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Broken Mirrors: Alternate History Nations

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Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:19 (9 Years ago)
Hi. This is Sonic. SonictheHedgehog. I love Alt-History. What is Alternate History? Well the definition states:
"a genre of fiction in which the author speculates on how the course of history might have been altered if a particular historical event had had a different outcome."

So there. But we not only focus on the history, but it's nations. Nations in history is like glass-if one breaks then it changes all of history forever. Hints the name: Broken Mirrors.

It's probably the very first Alt-History forum here on Pokeheroes. And we will make history. I make Alternate nations, and you can make your own if you want. This is a start. I want people to think of a different world from our own. With that-Let's began!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 375
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:28 (9 Years ago)
What do think would have happened if Rome hadn't fallen and become Italy instead? would it still be called Rome or maybe join another nation? would their old ways still be apart of the nation? maybe they would stay as a monarch type of nation or elect a leader? would have they rebuilt Pompei?

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 01:43 (9 Years ago)
What if they fell into what is today's Italy? Well, here's what I think:

Rome will fall back on there "Pax Romana", and instead forum something of a 2nd Republic. The whole country itself will still be called Rome, but something of the lines of: The 2nd Roman Republic.
I think they will adapted Christianity as one of their religions, but it will be a small one though. Christianity became a huge religion after the fall of the Roman Empire. But here, The Roman Republic will keep it as one of their religions. The Republic will banned slavery, and in favored with trade. Instead of slaves. And with that, slavery is banned. The Republic will continue to grow, but in a slow rate. But inside the nation, it's booming.

Some people believe that if the Roman Empire didn't fall, their will be no European Dark Ages. This is the case here. Also, technology is much more advance than in our world. Possibly, the 2nd Roman Republic could be the very first Modern European State with Religion tolerance, a Federal Republic with states in the nation, and possibly, could slowly rule all of Europe again. Also for Pompeii: With the advancements of Roman technology, it's rebuilt, and they also learn more about Volcano, and even more than in our timeline.

I hope this can help.

If you join in, you can also make your own Alternate History Nations! Make your nation, tell what type of Government dose it have, how is it different, it's history, and even it's flag (if you want to).

You can make it the most simplest, or even complex. You are free to do whatever you want. As long as it doesn't means to offending people. So, here's an example:

United Republic of America:
America during the American Revolutionary War becomes a military powers house. After being victorious, the nation begins to grow it's military, until the War of 1812. British Canada has been fallen under the Americans, causing a huge blow to the British Empire. Canada becomes part of the Union. As well as the America's "Manifest Density", they expand to the west. During the Mexican-American War, the end result was: Both the Republic of Texas, Republic of California, and Mexico has fallen under the much more powerful America. Today, American influences has spread all over the world, and thus, America is consider the only Superpower nation in the world. The French Revolution succeeded to bring Republicanism all over Europe, causing the end of the monarchs reigns all over Europe. U.K. is the only Monarchy nation in Europe that is part of the European Union. Also, the U.K is a Constitutional Monarchy, just like in our timeline.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 13/04/2015 19:08 (9 Years ago)
Hi there everyone! This is Sonic. Sorry for not posting anything new for a long time, but we need new members of this group. Until then, I want to show you my Alternative-History Nations. I have a collection of 4 nations made by me, thought by me, and most of all, enjoyed by you. Please note: I don't not met to offend anyone with these nations. These are just pure fantasy. For with that, let's begin!

1. The Prussian Commonwealth

Prussia doesn't form the nation-state of Germany. Instead, staring their own Commonwealth based empire similar to the British Commonwealth. From 1780 to 1910, the Commonwealth grew in size, fighting in wars against African tribes, Southeastern Pacific tribes, other European powers including: France, U.K., Netherlands, and the Russian Empire. They even fought against the Americans in what was called: The Anglo-Alliances War. The war was between two Anglo nations (America, and U.K.) versus the Prussian Commonwealth. It lasted from 1848 to 1865, with the Commonwealth becoming the victorious power in this war.

