Forum Thread
The Strange school - Open & Accepting
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Strange school - Open & AcceptingSchool Map:
First off we start with rules because what is fun without rules?

1. ShinyUmbreon is the most fabulas dinosaur in the PH world.
2. Any animal hybrid is aloud including mytholigal creatures like dinosaurs, gryphons and blablablabla.
3. Geese.
4 All PH rules apply.
5. There is a password and it is: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
-0. Try to remember to not have your signature in your post, just to keep the thread tidy. It's okay if you forget once or twice, just don't forget more than 10 times.
7. Only a BIT of drama is aloud, but if it comes to gore then please just skip it but how the fight it ends must be planned out and agreed with, just to make sure everyone is okay with the roleplay
8. I have the right to decline your form or ask you to edit it if its not detailed enough
Accepted form(s)
Cocoa's forms.
Abbey's Form
Cocoa's 2nd Form
Cocoa's 3rd Form

Username: ShinyUmbreon
Name: Leo
Animal hybrid: Lion
Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Repeat Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Age of character: 16
Any questions?: Nope
Looks: a regular boy but he has lion ears instead of regular ears and a lions tail popping out of his backside. Usually he wears a black hoodie and blue shorts but sometimes he wears a red t-shirt with his shorts.
Username: Shinyumbreon
Name: Leah
Animal hybrid: Fox
Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Repeat Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Age of character: 16
Looks: She looks like a regular teenage girl but she has the tail of a red fox and some fox ears. She likes to wear gloves because her hands are jet black like a foxes paws. Mostly she wears a blue skirt with a red t-shirt but sometimes the opposite way round ( blue t-shirt and a red skirt )
Any questions?: none
Other: Leah is easily frightened and when she sees something surprising appear and disappear she acts like it was just her imagination as if she was seeing things.
Name: Leo
Animal hybrid: Lion
Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Repeat Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Age of character: 16
Any questions?: Nope
Looks: a regular boy but he has lion ears instead of regular ears and a lions tail popping out of his backside. Usually he wears a black hoodie and blue shorts but sometimes he wears a red t-shirt with his shorts.
Username: Shinyumbreon
Name: Leah
Animal hybrid: Fox
Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Repeat Password: ShinyUmbreonIsFabulas
Age of character: 16
Looks: She looks like a regular teenage girl but she has the tail of a red fox and some fox ears. She likes to wear gloves because her hands are jet black like a foxes paws. Mostly she wears a blue skirt with a red t-shirt but sometimes the opposite way round ( blue t-shirt and a red skirt )
Any questions?: none
Other: Leah is easily frightened and when she sees something surprising appear and disappear she acts like it was just her imagination as if she was seeing things.
Forms can be found in the Sign Up Forum so please dont complain about there being no form
Noen keep it that way pls
Noen, keep it that way pls
Pls someone just notice this rp and try signing up
Ill do the first roleplay post:
Leo walked up to the school and saw no one there. He then thought ' I must be early. ' before walking up to the school stairs and sitting down. He suddenly heard a panting noise and footsteps and realised it was Leah.
Leah quickly ran to the school, hoping not to be late again but she then saw that there was no one except Leo. She decided to ignore Leo and sit down for a rest on the stairs
"Man, I can't beleive those 2 kitties went to school today. Don't they know Teach is on a Vaca and school is cancelled for 2 months?" Asked Noah.
"Actually, I don't think anyone told them.. (Plus Leah isn't a cat..)"
"Oh. Well that's a shame. By the way, I'm gonna head out. You coming with?"
"No thanks, Noah. I have work to do. *Gets up and spreads wings*"
"Fine, but I'm gonna start a party with the students that are still there."
Noah walks off.
Leah watched as Noah walked into the school then she snuck inside as well but only so she could go into the maths class to study since she was probably one of the only five people knew that almost no one went into the maths class in the morning. She walked into the room and saw Leo peeking through the window. Leah accidentally let out a scream and backed off, accidentally tripping.
Biscko sharpened her Katana slowly, thinking about her missions.
"♪ Seas, upon the sky so wide
Taking too long for your own pride
Shedding the blood of the ones you know
Taking the hearts of the stars you show
Killing the guards and the traitors
Slitting their throats and necks in meters
Honey Baby never forget
The words I sang in this song
about that terrible day
about that terrible day ♪"
Biscko sighed. She knew her next mission was going to be painful.
Please check out my profile for more details, including where you can contact me.
Thank you very much, enjoy the rest of your day.
"I guess one of Noah's parties couldn't hurt.. I heard from the rumors their really awesome, too..."
She went inside her Shrine and took off her Robe. (Yes, I think this RP should take place in Japan btw XD) She pulled out her School Uniform, but set it down and then pulled out her "Party4party" neon shirt, and her blue n black plaid skirt. She put them on, and shoved her IPOD, 3Ds, and Ipadmini i a small purse, and put in 50 dollars as well. She put in some gum, and slipped on her white-strap tights and black shoes as she walked out the door. She Shoved a small knife in her pocket, just in case..
Noah had finally finished all the Invitations and Banners. He set them up all up in the school hallways, and put the invitations in people's lockers. He then went out to buy Balloons, plenty of Pizza, Lots of Chips, Salsa Dip, Candy/Sweets, Soda, and some party decorations and a new headset.
"alright." he said. 'now Im all ready.
Leah slowly got back up off the ground and started at the window. She decided to walk over to it and look outside. Leah then tried to convince herself that it was just her imagination and she should sit down and study for the next tests. After a few minutes she took her pencil and threw it on the floor, then ran out of the school to search around the windows to see if it was her imagination or not.
Leo then checked if anyone was around then he spotted Leah running down the side of the school. He quickly got up and ran away, back to the front of the school and into the art classroom. He hid in a corner with his face facing his feet.
"Noah, Report to section area 51. A new student has arrived.. You know the drill."
"Yea, Yea, I know.. Run, ambush, Pester.."
"Good, track the new one down."
"yes Ma'am. Mind givin' me my real wings..?"
"No problem. Just get to Area 51 right away, please. Biscko out."
"Yup, doing it now, Noah out."
Please check out my profile for more details, including where you can contact me.
Thank you very much, enjoy the rest of your day.