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Simple Sami (VERY Simple Diary (WIP)

Forum-Index Diaries Simple Sami (VERY Simple Diary (WIP)
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 02:35 (7 Years ago)

Hi, I'm Sami ^^ This is my all-in dairy, personal stuff and all~ this is just a simple version of me....in a nutshell. No fancy colors, fonts, (yet). I'm not even putting Sam, Swish, Wiggle, any of them! But please feel free to post questions about my life, and not "Cool diary" or anything of the sort.

Name: Samantha
Nickname: Sami (Pronounced Sammy)
Favorite Pokemon Game: Pokemon Crystal!
Top 3 Favorite Pokemon:
Favorite Shiny Pokemon:
Favorite Legendary/legendaries:
Favorite color: (Moderate shade)
Birthday: March 13 (Friday the 13th preferably)
Age: 666666
Family: Mom, Dad, Twin sister (Lillypie on PH), three other older sisters, their dad (I never met), and two dogs, Coco the Maltese and Zoey the (I cant spell the name of the breed)
Hobbies: Spriting, any digital art, Chess, Pokemon stuff, RPing, being lazy

PH Goals:
-Get a million PD (I don't remember when I got it, bUT I DID)
-Get premium (Got on 10/14/16)
-Become PH staff member! (Working on it....)
-Hatch a shiny Pokemon (Hatched on 10/15/16 - )
-Make this diary fancy
-Be on PH for a year
-More to be added

So....this is me! I'm hoping you will enjoy reading about my cruddy life~

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 04:27 (7 Years ago)

It is 12:21 AM here, heading to bed somewhat soon. I saw that there are way less than 100 shiny Driftloon and Driftblim, so after Takao gets his shiny, ima hunt another for me. It is convenient with premium! I want to take advantage of the last weeknight before another week comes and goes, so that why I was staying up late. Honestly, I like answering questions about myself. I don't know why, really. I also don't get why we need to make our diaries look so pretty, we are just gonna post the feeling we have that in the end, nobody really cares/reads about. That is all I have for tonight, but feel free to ask any questions that I may want to answer~!

NOTE: Get Takao his shiny ASAP, then get me another shiny~

Shiny Driftloon Slots~

-Me (DONE)
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 15:34 (7 Years ago)

I know it may seem like two posts in a day, but right now it is 11:30 AM (exactly). I'm giving my friend basically a shiny Driftloon, with premium in confident I can hatch the special rarity shinys quickly. I was bored, so now I'm watching a stupid American girl movie. I feel like you can roast them so much....I don't think anyone cares for the movie, so I don't need to waste my time on adding a title. Well, I'm going to keep getting the eggs in, and hopefully I can finish his hunt, I need to start hunting da pink shinys!


Ok, so I made a stupid promise to my sister that I would hunt a shiny Lillibride for her....it would be 5th OS, but she IS my sister, and Lillibride is her favorite Pokemon on Pokeheroes...but I guess I have premium, so I can most likely get two by chain 300. I just have to upgrade my Egg Scanner, and make sure I can complete my shiny Driftloon hunt, I don't think I can hatch the last one for myself....
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 22:48 (7 Years ago)
6:48 PM

So I'm here, after my laptop was taken away ; -; So I decided to hatch my own second shiny Driftloon to evolve, though I will do it last. I was thinking of naming it Flying Lemon if male, and Lemon Pie is female, but feel free to post suggestions ^^ I'm gonna make use of the premium, by the way, a very nice user promised me nuggets :D Though I didn't get them yet, they would have ben free anyways. Well, this is all for now~

Just adding on, I want to start a shiny mega hunt....but I don't know what. Say your ideas, but no special rarities! But maybe events....I think I will make a poll.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 16:43 (7 Years ago)
Sorry it has been a few days, but nothing much happened. But I really want to finish my Driftloon hunt, and I got a harvest sprite. Note: Get nuggets for more premium!
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 17:15 (7 Years ago)

I have some time, so I wanna finally make this diary sparkle. I also am gonna start a shiny log, and avatar history as far back as I can remember I also am doing the lyric prank on friends, and hatched a shiny Driftloon a week prior....! But now I'm starting my shiny mega spring Ampharos hunt....
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 01:10 (7 Years ago)


11:59- Ugh, so much candyyyy

I'm still working on this, I was thinking of giving this up, but I saw others, and I WANTED TO DO ITTTT

I'm doing traditional drawings, some better than others....