The nations government is based on Mixed Monarchy. One is a Constitutional, were it represents it's people with elective members of a Parliament, similar to the U.K. The other is the Absolute, were it follows a much more authoritarian monarchy that makes the monarch as the head of the government.

The nation faced a great crisis in 1914, where a revolution to end the Mixed Monarchy system once and for all, and to replaced it with a permanent Constitutional Monarchy in what's known as: The Brandenburg Gate Revolt. The result of this was Prussia loses all of it's oversea territories, including the American nation that soon to be known as: New Prussia.

2. New Prussia

During the Brandenburg Gate Revolt, the Prussian Commonwealth loses it's oversea territories, even it's American territory. A second revolt happen at the same time as the Brandenburg Gate one, called: The New Berlin City Revolt. (New Berlin City is our timeline New York City) The revolt made the new nation of New Prussia, which follows the same type of government as the USA. Today, it's the much more modernized version of New England, and it has a friendly relationship with America, and Canada.

3. Federal Republic of Rome

The Republic of Rome never collapses into the Roman Empire, instead, it becomes a Federal Republic. The Republic bans slavery and favors of trade, science, and everything else that the Romans has done in real life, but under a Republic. The nation modernized not only Europe, but the world, becoming the most advance nation in the world. Today, the world is a lot more advance, and democracy is the most dominate ideology in the world.

4. The American Imperium (Orbis Imperium)

America doesn't becomes a Republic, instead as a Absolute Monarchy state, led by a tyrannical George Washington. Washington was part of a secret society that wants world domination, and total control of all individuals of not only the state, but the world. From 1790 to 1929, it was declare as an Imperial state of the New World. In 1929, a worst Great Depression hit the nation with great force. The nation then becomes a Democratic Totalitarian state that led by the same group that Washington was part of. Today, the nation is a mass surveillance state were censorship dominates free speech, all entertainment is pure propaganda, the internet is government owned and control, and anyone going against the state is consider as the enemy.

Well, that's a bummer to end on, isn't it? I hope this can influence people to make their own alt-history nation of their own. This is Sonic here, see ya!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Fri, 17/04/2015 23:49 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World

Hi everyone! This is Sonic. Today, I was inspired by Cody from AlternateHistoryHub with his Fan Contest Announcement with a blank Continent Map. Unfortunately, I can't do that for two reasons: 1. the picture of the Continent is huge. I mean, when I tried to loaded it up on Paint.Net it turned out for the worst (As in, the computer was slow for 2 minutes.), and 2. Well...Again, it was too huge.

So instead of being in depression of not entering the contest, I decided to make my own Continent Map with nations in it. I hope you enjoy this self-project being completed.

Here's the World:

I will post the nations in order to show you this world. I hope you will like it, it took me at least 2-3 hours to make the map, nations, and the flags. I'll post the nations very soon.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 00:41 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World: Nations (Part 1)

1. United Federation of Vladimiria

Capital: Vladimgrad

Ideology: Presidential Federated Republic

The nation of Vladimiria was formed in the year 132 by King Vladimir the I, leading a unification of tribes, republics, and city-states all over the Vladimirian landscape, until in year 199, the Federation was made. The nation aims to be a powerful superpower over the northern hemisphere. Rival against the Syrinxians, they are the second most powerful nation in the world. Now having a proxy war against the Xi'ans, they aim for both control over the northern hemisphere, and the control of outer space.

2. Republic of Noverstan

Capital: Imperialia

Ideology: Republican Dictatorship

History: Before the minus year 1, it was known as the Noverstan Empire. Ruling all of the Nover lands by pure force, until. Until a revolution caused both Noverstan splitting into two nations, and the change of the dating system of what's known as the Great Dating Revolution. The nation soon became a republic under a dictatorship of the dominate party-the Loyal Party.

3. Democratic Republic of the Socialist Noverstan

Capital: People's Noverstan

Ideology: Maoist Totalitarian Dictatorship

History: During the Great Noverstan Revolution, South Noverstan formed the very first Communist state in the world. The ideology was once an ideal of freedom and equality, soon turned into elitist state, run by a Totalitarian Government. It's consider the 3rd worst state to live in by number of people, and even defectors from the nation are quickly arrested in North Noverstan's borders and quickly seen back. Two wars were'd fought. The first one was known as the Year One War. Which made the nation independent. The second war was known as the Year Five War. The result was a victorious Communist Noverstan won over Northern Noverstan with their existences still being in both nations.

