Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Gijinka High! (ALWAYS ACCEPTING!)Rules:

-No godmodding, mary sues, etc.
-All PH rules apply
-Be nice OC!
-Make dorms realistic!
-No legendarys/mythicals
-Only one group per charcter!
-Only 2 characters max!
-Keep ages between 14-18! If you want to go higher or lower, ask me via palpad
-Don't take advantage of a rule I may have forgotten to add!
-I have all the right to not accept a form, even if I don't give a reason!
-You get three strikes, then your banned from the rp!
-All PH rules apply
-Be nice OC!
-Make dorms realistic!
-No legendarys/mythicals
-Only one group per charcter!
-Only 2 characters max!
-Keep ages between 14-18! If you want to go higher or lower, ask me via palpad
-Don't take advantage of a rule I may have forgotten to add!
-I have all the right to not accept a form, even if I don't give a reason!
-You get three strikes, then your banned from the rp!

Pops: These people (Strictly
girls only), run this school! Whether they are nice, or mean, they
can always get away with anything! Make way! Even thought they do
seem to be mean, everybody has a natural instinct to want to be
with them.
Goths: "ITS NOT A PHASE, MOM!" You can sometimes hear them say. The goths are dark, quiet, but aren't afraid to pick a fight!
Nerds: These are the nerds! Usually found doing to pop's homework, or reading manga, these people are total geeks! The only time they would ever be late to class is if there was a new episode of anime, or if they studied for a big exam the night before!
Jocks: Usually guys, these are the jocks! The are handsome, strong, and school spirited! However, they love to pick on the nerds with the pops always by their side, usually dating them!
These people run the school with the pops!
Like the pops, they are always saying "OMG" OMG" or talking about a dress with their groupies. But, they get along much better then the pops may at times. They are very high achievers, but tend to be uptight and care a lot about how others think.
The wannabes:
These people always get on people's nerves. They are just wannabe pops. But, they are very smart, and just want to be a nicer version of the pops in the end, even though they can also tend to be mean.
Goths: "ITS NOT A PHASE, MOM!" You can sometimes hear them say. The goths are dark, quiet, but aren't afraid to pick a fight!
Nerds: These are the nerds! Usually found doing to pop's homework, or reading manga, these people are total geeks! The only time they would ever be late to class is if there was a new episode of anime, or if they studied for a big exam the night before!
Jocks: Usually guys, these are the jocks! The are handsome, strong, and school spirited! However, they love to pick on the nerds with the pops always by their side, usually dating them!
These people run the school with the pops!
Like the pops, they are always saying "OMG" OMG" or talking about a dress with their groupies. But, they get along much better then the pops may at times. They are very high achievers, but tend to be uptight and care a lot about how others think.
The wannabes:
These people always get on people's nerves. They are just wannabe pops. But, they are very smart, and just want to be a nicer version of the pops in the end, even though they can also tend to be mean.

Username: Lillypie
Character: Luna Contella (Sylveon)
Appearance: She has alot of tatoos in in random places all around her arms and legs. She has very long hair, with the right side being black and the right side being pink fading into lime green. She has these nose piercings, and a tooth gap. She wears these heels, this shirt, and these pants. she has these peircings on her ears. She has grey eyes, lime green eye brows, and these eyebrow piercings. he has Sylveon features, like some ribbons on the back of her.
Personality: She is nice, but very rebellious, and can be mean to those she doesn't like. She is very popular with boys for her rebellious flare and look. Her parents are very rich, but she is anything but a snob. It is very hard to become her friend.
Group: Pops
Crush/BF/GF: N/A
Dorm: X
Age: 18
Other: N/A
Character: Coca/Buneary

Personality: She is lonely, and she hates most people, in a sense that she doesn't wanna meet them, she is almost never rude. She keeps to herself, hates sports, and dreams of being a beautiful, talented Lopunny Gijinka. Until then she doesn't think highly of herself. But if she trusts you, she can be outgoing, very crazy, and jumpy. She mostly opens up to people like her, so she is scared of the pops.
Group: Wannabees (????)
Crush: N/A

Age: 18
Other: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm her eyes are natural.....

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Character: Ulalia/ Arcanine:3
Appearance: OKAYYY DEERE o.o'
Personality: Ulalia is very hyper and a cold hearted person. She does bully others, but she is kinda a push-over
Group: Pops
Crush: None
Dorm: Boop
Age: 18
Character: Sarah Nix
Appearance: She also wears wide, red glasses
Personality: She's jumpy and easily scared, the youngest in her friend group. She is quiet and sweet, also kind. She is awkward and weird, with very little friends. She is innocent and naïve, and quite untalkitive. She's intelligent and has photographic memory. Selective mute.
Group: Nerds
Crush: Luna
Dorm: X
Age: 16
Character: Connor (Kecleon)
Appearance: two of his many outfits
Personality: The two consistent things about Connor are his love of the internet and the inconsistency in his appearance. He can occasionally be found making 3 AM runs to the local barbershop to pick up another color of hair dye, or to the nearby outlet mall. However, this excessive variety is nearly useless, as he spends almost all of his free time on his computer in his dorm. He would probably be a really pleasant person and be really nice to get to know. Probably. First we have to get him away from the internet and stop him from pranking his fellow classmates.
Group: Nerds
Crush: You never know. At the moment probably no one, since we're not sure he's even made eye contact with most of the people yet.
Dorm: Because of his singular interests, his dorm, while having some pretty snazzy (and tacky) wallpaper, has practically nothing besides his bed and his desk, which is taken up by his spread of technology. I mean really, theres nothing else in there. Someone needs to drag this kid to an Ikea or something.
Age: 15
Other: His personality will (hopefully) change as school goes on. [idk tho i just sorta go with the flow]
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Personality:she is shy and quiet around new people. But she is kind and gentle to people she is close with. She is not easily agitated,however if she is angered she will usually do anything without thinking about the consequences especially to protect her loved ones
Crush:none yet
Other:she can play the piano and sing well. She likes listening to music and sometimes watching animes
Character: Dixie
Appearance: X
Sweet as pie and tough as a nut, Dixie is the woman you should find whenever you wanna ask for the latest trends and such. She may be self-conscious about herself but she's also incredibly conscious on other people's looks for each day. She would never hesitate to make you look good. If you don't know how to ice skate or bake, she would happily teach you how to do so! And lastly, the girl does have a small collection of what her old friends gave her and the ones that her brothers gave to her. She would treasure 'em forever and would not let anyone touch it.
Dixie, being in figure skating competitions ever since she was a child, being competitive was in her nature. Of course, she DOES have standards if she acts like this, she isn't a sore loser. Nor she would be a sore winner. The only exception was during a hockey game when she isn't sure if she'll make the goal or not. And lastly, the girl, despite being raised as a simple girl, is never ashamed of what outfit she would wear. To the point where sometimes, she won't be let out of the dorms by the captain of the team unless she changes to a more appropriate outfit.
If you think skating for years would teach her how to put grace into everything, then you're really wrong. Dixie would constantly trip everywhere and would often fall on top of everyone. With the girl being fascinated at cute things, she would usually hoard them all down and stuff them all inside of her closet, to the concern of most of her teammates. But despite her talents being recognized and being one of the guys, the girl can't help but feel rather pessimistic with herself sometimes.
Group: Preppy
Crush: None at the moment
Dorm: X
Age: 15
- Is too pure for this world, please shield her eyes from all the sins.
- She often gets visited by one of her "brothers" or basically all of them trying to squeeze in.
- Her brothers aren't actually her blood brothers, they're all apart of the same ice hockey team with her.
- She's a precious country gay child, please take care of her