Forum Thread
The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)Sorry if the plot seems awful on either grammar or how it's written. I'm not a grammar queen and I really am awful at grammar. I'll try to keep it readable as much as I can but again I'm bad at it. Also sorry if the title is bad, That's the one thing I didn't come up in a span of a few days, but this plot has been stirring in my mind for a few months now (I tried to make this roleplay once before on another site and the site went down))
It has been three years since the events of the Hoenn games, though this isn't based in the same universe as the original games, or the remakes. Instead the trainer, and the hero, of these versions has dissapeared and is assumed dead. The trainer had only been able to capture Groudon, and stop Team Magma's plans in their tracks. Though Team Aqua is still out there, and they managed to capture Kyogre, and flood the entirety of the Hoenn region. As the water fills the now drowning region more and more each day, more and more Pokemon from the desert, fiery path, and victory road are dying off and becoming extinct in that region. As the Hoenn region fills with water, and the days get rougher. It seems that the other regions' sea level is starting to expand, and the professors of all the regions have flocked to the Kanto and Johto regions to try and call trainers who have potential to see if they can try to get rid of Team Aqua or if the rest of the Pokemon world will be submerged under water as well.
Please stop wasting posts, I'm getting tired of posts like lol, or hi. If you aren't part of the roleplay, or you haven't made any roleplay post in the thread don't post out of character just to waste a comment.
No god modding, power playing, bunnying, using, or killing off other people's characters
You may have a special ability for your trainer, zero is minimum two is maximum, and please don't make it a god modding ability (you can have a trainer who may speak Pokemon, or even be able to transform into a Pokemon just not able to take down all enemies, or unbeatable to everyone)
You can be from any region, please don't be the hero of the R,S,E,OM,AS games though, because I'm going to be Brandon later for a plot twist
Please try and include other people in the roleplay, I've seen some roleplays where some players have been ignored and I'm in a roleplay where I feel like I'm roleplaying with myself, it isn't fun. (Recaps are allowed)
Please be an active role player, I don't mind if you go missing for a day or two but if you dissapear without warning for a month and expect a recap please be patient and be able to explain why you dissapeared (no offense)
You are allowed to have one legendary on either your team or as a Pokemon who is a guardian, please just use it in moderation, and don't use it in all battles (no god modding with the legend)
Be kind, and have readable grammar if someone isn't good with grammar please don't attack them, I'm not looking for perfect grammar just legible
Though legends are allowed they're on a first come first serve basis, Lugia is already taken.
Have fun
Fill out:

Legend (if guardian):
Special ability:
Legend (if guardian):
Special ability:
my form:

Name: Tiger
Age: 13
Looks: small for his age (about five foot) with emerald green eyes, and tannish white skin. He has brown hair that has natural black streaks in it, and a burn scar along his right arm.
Wears: black shoes, blue jeans, a blue T-shirt and Black jacket combo, his jacket is always unzipped and it hides his scar. He has a silver wing on a necklace around his neck. He has a blue base ball cap with a golden orange lightning bolt and a key stone attached to the bill of the cap, and a blue backpack.
Friends: Lion (open for others)
Rival: (optional) Lion
Legend (if guardian): Lugia
Team: Cyndaquil (level 59), charizard (with x mega stone shiny level 60), Lapras (level 49), Chesnaught (level 51), Jolt (Jolteon level 55), and a Dragonite (level 57)
Region the trainer is from: Johto
Badges: all of the Johto badges
Special ability: he can speak to his Pokemon, and he shares telepathy with Lugia
Other: he has a mysterious past that he keeps hidden from everyone (I don't really feel like writing his back story for now, sorry) he shares a strong bond with Lugia and a Pidgeot.
Name: Lion
Age: 13
Looks: tall for his age (about five foot nine) with gold spiky hair and golden eyes, he is tan with a birthmark on his neck.
Wears: black shoes, blue jeans, a black shirt with a red vest, he has a blue bandana on his right arm with a key stone pinned to it, he has a red backpack
Friends: Tiger (open for others)
Rival: (optional) Tiger
Legend (if guardian): none
Team: Blastoise (with mega stone level 58), Umbreon (level 51), Golem (level 50), Braxien (I think I spelt that wrong if so I'll fix it later) (level 55), Fearow (level 56), Houndoom (level 49)
Region: Johto
Badges: all of Johto
Special ability: none
Other: none
Name: Mika
Age: 10
Looks: Brown hair, fair skin with a few freckles, green eyes. Average size for a 12 year old girl.
Wears: White shirt, pink shorts, pink ribbon around neck.
