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The Seven Deadly Sins - Sign-Ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Seven Deadly Sins - Sign-Ups
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 12:31 (8 Years ago)
They're out there, Waiting for the right moment to strike. except sloth

They watch from the shadows, Seeing your every move.

Don't hide. They'll find you.

They're exceptional at hiding, You could be one of them.

These demons are here to wipe off humanity from the face of the earth, Letting nearly nothing get in their way.

Are you one of these hellish killers?


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1. The amount of 'Demons' will have a cap, Which is 7. I am taking one of those slots.

2. Concerning the sins, You can pick from Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Pride

3. As the usual, No godmodding, power-playing, etc.

4. Please try to capitalize, use proper spelling and grammar and avoid text talk, As a roleplayer, This really bugs me.

5. Do not add a picture of your character, We're here to write, So we might make use of that.

6. The password is 'They're here.'

7. The maximum amount of characters you can have is one sin and one human. Or two humans if all the sins will be taken.

8. I strongly discourage one-liners, It's hard to make a reply to that with a very small amount of description.

9. Please be as descriptive as you can when signing up, I would like everyone to be as literate as possible. I don't want one word for appearance or personality, or anything less than a proper sentence in general.

Forms - Sins

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[b]Human Alias:[/b] (last name is not necessary)

[b]Human Age:[/b] (18 and above)

[b]Deadly Sin:[/b]



[b]History:[/b] (optional)



Forms - Human

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[b]History:[/b] (optional)



My Character

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Human Alias: Allistair

Human Age: 20

Deadly Sin: Pride

Personality: Much like the trait he was based on, He is very prideful. Allistair is most commonly known for boasting, And being very self-centered overall. He shares little to no qualities with the others, Except for Greed- They will not concern themselves in a situation unless they will benefit from it. He's also most commonly found in the liquor section of an imported-goods filled store.

Appearance: Allistair stands at 5 foot 6 inches tall. With emerald green eyes sparkling with narcissism, He wears an expensive pair of glasses. He is also commonly found wearing a violet turtleneck sweater, And his chocolate brown hair always being neat.

History: to be roleplayed

Others: His favourite animals are as follows; The peacock, The horse and the lion. oh, and he's bisexual

Password: ~


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Scotland; Cornelia; Lust
Scotland; Bradley; Human
windsweptVoyage; Katelyn; Sloth
viki123; Livius; Envy
viki123; Selene; Human
Semis ; Deed ; Greed
Deme128 ; Bizzle ; Human/Demon Hunter
SurperiorOfNothingness ; Orkan ; Wrath

roleplay forum is here
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 19:27 (8 Years ago)
Mind if I join?

Human Alias: Cornelia

Human Age: 19

Deadly Sin: Lust

Personality: Ambitious and full of passion, Cornelia demonstrates the ability to get what she desires, regardless of how it could impact others. Her selfish-ness and unsympathetic nature have led her to have a lack of friends or allies but she seems uncaring over that. She is also prone to jealousy and feeling vengeful if something (or someone) doesn't go her way. There are brief moments in which she does feel remorse or sympathy and in those events she unfortunately carries out her actions briskly and with no thought. Simply put, she's determined to get what she wants when she wants with few thoughts of possible consequences.

Appearance: Cornelia stands at around 5'3 although with the ridiculous heels on her most of the time, she appears taller. She doesn't have much of a muscular physique but she is neither skinny either. She has blonde hair, usually curled thickly with blue eyes and her face, which is pale, is usually doused with make-up with a 'better' appearance. In terms of clothes, she generally wears ones that will 'attract' attention towards herself, not exactly skimpy or 'exposing' outfits, but ones that give a 'feminine appeal' such as dresses, skirts and crop tops, etc, although the general colors she wears in her outfits consist of black and reds.

History: (Is it possible to come later in the rp? ^^')

Others: ~

Password: -

Name: Bradley Clark

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Bradley is generally quite a loud-mouth, not particularly vain, but rather is loud for the sake of gaining attention or recognition. He isn't the most intelligent but is bold and brave when the times need it, full of confidence regardless of a lack of skills. He also holds quite a high level of empathy for people and will stand up for those who need it, yet, this 'heroic' behavior is sometimes easily deluded as he is very easy to persuade and convince.

Appearance: Generally quite tall and broad in shape, he has quite straight brown hair and brown eyes with a slight tan to his skin. Facially, he doesn't have hair such as a beard or anything and keeps himself well-shaven but there are several blemishes and spots across his face that do prove irritating at times. In terms of his 'fashion' he isn't particularly fussy, preferring to wear his signature baggy and ripped blue jumper and jeans. Overall he has quite a ragged and somewhat 'dirty' appearance.

History: ~

Others: Nope! ^^

Password: -
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 23:59 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! And yes, You can create a human character. I don't plan on putting a character limit yet
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 11:22 (8 Years ago)
Thanks! Edited my first post with the other character and took out the passwords~ ^^
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 02:08 (8 Years ago)
I believe I can bump?