4. The Syrinxanite Empire

Capital: Syrinxia

Ideology: Autocratic Absolute Monarchy

History: Possibly the most powerful state during the Minus eras (-10,000 to 0), the Syrinxianite Empire was soon collapsing under it's own weight of nations. This was known as the Anti-Syrinx revolt. This revolt resulted with Xi'an, and Vladimiria being independent states of tribes, republics, and city-states. The Empire soon recovers, but lost their Imperial glory during the Minus era, and with the Positive eras are soon started, their first rivalry was against the rising Vladimiria. Today, two nations rival them in warfare, science, politics, and even religion. During the first years of the Positive eras, they installed a very religious Monarchy state in order to find the "Heretics" of the Syrinxian Empire. This soon became a short-lived alliances known as the Order.

5. People's Republic of Xi'anisa

Capital: Xian

Ideology: Single-Party Communist State

History: During the Anti-Syrinx revolt, they follow the ideals of how the Democratic Republic of Socialist Noverstan govern their state, soon forming a people's republic. The nation is now the 5th most powerful nation in the world, with their rivalry against the Syrinxian Empire seem to give them a boost on economics, military, and government.

That's part one of many more to come. So, stick around. This is Sonic, see ya!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 20/04/2015 19:52 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World: Nations (Part 2)

Hi! This is Sonic again, saying, this is part 2 of the Alternate-World Nations.

6. Republic of the Chris Island

Capital: Chris City

Ideology: parliamentary constitutional republic

History: The first nation that was form in the world, and the oldest of all of them, Chris Island is nearly prefect society from the others. Being a very peaceful isolated nation and only to seek world peace from other nations. It mainly stays in contact with it's neighbor nations, including: Jugalia, and Congviksia. It's neighbors up north are mainly social with Chris Island, but during the great dating revolution, only one war was fought, showing that Chris Island can be independent with a small military.

7. Jugalia

Capital: Ho Chi

Ideology: Semi-Presidential Socialist state

History: During the revolution, Xi'an liberated a part of their territories to become a friendly independent state, forming Jugalia. The nation itself, just like Chris Island, is peaceful and wishes to bring world peace to other nations. With it's government focusing on keeping the peace, they are mostly focused on defending Chris Island from any nation.

8. Congviskia

Capital: Congviskia City

Ideology: Constitutional Theocratic Republic

Probably the richest nation in the world, Congviskia is a melting pot of economics, and religion. Being part of once the Noverstan Empire, a nationalist revolt split the region from the empire, making a new, yet rich nation based on it's religion belief. In year -15, it became a constitutional Theocratic Republic, believing in bringing more freedoms for the people. It allies with Chris Island and Jugalia on the same ideals of world peace. Soon, in year 99, forming the Chris Alliances.

9. Snadiva

Capital: Mecca

Ideology: Absolute Theocratic Monarchy

History: Also most the same time as Congviskia in getting independents, Snadiva is the most authoritarian of the two. It believes in absolute control over it's people so it can maintain an easy, straight forward life for it's people. Sadly ends up having wars between Congviskia, and the collapsing Noverstan Empire. 3 wars: 1st. The 1st Nover-Snad War for independents. 2nd. The 2nd Nover-Snad war for power. And 3rd. The Noverstan war for strength, leading towards Congviskia fighting against both the newly formed Republic of Noverstand and Snadiva. Snadiva goes on to win 2/3 wars they fought between year -50 to year 51. It's a backwater third world nation that only gets embargo by the Chris Alliances.

10. Theocratic Republic of Juneia

Capital: Holy Juneia

Ideology: Presidential Constitutional Theocracy

History: The black sheep of the Noverstan area. Being part of a once western empire known as the Europa Empire, it's nation was a successor to the empire to bring the 3 G's of Europa: Gold, God, and Glory. They believe in the 3 G's, but soon adapted a Democratic state as well to modernized the state into a peaceful, yet holy nation. It's Chris Alliance's most favorite non-member for bring peace to the 3rd Nover-Snad war, and declaring that Noverstan is the victor of the 3rd war. Being allies with Noverstan, they both protect the nation, and bringing peace to the region itself.

11. The Imperial Republic of Zhoykavia

Capital: Zhovko

Ideology: Imperial Constitutional Monarch

History: From year -910 to -19, the Zhoykavian Empire controlled nearly all of the eastern hemisphere by it's navy, army, and false diplomacy. Now with it's Empire in ruins, it was able to regain some of it's lost territories. Declared as an Imperial Republic, it's now the third most power nation in the world. It remains at peace, and their focus is to remain that way.

So that's part 2 of possibly one or two more to come. This is Sonic, see ya later!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Sun, 03/05/2015 18:52 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World (The sad ending)

Sorry for not posting anything in a long time, but bad news. Due to my old hard drive being completed corrupted, and erasing everything I had, the Alternate-World mini-series will come to an unfortunate end. Actually, not only that, but all my pre-made Alternate History Nations are also completely erased. So I guess I've to start over from scratch sadly.

Also, WE NEED MORE PEOPLE HERE! I need support from anyone I can acquire, and this is a MUST. So I need someone to support me beside me and Rainbow here.

This is Sonic, signing out.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 375
Posted: Sun, 03/05/2015 19:28 (9 Years ago)
Oh dear! i feel sorry for you Sonic! i hope you make great Nations! Lets go back in time with a time hop, skip, and a jump. Lets discuss what would have happened if Dr. King/ Martin Luther King Jr. was not shot in the head? i think he would have continued to speak for civil rights and become a possibly even better icon for the civil rights movement ( have you ever read the book Warriors don't cry? it's a sad book about a girl and her experience as one of the only black students in an all white school in Little Rock Arkansas )

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Sun, 03/05/2015 19:40 (9 Years ago)
Well, if he didn't get shoot and die, American will become a much better place to live. Civil rights here will be even more greater than in OTL (Our TimeLine), and possibly made increase relationship with the USSR. Yes, during these times in American the Soviets actually use this problem to show how the Soviets are much more accepted to all kinds of people, based on their ideology. So with MLK Jr. not being killed, he could have shaped the whole world in a much brighter way. Possibly the Cold War would've ended much earlier with both powers.

That's what I think it could have happen.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 375
Posted: Wed, 06/05/2015 23:31 (9 Years ago)
Interesting, what is your opinion on the Cold War and what do you think could have been done to prevent it?

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 01:07 (9 Years ago)
To understand the Cold War, you will need to look back at where all of this started. Back in June 28, 1914. The date that the archduke was assassinated; thus, that's where World War 1 began. Without WW 1, their will be no WW2 or a Cold War. WW1 was the foundation of the Cold War, with the two Russian Revolutions in 1917. The February, and the October Revolutions bring the end of the Tzar rule over Russia, and after the Russian Civil War, in 1922 the USSR was declare. To me, and possibly everyone, without World War 1 their will be no WW2 or even a Cold War.

My opinion on the Cold War is, to me, an excuses that nearly put the end of humanity and making everyone's lives in slavery under dictatorships, terrorist, greed, and a prelude to another war-A war to truly end all wars. But the positive side though during these times their were positive change, like for one, we were able (By having Wernher von Braun after WW2) to go to space, Television was wide spread, and of course, the Internet and even the first Video Game consoles were made. The Internet was made by the US government to be able to save information and to pass information in different areas in America in case of Nuclear War.

To me, it's a hard one, but in reality if you really think of it, if it wasn't for WW1, Germany could have been the most advance nation in the world, and possibly the first nation to go to space.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 04:07 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World (The return)

Hi, this is Sonic again saying: Were finishing the world. I got the map back again, and I'm going to finish the last remains of nations in this world. Once completed, this series will finally come to an end. This is not the end, it's the pathway towards the true ending, my friends.


Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 16:33 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World (Part 3)

Hi! This is Sonic, say this is the return of the Alternate-World. Here's part 3:

12. Commonwealth of Ausvialia

Capital: Victoria City

Ideology: Constitutional Parliament Monarchy

One of the two only English speaking nations in the Noverstan region, the nation holds one of the earliest monarchs in the region. Even during the Noverstan Empire times. The nation itself is a peaceful nation that doesn't want any trouble with anyone surrounding them, even during conflicts. The nation itself homes the largest population of English speaking people, but they accept other languages as well.

13. New Zusvialia

Capital: New Victoria

Ideology: Constitutional Revolutionary Republic

Splitting from the Commonwealth of Ausvialia in a very peaceful revolution known as the New Zusvialia Nationalist Revolution, arguably the most peaceful event in history. The nation itself holds a Revolutionary Republic, which means that it was achieve by revolution by radical ideals. Some said that the nation itself is slowly heading towards a Communist nation, but they prove to be false as the nation is a center-left Liberal nation with liberal ideals. Today, it proves to be a very successful nation from it's bothering nation it succeed from.

14. Kingdom of Nodvia

Capital: Nod

Ideology: Constitutional Parliament Monarchy

The nation of Nod as it was called, the nation itself holds some of the most dangerous inhabitable land their is. It's history is mostly blank, as it ranges from being truly the first nation in the world, and our earliest ancestors came from this land. But the most recent of history was that the nation was form 5 years before the great dating revolution. It's consider as the mysterious nation. But for what they known is that it's a democratic nation with a monarchy.

15. Republic of the Deutsch

Capital: Prusslin

Ideology: Semi-Presidential Federal Republic

Most suddenly after the fall of the Great United Europan Empire, the Republic was born. The nation adapted the same rule of a mix government (Half Democratic, half Dictatorship) with it's presidential republic. The current leader exercise his power to the max and possibly a prelude towards forming a new United Europan Empire.

16. Confederation of the Zwits

Capital: Geneva-of-Zwits

Ideology: Confederation Direct Democracy

The only nation that wishes to prevent the unification of all of Europa into one single Empire, the nation holds the only direct Democracy in the world. With no official capital, the people made and declare the capital as Geneva-of Zwits.

17. Republican Empire of Europa

Capital: Europa City

Ideology: United Mixed Government Empire

The last remains of the United Europan Empire, the nation itself uphold the ideal of a united Europa under it's banner. However, 5 years after the fall, they democratized their nation to a point that their main government system is a Mixed (Half democratic and Half Dictatorship). It's dream is to form the empire of Europa once more.

And that's part three. The next part shall be the last, so keep an eye out for that coming either later on today or sometime down the line. This is Sonic here, see ya!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 22:03 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-World (Good Ending, the true ending)

Hi, this is Sonic. Today we shall finish the Alternate-World nations right here right now! Chaos Nations! And here they are:

18. Kingdom of Holy Europa

Capital: Holy Europa

Ideology: Absolute Theocratic monarchy

During the time of the Europa Empire, the Holy Kingdom was formed under a theocratic militant order in southern Europa to overthrow the current Emperor with a holy one. What came to be as the Holy Plot soon failed, thus the Kingdom of Holy Europa was formed. It was the beginning of the end of the 1st Europan Empire. The nation itself is the capital nation of the 3 G's (God, Gold, and Glory) and also it's official motto. The nation is heavily militaristic and also very religious against other nations, considering them as a "Nation of heretics".

19. Union of the Bals

Capital: Vilnesia

Ideology: Federal Republic under a union

After Europan Empire fell, the Bals wanted their independents from the Euros, forming the Bals. The nation united together to keep the Bals safe under their wings of governing power with their freedom, free will, and liberty under the Bals' Union. Today, they want to keep Europa in peace, and hopes in this peace.

20. The New Northern Europan Union of Swedia

Capital: Stockhome

Ideology: Constitutional Monarchy under a union

Following the same ideal as the Bals, they form the 2nd Union of Swedia with the same rules, same leader, and same ideals like the 1st Union did. Today, sharing with Bals and Zwits, they lead the Europan Peacekeepers Force to protect Europan peace and independents from Imperialist Empires in or out of the continent of Europa.

