Forum Thread
Bonum Et Malum: Magic School (Sign-Up!) [PG-13]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Bonum Et Malum: Magic School (Sign-Up!) [PG-13]BONUM ET MALUM
Magic School'Kay so I wanted to make a Magical RP myself just for fun. Check out the Rules and such before signing up please.
Good and Evil have been in an endless battle since the beginning of time. Now in present day, the heads of both sides have formed a school in an attempt to overthrow the other. Evil headmaster, Balthazar Morgan, and Good headmistress, Emilia Barkridge as well as countless skilled professors now teach young magic practitioners to control, grow, and amplify their powers to battle in the war between the two sides.RP Rules
→ Just be friendly towards one another.
• Mild swearing is allowed, just not excessively.
• No Mary Sues/Gary Stus or God-modding.
• Do not try and kill off another user's character(s) without permission. French Fries.
• You do not have permission to post in the main RP thread unless you have been accepted by Doopliss or myself.
• Use the form when making a new character.
• ALL posts need to consist of at least TWO or more sentences.
• Please use proper English & correct grammar.
→ It is preferred that you proofread posts before posting them.
• All off-topic comments should be posted on the Sign-Up thread.
• The password is the last word of phrase in rule 4.
• Characters are only allowed a maximum of seven active powers.
• In your form, please give specific links to a certain power.
• Your character could be good though want to use their powers for evil and vice versa.
→ Even if this is so, your character must stay on their specified side of the school.
• Don't make more characters than you can keep up with.
• The males are not allowed in the female dorms and vice versa.
• Good and Evil must truce during school hours, specifically in the dorms.
• Curfew is 10:00PM on weekdays, 11:30PM on weekends.
• Do not wander off campus without written permission from your respective alignment headmaster.
Office is passed the gate. From the office down a long hall is the library. In those halls are countless classrooms and well as two large staircases located in the center of the halls. Up the staircases are the Male's Dorms (Left) and Female's Dorms (Right). The Dining Hall is located in its own building northwest of the Office. There is a Basketball Court and Track northeast of the Office. There is also an indoor swimming pool beside the Basketball Court.
Character's Name: First & Last Name, Alias if applicable
Character's Gender:
Character's Age: 13-18
Character's Alignment: Good or Evil
Character's Power(s):
Character's History:
Character's Personality:
Character's Appearance: Image or Written Description
[b]Character's Name[/b]: First & Last Name, Alias if applicable
[b]Character's Gender[/b]:
[b]Character's Age[/b]: 13-18
[b]Character's Alignment[/b]: Good or Evil
[b]Character's Power(s)[/b]:
[b]Character's History[/b]:
[b]Character's Personality[/b]:
[b]Character's Appearance[/b]: Image or Written Description
[b]Character's Name[/b]: First & Last Name, Alias if applicable
[b]Character's Gender[/b]:
[b]Character's Age[/b]: 13-18
[b]Character's Alignment[/b]: Good or Evil
[b]Character's Power(s)[/b]:
[b]Character's History[/b]:
[b]Character's Personality[/b]:
[b]Character's Appearance[/b]: Image or Written Description

Username: Taipopo
Character's Name: Bob the Builder
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): Hyper Speed, Super Strength
Character's History: He was born to a construction worker dad and nice mom.
Character's Personality: he likes to fix things even tho his name is bob the builder.
Character's Appearance: little clay blob with a hard hat and overalls
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: all his talking construction equipment
Password: Potato
Other: Hi
Character's Name: Bob the Builder
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): Hyper Speed, Super Strength
Character's History: He was born to a construction worker dad and nice mom.
Character's Personality: he likes to fix things even tho his name is bob the builder.
Character's Appearance: little clay blob with a hard hat and overalls
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: all his talking construction equipment
Password: Potato
Other: Hi

Character's Name: Oliver Snakescar
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 17
Character's Alignment: Evil
Character's Power(s): Animal Shape-Shifting, has the abilities of each thing he can become
Character's History: To be explained later in the RP
Character's Personality: To be RPed
Character's Appearance: Oliver. He's 6'2
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Spencer Adkins
Password: French Fries
Other: <3

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Character's Name: Angelica Albans
Character's Gender:Female
Character's Age:16
Character's AlignmentGood
Character's Power(s):She can shape-shift into any animal
Character's History:tbrpd
Character's Personality:Cocky, flirtatious, Outgoing, Brave, adaptive
Character's Appearance:

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend:Open she is bisexual c:
Password: French Fries are so good
Other:Taipopo gave me permission to use "tbrpd" .w.