Friends: Uh..
Legend (if guardian): Mew
Team: An Oshawott(Aqua), Chespin(Amy), Chikorita(Leafi) and Pikachu(Kiki). All female and all are around level 10-13
Region: Unova
Badges: None, she doesn't tend to battle gyms.
Special ability: Can transform into an eevee. If she evolves while she is an eevee, she can simply evolve back into eevee by transforming back into a human and eevee again.
Age: 13
Looks: later?...
Wears: normal clothing
Friends: to be RPed
Legend (if guardian): Keldeo
Team: Chesnaught, Luxray, Talonflame, Jumpluff, Gardevoir, Ditto
Region: Kalos
Badges: none soo far
Special ability: when he was -12, he could turn into an Larvitar Now that he is an teen, he can turn into an Pupitar. He will problably be able to turn into Tyranitar when adult, and Mega Tyranitar when old.
Tiger was sitting on a tree branch outside NewBark town, he had come home to take a break from traveling for a few days, and he was making sure that Team Rocket wasn't going to show up while he had his guard down. "Hey there you are" a voice said from the bottom of the tree. The boy looked over his shoulder and saw a small fire Pokemon, "oh hey Cyndaquil, sorry for dissapear if before you woke up. I just needed to think" the boy sighed, he had woken up to the news of the Hoenn region being threatened to be covered in water soon.
Her mother held an envelope. "I've got a letter for you, from Professor Juniper."
Mika got excited. Professor Juniper! Does that mean she could get a Pokedex and go on a journey?! "Is it about a Pokedex?"
"Uh.. not exactly. It's a more serious matter."
Age: 12
Looks: Light skin, blonde hair in a braid.
Wears: A White shirt and long jeans,wears a necklace (with a gem)
Friends: Later in RP
Legend (if guardian): None
Team: Amaura (Aura,Level 12,holds everstone), Fletchling (Feather,Level 10), Skiddo (Harmony,Level 11), Larvesta (Daylight,Level 11) All of her pokemon is female.
Region: Kalos
Special ability: Can speak to pokemon
Other: She mostly spends time hanging out with her pokemon. She has a sister named Amy.
Name: Amy
Age: 13
Looks: Light skin,smooth blonde hair.
Wears:A grey shirt,jeans,and an unzipped black jacket.
Legend (if guardian):None
Team: Litleo (Male,Level 13),Deino (Male,Level 12),Houndour (Female,Level 12),Mienfoo (Female,Level 12)
Region: Kalos
Badges: None either
Special ability: Can transform into a Purrlion. She wears a bracelet at all times,even when she transforms
Other: She keeps her ability hidden,only her parents and her sister know this. She is very mischievous and often pull tricks on people. She is sisters with Opal.
"Dear Mika,
The Hoenn region region is currently in danger. Team Aqua had gotten their hands on Kyogre and they are trying to flood the region. We need your help. Come to Johto region." Mika put down the later. "Huh.. strange, I wonder why we're going to Johto if Hoenn is the region we need to save?"
Tiger walked into the lab, where one of the aids shut the door. "Hey Tiger" a voice greeted him, the boy looked up and saw Lion.
"Hey Lion, Cyndaquil told me you were here to" he replied. Lion nodded slightly and looked at Elm.
"So what's this about?" Lion asked.
Elm blinked "we professors have been talking about the situation in Hoenn" Elm started. Tiger looked up wuickly and blinked, "and?" The trainer pressed. Elm looked at the boys "Oak suggested we get some of the trainers that we thought would be able to help with the situation, and since I couldn't get a hold of Smokey. So I thought to just not include him in this until we get word that he's alright" elm replied. Tiger looked away and sighed sadly, Cyndaquil then placed a paw on his trainer's shoulder. "So what do you want us to do?" Lion asked trying to change the subject.
Elm blinked, "all we need you to do is fly to Hoenn, but wait here until the other trainers that the other professors approved to come arrive, they should be holding a letter" he replied and handed Tiger and Lion an envelope each.
"It was good,Opal is too."Amy said.
Mom looked concerned and sighed,"Girls I have to talk to you."
Amy groaned,"Let me guess, I'm in trouble."
"No,Professor Sycamore gave this letter." Mom hands the two girls the letter.
Opal and Amy read it and they both said,"We are going to leave Kalos?!" Amy hit the table with her fist and yelled,"This is a joke! That's just rumors!"
Dad sighed,"Well,its best we not explain."
Amy said,"We are not going on an airplane! Last time we did,Opal was shivering like crazy!"
"Well,we don't have a choice. We are going on an airplane."