Forum Thread
Another Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP (Dead Rip)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Another Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RP (Dead Rip)If you're looking to join this roleplay, but feel we've gotten too far into it, then I'm just gonna say you'll be fine. If you want a recap of all events that have happened, PM me.

- Don't mod the chat or characters that aren't yours, be nice, and have fun. Simple, right?
- Keep things as logical as possible when it comes to the dungeons and natural recourses. Also, keep Pokemon-related things as canon as possible to the PMD games.
- It's required that you play as ONE Pokemon. I'd highly prefer that you play as only one Pokemon because you don't live two lives at once. Sorry.
- If you post, post at least three sentences. If you don't know what to post, that's fine, you'll know what to post eventually. It's just tedious, leaves less for others to do after you, and is harder for me to make a fanfiction I'm making soon.
- One mega per dungeon. No Mega evolving unless you're in the final evolution for the RP. However, there will be some exceptions to this rule, and I will tell you if you don't apply to this rule.
- Your moveset has to be according to your level up moveset found here to keep it non-overpowered. However, every twenty levels, you can learn a TM or Egg Move of choice.
Teius and Jirehtheprovider are now mods here. So now, there's three people watching to see if you break the rules or not..

Hey, can I join or naw?
Username: Post your username.
RP Name: Post what you want to be called in this RP. It can be your username, your real name, or whatever you want!
Pokemon: LOL GOTCHA! I'm picking six random Pokemon for you to choose from. I'll palpad you when you post so you can choose and post the Pokemon you want of those six here. If you don't like your six, I'll give you one reroll that gives you only three new options to choose from.

These users are the most active ones in the RP. If you're viewing this RP, chances are you'll see four or more of them here.
Sableye - Duo (Typhlosion, Level Sixty Two) - Mew (Cannot Battle, Story Character)
Pokeknight - Fang (Meowstic, Male, Level Thirty Six)
-Infinity- - Liepard (Level Thirty Three)
Teius - Miles (Salamence, Level Fifty Four)
Tanbatama - Remmie (Cinccino, Level Thirty Nine)
Yukina-chan - Dea (Sylveon, Level Twenty Five)
Lizzie - Ralts (Level Thirty Six)
JinTheRalts - Jin (Zoroark, Level Thirty Three, No Longer Evil, Also No Longer Alive)
Fuzzy6600 - Jolt (Skarmory, Level Twenty Nine)
These users were active only for certain parts of the RP.
Flytewing - Duskull (Level Eighteen)
GoldShinyGod - Giratina (Giratina, Level ???, Story Character) - Various Bosses
Purpledog7 - Purple (Snorunt, Level
CreeksideFurret - Creek (Tyrunt, Level Eight)
-Thesans- - Sans (Goomy, Level Seven)
*Neptune* - Rebecca (Houndour, Level Ten)
MoonwatcherEverdeen - Freddy (Teddiursa, Level Five)
Shaeil1 - Shaeil (Scyther, Level Eight)
Ampha - Steven (Beldum, Level Eight)
Kuseria331 - Erinn (Ditto, Level Five)
KamTheLucarioSenpai - Cherry (Cubchoo, Level Five)
Junko - Veronica (Goomy, Level Twenty One)
Leonarda - Scarlet (Lillipup, Level Eighteen)
Pastelpookivil - Jade (Shroomish, Level Five)
Awesomegokul - Gokul (Lapras, Level Five)
~JellyMewgon~ - Skippi (Mudkip, Level Five, not rip lol)
Corylus - Zigzagoon (Level Five)
CharaAndFrisk - Chisk (Fletchling, Level Five)
GoatChild - Sil (Cleffa, Level Five)
ThatOneGeek - Felix (Trapinch, Level Five)
Kattata - Ponyta (Amalthea, Level Five)
Skarmoury - Skar (Natu, Level Five)
AK-Meow - Nicole (Mareep, Level Five)
StarsandFeathers - Lyla (Druddigon, Level Five)
Echo - Nova (Murkrow, Level Five)
These users are rip and have never RPed here.
Sweden - Haventrack (Sandile, Level Five)
xReddifx - Red or Reddif (Venipede, Level Five)
rotrat - Rhys (Furfrou, Level Five)
Valaktor - Lotad (Level Five)
Wooly - Nayami (Joltik, Level Five)
Solaria562 - Kimberly (Carbink, Level Five)
Est531 - Erica (Trapinch, Level five)
LIttleUmbreon - Max (Sandile, Level Five)
Please palpad me if this is outdated. I'll update it as soon as possible.
Also, your level will raise the more you're active.
Some Other Details

How to Level
As stated above, you gain levels for being active. To be more specific, every time you enter a dungeon or defeat the boss of a dungeon. However, if there's tons of activity and no dungeons, I'll throw everyone active a level just cause there hasn't been any leveling lately. I'm also giving twice the levels on 2x days and three times the levels on 3x days!
How to Evolve
All Pokemon who evolve by level stay the same. But for any other method (Stone, Happiness, Amie, etc) it works a bit differently.
If you're a Pokemon that evolves into its final stage with another method, you will evolve either ten levels after your last evolution or at Level 25, whichever is later. (Example - Lotad =14> Lombre =25> Ludicolo)
If you evolve by a different method twice, the levels you evolve are at 15, then 25. (Example - Pichu =15> Pikachu =25> Raichu)
If you evolve into one Pokemon by Level and another by other method, it will be gender-based and will work like Espurr's evolution. I'll tell you the specifics about which evolution is what gender over palpad if you ask.
I'll let Pokemon that evolve later than 40 to evolve at Level 40. The exception to this is Deino, who will evolve into Zweilous into Level 30 and Hydreigon at Level 40.
Hey, can I join or naw?

Username: Quilava
RP Name: Duo
Pokemon: I got Mime Jr, Skiddo, Tynamo, Cyndaquil, Poliwag, Dedenne. It's obvious what my choice was.
RP Name: Remmie
Pokemon: Minccino (final choice)
Sample Text:
A day has pass for the little chinchilla. This large tree he occupies has been a nice shelter ever since his bizarre awakening. Though he manages to piece his name, a lot of his instincts surround his need of finding a clean place. Not only is it close to the river for water, but it also has a small open hole where he can fit well. Perhaps it may be big enough for a flying creature twice his size it inhabit. For now, he could gather a few apples on the tree he occupies.
The interest of me joining this RP is because I needed practice on what it means to Roleplay. Maybe one day, I may be able to use the events of this story to practice my RPG maker skills. We might be able to create something like Pokemon Reborn: a pokemon game custom inspired by a Pokemon Roleplay
Leli slithered around in circles. "Imnothumananymorewhatgivesohmygoshsomeonehelp," she whispered, unaware of the world around her. Her head was whirling like a tornado. I'm a human, not a Goomy, she thought. She didn't answer Duo, and instead continued her circling. The Goomy had a bunch of things stuck to her, grass, leaves, sticks, you name it. "Gross," she muttered.
"Dude, calm down...we'll be fine...we just need to find out how this happened, where we are, and how to survive..." Duo then realized how much there was and paused in fear.