Username: Taipopo
Character's Name: Spencer Adkins
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): Telekinesis, Astral Projection & Levitation
Character's History: To-be-RPed (because I'm lazy right now)
Character's Personality: Spencer is typically calm and collective, brave, prideful, never turns down a challenge and can be seen as somewhat of a troublemaker. He also enjoys rule breaking and has no respect for authority. He cares for deeply for those he loves and will do anything to protect them.
Character's Appearance: Spencer is 6 feet tall, has a slight tan, green eyes and a lean body build. He usually wears some sort of dress shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his elbows, dark jeans and black combat boots. He has dirty blonde hair that is usually styled in a short, messy quiff. He has a single ear piercing on each ear as well as two cartilage piercings on his right ear. He also always wears a silver necklace with a circle pendant and a black triquetra, matching his sister's.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Oliver Snakescar
Password: <3
Other: He is Shay's older twin brother.
Username: Taipopo
Character's Name: Shannon "Shay" Adkins
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): Molecular Immobilization & Molecular Combustion
Character's History: To-be-RPed (because I'm lazy right now)
Character's Personality: Shay can be seen somewhat of a goody-two-shoe, opposite of her brother, she is also the more mature of the two and takes pride in keeping her brother in check though his causes for arguments at times. She is though very helpful and friendly towards anyone.
Character's Appearance: Shay is relatively short standing at 5'2" though she usually wears some sort of heeled boot to promote her height. She is typically seen wearing either a high waisted skirt or torn jeans with some floral patterned short sleeved or sleeveless shirt. She has sunkissed skin, green eyes and a stud nose piercing. She also has an ear piercing on each ear as well as a Bar Cartilage Piercing on her left ear. She has shoulder length hair that is naturally blonde but has been dyed in a Dark Brown & Honey Blonde ombre typically sported down in straight waves or in a straightened high pony. She also always wears a silver necklace with a circle pendant and a black triquetra, matching her brother's.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open
Password: <3
Other: She is Spencer's younger twin sister.
Character's Name: Spencer Adkins
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): Telekinesis, Astral Projection & Levitation
Character's History: To-be-RPed (because I'm lazy right now)
Character's Personality: Spencer is typically calm and collective, brave, prideful, never turns down a challenge and can be seen as somewhat of a troublemaker. He also enjoys rule breaking and has no respect for authority. He cares for deeply for those he loves and will do anything to protect them.
Character's Appearance: Spencer is 6 feet tall, has a slight tan, green eyes and a lean body build. He usually wears some sort of dress shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his elbows, dark jeans and black combat boots. He has dirty blonde hair that is usually styled in a short, messy quiff. He has a single ear piercing on each ear as well as two cartilage piercings on his right ear. He also always wears a silver necklace with a circle pendant and a black triquetra, matching his sister's.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Oliver Snakescar
Password: <3
Other: He is Shay's older twin brother.
Username: Taipopo
Character's Name: Shannon "Shay" Adkins
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): Molecular Immobilization & Molecular Combustion
Character's History: To-be-RPed (because I'm lazy right now)
Character's Personality: Shay can be seen somewhat of a goody-two-shoe, opposite of her brother, she is also the more mature of the two and takes pride in keeping her brother in check though his causes for arguments at times. She is though very helpful and friendly towards anyone.
Character's Appearance: Shay is relatively short standing at 5'2" though she usually wears some sort of heeled boot to promote her height. She is typically seen wearing either a high waisted skirt or torn jeans with some floral patterned short sleeved or sleeveless shirt. She has sunkissed skin, green eyes and a stud nose piercing. She also has an ear piercing on each ear as well as a Bar Cartilage Piercing on her left ear. She has shoulder length hair that is naturally blonde but has been dyed in a Dark Brown & Honey Blonde ombre typically sported down in straight waves or in a straightened high pony. She also always wears a silver necklace with a circle pendant and a black triquetra, matching her brother's.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open
Password: <3
Other: She is Spencer's younger twin sister.

Character's Name: Joanne Nellore
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 17
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s):Telepathy and telekinisis.
Character's History:Born to middle class parents, she was seen as a outcast by everyone including her family due to her powers. she was sent to a orphanage to spend the rest of her childhood and teen life at until she reaches 18 since no one wanted her.
Character's Personality:She is a kind and faithful soul, helping her friends to the best of her abilities.
Character's Appearance:
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None
Password:French Fries

