Forum Thread
Magma Reborn {Open}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Magma Reborn {Open}Of course, ma'am!
N-No I changed my mind.
Nah, I'm part of the Fish Squad.
You're still here? Wonderful...
If you're still willing to join, here are the rules.

Rule 1. Most people here will be
Team Magma members.
Rule 2. Please know that once you're here, you will not go to Deon's pathetic team Aqua.
Rule 3. Please focus on Fire Types, Dark Types, Ground/Rock, and Poison types.
Rule 4. When making character form, draw them in uniform and not anything else.
Rule 6. The code word is the most important rule (to you). Just put the rule number.
Rule 7. No cursing, except if the swears are the mild ones. (That aren't super bad and people on here are commonly saying and not warned for)
Rule 8. Have legit teams.
Rule 9. Breaking any rules will result in a warning. 2 Warnings you're on watch. 3 = ban.
Rule 10. When using "code word" on Form, Keep it in the italic. And when accepted, edit it out.
Rule 11. Admins are RP mod only.
Rule 12. Limit to ONE eeveelution per user.
Rule 2. Please know that once you're here, you will not go to Deon's pathetic team Aqua.
Rule 3. Please focus on Fire Types, Dark Types, Ground/Rock, and Poison types.
Rule 4. When making character form, draw them in uniform and not anything else.
Rule 6. The code word is the most important rule (to you). Just put the rule number.
Rule 7. No cursing, except if the swears are the mild ones. (That aren't super bad and people on here are commonly saying and not warned for)
Rule 8. Have legit teams.
Rule 9. Breaking any rules will result in a warning. 2 Warnings you're on watch. 3 = ban.
Rule 10. When using "code word" on Form, Keep it in the italic. And when accepted, edit it out.
Rule 11. Admins are RP mod only.
Rule 12. Limit to ONE eeveelution per user.
Now, let us move on to the sign-up form, shall we?

[I] [b]Roleplay Name:[/b]
[b]Your Pokémon:[/b]
[b]Rank:[/b] (Admin, Leader, Grunt)
[b]Extra Character Info:[/b]
[b]Code Word:[/b] [/I]
[b]Your Pokémon:[/b]
[b]Rank:[/b] (Admin, Leader, Grunt)
[b]Extra Character Info:[/b]
[b]Code Word:[/b] [/I]
Now, here's Admin-San's Characters.
Marie "Emma"

Roleplay Name: Marie, but
prefers Emma
Gender: Woman, duh.
Appearance: x
Age: 24
Your Pokémon: Camerupt, Crobat, Flareon, Golem, Absol, Altaria
Rank: Leader
Extra Character Info: She protects her Altaria because it was from a deceased relative. Also, she's a Mini Maxie like Jason; her younger brother.
Code Word: [edited out-ish]
Gender: Woman, duh.
Appearance: x
Age: 24
Your Pokémon: Camerupt, Crobat, Flareon, Golem, Absol, Altaria
Rank: Leader
Extra Character Info: She protects her Altaria because it was from a deceased relative. Also, she's a Mini Maxie like Jason; her younger brother.
Code Word: [edited out-ish]

Roleplay Name: Laura
Gender: Girl
Appearance: x
Age: 14
Your Pokémon: Charmeleon, Larvesta, Numel
Rank: Grunt
Extra Character Info: Marie let her in out of pure pity. She lost her parents when on vacation, their boat sank and they drowned.Also why she's not in Team Aqua
Gender: Girl
Appearance: x
Age: 14
Your Pokémon: Charmeleon, Larvesta, Numel
Rank: Grunt
Extra Character Info: Marie let her in out of pure pity. She lost her parents when on vacation, their boat sank and they drowned.

Roleplay Name: Jason
Gender: Boy
Appearance: x
Age: 18
Your Pokémon: Larvesta, Mightyena, Golbat
Rank: Grunt
Extra Character Info: He's so much of a Mini-Maxie, like his older sister Marie.
Gender: Boy
Appearance: x
Age: 18
Your Pokémon: Larvesta, Mightyena, Golbat
Rank: Grunt
Extra Character Info: He's so much of a Mini-Maxie, like his older sister Marie.
Here is the entire team.
Roleplay Name: Derrik Ladetto
Gender: Male
Appearance: Here
Age: 24
Your Pokémon: Pyroar (Female), Combusken, Drapion, Zoroark, and Krookodile
Rank: Admin
Extra Character Info:
Roleplay Name: Louise Gelt
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here
Age: 17
Your Pokémon: Tepig, Houndoom, and Donphan
Rank: Grunt
Extra Character Info:
Roleplay Name: Heather Kirkwood
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here
Age: 11
Your Pokémon: Litwick and Tyrunt
Rank: Grunt
Extra Character Info: