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Spirited ~ Semi-lit (Open & Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Spirited ~ Semi-lit (Open & Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 20:45 (10 Years ago)

Roleplay Here

You are dead. You can tell because you are currently floating over your dead body. You are just about to open your mouth to react to your new semi-transparent body when you feel a gentle hand tapping on your shoulder. You spin around to see a tall young lady in a long white gown with long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a dazzling smile. What really catches your attention are the large white wings sprouting from her back and the shining halo floating over her head. She holds her hand out for a handshake, not waiting to pump your arm up and down in the air. "Hello, my name is Melanie, angel in training! I need you to fill this form out for me, alright?" She says enthusiastically, holding a clipboard with several pieces of paper clipped on it out to you. She pulls a pen out of midair and gives that to you as well.

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Rules Of The Afterlife:
1. Thou shall not enact harm upon the living nor the dead (No killing)
2. Thou shall not possess any humans or other spirits (No bunnying)
3. Thou shall not attempt to use thy powers to bend reality (No Godmodding/Logic Breaking)
4. Thou shall not use foul language (No swearing)
5. Thou shall not change thy appearance to thy's ideals (No Mary/Gary Sues)

[b]History:[/b] (Optional: Angels have already watched knows your whole life!)
[b]Cause Of Death:[/b]
[b]Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Afterlife?[/b]

Once you fill put the form, you hand the paperwork back to Melanie. "Thanks!" She says, beginning to rise into a pillar of light. "It'll take a while for you to get processed with all these deaths nowadays, but don't worry, I'm sure you won't be stuck on Earth for long! A decade at most! Okay, bye, I got some other ghosts to attend to!" She says before she vanishes in a bright flash. You just float there in confusion and shock before deciding to return to reality.

You are not dead. You, however, can see the dead. You are currently staring at a dead person. The dead person in question has short black hair and is wearing a black hoodie and gray jeans. Her dark gray eyes look up at you, and you realize that she's holding a large scythe in her left hand. As you gasp at the large weapon, she blinks and pulls a stack of papers on a clipboard and a pencil out of her front pocket. She shily shoves them in your general direction, mumbling, "Please, fill this out..." You look down at the clipboard and pen, suddenly solid in your hands.

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Rules Of The Sightful:
1. Thou shall not enact harm upon the living nor the dead (No killing)
2. Thou shall not manipulate any humans or other spirits (No bunnying)
3. Thou shall not attempt to use thy powers to bend reality (No Godmodding/Logic Breaking)
4. Thou shall not use foul language (No swearing)
5. Thou shall not change thy appearance to thy's ideals (No Mary/Gary Sues)

[b]History:[/b] (Optional: Reapers do not really care for your history anyways...)
[b]Near Death Experiences:[/b]
[b]Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Sightful?[/b]

Once you finish filling out the form, you hand the clipboard and pen to the strange spirit, who timidly takes them and tucks them back into her hoodie pocket. "Good luck, you'll need it..." She mumbles before disappearing in a puff of dark smoke. You stand there in confusion for a while before deciding to resume everyday life.

Accepted Forms:
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Username: SandeviRae

Name: Atticus
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Description: An asian girl with a long black braid of hair and bright gray eyes. She is short of stature and has long fingers and wears a black t-shirt with an image of a dragon on it, as well as a pair of blue skinny jeans. Her wrists are slit, but she hides this with the illusion of bandages. She has golden brown skin and a silver locket tied around her wrist.
History: Not gonna tell you
Cause Of Death: Blood Loss.

Name: Bellatrix "Trix" Nevergreen
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Description: A slightly androgynous girl of average height with a shock of medium length, irish red hair, tied back in a ponytail. She's obviously irish, with bright green eyes and pale-ish skin.
History: Well it doesn't really matter...
Near Death Experiences: You don't really need to know.

Username: Omnia

Name: Keelin Wetherall

Gender: Female

Age: 14


^^Anime pics that ought to give you an idea of what she looks like.

A dark-haired girl with strikingly bright green eyes with a skinny frame and a sharp tongue. She might seem like an innocent, vulnerable kid at first, but watch out. She has a penchant for raising Cain whenever she feels like it's getting a little too peaceful, and she will cut you down if you appear to be a little too full of yourself.