Character's Name: Kaetlynn Whiteford
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 15
Character's Alignment: She acts neutral about it, but she's quote-in-quote "evil".
Character's Power(s): She can control any fire within a ten foot radius of her, so she always carries a lighter and gasoline with her. She doesn't really care if it burns the school down.
Character's History: Kaetlynn, as a child, had been a very clingy and friendly child. She loved pranking others and helping her mother and father out with the daily chores. While they weren't rich, they weren't poor either, and they were still happy. When she turned six, she picked up a young kitten whose mother had passed away from disease. Her family raised it for two years when a river nearby flooded their hometown. At the time, Kaetlynn and her cat, Cheshire, had been staying at her sick grandmother's house to visit. Kaetlynn had been devastated and locked herself in her room with only her cat for three days before coming out acting like nothing had ever happened. Her grandmother did get better, and Kaetlynn started going to school again a month later. When the magic school opened she joined.
Character's Personality: Kaetlynn is a sly and manipulative character, though the term "foxy" would be a better description. She's insanely curious and always tries to get to the bottom of everything--and many times as it gotten her in trouble. "Curiosity killed the cat", they say, after all. Typically she tends to emotionally distance herself away from others because she dislikes being attached to other people or things, but she does open up to her pet cat. Thus, she doesn't care about many things, or at least she tries; she might become a little clingy after being friends with her for a very long time. She's very good with hiding her emotions, and comes off as a mischievous prankster who's pretty fun to be around--until the joke is on you. Since she doesn't really attach herself to others, she's totally okay with being "back stabbed"--she probably knew you were going to do it anyway, since she could be considered the Queen of Gossip--except she doesn't tell anyone what she knows. So more like she'll tell you stuff in exchange for chocolate, food, or other trinkets. Or other information.
Character's Appearance: She has fair skin with light freckles sprinkled here and there, with pitch black hair that reaches her waist. She knows her hair isn't practical, especially with her ability having to do with fire, but she's grown attached to it and just ties it up when playing with fire.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open/Open (She's bisexual)
Password: French fries
Other: I hope she isn't too angsty or anything, or a sue for that matter~
Character's Name: Marcus North
Character's Gender: male
Character's Age: 17
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): superb eyesight and lazers yis
Character's History: to be rped
I have it thought up but :b
Character's Personality: Marcus is a rather blunt and brutal person, and can appear to be slightly sadistic as he loves to see people uncomfortable in his presence. Sometimes he plays rude jokes on others. He is very sharp and notices things other people don't due to his eyes, but normally keeps his information to himself. He doesn't really understand emotions as well as other people and is constantly confused in most situations regarding it. He is able to hide his thoughts and keep a straight face. Marcus is firmly on the good side, despite his actions and personality.
Character's Appearance:

Didn't want to describe so here's a quick drawing
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: open
Password: french fries
Other: I might derp around for a bit since this is my first time rping.
Lowkey lazy af so I'm just gonna pair up the people in their dorms in the order of them posted haha.
The following pairing will share a dorm:
Oliver Snakescar & Spencer Adkins
Angelica Albans & Shay Adkins
Joanne Nellore & Kaetlynn Whiteford
Marcus North & Ryan Silverworth