If so, Bump~
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 573
Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 10:23 (8 Years ago)
From what I know,you can only bump once every two days.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Sat, 16/04/2016 15:30 (8 Years ago)

(It's been two days so..)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 13:07 (8 Years ago)
Human Alias: (last name is not necessary) Katelyn

Age: 20

Deadly Sin: Sloth

Personality: Boring, persuasive. She can fall asleep faster than you can say "lazy", but you will give her everything faster than you can say "help me".

Appearance: (yes, blue.) A bluenette. Hair usually in a (sadly) messy bun, wears grey shorts and a red roundnecked sweater all the time, will stop at nothing and anything just to get what she wants.

History: (optional) she used to be powerful among her "friends" as a human until somebody had taken her place just by doing nothing. sold her soul to a desperate demon to merge and be better than the current "leader". unfortunately, it resulted to the demons power getting the most of her and making her greatest desire come true...
in a bad way.

Others: will most probably be snoring in a three-story house
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 13:10 (8 Years ago)
yeet //accepted uvu
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 19:58 (8 Years ago)
Human Alias: Livius

Human Age: 21

Deadly Sin: Envy

Personality: Livius is highly self-critical and likes almost nothing about himself, comparing himself to others. He hates when he can't make something better than others. But over all he has high criteria.

Appearance: Livius has great flowing waves of blonde, red and brown hair that fall below his shoulders. And yellow eyes on top of that. Even females can get jealous over his hair, but he himself does not find it that interesting. With his tall build of 6ft 2in and good built, he send envy through most males. He often wears tight black shirt and normal jeans.

History: ~


Password: ...


Name: Selene Krause

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Selene is passionate, optimistic girl that loves helping animals, but when it comes to humans her skills aren't that great. Around humans she is awkward and shy. Even though she is smiling most of time, you don't want to get to her bad side. However if she hurts you she will apologize.

Appearance: Selene has light blonde hair that is almost white and ice blue eyes. She is a bit short, but that doesn't bother her. Her skin is porcelain white giving her almost unreal look. She wears dress with flower pattern and short AllStar shoes.

History: ~


Password: They're here.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 10:17 (8 Years ago)
accepted! i'll start making an forum thread for the roleplay in awhile ~
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Sat, 23/04/2016 13:29 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 05:01 (8 Years ago)

Title: Try-out

Thought I might as well try to join. I'm actually really happy I gound a text-only RP.

Human Alias: Deed

Human Age: 18

Deadly Sin: Greed

Personality: Cynical, loves to see other people's emotions, and 'experiment' with those emotions. Toys with others constantly, as a result, highly sarcastic. Constantly smiling, even when he isn't happy. Smarter than he looks. Oddly kind, but only to those who share with him. Because he constantly toys with emotions, he's highly manipulative and will use this skill to get what he wants. Despite his love for mortal objects, he also wants to build upon his own lacks. His lack of human understanding, however, make these strives for betterment seem fake, or unethical, as he knows no other way to obtain the traits he wants.

Appearance: Lanky, with scruffy blond hair. Bright blue eyes that turn red when he sees something he likes. Generally wears a black and yellow scarf, and changes the colors of his turtle-neck sweater constantly. Also, he has fair, pale skin. As well as 5'11.

History: to be revealed

Others: He's got a pet pentagram named Cosmo, it flies around him constantly

Password: They're here
"I came to ask one question, and one question only: Explosions?!"
~Mr. Torgue
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 05:03 (8 Years ago)
accepted~ i'm glad you found what you wanted, then
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 05:06 (8 Years ago)
Sweet! Do we have a thread for the RP yet?
"I came to ask one question, and one question only: Explosions?!"
~Mr. Torgue
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 05:07 (8 Years ago)
forum thread is here!
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Sat, 30/04/2016 01:14 (8 Years ago)

Title: Sign Up




Personality:Smart, Can be scary sometimes but has a soft side.

Appearance:Long green hair, wears a dress shirt, tall and skinny for his age (bout 6ft and weighing only like 130 Pounds), not very physically strong bears two silver pistols (For killing demons)

History: (optional) He never really fit in with other teens, being exceptionally smart it didn't take him long to realize that demons were out there.

Others:Hunts demons secretly in his spare time, kid genius

PasswordWouldn't you like to know?
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Sat, 30/04/2016 01:16 (8 Years ago)
accepted! although, could you add a specific height so i don't get confused?
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,184
Posted: Sat, 30/04/2016 01:58 (8 Years ago)
Human Alias: Michihiro

Human Age: 19

Deadly Sin: Wrath

Personality: cold-hearted


History: unknown

Others: N/A

Password: They're not here.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 554
Posted: Sat, 30/04/2016 02:05 (8 Years ago)
please follow the rules. specifically rule number five.
and you may want to give the personality a larger description, seeing that its only two words attached to each other