Forum Thread
Saving Kalos from Darkness... (No Longer Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Saving Kalos from Darkness... (No Longer Accepting)Plot-:
After 5 years from the happenings of Pokemon X and Y, disaster strikes in Kalos. Team Flare is defeated but a new organisation, Team Evolution comes up, which is an extension of Team Flare created by Lysandre. The team aims to use the power of not only Zygarde, but also Xerneas and Yevtal to destroy the world to create a new universe, a universe where everything works on Lysandre's command. Team Evolution has succeeded in brainwashing Yevtal and has yet to capture Xreneas and Zygarde. Evolution is also experimenting with pokemon and wants to forcibly mega evolve them to work at the team's command. Kalos has fallen into darkness due to Yevtal's dark aura and the darkness is slowly spreading over the other regions as the team gains their power over Yevtal. So, to deal with the situations, Professors in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos are looking for eligible trainers to deal with the situation. A base is built in Kanto for the trainers to prepare, as it is the region where the darkness is minimum. As a trainer, the character's mission is to stop team Evolution in its tracks and save pokemon from being forcibly mega evolved amd being converted to Evolution servants.
The trainer from X and Y has captured Xerneas but has disappeared. He is assumed dead, but some people believe different. His disappearance is shrouded in mystery..
1. No god-modding, bunnying or killing any character. For those newbies who don't know what bunnying is, bunnying is taking control of other's characters and posting as someone else's character.
2. All the posts out of character should be posted in parenthesis. Eg. (Text Here).
3. Do NOT waste the posts by posting lol, hi etc.
4. Respect everyone's opinion. Not everyone thinks like you.
5. You can have as many characters as you can manage, but not too much.
6. Have fun!
About Legends-:
Legendaries are allowed on a first come first serve basis. You can have only ONE legendary who is either a guardian or on your team. Do not make the legendary overpowered, like none of the attacks hit it or it defeats all foes etc. Xerneas, Yevtal, Rayquaza and Darkrai are taken.
Taken legends

Special Abilities-:
Your character can have a special ability like transforming into a pokemon etc. Talking to pokemon does NOT count as a ability as all the trainers can tell what pokemon are saying. Do not god mod with your ability. You may have up to two abilities. But not more than that. It is not necessary to have an ability.
Megas and Shineys-:
You can have one pokemon which can mega evolve. You can also have shineys, but till a limit. Please make 'reasonable' teams. This means that a new trainer cannot have all powerful six shiny-mega pokemon, or rotates legends. I just mean, have a team which is 'justified' for your level.
My forms

Name: Victor
Appearance and Clothing: He wears a red jacket, a black t shirt and a red cap. He has a symbol of V on his arm. He is tall for his age and has short, brown hair. He has ruby-like red-brown eyes
Guardian: Rayquaza
Pokemon Team: Charizard (Named Flare, holds mega stone X), Typhlosion (Named Blaze), Blaziken, Dragonair (Shiny, named Shine), Raichu (named Volt), Greninja.
Ability: When his bond with Blaze goes to the limit, Blaze and Victor combine them into a special Typhlosion forme called VBlaze.
Other: He is Sara's twin brother. Also: VBlaze Sprite (Borrowed from emeraldsora deviant art)

