Forum Thread
Echo Falls Adoptables
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Echo Falls Adoptables~ Welcome to Echo Falls! ~
Echos are creatures created when a spark of life is mixed with certain aspects of nature. Sparks of life can be caught and stored until exposure to a select aspect or item. The spark determines the species of the echo and the aspect/item determines the patterns and coloring. Sparks and aspects can occasionally be purchased in the auction section of Echo Falls, and can be redeemed for combination into a complete Echo. Combination will sometimes fail, resulting in Hollow Echos, which, though rarer, are more monstrous than their whole counterparts. Twins are also a rare occurrence that sometimes results from combination. Echos can be obtained through auctions and combination, as well as through the redemption of custom tickets with a spark of life.

1. No spamming
2. No stealing
3. No begging
4. Be respectful to others
5. Don't be a drama llama
6. No reselling (though gifting and paying for/with someone else is allowed, as long as I'm notified)
7. You must bid at least 1k more than the previous bidder on an auction
~ Echos for Auction ~

Jelly Globs
"Several blobs of colorful, sweet smelling jelly. Can be redeemed with a spark of life in return for a custom Echo."
Starting Bids:
PD: 15k
Nuggets: 50
Highest Bid: Viper ~ 80k
Previous Customers

Total PD spent: 175k
Total nuggets spent: 50
Purchased Echos:

Genie Smoke
"An echo made with an Aladdin-style oil lamp and a quail spark. Enjoys incense and being polished."

Total PD spent: 411k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Glass Marbles
"A handful of shiny colorful glass marbles of differing sizes. Is an ingredient used to create Echos."

Total PD spent: 31k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Tribal Etching
"This fox Echo is usually calm unless provoked, and seems to enjoy chewing on tree bark. It also appears to detest the rain. Created through fusion of a bird skull and a vulpus spark."

Total PD spent: 40k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Orchid Bliss
"This Echo of a vixen is rather shy and enjoys the scent of flowers in the wind. Created through fusion of flower petals and a vulpus spark."

Total PD spent: 200k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Worn Gear
"A worn gear that still appears to be sturdy after years of use. Is an ingredient used to create Echos."
[Cashed In]

Custom Ticket
"A shiny ticket with the word "Custom" printed on the front. Can be redeemed with a spark of life in return for a custom Echo."
Gifted Echos:

Custom Spark
"A shapeless spark that nobody can seem to decide what it is. It has a tag with shiny ink attached to the handle of the jar, with the word 'custom' on it. Can be redeemed with a aspect or object in return for a custom Echo."
Gifted from: Navuso
[Cashed In]

Total PD spent: 31k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Ferret Spark
"A spark of life resembling a ferret, or possibly an otter? Is an ingredient used to create Echos."

Total PD spent: 200k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Inked Feathers
"A Hollow Echo that somehow managed to be snuck into the market. It's somewhat aggressive, and enjoys feasting on fresh, uncooked meat. Created through fusion between a jay spark and some ink."

Total PD spent: 235k
Total nuggets spent: 0
Purchased Echos:

Gecko Spark
"A spark of life in the shape of a lizard, probably a gecko of some sort. Is an ingredient used to create Echos."
Make sure to pop on by to Chime Pond (owned by my friend -Kit-) if you have the time to ^w^




Banners by -Kit-
I'll also put up a spark later, so be sure to check back for that later
31k for Custom Ticket

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
(Banner by Veris!)
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Art made by Navuso