Forum Thread
More trading options
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → More trading optionsI would like to suggest 3 things:
1. Adding comments to your offer @ GTS (when I offer pokemon [eg. Squirtle for other users Bulbasaur] and I would like to say that I can also give Charmander or any other pokemon (maybe this person doesn't like Squirtles? Who knows? And adding lots of pokemon to one trade is time consuming, and blocking all those pokemon, which I could trade for other things...)
2. Option of multiple pokemon trades? I mean some pokemon are worth more than others and maybe someone would like to trade eg. Lugia for 15 of Rare, Medium & Hard pokemon, and this is where multiple trade would come! And we could trade eg. 15 pokemon for one Legendary.
3. Could there be a Item auction house or something like this where we can buy items with PD?
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:

+Pidgeot,Beedrill,Slowbro,Sceptile,Swampert,Camerupt,Glaile,Gallade & Event Megas
@tina, yes, you're right I meant all items not only gems, but when I was writing the 3rd point I got distracted by family and, well, it came out like this ^^' And sorry if it was already suggested.
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:

+Pidgeot,Beedrill,Slowbro,Sceptile,Swampert,Camerupt,Glaile,Gallade & Event Megas