Name: Sara
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Appearance and Clothing: Wears a pink jacket over a white t shirt. Wears a key stone on a Flower which is fixed in her long blonde hair. She looks just like Victor, but the exceptions are her sapphire-blue eyes and hair which reach down till her waist.
Guardian: Darkrai
Pokemon Team: Blastoise (holds mega stone), Excadrill, Mienfoo, Swampert (Shiny), Crawdaunt, Talonflame
Ability: She can transform into a Pidgeot.
Other: She is Victor's twin.
The players can start out of their respective regions, meeting in Kanto.
Appearance and Clothing:Tall, wears pilot glasses, brown tog, keystone on left hand
Pokemon Team:Charizard (Flameo,mega X),Flygon (Vision),Salamence (Sharp),Garchomp (Razor),Haxorus (Axe), Noivern (Signal)
Ability:Skilled trainer, has potential to control pokemon
Other:Scientist, studies mega evolution, trained by Blue
(May I add another character? I just got an idea who can I use.)
Name:Blue Oak
Appearance and Clothing:Green eyes, brown hair
Pokemon Team:Scizor, Charizard, Golduck, Machamp, Porygon2, Rhyperior
Ability:Blue has a serious, calm, and focused personality in everything he does
Other:Trainer, Gym Leader of Viridian
Victor looked at Oak in Kanto.
"You need to find more people who have letters to embark on this mission. They will be coming today." Oak said.
"Yes! I'll be heading out to the airport soon." Victor said, choosing his charizard and climbed on it.
"You know one of those too well..." Oak said, but Victor had set off to the airport.
Name: Tiger
Gender: male
Age: 12
Appearance and Clothing: small for his age with tannish skin, emerald green eyes, and a scar across his right arm, he wears blue jeans with a royal blue shirt, and bag, he has a Black zipped down jacket, and black shoes, as well as a royal blue hat with a lightning bolt on it, and a keystone equipped to his hat on the bill
Guardian: Lugia
Pokemon Team: Cyndaquil, Shiny Charizard with charizardite x, Jolteon named Jolt, Lapras, Chesnaught, and Dragonite
Ability: Tiger can walk in the dreams of Pokemon that he grows close to (an ability I made for him a few years back and used once), he shares telepathy with Lugia
Other: he has a complicated (same as Hoenn roleplay) past, Lion's Rival
Name: Lion
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Appearance and Clothing: taller than Tiger, gold hair with gold eyes, a birthmark on his shoulder, he wears a red shirt sleeved vest, black shirt, he has a blue bandanna that has a keystone fixed to it, blue jeans, brown shoes, and a red bag
Guardian: Ho-Oh (he doesn't get it until the Hoenn roleplay version of Lion gets Ho-Oh back from Snow)
Pokemon Team: Blastoise with megastone, Fearow, shiny Umbreon, Luxiray, Houndoom named Doom, and Lucario with a black belt as a held item
Ability: he can feel the pain of others
Other: none
Tiger looked around as he walked down a bridge. Lion caught up to him, "hey you aren't walking by yourself" Lion said as he was out of breath. Tiger slowed down, and looked at Cyndaquil who was on his shoulder reading a letter. "Sorry about that, so where are we going Cyndaquil" Tiger asked the pokemojnfor directions. "Cyndaquil Cynda" (the airport) Cyndaquil replied simply. Lion, and Tiger both nodded before they continued down the route, and past the odd static trainers. Lion then saw the entrance to the indigo plateau and the way to Viridian.
"Um, Victor you called me just after I became sinnoh champ, why?" Sara asked.
"Well, you must have heard about team evolution." Bictor began.
"I know.. But they are so measly weak people." Sara replied.
"They've captured Yevtal. And it is as dark as night in Kalos. The sun does not rise there now."
Tiger walked out of the route separating Indigo plateau and Viridian. He looked around the familiar town. "It's been a while since we've been here" Lion said softly. Tiger nodded, and looked at the note that Cyndaquil was looking at from his shoulder. "So should we stock up before heading to the airport, or should we just head straight there?" Lion asked his friend. Tiger thought for a moment "we'll be fine if we keep moving let's go" he said.
(Where's the airport?)
"What! Kalos in darkness!" Sara exclaimed. "Luminose city? Even it's name means city of light or something like that..."
"Even lumiose city is as dark as night. And the place is full of zubats..."
Lion nodded, and followed Tiger to the airport. The two continued to walk silently.
Tiger looked at the map, "looks like it's a walk unless we fly with our Pokemon" he said. Lion nodded and looked over Tiger's shoudoer at the map he then called Fearow out. "We'll make it to Saffron by nightfall if we walk, we should fly if we're meeting someone" Lion said softly. Tiger nodded, and called his Charizard out, the two then climbed onto their Pokemon and took to the sky. "Hey Lion race ya" Tiger said quickly, and took to the sky. Lion sighed and shook his head he then took off.
"Sure you're going to be alright?"
Billy sighed, not even turning his head around.
"You don't need to go if you don't want to! I can always call gramps and tell him that you changed your mind..."
"You don't need to...", Billy said, "I must go... I'm one of those who stands a chance against Lysandre and team Evolution...As a champion of Kanto, I must go!"
Billy sent out a noivern, Signal, ready to fly.
"However you wish..." said someone.
When Billy left, person turned around, looking at a sign near the building. He entered, looking for a xtranscavier.
*phone ringing*
"Oh, just a second...!", professor Oak said, while he dropped something.
".......Hmmm, hello, who is it?"
Professor gets excited.
"Oh, oh, Blue, you finally called!
How is your gym leader duty? Ahh, let me guess, is a new league starting...?
It's Billy? He, he went to Saffron...?
I hope he will catch a train...and that he's going to be alright...
Where does he actually want to go?..."
"Gramps, I don't know, he was in quite a hurry... I have to go now..."
"B, b... Blue!"
Professor Oak put his phone down.
"Oh, young Blue, I hope you're not up to what I think you are..."
Name: Leliana "Leli" Demione
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance and Clothing: [x]
Guardian: Reshiram
Pokemon Team:

