Forum Thread
JustMe's Silhouette Shop
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → JustMe's Silhouette Shop
(Banner made by Abby)
Shop status: 0 SLOTS AVAILABLE
Slots available - 1
Hello and welcome to my art shop!
I specialize in one particular type of art here, silhouettes.
After trying it out recently, I have discovered a love for silhouette art, so after
some encouragement from a couple of friends I decided to open up a shop.
Still not sure what exactly you've stumbled upon here? Check out my examples...

So, are you interested? Do you want to know more?
Well then, you need to have a read through the rules before going any further.
Make sure you read them all, there's some really important stuff in there...

- I'm sure I don't need to tell you that all PH rules apply here,
you're clever enough to know that. ;)
- Use the form.
- Don't pay until I have accepted your form.
- The main silhouette (the overall shape) must be pokemon/pokesona or animal. Small human silhouettes within the picture are ok (like in the 'Sunset' example).
- I do not tolerate art theft of any kind. The only people allowed to use each image are myself and the person who paid for it. No exceptions. All credit for this art must be given to me, do not claim it as your own.
- No freebies. Sorry, as much as I love giving stuff away for free, I really have to be firm on this one. This art takes a lot of time and effort and the price reflects this. If you don't think they are worth it, or you can't afford it, then shop somewhere else.
-In the 'other' section of your form, please write the name of a pokemon that starts with the first letter of your username. If you don't have any letters in your username then write 'Growlithe' there instead.
- Don't rush me, I have a life outside of PH including a full time job and volunteer work. My real-life jobs always come before this one. Any PM's etc. asking me when your pieces will be done will result in me taking your order off the list.
- Don't order when the shop is closed or the slots are full.
I don't reserve slots, it's first in - first served.
- Don't order multiple pictures at once. One picture per slot, and one slot per person at a time.
- These rules may be added to or changed in the future.
So you know all the rules now? Great, let's move on to the next part, the cost.

silhouette picture costs 20,000 pd.
After talking to other artists on this site I have been told that this is a fair price.
If you don't want to pay that much then buy your art somewhere else.
After talking to other artists on this site I have been told that this is a fair price.
If you don't want to pay that much then buy your art somewhere else.
So, would you like to order a silhouette? Have you made sure that the shop is open and that there are slots free? Great! Just fill in the form below!

Currently there are only 3 different Silhouette types, as shown in the examples - Sunset, Starry Night and Moonlit Forest. These are likely to be added to in the future.
Please give me as much detail as possible, and any references that you can.
Please note that I will NEVER trace your references, I only use them to look at so I can get an idea of body shape etc.
Example form:
JustMe! Can I have a Silhouette picture please?
Silhouette Type:Sunset
Main Silhouette Shape:My Growlithe pokesona Kuri, sitting side on. Here is a reference
Details:Please have a girl kneeling opposite Kuri, holding one of Kuri's paws like they are shaking hands.
Other:Growlithe is awesome.
All filled out? Awesome! I look forward to creating your order!
You can see where your order is in the queue just below:

Want to see some of the orders I've already completed? Check them out below.
Please remember that the only people allowed to use this art
are myself and the person who paid for it.

Thanks for visiting, come back soon!
Username: Abby
Silhouette Type: Sunset maybe?
Main Silhouette Shape: Can you do a Galxea's silhouette? either jumping or walking if you can. You can see more Galxea pics here and here
Details: Remember the one you did of Lilly and Eladhirk for my contest? Well something kinda like that perhaps, with Diana (white top hat girl) and the Galxea itself ^^
Other: Aipom is not my favourite, but it represents a good friend of mine :3
Silhouette Type:Starry Sky
Main Silhouette Shape: a Weavile
Details: Make it snowy like you did with the owl one, and at night time.
Other: Pancham(not my favorite either)
These are so awesome and unique, I have not seen any other art shop do anything like this!
Username: InfinityPlaysPokemon
Silhouette Type: Starry Skies
Main Silhouette Shape: Jolteon
Details: Please could I have a jolteon sitting and looking up at the sky possibly wearing a scarf? If you can't put on a scarf, it's okay. ^^
Other: Big thanks to Abby for sharing your shop, and I just noticed Sitri got it before me, Is it okay if this form can be fore the next open slot? Many thanks!
Username: Furret
Silhouette Type: Can you do more than the types in your examples? Like, could you do a flower garden? if not, I would like Starry Sky!
Main Silhouette Shape: My Poke'sona? I can get you a ton of references :b (Just PM/palpad me)
Details: If you can do the flower garden design, I want butterflies in it also o:
Other: Furret (Of course :b)
Please remember, as it states in the rules, I don't reserve future slots for people as that just gets confusing and defeats the purpose of the slot system. Thank you for your patience.
It's quite late here at the moment, but I have a day off tomorrow so I will be working on the orders then.
Username: FenneCake
Silhouette Type: Sunset
Main Silhouette Shape: Arcanine
Details: A female human sitting inbetween An arcanine and a mightyena
Other: Looks amazing. I'll eventually have to buy on of each <3
To everyone else who has posted their interest: Thank you so much for your kind comments. You can't even begin to understand how much it means to me to have such amazing artists interested in my work. c:
There is now one slot open, but you'll need to get in quick! ;)
Username: Dcasom
Silhouette Type: Starry Sky
Main Silhouette Shape: a pelican spider
Details: a pelican spider gazing into the starry sky while resting on its web
Other: Deinos are black and blue ;;