna! Can we go outside?" Yuki asked, with pleading eyes.

"Ah... I was meant to be helping Anna with the chores..."


Tsuna sighs in defeat, "Fine - but only for a few minutes."

Without needing to be told, Yuki darts out of the dining room, as fast as her short legs could carry her. She headed straight to the neatly kept flower garden at the back of the mansion, with Tsuna in close pursuit.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 21:27 (8 Years ago)
(WAIT are they in the mansion already?)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 21:30 (8 Years ago)
(No xD Just my character because she lives there)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 21:35 (8 Years ago)

Lila awoke in the Black Forest. She looked down. "WHAT THE HECK???????" She yelled in her Irish brogue as she saw her tattered clothes. "Fie..." she cursed, pulling on her pigtails. She got up and looked around. Having grown up in the Irish countryside, she could tell what berries were safe to eat. She found a small strawberry bush and picked a few. Chewing on the sweet fruit, Lila walked through the forest, trying to find a way out.

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2016 21:55 (8 Years ago)
Tsuna sat on an old wooden bench in the flower garden. From their she watched her fox sniffing the roses and chasing the butterflies, whilst being careful not to trample the plants. Anna, the house maid, wouldn't be impressed to find her hard work go to waste. She's planted and reared every single flower here.

"Tsuna! Tsuna! Watch me!" Yuki called, skillfully weaving in and out of the flowers as she chased after a butterfly.

Tsuna says nothing and watches. She watches as Yuki leaps to pounce on the small critter, but fails and faceplants the ground below.

"Yuki!" Tsuna almost screams, shooting up from her seat and hurrying over to the fox, "Are you okay?!"
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Tue, 20/12/2016 13:36 (8 Years ago)
Alexia wandered through the woods, when she heard a rustle near her. She jumped and then screamed as a magestic black Pegasus appeared and reared. "Dhia daor!!!" She yelled as the creature landed. Do not worry, child. I will not harm you. I am Marceline. As you would expect, this was met with screams then realisation. "WAIT...... I think I've seen you when my mind wanders..." Alexia said as it dawned on her. Yes. I have known you my whole life, even if you have not. Come, I believe that there is a house of some sorts near here. said the Pegasus in her mind. "Cool. Can I call you Marcie?" If it is easier then Marceline then yes.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Tue, 20/12/2016 22:34 (8 Years ago)
A tiny, white-scaled dragon was watching a female human tending to two, unconscious males. "Who are these?" he asked himself quietly. He crouched down and dragged himself ever so slightly closer. He heard crunching of leaves and he realized that the male humans were now awake and staring in his direction. Flee! screamed his mind. He soared away quickly, not caring if he'd been seen.

At that time, two dark furred - or feathered - animals were chatting while one was drinking... Tea? "And then I said, 'Oi! You shan't hurt my friend!' and he was all like, 'And if I do?'" The dark-furred poodle giggled while her peacock friend continued to tell the story.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Tue, 20/12/2016 23:10 (8 Years ago)
"I'm fine Tsuna," the fox giggled. Before wriggling out of the girl's arms and landing on the floor, "Shouldn't you be seeing Anna?"

"Oh- I forgot! Ugh..." Tsuna sighs.

She was late last time. And the time before. And probably many times before that. She wasn't the best up keeping with time and before she knows it, she's dropped herself into more trouble. Well. She didn't really get into trouble. Anna didn't mind doing the chores by herself. It was Tsuna's idea to help.

"Well what are we waiting for? Come on!"

Yuki tugged on the laces of Tsuna's boots, though she wasn't really strong enough to pull her along. However, Tsuna went along with Yuki willingly, fixing her headband so it sat straight.
Trainerlevel: 4

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 21/12/2016 00:10 (8 Years ago)
Jack woke up with his hair in his eye he sat up and grab his bear look around to see if he knew where was. Sadly he didn't so he got scared and pull his knees close to him, but then he heard a rustle in the leaves so he grabbed his bear and began to run because he was terrified. As he ran he tripped over a log and fell. The noise got closer and closer til he saw a huge animal in front of him.

Please don't hurt me he said in a quiet voice. The beast look at him in a confused face. Child don't worry I am not here to harm you. Who said that Jack said. I did I'm communication with in your mind. Jack did relax at the sound of that. I'm Jack what's your name?

My name is Ale, are you hungry child. Yes how did you know. Your stomach told on you. Under his dark skin he blushed deeply.Hop on I do believe there's a house nearby.Jack pick up his bear and hop on Ale

Not my work
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 588
Posted: Wed, 21/12/2016 22:16 (8 Years ago)
At this current moment of time, Tsuna was wiping down the long dining room table which could easily sit twenty people, maybe even thirty. Though, there was only ever four people to sit at it every evening, five if you counted the little white fox. It had taken Tsuna a whole half hour to wipe down, polish, re-wipe and set the table with a white cotton cloth and cutlery. Anna, the house maid brought in a vase which held an arrangement of colorful flowers from the garden. A Himalayan cat followed her into the room and sat by her feet.

"Thank you so much for helping Tsuna," Says Anna as she bent down to pet the cat.

"You're welcome," Tsuna bows her head, "I should be going to find Yuki again before Lunch."

Anna nods in understanding as she continues to pet the cat whose name was Belle. She was a rather laid back cat but never went anywhere without Anna. With that, Tsuna skipped off, into the halls, to find the Arctic fox.
Trainerlevel: 4

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago)
As Ale ran through the forest he thought that he ask Jack some questions

So Jack do you know how you ended up in the middle of the forest?
I don't know all I remember is waking up and curling up until you found me. I'm so scared.
Don't worry I'll protect with my my life.
Thanks I trust you with my life .
If you don't mind me asking what with the bear?
I don't know I just find it very comforting. As long as I have it feel somewhat safe. I can see a house up ahead.
We're here go on and knock on the door. I'll be here right behind you to keep you safe.
Okay. (tight clutch stuffed bear) *knock knock*

Not my work
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 10:00 (8 Years ago)
Lila walked next to Marcie, clutching her mane. They saw a house up ahead and a boy standing infront of it. "Umm.. Hey?" she said, tapping the boy on the shoulder.
Trainerlevel: 4

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 28/12/2016 23:19 (8 Years ago)
Ah! Oh sorry I didn't hear you coming. My name is Jackson but please call me Jack he said quietly.
Jack are you alright. I'm fine no need to be alarmed. Ale came from behind with Jack's bear. Oh this is Ale. Please to meet you. Thank you Ale Jack said retrieving his bear.

Not my work
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Thu, 29/12/2016 09:30 (8 Years ago)
"Nice to meet 'cha! I'm Lila. This is Marceline, but I call her Marcie." The Irish girl smiled.
Trainerlevel: 4

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Thu, 29/12/2016 14:17 (8 Years ago)
Well nice to meet you. You'll have to excuse me I'm a little shy meeting new people. Ale can you get some fruit or something I'm very hungry. No problem Jack.

Not my work