Volcarona - Female - Sunfire - Level
*Heat Wave
*Quiver Dance
*Bug Buzz
*Fire Blast
Serperior - Male - Serpentine - Level 72
*Leaf Storm
*Dragon Tail
*Giga Drain
Stoutland - Male - Husky - Level 62
*Giga Impact
Archeops - Male - Cheops - Level 72
*Rock Slide
*Dragon Claw
*Ancient Power
Simipour - Male - Emiyn - Level 72
*Ice Beam
*Brick Break
Unfezant - Male - Andor - Level 72
*Sky Attack
*Razor Wind
*Heat Wave
*Quiver Dance
*Bug Buzz
*Fire Blast
Serperior - Male - Serpentine - Level 72
*Leaf Storm
*Dragon Tail
*Giga Drain
Stoutland - Male - Husky - Level 62
*Giga Impact
Archeops - Male - Cheops - Level 72
*Rock Slide
*Dragon Claw
*Ancient Power
Simipour - Male - Emiyn - Level 72
*Ice Beam
*Brick Break
Unfezant - Male - Andor - Level 72
*Sky Attack
*Razor Wind
Ability: She can fuse temporarily with one Pokemon at a time.
Other: Mystique and Komaru's older sister. Also, she's had her team since she was 14.
Name: Mystique Demione
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance and Clothing: Mystique is 5 foot 4, about 8 inches shorter than Leli who stands at 6 foot flat. She has extremely pale skin unlike her sister, Leli. Mystique has green eyes. She has dyed blue hair that goes down to her chest. She wears a grey sweatshirt over a white long-sleeved shirt. She has bootcut jeans which are black, and she has bright green shoes.
Guardian: Zekrom
Pokemon Team:

Espeon - Female - Ama - Level 55
*Baton Pass
*Shadow Ball
Gigalith - Female - Akia - Level 50
*Stone Edge
*Rock Tomb
Sawsbuck [Spring] -Feale - Aurie - Level 62
*Solar Beam
*Energy Ball
*Double Kick
Togekiss - Male - Juby - Level 62
*Sky Attack
*Aura Sphere
*Grass Knot
Lucario - Male - Spirit - Level 60
*Shadow Claw
*Aura Sphere
*Brick Break
*Dragon Pulse
*Baton Pass
*Shadow Ball
Gigalith - Female - Akia - Level 50
*Stone Edge
*Rock Tomb
Sawsbuck [Spring] -Feale - Aurie - Level 62
*Solar Beam
*Energy Ball
*Double Kick
Togekiss - Male - Juby - Level 62
*Sky Attack
*Aura Sphere
*Grass Knot
Lucario - Male - Spirit - Level 60
*Shadow Claw
*Aura Sphere
*Brick Break
*Dragon Pulse
Ability: She can teleport short distances as long as her Espeon is with her.
Other: Older sister of Komaru, younger sister of Leli.
Name: Komaru Demione
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance and Clothing: Komaru has short, jet-black hair with pale skin like Mystique. He has grey eyes that seem distracted always. He also has small blue piercings in his ears. He often wears a black jacket with a zipper over a white shirt. He has black jeans with grey boots.
Guardian: Kyurem
Pokemon Team: Pelipper, Liepard, Ninetales [shiny], Steelix, Heracross
Ability: He can see perfectly in darkness, should Ninetales or Liepard be on his team with him.
Other: Younger brother of Mystique and Leli.
Gender: female
Age: 16
Appearance and Clothing:
Guardian: Virizion
Pokemon Team: Ninetales, Peliper, Breloom, gothitelle, Dedenne, and Lucario (with a mega stone)
Ability: She can read people's minds and talk to them telepathically (aka with her mind)
Other: She prefers to keep her identity hidden from most people.
Name: Ryoulin
Gender: male
Age: 14
Appearance and Clothing: Ryoulin has dark brown, almost black hair and deep blue eyes. He has tannish skin with a scar on his left cheek. He has a midnight blue vest and a red long-sleeve shirt. He has blue jeans and black sneakers. His keystone is hidden on one of the pockets in his vest. (Drawing soon also.)
Guardian: Keldeo
Pokemon Team: Salamence (Mega stone), Leafeon, Emboar, Beartic, Luxray, and Metagross
Ability: can turn invisible, for about 10-30 minutes. It randomizes the time each time he tries it.
Other: Younger brother to Raina. His nickname is Ryou.
Appearance and Clothing:Light skin, brown hair with blue tips. Wears grey shirt and jeans
Pokemon Team:Hydreigon,Kingdra,Lucario,Houndoom,Delphox,Aurorus
Appearance and Clothing:Light skin,black hair. Wears blue shirt and jeans.
Pokemon Team:Garchomp,Gardevoir,Glaceon,Leafeon,Luxray,Staraptor
Ability: None
"We need to search for all those who are chosen." Victor said.
"Search for them?" Sara said. "That would be a difficult task..."
"Nothing's difficult when Flare's about! Let's see if Oak gave me any identifications for them...." Victor saod choosing flare and flying around the airport. He spotted Tiger and Lion on their way and landed near them.