However, despite her tough demeanor, she's really quite lonely and longs for a friend who won't backstab her. Clearly has trust issues, and she rarely ever backs down from a fight. She usually wears a pair of worn out blue jeans, and a lace white semi-transparent long sleeved blouse with a sleeveless denim vest thrown over it. Occasionally, she dons a random casual dress just for the heck of it.

Her hair is either just let down or tamed with a few ribbons. Probably her only constant accessory is a ring embedded with opals of various colors. Any attempts to steal it from her usually result with the person getting sent into the infirmary. Her skin tone is a sickly shade of white, which hints at the secret fact that she is almost always sick.

History: - (To be RP'd ouo)

Near Death Experiences: Quite a few...


Kai Raymond




Kai is slightly taller than most men his age and has a lean, almost skinny, build. His skin tone is fairly pale but stays in the range of healthy looking. Kai's brownish blonde hair is styled as a somewhat messy mohawk and his eyes are chocolate brown.

He wears slightly worn out grey jeans, a pale blue button-up shirt with a dark green hoodie thrown on top of it and a pair of red converse.

Kai is usually cheery and tends to wear a smile on his face most of the time. He seems like the overly nice guy who's always ready to help you at all times, which is only a part of the truth. Kai is undoubtedly a very friendly fella but he's also childish and naive and lacks the ability to say no.

Kai was always a polite child and didn't usually think to question his parents or anyone else for that matter. ever since he was a child, he has been trusting and only choosing to see the good things and deny the bad ones even existed. His parents realized it wasn't healthy and tried to teach their child that not all people are good but the boy never quite understood why he shouldn't talk to nice strangers who only wanted to chat with him. As he grew up, Kai finally realized that there was evil in the world but he still refused to assume anyone was bad until he had definite proof of it.

The boy never got the best grades in school but he didn't have to worry about failing either, he was simply average. though being average didn't make him invisible, he was well liked among teachers and his peers due to his good manners and cheery attitude. However, his tendency to give a hand to pretty much anyone wasn't such a good thing in high school anymore. His classmates eventually figured he would be easy to take advantage of. If they were nice to Kai on few occasions and let him hang out with them, he wouldn't say no if they asked him to carry their books or let them copy his homework. They didn't overdo it either so they managed to keep Kai on their leash through their years in high school.

After graduation, Kai applied to few universities and got accepted into one. His parents decided to get him a car as a gift to celebrate and to surprise him. It wasn't a fancy car, just an old cheap metal box but it working just fine and served its purpose. This very car would later play an important part in his death.

Cause Of Death:
Gave a lift to a hitchhiker who turned out to be a serial killer, which made Kai 'Victim number 7'.

Username: Death (The irony...)

Name: Lydia Sparrow (Her best friends nicknamed her Birdie.)

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Lydia a hazel-eyed girl (her eyes have a ring of brown on the inside and a ring of green on the outside of the same width) who is is quite short for her age, and (sadly) has already stopped growing. She's only 5'1" (155 cm). Her chest size is quite large (which she says is both a blessing and a curse), and she's been called a once or twice, even though she's asexual and even dresses somewhat conservatively. (She doesn't wear sleeveless shirts except for pajamas, and doesn't wear short shorts either.)

She can usually be seen wearing geek t-shirts (usually fitted/tight shirts) with anime/video game/book references on them, skinny jeans, and converse. The outfit she died in was (ironically) one with Majora's Mask and the Happy Mask Salesman on it, along with the words "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" (I'm assuming the dead have on the outfits they were wearing when they die.)

History: Lydia was the quiet kid who sat in class without talking to anyone unless they happened to be sitting next to their best friend. While she got straight A's, mainly because her parents would disown her otherwise, she never really cared for school, except her art classes. Whenever she wasn't at school, at work, or doing homework, she could always be found hanging out with one of her close friends, playing video games, or surfing the internet.

To Lydia, nothing was ever just black and white. She believed that everything good had a dark side, and everything bad had a good side. Being dead has been a strange experience to her, since it wasn't quite what she'd expected it to be. Although floating around was disorienting at first, she grew to like it as she became accustomed to the feeling. She enjoys people-watching, since most of them can't see her, as well as talking to her friend who can see her.

