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Battle exploiting

Forum-Index Bugs/Complaints Solved Battle exploiting
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 15:16 (9 Years ago)
Well there's people that are earning large sums of money by battling another user who's letting them win repeatedly. My guess would be that they are using their battle points to buy tons of vitamins and then selling those in the shop.

Not that I'm jealous or anything, just wondering if other people think this is a fair thing to do or if it's more like exploiting the game.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 16:41 (9 Years ago)
If the other person lets them win, all that'll do is make them look bad when people see the amount of loses they have on their profile.

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 17:38 (9 Years ago)
No, it just shows that they're taking part in this method to make money. Let me show you what I mean:

Yeah that's right, in a mere 50 hours of playing this person can put 2.2mil on the table for a Moltres with 500k to spare. I'm not going to use names here but there's another example that we all know about. Also note how he only has 1296 interactions, meaning that his income is pretty much exclusively coming from exploiting the battle system.

Is this a problem or not? Is it fair, should the system be changed so people can't earn large amounts of money this easily? That's what I'm asking, I'm not worried about if it makes people look "bad".
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 381
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 17:44 (9 Years ago)
Well, honestly, I sometimes use this method of getting pd... :p
I don't find this to be exploiting really, unless the person is double-accounting~
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 265
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 19:17 (9 Years ago)
yes and no
If the person they battle LETS them win (which is what I do if they need the BP for somthing) Then any extra they have they can sell.
If its like a double account or something bad, then you are right.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 19:35 (9 Years ago)
Well... I'm sure the battle system/shop was not intended to be used this way. But you can't blame people for not using the vitamins on their pokemon (which is the intended purpose of the battle shop) when they sell for 5k a piece in the item shop. That's a lot of money when it starts to add up.

But some people take it a step further and battle solely as a way to earn large amounts of money faster than any other method. It might also become of a concern that this method basically spawns in fresh money at much faster rates than for example interacting, or opening boxes or whatever.

Like you could also earn money quickly by selling shinies, but that doesn't "create" new money, you just get money that already existed from someone else. In fact money disappears because of taxes. Now with the battle method we have this easy method of earning large amounts of money quickly, which may drop prices of pokemon and ruin the economy. I've seen it happen on other sites, and it only takes a handful of exploiters to do it as well.

It just concerns me, that's all.
Trainerlevel: 99

Forum Posts: 8,327
Posted: Sun, 19/11/2017 00:03 (6 Years ago)
//Moved to Solved, as part of the big Bug/Complaint clean-up.

Riako has implemented a limit on the amount of PD-earning battles that users can enter with. They can battle more, of course, but only a limited amount of battles will earn them rewards.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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