Forum Thread
The Precidous High School for Teen Prodigys (ACCEPTING!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Precidous High School for Teen Prodigys (ACCEPTING!)BREAKING NEWS!: Multi-million dollar banking industry "Skull Funds" is being turned into a high school for young prodigy's! Scholarships are being offered as we speak, and we can't wait to see so many kids with one amazing talent, that can easily out skill some of the pros!
1. A person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities.
*All PH rules apply
*No Mary sues, special little snowflakes, yata yata yata...
*Please, avoid one liners and ten liners. They get annoying.
*Please try your best to use proper grammar. A couple of mistakes from time to time are just given a reminder, or ignored, but if it does happen more often I will give you a strike
*Make your dorm realistic! Its not that hard!
*No more then one ability, to avoid special little snowflakes, and god modding
*Use a picture for your character! Don't try to described it.
*If your desired ability is taken, don't come crying to me or other users.
*No "toberped". Fill out all of the information with detail!
*If you have a long signature, hide it!
*No begging for me to start. I will start when I, and everybody else is ready.
*Nothing mystical, paranormal, or ghostly.
*If your character is similar to another already existing one, I will not accept you.
*Don't use your ability to an unrealistic existent (Ex. Musical ability, being able to play every single instrument ever made)
*Ages only from 14-18, if you want to go higher or lower then that then you need to pal pad me permission. I still have the right to say no.
*No extreme sob stories
*More to be added..
Hey Lillypie! Can I join?
Character name:
Username: Lillypie
Character name: Lilli
Talent: Art
Personality: She is very extroverted, and is mostly sweet. However, she is a perfectionist with her work, causing her to be frustrated when her work isn't pleasing to her. She loves to draw, and show her work to others. She is very childish, and determined, like her sister. She loves revenge, and can be rude to those she doesn't like. She loves drama and gossip, but is usally kind,
Dorm: (Shares dorm with Sami, has the top bunk)
Age: 17
Family: Sisters with Sami (coming soon)
Friends: Sami, (more soon)
Crush: (Maybe soon)
Other: Nope :)
Username: -Shy-
Character name: Toyka
Talent: Music
Personality: Shy, sweet, intelligent, quiet

Age: 14
Family: N/A
Friends: Open!!
Crush: Open--
Other: She can sing, and play three instruments. Guitar, Piano, and flute. She also suffers from mild depression
Username: ShadowPikaSami
Character name: Sami

Talent: Cello
Personality: She is awkward, but childish, and determined. She has a short temper, and she is very rude. She is very introverted, but she is outgoing when you know her well.

Age: 17
Family: Lilli (sister)
Friends: None yet
Crush: None yet
Other: Her cello is as pink as her hair! <:3

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Username: SensGirl25
Character name: Hope Marit-Schumann

Talent: Dance/Ballroom Dancing
Personality: Smart and skilled in different style of dance, but sometimes get easily anxious at things that come to her.

Age: 15
Family: JP (Brother-in-law), Michaela (Fraternal twin sister)
Friends: open
Crush: None yet
Other: Hope is considered a book lover, and enjoys visit to the library during her spare time.
Character name: " me gabi"
Talent: " dog caring/training...."
Personality: "im a bit vulnerable..."
"this is my room.."
Age:(hold on palpading a questeon)
Family:" a sister Audrey..."
Friends:"Audrey,and faith..."
Crush:"no one..."
Other:"i bring Fatih everywere...shes the only one who likes me..."
this is faith
(at her old school she got beat up alot for caring so much for a dog)
Username: LostOne
Character name: Mark Winston
Talent: Sports, though he is better at soccer than rest
Personality: Mark has a very mixed kind of personality. Sometimes he is fun and careless while under other circumstances he becomes very serious and responsible. Usualy he is very friendly and likes to meet new people. He is cheerful and never lets his hopes down on anything.
Age: 16
Family: He has his parents and a little sister Trisha
Friends: No one for now.
Crush: open
Other: None

~I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night~