Cause Of Death: Car crash. A t-bone, to be specific. She was driving through an intersection with her friend when a car ran the red light and crashed into them on the driver's side, killing Lydia and nearly doing the same to her friend.

Name: Tristram ("Tris") Mercer

Gender: Male

Age: 17 (In the same grade as Lydia, though.)


Tristram is just below average height for your typical high school boy, but he's still taller than Lydia (who for some reason finds it funny now that she can float above him and be "taller"). He's an only child, unlike Lydia, who has two younger siblings. His eyes are a solid green color, with a slight yellowish tinge. He usually wears a green Slytherin scarf that he bought at a convention. (Lydia has a Hufflepuff one, but never wears it for whatever reason.)

History: Tristram met Lydia at the beginning of their Junior year, and have been nearly inseparable ever since. After school, they found every chance to hang out together, and even changed their school schedules so that they would have classes together.

His parents have always given him a relative amount of freedom, as long as he isn't failing in school. Not much happened for most of his life, until the car crash happened. He was driving with Lydia to her house when the crash happened. Although he knows that the accident wasn't his or Lydia's fault, he feels like Lydia's parent still hold a small grudge towards him for something, and there's some slight tension between him and them.

Near Death Experiences: The same car crash as Lydia. He was the passenger who survived since he was sitting on the other side of the car.

Username: Queen_Kazma
Name: Shade
Gender: Female
Age: 15

History: Shade has always been a loner, hanging out with no one. She was a subject for many puns, jabs and jokes, driving her crazy.
When she was ten, the was a new kid, someone who finally treated her as a person. Matthias would sometimes sit in the back with her, casting worried glances. Shade tried avoiding him at first, but ended up accepting that there was a boy who would pester her.
Once the pair went to high, they started getting more and more distant. Finally, one week before the incident, Matthias asked her to go out with his the next week.
Near Death Experiences: A car rammed into there's, causing the death of her friend Matthias, but Shade survived. Shade also had a couple more that she wouldn't like to tell.

Name: Matthias Woodsorrel
Gender: Male
Age: 15

History: He won't tell
Cause Of Death: Car accident

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 23:08 (10 Years ago)
Username: Omnia

Name: Keelin Wetherall

Gender: Female

Age: 14


^^Anime pics that ought to give you an idea of what she looks like.

A dark-haired girl with strikingly bright green eyes with a skinny frame and a sharp tongue. She might seem like an innocent, vulnerable kid at first, but watch out. She has a penchant for raising Cain whenever she feels like it's getting a little too peaceful, and she will cut you down if you appear to be a little too full of yourself.

However, despite her tough demeanor, she's really quite lonely and longs for a friend who won't backstab her. Clearly has trust issues, and she rarely ever backs down from a fight. She usually wears a pair of worn out blue jeans, and a lace white semi-transparent long sleeved blouse with a sleeveless denim vest thrown over it. Occasionally, she dons a random casual dress just for the heck of it.

Her hair is either just let down or tamed with a few ribbons. Probably her only constant accessory is a ring embedded with opals of various colors. Any attempts to steal it from her usually result with the person getting sent into the infirmary. Her skin tone is a sickly shade of white, which hints at the secret fact that she is almost always sick.

History: - (To be RP'd ouo)

Near Death Experiences: Quite a few...

Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Sightful? Maybe :3 (Yes, duh.)

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 00:46 (10 Years ago)

Kai Raymond




Kai is slightly taller than most men his age and has a lean, almost skinny, build. His skin tone is fairly pale but stays in the range of healthy looking. Kai's brownish blonde hair is styled as a somewhat messy mohawk and his eyes are chocolate brown.

He wears slightly worn out grey jeans, a pale blue button-up shirt with a dark green hoodie thrown on top of it and a pair of red converse.

Kai is usually cheery and tends to wear a smile on his face most of the time. He seems like the overly nice guy who's always ready to help you at all times, which is only a part of the truth. Kai is undoubtedly a very friendly fella but he's also childish and naive and lacks the ability to say no.

Kai was always a polite child and didn't usually think to question his parents or anyone else for that matter. ever since he was a child, he has been trusting and only choosing to see the good things and deny the bad ones even existed. His parents realized it wasn't healthy and tried to teach their child that not all people are good but the boy never quite understood why he shouldn't talk to nice strangers who only wanted to chat with him. As he grew up, Kai finally realized that there was evil in the world but he still refused to assume anyone was bad until he had definite proof of it.

