So, at some point in the future I will be shiny hunting Ditto. I
started collecting gems for this a while ago but as you can imagine
progress has been rather slow even with my Normal Gems for Nuggets thread. So, I figured I'd try
this and see how it goes.
Slots Available
Shiny Gastly
Price - 70 normal gems
Shiny Onix
Price - 200 normal gems
How It Works
Well, it works like most Shiny Slot shops I'd imagine. Basically, I
hunt you a shiny, you give me normal gems. Seem logical enough
right? Ok then, off you go to the rules.
- Use the form.
- I am only trading these slots for normal gems, not
nuggets, not pd, not other pokemon. Just normal gems.
- Each person can only reserve one slot per hunt.
- Be patient. Shiny hunting takes time, there's nothing I can do
about it if the daycare won't give me eggs, or if it goes past
chain 200 without a shiny.
- Because apparently this is not clear enough and needs to be said:
This shop is for SHINY slots only, not mega-ables.
- Don't request a certain gender or nature. You will get whatever
is available.
- Don't request slots for a pokemon that isn't being advertised. I
have a particular order in which I hunt, and I don't take
- Don't send me the gems upfront. The answer is the number of forum
posts you have made. Once your shiny hatches, I will contact you
via PM and set up a private trade. Yes, you can make a Dad joke if
you really have to.
- At this stage there is no limit to the number of slots. However,
this might change depending on how popular this gets...
[b]Slot Requested:[/b]
[b]What is the answer?:[/b]
I will, of course, have plenty of spare non-shinies from my hunts.
I would be happy to trade these for normal gems as well. If you are
interested, please PM me so we can discuss prices.
Name: Optimus_Crime Slot Requested: I want 1 shiny slot each from both of your
hunts What is the answer?: Can i pay 750 Normal gems for those 2
shiny events ?
Hey There^^
My Name is Optimus :3
The Job is Crime (>.<)
Commit it to memory i am Optimus
Great! I have one already hatched, so I'll put it in the GTS.
Please send the gems via the Delibird Delivery. Once I receive the
gems I will accept your offer.
Slots for Shiny Autumn Abra are now closed. I will be finishing the
current slots, having a short break to empty my egg box, then
starting the Shiny Slowyore hunt. There are still slots available
for Shiny Slowyore.
Slots are still available for shiny Slowyore, this hunt will begin
on New Years Day. I am also now opening slots for the hunt after
Slowyore, which will be Shellder. Please see the first post for
prices and rules.