21. Kingdoms of the Phexons

Capital: Phexodon

Ideology: Constitutional monarchy under a United Kingdom

Just like a Phoenix, the Kingdoms of the Phexons rising from the ashes of the Europan Empire, and form the 2nd most powerful nation on the Europan continent. The nation will swear to fight for their independents to control all of Europa under their United Kingdom.

And that's it! We made it! It took a long time, nearly a month, but we did it. It's finally over. So what did you think of it? Does it look cool, or not? Just tell me and I will know. This is Sonic here, see ya! ;)

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 00:49 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-History Nations 2

This is Sonic here, this is a second installment of Alternate-History Nations. So here we go with:

(MacArthur regime of) United States of America

America suffer a much worst Great Depression, causing the nation to fall into a 2nd Civil War. What was going to be the 1936 elections ended up a government-supported military coup on the nation to prevent either the Communists or the Fascists taking power. Thus begins the 2nd American Civil War. From 1936 to 1940 the military government takes control. Originally, the military government was temporary, but the leader of the dictatorship, General MacArthur, decided to become the first American Dictator, bringing Democracy to an end.

The war ended in 1940, but by the time the war was over, America already became a Totalitarian Dictatorship with it's Secret Police, known as the Patriots Police. Their goal: To keep order to the public and to crackdown on communists and fascists.

The leadership lasted from 1940 to 1964. At the end of this regime, the people rises up and fought against the government, ending with a new democratic America. However, America only have 48 states, and not consider as a Superpower nation. While this was all happening, the USSR soon became a powerhouse nation, having all of Europe under it's puppetry, as well as all of Asia, which includes Japan. Today, America is on a verge to collapse again due to a much powerful Soviet influence.

Yuan Dynasty of the Mongolian Empire

The Yuan Dynasty takes control of all of the Mongolian Empire, resulting with a much powerful Mongolian Empire, even to this day. Conquering almost all of Asia, and East Europe their rule made religion tolerances universal accepted in the Empire. Mongolia culture is the most dominated in the world, so as well as their language.

Communist Regime of Russia

Putin's regime has taken the worst. After his war against Ukraine the Russian people rises against Putin and overthrown him. Thanks to the Communist Party of Russia, the Communist take control once again. The nation wishes to be peaceful by starting a nation-wide reconstruction. The nation follows Lenin's policies during the early days of the USSR, and soon the nation become a powerful nation, but still peaceful nation.

The nation promise to give back rights to the gays and they successfully did, accepting them among with the other people.

Australian Kingdom

Australia separates from the British Commonwealth to form a new superpower nation. Following the same ideals as the United Kingdom, the Australian Kingdom quickly becomes a Oceania Superpower, rivaling Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and even China.

United Democratic Republic of Korea

North Korea wins the Korean War. After the war, Korea follows the Soviet system of running a Communist nation, as well as the Chinese system as well. Soon the nation becomes the third most powerful Communist nation. But with this however, they follow Stalinist policy (Similar to Real Life North Korea). During the late 80's early 90's, Korea single-handily saved the Eastern bloc from falling by having the Revolution of 1989 in Eastern Europe crushed, and control by a much brutal puppet governments. Giving China Maoism back in the country, and a successful August Coup in the USSR bring hardliners back in the country.

After this action, Korea soon becomes the most powerful Communist nation in the world, and the Leader of the Socialist World Alliance (S.W.A).

United States of Western Europe

The Treaty of Rome in 1957 formed the united federation of Western Europe, or the U.S.W.E to combat a similar type of federation in Eastern Europe known as the...

Union of Socialist States of Europe

The U.S.S.E was formed 3 years earlier by Tito of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to be free from Soviet control. It wanted peace from the west, and cooperation as well. At first, from 1958 to 1961, things were heated, but soon accepted a cooperation for both of the nations.