Character's Name: Ryan Silverworth
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 14
Character's Alignment: Good
Character's Power(s): He can turn paper alive; basically if he folds a paper crane it'll have a will of its own and fly around.
Character's History: He grew up without any parents since they died in a car accident when he was six. However, his grandparents were very kind people and he had a happy childhood, although he didn't treat it as such. He enrolled in the school recently.
Character's Personality: Ryan is apathetic and antisocial but incredibly intelligent. He likes spending time in the library and tends to ignore others in favor of homework or reading. Despite this, he also loves gaming although this is more of a guilty pleasure. Additionally, he's socially awkward and a wallflower.
Character's Appearance: Spiky and kind of fluffy dark brown hair that reaches his shoulders, which is ties into a low ponytail, while his bangs kind of cover his eyes. He has paler than normal skin due to the time he spends indoors. He burns easily. He wears reading glasses as well, and his eyes are brownish-red.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open/Open; He's bisexual but more leaning towards guys than girls.
Password: Franch fries
Other: Nyahhaha
Character's Name: Kauri Shadowbane
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 14
Character's Alignment: Good (Closest to chaotic good)
Character's Power(s): Mild light manipulation, Temporary ability negation, Teleportation, and Nemesis (basically the ability to play copy cat when attacked)
Character's History: Kauri has had quite a lot of trouble with blending in, and not just because of her powers. She was born with a strange case of forgetfulness, which, when added to her condition of being a narcoleptic, made it difficult to adjust to the people around her. Sometimes she would simply fall unconscious frequently and forget about the past week or month, and at others she wouldn't have an episode for days. As she became older, she became more adept at avoiding triggers to her conditions, but everyone slips up sometimes. Her parents are a bit higher class and she has several older siblings, whose names she usually cannot recall. She isn't very attached to her parents, who view her as somewhat of a mistake.
Character's Personality: Kauri is somewhat quiet and a bit shy, with a tendency to stutter when first approached. She is a very good student, and is quite intelligent. Being quite forgetful, she has a tendency to misplace things and become lost, and is somewhat distrustful of most people. Her feelings are quite easily hurt and she tends to spend most of her time alone.
Character's Appearance: Kauri is a small girl with large gray eyes and long black hair, which is braided down to her waist. She's very short and slim, and she has obvious Asian ancestry. She often carries around a small mint satchel with assorted charms and buttons on it containing a notepad, some writing utensils, and some of her medications wherever she goes. She tends to wear duller and less noticeable clothing, usually just a jumper and some jeans, coupled with some sneakers, though she occasionally wears skirts and dresses. She prefers clothes that cover her arms and legs completely, as she has many small scars injuries from incidents involving her narcolepsy as a child.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Password: "Excessively" I think? Assuming the swearing rule is rule two?
Character's Name: Bellatrix Cadaver
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Evil (closest to chaotic neutral)
Character's Power(s): Extreme regeneration, minor reality manipulation, gestalt, and summoning. Her powers are somewhat fickle, however, so they don't always work when she wants them to, besides the regeneration.
Character's History: Bellatrix has had a pretty boring lifestyle. Average parents, normal neighborhood, perfect weather, the like. Bellatrix just wasn't cut out for living a boring life, and out of boredom, she ended up causing quite a bit of chaos in her hometown with her powers, causing her to be shipped off to this school for magic.
Character's Personality: Bellatrix is quite the enigma, and is very spontaneous, outspoken, and a bit impatient. She has a very chaotic streak to her, though she is ultimately a kind soul. She tries to be helpful towards her peers, but she has a short fuse and tends to go on rants when angry. She is completely and utterly unpredictable in a way that is almost, ironically, predictable. Bellatrix is very supportive and protective of her friends, but can be a bit rash at times. She's pretty reckless due to her regeneration, which has saved her from many dire situations, though she is unable to stop regenerating at any point of time. She is a bit of a tomboy and daredevil, and has a crippling fear of heights.
Character's Appearance: Bellatrix is an average height teen with startlingly bright fire red hair. She often keeps her hair short in a pixie cut, though it grows back astonishingly fast due to her regeneration causing her to convert more cells into keratin, which honestly drives her crazy. She has a very trombonist appearance, often wearing simply a t-shirt and skinny jeans, often coupled with boots and some type of jacket or hoodie. She is pretty slim and compact, almost looking androgynous at times. She has mismatched green and hazel eyes, and has a spattering of freckles across her nose. She occasionally lugs around a backpack containing various different supplies, and objects, including a skateboard, gauze, sandwiches, and other random items she thinks might be useful.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A
Password: Same as above in first form
Character's Name: Melanie Seraphin
Character's Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Character's Alignment: Evil
Character's Power(s): Illusion Manipulation, Emotonal Manipulation, Dream Manipulation and Intangibility
Character's History: She's generally been a happy child, but she never really played with other kids. She's never interacted well with other people, but always been able to enjoy herself, especially after she learned to use her powers. Her mother died a few months after she was born, so she lived with her father and two older brothers, one being 7 years older and the other being 4 years older. Her father was never very strict, but her mother used to be fairly strict, so her brothers are a bit more "controlled" than she is.
Character's Personality: She's generally playful by nature and doesn't often takes things seriously. She's never been one to care about others emotions, unless it is someone she's become very attached to. She finds it enjoyable to mess around with people, but she hardly does it to an extreme extent, unless someone has deeply angered her. She's generally uncomfortable in situations where she has to act "normal" with others or when she's asked too many questions, so she tried to avoid making others overly curious of her. She's a minor fear of heights, but loves the rush of being in high places, so she'll play around in high locations, but never for a long duration.
Character's Appearance:
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open
Password: Excessively

I honestly think that Bellatrix and Melanie would prolly either get along really well or form some sort of rivalry :p
Character's Name: Ethan Smoak
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Age: 15
Character's Alignment: Evil
Character's Power(s): Hydrokinesis, Water Teleportation
Character's History: Ethan grew up as an only child. His parents were killed a few years back by good magic, and Ethan has been seeking revenge ever since.
After their death, Ethan went to live with his Aunt.
Character's Personality: Ethan is somewhat of a loner. He has never had any friends and prefers not to have any. Ethan prefers to keep to himself and not bother with other people's problems.
Character's Appearance: Ethan has pale skin and dark blonde hair which he prefers styled up, out of his face. He has piercing light blue eyes, the colour of water.
Ethan is about 5'4" and is usually wearing a purple zipped hoodie, with black jeans and comfortable black shoes. On his left middle finger, he wears a ring. It is of a black colouring, with a blue strip running the whole way around it. It was given to him by his aunt. She says it has been in his family for generations.
Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Open
Password: French Fries
Other: ~