Today I will make the first post better, do shiny log, and start the FAQ!

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 22:06 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Log V.1

Current Hunt:

1) Waffle
2) Sami
3) Mikushine01

I'm not selling slots!

Shiny Mega-able hunt
1) Sami (Shiny mega)
Sorry, all the other slots are reserved for others!

-2 -0

Congratulations! A shiny Buneary hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #47)!
Congratulations! A shiny Buneary hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #66)!

--Insert picture of Popplio--

It was the only thing I could find

1. Sami

1) Sami
2) Hami

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 01:13 (7 Years ago)

Show hidden content

What is your name?
Samantha is my real name (Named after my grandpa Sam). But everyone calls me Sami (Pronounced Sammy, not Sam-eye)
What are your fav Pokemon?
1. Spinda
2. Slurpuff
3. Chickorita
What was the best/worst thing that happened to you in your life so far?
The best thing that happened was probably when I got my first pack of Pokemon cards. Not only did that spark my love for Pokemon in the first place, I got my sisters Slurpuff promo card and one pack from her, which contained a full art mega Gardevoir! The worst thing would probably be ether when I moved (I've only moved once), or when I started Middle School. THAT was horrid >.< (Not saying I'm still in Middle School, or out of it)
How old are you, really?
I only say that to really close friends, like, reeeeeeeeealy close.
What are your hobbies?
I am a spriter, (learning) digital artist, I play cello, a little violin (thanks Lilly).
What are your favorite games?
I play PokeHeroes (ma main game), and Mweor, but if I had to choose a main Pokemon game, I'm Pokemon Crystal for life. (But I love the third gen games too >.<)
When will you do a face reveal?
I have done one, only for close friends. I'm not really ready to show my full face to everyone in da world yet, but just ask for a partial face reveal *insert troll face*
Fav foods?
I like sushi very much ^^ But ma mom is a great cook, but her brownies are da best too >.>
Where else can I find you on da web?
I play Mweor, and almost every other Pokemon RPG/MMORPG there is, but I don't remember any of them XD I also have a ToyHou.se account, but the best ways to contact me quickest is Mweor, if for some reason I'm not on PH.
Fav animal?
Da fluffy unicorns and narwhals <3 I did a fake country called "Narlandia" based off Narwhals for a project in 5th grade but I'm totally team Dog ^^
When is your birthday?
I was born March 13th, ****
I really like dis person, how should I confess my feelings to them?
Do it simple, and straight forward. Like "Hey I like you. Do you like me?" and if they say no.....BASH THEIR HEADS OFF.
How often will you be on PH each day?
An average of 3 hours a day every weekday, and almost the whole day on weekends XD I will say if something will keep me from PH longer than expected.
Do you like anime, if so, which to do recommend?
I personally don't like anime. I don't watch much, ether anymore.
Can I post questions/comments here?
Of course you can! I don't mind hearing from new people, or answering semi-personal questions at all! :3

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Fri, 25/11/2016 17:30 (7 Years ago)

I think I'm finally done with my Hoothoot hunt! I'm gonna take a break from shiny hunts, then go into a shiny-mega hunt. (Buneary) I am proud of my advent contest entries, I will put up the two I'm most proud of later. (I did 4 entries!)
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Wed, 30/11/2016 18:53 (7 Years ago)


Name: Wiggle
Species: a fusion of a Slurpuff and a Spinda
Personality: She is like a Spinda, being very clumsy and barely making sense. But she loves baking, and loves sharing her sweet treats with her friends. She is shy about sharing them with other people.
Appearance: Made by me
Friends: Sam, Swish. Sam is her baking mentor, and teaches her how to bake better, and better.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 19

Name: Sam ;p
Species: A more thug-like Slurpuff
Personality: She protective of friends, is not afraid to hurt anybody who stands in her way, and shows lots of "Tough love" to those she is close to, though she has a soft side for baking.
Appearance: Made by me
Friends: Wiggle, and she is the guardian of Swish, who she cares for like...her child.

Name: Swish
Species: A normal Swirlix
Personality: He is carefree, outgoing, and childish, but a giant trouble-maker.
Appearance: ....he looks like a normal Swirlix
Friends: He treats Sam like his mom, calling her "Momma Sam" and he calls Wiggle "Auntie Wiggle" and loves playing and baking with both of them.