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Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected EventPokemon:crystalOnix
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 584
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 03:37 (9 Years ago)
so i was thinking, all us fans who watched the series when we were little, remember crystal onix? what if we could have one as a pokemon? maybe the shiny would be a really light blue? and it could evolve into crystal steelix? and mega evolve? what do you think guys? and although the typing is currently unknown i think it was a dark, fairy type maybe? or something else? because remember it was weak against fire and water barely affects it? tell me what you think! do you like the idea?
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 03:43 (9 Years ago)

Title: duuude

i been waiting on nintendo to do this for freaking ages. then again i was waiting on that island where every pokemon was pink as well >.>
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 584
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 03:45 (9 Years ago)
@Red-Senpai me too! like an event where we get that berry that made them pink and if we let a pokemon hold it they would turn pink???
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 1,057
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 06:59 (9 Years ago)
Quote from RiakoPlease do not suggest ways to get new Pokémon/evolve Pokémon.
We're already working on adding all missing Pokémon and all of them will be added sooner or later.
Trainerlevel: 103

Forum Posts: 1,265
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 07:03 (9 Years ago)
Drafang, Riako has mentioned that you can suggest ways to get Pokemon if they are well explained. Anyways, crystal onix isn't really needed. So no support. It may be added at some time.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,312
Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 12:17 (9 Years ago)
No support. I like the fact that all the events on this site are unique- I used to be on few other pokemon adoptable sites- and most of them had crystal onix as an event so it's no longer really unique.
I am collecting spinda plooshies OwO
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 267
Posted: Thu, 10/09/2015 20:25 (9 Years ago)
It would be better if it was an emerald onix for Emera Town.

How mew will transform in 2020
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 309
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 00:39 (9 Years ago)
I actually agree with GriseousOrb
But anyway Im kinda neutral about this
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 623
Posted: Sat, 12/09/2015 01:26 (9 Years ago)
To be honest, if there was a unique and cool way to get the crystal onix, I would support, but all you said was there should be one. Maybe think of a clever obtaining method? Or as someone above said, try an EMERALD onix for emera town!