So that's it. I hope you enjoy the 2nd installment of this series. This is Sonic, see ya!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:20 (9 Years ago)

Title: Alternate-History Nations 3

This is Sonic here, and welcome to the third installment of Alternate-History Nations. So...Here we go:

Dussiatschland (Germanuissa)

German tribes settle on what is today Eastern Europe and Rus tribes settle on Western Europe. Thus, Russia is consider as Germany. Except for Germany, they have a different history than in OTL (Our TimeLine) Germany. In fact, in the 1848 Revolutions Germanuissa was formed, uniting all German nations into one super nation. Today, Eastern Europe is much more powerful and democratic than the Western Europe.

The Roman Union

In 1922 a Socialist Benito Mussolini overthrown the Kingdom of Italy, thus forming the The People's Socialist Roman Republic (P.S.S.R) or known as the Roman Union. (Ignore the name on the picture, it's a old one.) The nation itself is Europe's Soviet Union, but with a different form of Communism: Imperialist-Communism. In which, it follows Communist ideals with a nationalistic imperial feel to the nation.

The nation itself supports it's ideology to other nations like the Spanish Republic (Before the Spanish Civil War), France, Poland, U.K, and even Germany. After the Republic victory on the Spanish Civil War the nation became a Romanist-Communist nation, and soon part of the Roman Union. Being a friend to Stalin's U.S.S.R, the two nations fight against both the allies and the Axis in WW2. As both nations are now the only two superpowers in not only Europe but the World.

2nd American Civil War

America suffers a much worst Great Depression causing the nation to split. In the wake of the nation splitting the Columbia Republic-A nation of a Republic Dictatorship under the original American Government-was formed.

The nation itself wanted to re-unite the nation once again under it's government. But other nations prevent the Republic to take an easy win. The other nations are:

Republic of Chicago

After the Hatmarket riot in 1886, Chicagoan wanted independents from America because of their status of their nation, and to move away from the "failing" American economy. Now with it's independents, it will fight to keep the Republic at bay.

New York Republic

Following the footsteps as Chicago, New York-In defense of Liberty-split from the union to prevent the Republic to conquer the nation again. It's consider the second most powerful nation right next to Chicago on wealth alone.

Confederation of DixieLand

After the first Civil War defeat, the Confederates rises again to succeed from the Union and to destroy the Republic from their control. Following the same, but different ideals of the old Confederates (Except their's no slavery) to not only fight against the Republic but other nations as well.

Republic of American Pacific States (Ignore the old title on the image)

Since the Bear Flag Revolt, California is once again independent, but this time they form the Republic of American Pacific States to versus against the Republic in independents but also keeping the old American ideals before the Great Depression.

So that's it...And guys, please support this group. I try so hard to do something new here...Only. Only two of us here care so much about this...It makes me sad that no one else cares about it. I didn't post anything on here for a month, and nothing has change. This is sad. I feel sad to relies that only me and one other person really cares about this, only to not get more members. I try to bring people here, you try bring people...And we both fail. This hurts me. It even hurts us the most when we try to work our hardest to make quality work here only to see nothing new happening. It hurts us so much. Please support the group, will you kindly?

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 375
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:30 (9 Years ago)
I understand too Sonic i wish i found more history lovers, there is so much spinoff of history besides actual history itself! Alt-History is just one piece of the huge historical puzzle :o

Apparently nobody really likes history... and we don't have to talk about countries as alternate we could talk about events, people, we could think of things for the future and today's issues like what do you think could have happened today if Marie Curie died of radiation? we probably wouldn't have learned and could not have seen the harm in radioactive materials or hundreds more scientists could have died at the hands of harmful chemicals!

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:35 (9 Years ago)
Yeah. I just feel like their's no point no more. I'm just wasting time on something that only us will accept and love. I just feel like crying now. :( :,(

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 375
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:44 (9 Years ago)
Don't cry Sonic, this fourm does have a purpose, to gather history lovers to it. and by god if we are the only 2 so far then it might just be that way until another lucky person joins. Maybe we could make something to add.

Like we could do a raffle and all you need to submit in is give your Alt-History idea/opinion on a topic of choice

Or we could make a Alt-History member's lottery. ( More information on this is being processed )

We could do a Media Alt-History section where we discuss the events of popular things, Example would be like: The new ( horrible ) Sonic Game coming out soon ( sadly )

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...