Forum Thread
FNaF Fanclub
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → FNaF Fanclubyou've probably heard of the game Five Nights At Freddy's seeing how popular it is, I really like talking about it and the place I normally do it at is well.... disapproving that soooooo,
Be one of our mechanical family~
hidden content
Prefered Name(s)
Favorite animatronic
Do you know anything about the game
Proof, which animatronic shoves its face into the camera in FNaF 2?
anything else
Prefered Name(s)
Favorite animatronic
Do you know anything about the game
Proof, which animatronic shoves its face into the camera in FNaF 2?
anything else
hidden content
Username hiddenglaceon
preferred name HG tbon or hidden
favorite animatronic TBON IS MY SENPAI
do you know anything about the game, yes
anything else tbon is fabulous
preferred name HG tbon or hidden
favorite animatronic TBON IS MY SENPAI
do you know anything about the game, yes
anything else tbon is fabulous
hidden content
put (your favorite animatronic) is
fabulous in anything else
listen to emelicious and amara, they are In charge when I am gone.
be nice
don't hate on people
feel free to rp a little
have fun
do random fnaf rave parties if you want
listen to emelicious and amara, they are In charge when I am gone.
be nice
don't hate on people
feel free to rp a little
have fun
do random fnaf rave parties if you want
Prefered Name(s): clover, eme, em, emy
Favorite animatronic: Pre mangle and mangle
Do you know anything about the game: yus I now everything
Proof, which animatronic shoves its face into the camera in FNaF 2?:
anything else: Mangle is fabulous
Prefered Name(s)- Maya
Favorite animatronic- Bonnie from the First Game~
Do you know anything about the game: ALOT .n.
Proof, which animatronic shoves its face into the camera in FNaF 2?- Toy Bonnie
anything else- I might not Post alot, just a fair Warning
(Also... Bonnie Is FABULOUS! *w*)
"Magic is in the Rhythm"
Prefered Name(s): Toy Chica (IM THE not really OFFICIAL ONE), Flare, Sky
Favorite animatronic: ^^
Do you know anything about the game: Duh
Proof, which animatronic shoves its face into the camera in FNaF 2?:
anything else: TOY CHICA IS FABULOUS