The boy never got the best grades in school but he didn't have to worry about failing either, he was simply average. though being average didn't make him invisible, he was well liked among teachers and his peers due to his good manners and cheery attitude. However, his tendency to give a hand to pretty much anyone wasn't such a good thing in high school anymore. His classmates eventually figured he would be easy to take advantage of. If they were nice to Kai on few occasions and let him hang out with them, he wouldn't say no if they asked him to carry their books or let them copy his homework. They didn't overdo it either so they managed to keep Kai on their leash through their years in high school.

After graduation, Kai applied to few universities and got accepted into one. His parents decided to get him a car as a gift to celebrate and to surprise him. It wasn't a fancy car, just an old cheap metal box but it working just fine and served its purpose. This very car would later play an important part in his death.

Cause Of Death:
Gave a lift to a hitchhiker who turned out to be a serial killer, which made Kai 'Victim number 7'.

Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Afterlife?
If I really have to... .... ..Alright fine, yes.

Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 01:28 (10 Years ago)
Username: Death (The irony...)

Name: Lydia Sparrow (Her best friends nicknamed her Birdie.)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

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(I was browsing for pictures and I accidentally found a girl that looks a lot like me and I just rolled with it.)
Lydia a hazel-eyed girl (her eyes have a ring of brown on the inside and a ring of green on the outside of the same width) who is is quite short for her age, and (sadly) has already stopped growing. She's only 5'1" (155 cm). Her chest size is quite large (which she says is both a blessing and a curse), and she's been called a once or twice, even though she's asexual and even dresses somewhat conservatively. (She doesn't wear sleeveless shirts except for pajamas, and doesn't wear short shorts either.)

She can usually be seen wearing geek t-shirts (usually fitted/tight shirts) with anime/video game/book references on them, skinny jeans, and converse. The outfit she died in was (ironically) one with Majora's Mask and the Happy Mask Salesman on it, along with the words "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" (I'm assuming the dead have on the outfits they were wearing when they die.)

History: Lydia was the quiet kid who sat in class without talking to anyone unless they happened to be sitting next to their best friend. While she got straight A's, mainly because her parents would disown her otherwise, she never really cared for school, except her art classes. Whenever she wasn't at school, at work, or doing homework, she could always be found hanging out with one of her close friends, playing video games, or surfing the internet.

To Lydia, nothing was ever just black and white. She believed that everything good had a dark side, and everything bad had a good side. Being dead has been a strange experience to her, since it wasn't quite what she'd expected it to be. Although floating around was disorienting at first, she grew to like it as she became accustomed to the feeling. She enjoys people-watching, since most of them can't see her, as well as talking to her friend who can see her.

Cause Of Death: Car crash. A t-bone, to be specific. She was driving through an intersection with her friend when a car ran the red light and crashed into them on the driver's side, killing Lydia and nearly doing the same to her friend.

Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Afterlife? "Um, sure, I guess?" (Yes)

Username: Death (I still find this ironic.)

Name: Tristram ("Tris") Mercer

Gender: Male

Age: 17 (In the same grade as Lydia, though.)


Tristram is just below average height for your typical high school boy, but he's still taller than Lydia (who for some reason finds it funny now that she can float above him and be "taller"). He's an only child, unlike Lydia, who has two younger siblings. His eyes are a solid green color, with a slight yellowish tinge. He usually wears a green Slytherin scarf that he bought at a convention. (Lydia has a Hufflepuff one, but never wears it for whatever reason.)

History: Tristram met Lydia at the beginning of their Junior year, and have been nearly inseparable ever since. After school, they found every chance to hang out together, and even changed their school schedules so that they would have classes together.

His parents have always given him a relative amount of freedom, as long as he isn't failing in school. Not much happened for most of his life, until the car crash happened. He was driving with Lydia to her house when the crash happened. Although he knows that the accident wasn't his or Lydia's fault, he feels like Lydia's parent still hold a small grudge towards him for something, and there's some slight tension between him and them.

Near Death Experiences: The same car crash as Lydia. He was the passenger who survived since he was sitting on the other side of the car.

Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Sightful? "Yeah, whatever."

EDIT: Finished, and added a new charrie, too

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 06:02 (10 Years ago)
Username: Queen_Kazma
Name: Shade
Gender: Female
Age: 15
History: Shade has always been a loner, hanging out with no one. She was a subject for many puns, jabs and jokes, driving her crazy.
When she was ten, the was a new kid, someone who finally treated her as a person. Matthias would sometimes sit in the back with her, casting worried glances. Shade tried avoiding him at first, but ended up accepting that there was a boy who would pester her.
Once the pair went to high, they started getting more and more distant. Finally, one week before the incident, Matthias asked her to go out with his the next week.
Near Death Experiences: A car rammed into there's, causing the death of her friend Matthias, but Shade survived. Shade also had a couple more that she wouldn't like to tell.
Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Sightful? Sure

Username: Queen_Kazma
Name: Matthias Woodsorrel
Gender: Male
Age: 15
History: He won't tell
Cause Of Death: Car accident
Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Afterlife? sure

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 16:50 (10 Years ago)
All accepted
I'll edit you guys in later, kay? ^w^
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 16:59 (10 Years ago)
Kay. :>

It seems like cars truly are evil though. :p
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 09:45 (9 Years ago)

Username: Neverlight
Name: Synthia
Gender: Female
Age: 10
History: Synthia was born with several mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. As she got older the problem only became worse and her sanity became a fragile thing. She was bound to snap eventually. When she did she claimed a total of 8 lives (wonder who number seven was?). Upon arriving in the afterlife she was quite the oddity. She had killed enough people to become a demon, but it was because of mental abnormalitys and cognitive effecting medicine (I'm assuming they take that into acount). The result was her being half demon and half ghost. Her death signifagently reduced her mental problems, but she is still emotionaly unstable and prone to outbursts of violence.
Cause Of Death: Shot in self defence by one of her victims
Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Afterlife? "If I have to..." (Yes, but does the no killing rule only apply to player, and highly important, characters?
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 12:33 (9 Years ago)
This is at the point that you have recently died, and you are incapable of becoming a demon unless turned by another, and you would have to be either a suicide or an angel for that to happen
You cannot become a demon by killin folks, and you cannot kill people unless you are either a suicide, a demon, or a reaper
There is also no possible way you could be half demon and half ghost

Sorry, but your form is rejected
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 13:25 (9 Years ago)
Ok I geuss I'll edit or repost when I can figure something else out. I was under the assumption that people that were evil when they were alive would be demons when they died, the whole bad karma thing. So my character killed people, which is evil, but it was because of her mental condition. This would leave her soul relatively clean, seeing as it sort of wasn't intentional, at least enough to be an ordinary ghost. Thus the split between the two.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2015 08:58 (9 Years ago)
Name: Adeline, calls herself Fallow when she introduces herself to others.
Gender: Female
Age: 13-15, she stopped keeping track.
She wears a simple runaway outfit that makes her fit in with a crowd and quite flexible, too. She has knee-length jeans, running shoes (if any), a hoodie and a t-shirt.
History: Her adoptive 'sister' (it was really just her friend who lived with her) died in a freak murder. Adeline discovered her friend's dead body first. The sight of her ally on the floor in a pool of blood and pale as a whiteboard stunned Adeline. In despair, Adeline ran away from her foster home and onto the streets. She called herself a different name (her friend had loved her name) if anyone bothered to ask her. She saw the ghosts in the sky, but she pretended not to notice and fed off of small scraps and animals.
Near Death Experiences: Many. People have attempted to murder, hurt, and rob her. In result, Fallow has taught herself to master both combat and hair-care with the fork.
Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Sightful? Perhaps. Maybe. Okay, fine, yes.

Username: powerofwaffle
Name: Mavis
Gender: Female
Age: 17
History: There wasn't much to it until her death. She was a humorous girl who cared for her foster sister (whose name was Adeline) and dressed oddly.
Cause Of Death: Mavis was bored in the night, and so she roamed down in town without a care. A masked girl abducted her and tortured her, but Mavis managed to get away and run back home, only to die from blood loss on the floor.
Will You Abide To The Rules Of The Afterlife? Okay.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 22/05/2015 11:32 (9 Years ago)
Accepted, feel free to post in the rp :3